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So you want to be rich in Neverwinter? Here's how I did it



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    herbtrader20herbtrader20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    azithoth wrote: »
    yes, yes, yes...

    this is exactly what i was meaning..

    to title the thread 'how to make a few grand in diamonds' would be one thing, but people saying they are/could be making 50-90K/day, as stepp is, with two toon slots, erm...no.

    I never promised anything with 2x toon slots, genius. Nowhere in my post does it say anything about that, in fact, in mentions creating an army of alts. Learn to read.

    Secondly, I am not even 1/2 through with my system (currently 25/50 alts = roughly 85 Prof slots available) with some of them level 30+ and most of them level 20+. This system does NOT Reward AD/Zen to the entitled generation who want everything immediately. This system provides a renewable source of income for all players logged in or out of the game, with potential increasing with each new alt/prof slot unlocked.

    I am currently at endgame with a level 60 10k gs human DC (Caste Never was fun last night, even without any drops for me), I have around 15 adventurers and countless men-at-arms from opening lockboxes purchased with AD/ZEN earned through this very method. I purchased the 2500 T-Bars Twilight Nightmare (Calculate how long it would take to do this by traditional methods, and I have to assume it would take much longer than it has taken me, as I have only seen 1 other with the twilight nightmare) and ride it around Prot Enclave to great satisfaction.

    This morning's professions tallied at just 14,000 AD for all alts running Protect Caravan, and 16,000 from those running Collect Taxes. This brought my overnight (Yes, I set them before bed, and collect upon waking! How tiresome!!!) to 30k AD. This will bring my daily total of AD to somewhere around 200,000 AD by the time I log off tonight, by keeping Protect Caravan and any additional high-AD rewards quests that pop up continuously running.

    I also have attempted to sell off high level epics for AD, but the super rare stuff gets ninja rolled on, or legit rolled on. The stuff people don't want ends up being garbage. And delve chests CAN pay off... but I fail to see how unless you can set your life around the DD schedule. I CANNOT AND WILL NOT PLAY THIS WAY. I would rather use my gateway and profs WHENEVER THE HELL I CHOOSE, and not based off of when the game tells me to. Have a nice day.
    So says the wise old herbtrader.
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    nah, i can only do three also
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    imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    endagon wrote: »
    Why spend RL money on a Meh FTP mmo, when it has a system built in to purchase Zen through the game? Specially since I will probably leave this game when either elder scrolls or wildstar comes out.

    Why spend time on a game that you don't enjoy and that you consider "meh" at all? Go and find a game that you do enjoy. Time is infinitely more valuable than money. That's more sensible than the whiny, accusatory stuff you've been doing. Everyone will check out TESO and Wildstar (I don't know if I can stomach the graphics, though), and it's got hardly anything to do with other games. There will be more MMOs after those, too. It never stops and the Next Greatest MMO Of All Times is always just around the corner.

    Play what you enjoy now and don't fret over the future. (Seems a lot of people having trouble with living in the "now", so it's not just you.)
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    and your numbers area bit more reasonable, herb. you have many toons going for a few thousand. as you stated. it's the others that say they are/can make major bucks with two slots that i was talking about.

    again, take your own advice and read....
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    knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really wish they'd give us a repeat option, getting so tired of having to do so many clicks on buttons placed so inconveniently relative to each other for every single mission/event thingy. Lol.
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    i keep reading your post to me, herb. and i really hope you are banned a few days for stupidity...
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I think the problem here is that this method for farming AD is basically....a job. Even with the (much much faster) gateway to let you set up jobs and so on, it's still going to take you ..what, 25 alts, four or five slots an alt, so 100-125 separate things to collect, reselect and queue up in the professions menu...maybe half an hour each time if you're speedy? And you do this two, three times a day? Plus you still have to log in to the actual game to refine (I believe?) those ADs. Which let's say takes a further half hour?

    So you're spending between 1 and 2 hours a day just queueing up profession jobs, to make 200,000AD? Convert that to zen at..say, 300:1, and that's ca. 650 zen, or about $6.50.

    And US minimum wage is apparently $7.25 an hour.

    You're basically better off doing almost anything else as a job, then funnelling the cash into zen.

    Unless you're like..below legal working age, in which case I salute your entrepreneuring spirit! :)
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    boofaheadboofahead Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I never promised anything with 2x toon slots, genius. Nowhere in my post does it say anything about that, in fact, in mentions creating an army of alts. Learn to read.

    Secondly, I am not even 1/2 through with my system (currently 25/50 alts = roughly 85 Prof slots available) with some of them level 30+ and most of them level 20+. This system does NOT Reward AD/Zen to the entitled generation who want everything immediately. This system provides a renewable source of income for all players logged in or out of the game, with potential increasing with each new alt/prof slot unlocked.

    I am currently at endgame with a level 60 10k gs human DC (Caste Never was fun last night, even without any drops for me), I have around 15 adventurers and countless men-at-arms from opening lockboxes purchased with AD/ZEN earned through this very method. I purchased the 2500 T-Bars Twilight Nightmare (Calculate how long it would take to do this by traditional methods, and I have to assume it would take much longer than it has taken me, as I have only seen 1 other with the twilight nightmare) and ride it around Prot Enclave to great satisfaction.

    This morning's professions tallied at just 14,000 AD for all alts running Protect Caravan, and 16,000 from those running Collect Taxes. This brought my overnight (Yes, I set them before bed, and collect upon waking! How tiresome!!!) to 30k AD. This will bring my daily total of AD to somewhere around 200,000 AD by the time I log off tonight, by keeping Protect Caravan and any additional high-AD rewards quests that pop up continuously running.

    I also have attempted to sell off high level epics for AD, but the super rare stuff gets ninja rolled on, or legit rolled on. The stuff people don't want ends up being garbage. And delve chests CAN pay off... but I fail to see how unless you can set your life around the DD schedule. I CANNOT AND WILL NOT PLAY THIS WAY. I would rather use my gateway and profs WHENEVER THE HELL I CHOOSE, and not based off of when the game tells me to. Have a nice day.

    Lets be honest. Any game that requires you to every hour set 85 profession slots to make a descent income is doing it wrong. Noone wants to do that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. How long does that take you each hour? 20 mins?

    But i'm not stupid, you aren't even doing that you are letting a script do it for you.

    Totally against any spirit of any game I've ever played.
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    boofaheadboofahead Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    I think the problem here is that this method for farming AD is basically....a job. Even with the (much much faster) gateway to let you set up jobs and so on, it's still going to take you ..what, 25 alts, four or five slots an alt, so 100-125 separate things to collect, reselect and queue up in the professions menu...maybe half an hour each time if you're speedy? And you do this two, three times a day? Plus you still have to log in to the actual game to refine (I believe?) those ADs. Which let's say takes a further half hour?

    So you're spending between 1 and 2 hours a day just queueing up profession jobs, to make 200,000AD? Convert that to zen at..say, 300:1, and that's ca. 650 zen, or about $6.50.

    And US minimum wage is apparently $7.25 an hour.

    You're basically better off doing almost anything else as a job, then funnelling the cash into zen.

    Unless you're like..below legal working age, in which case I salute your entrepreneuring spirit! :)

    It's because they are all using scripts to do it. Noone is going to set that many profession slots themselves.
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    noniussnoniuss Member Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    I'm pretty sure they will label behavior like this as some sort of mental illness soon enough (if they haven't already). I'm sorry, but this is just...wrong. How do you feel after spending several days, if not weeks on a computer game like it was your job, and getting bunch of worthless numbers to show up on your screen? I don't mean to be rude, but haven't you actually considered...playing the game for the content? You should try that sometime, it might turn out to be as much as fun (surprise, eh?) as that mindless (well not mindless, its pretty well thought out, but you get the point) farming you got going on.
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    endagonendagon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    Man you guys are making me feel old, I really wonder how you guys would have held up in some old school mmo, where you didn't have dungeon runs and such to make easy money, you had to either farm mobs or craft to make decent money.

    A guy shows you an optional way to make AD using the systems PW put in place, and you attack him and claim he is either cheating or has a mental illness.
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    gaerolthgaerolth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Coalescent Wards cost 1k Zen (around 360k AD on Dragon) in the Zen Store, so the people buying the packs (I hope that's what you're selling) are praying for a lucky roll on the ward.

    No. Go to dragon server. Look them up on the auction house. They literally cost 100,000-170,000. If you're buying them from the zen shop you're a sucker.
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    toyeverdaletoyeverdale Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    I think this method seems logical and I like that you are listing some decent tasks to help people who want to grind AD instead of paying cash for the zen.

    I spent some irl on the game already for some keys and slots. I know from ddo how important slots are for grinding cash to keep up on the release schedule.
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    toyeverdaletoyeverdale Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    endagon wrote: »
    Man you guys are making me feel old, I really wonder how you guys would have held up in some old school mmo, where you didn't have dungeon runs and such to make easy money, you had to either farm mobs or craft to make decent money.

    A guy shows you an optional way to make AD using the systems PW put in place, and you attack him and claim he is either cheating or has a mental illness.

    Same here, lol!
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    morsitans wrote: »

    So you're spending between 1 and 2 hours a day just queueing up profession jobs, to make 200,000AD? Convert that to zen at..say, 300:1, and that's ca. 650 zen, or about $6.50.

    And US minimum wage is apparently $7.25 an hour.

    You're basically better off doing almost anything else as a job, then funnelling the cash into zen.

    Unless you're like..below legal working age, in which case I salute your entrepreneuring spirit! :)

    OP doesn't have a job, that's why his name is 'herbtrader'......
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    toyeverdaletoyeverdale Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    noniuss wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure they will label behavior like this as some sort of mental illness soon enough (if they haven't already). I'm sorry, but this is just...wrong. How do you feel after spending several days, if not weeks on a computer game like it was your job, and getting bunch of worthless numbers to show up on your screen? I don't mean to be rude, but haven't you actually considered...playing the game for the content? You should try that sometime, it might turn out to be as much as fun (surprise, eh?) as that mindless (well not mindless, its pretty well thought out, but you get the point) farming you got going on.

    I dunno, I don't seem to be spending more than an hour or two playing some content and managing all my professions. I have a quarter of the slots the OP does (waiting for more classes/paragons), so I don't think the OP is spending 8 hours managing professions.
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    endagon wrote: »
    Man you guys are making me feel old, I really wonder how you guys would have held up in some old school mmo, where you didn't have dungeon runs and such to make easy money, you had to either farm mobs or craft to make decent money.

    A guy shows you an optional way to make AD using the systems PW put in place, and you attack him and claim he is either cheating or has a mental illness.

    Not entirely fair: farming mobs is at least entertaining, because it requires constant player input. And arguably, "killing monsters to get more powerful" is kinda the point of the game, so "killing monsters to get richer" is entirely within that remit.

    Repeatedly "queueing up crafting jobs, then waiting" is...less entertaining. And is certainly further from what most would view as the key point of the game.

    Plus of course most old-school MMOs weren't f2p freemium affairs, they were subscription: so wanted to stretch out goals as long as possible so you always had something to work towards. Here, they want to stretch out goals as long as possible but offer expensive shortcuts so you seriously consider spending money to get there faster.

    It's...different. And besides, I'm not attacking him, merely suggesting that there are quicker ways to make in-game money (by, for instance, earning real money).
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    aftershafteraftershafter Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    I think the problem here is that this method for farming AD is basically....a job. Even with the (much much faster) gateway to let you set up jobs and so on, it's still going to take you ..what, 25 alts, four or five slots an alt, so 100-125 separate things to collect, reselect and queue up in the professions menu...maybe half an hour each time if you're speedy? And you do this two, three times a day? Plus you still have to log in to the actual game to refine (I believe?) those ADs. Which let's say takes a further half hour?

    So you're spending between 1 and 2 hours a day just queueing up profession jobs, to make 200,000AD? Convert that to zen at..say, 300:1, and that's ca. 650 zen, or about $6.50.

    And US minimum wage is apparently $7.25 an hour.

    You're basically better off doing almost anything else as a job, then funnelling the cash into zen.

    Unless you're like..below legal working age, in which case I salute your entrepreneuring spirit! :)

    I'm at 10 alts and keeping it that way. My income is allowing me to respec fairly frequently, buy the odd thing I want, and I don't have to daily foundry or anything to keep the income going. What's more, I usually reset things on my phone when there is a lull during the day. End result? Modest income, and I don't think I spend more than 30 minutes in the entire day doing this, and most of it is unused time anyways.

    The levels herbtrader seems to go to for this are not for everyone and not for me... But I find this gives me an AD income with far less headache than spending my actual playing time doing things I don't necessarily want to do. Instead, when I'm playing, I play at what I actually enjoy.

    What's more, some of us find this rather enjoyable, and I have a whole slew of alts to play around with now, all leveling up through leadership.

    Finally... I actually kind of enjoy it, FAR more than getting a minimum wage job and buying Zen. This may not be for you, but there have to be more people like me out there who find this to be pretty much an ideal solution to the AD problem for things.
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    endagonendagon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    Not entirely fair: farming mobs is at least entertaining, because it requires constant player input. And arguably, "killing monsters to get more powerful" is kinda the point of the game, so "killing monsters to get richer" is entirely within that remit.

    Repeatedly "queueing up crafting jobs, then waiting" is...less entertaining. And is certainly further from what most would view as the key point of the game.

    Plus of course most old-school MMOs weren't f2p freemium affairs, they were subscription: so wanted to stretch out goals as long as possible so you always had something to work towards. Here, they want to stretch out goals as long as possible but offer expensive shortcuts so you seriously consider spending money to get there faster.

    It's...different. And besides, I'm not attacking him, merely suggesting that there are quicker ways to make in-game money (by, for instance, earning real money).

    A couple things,
    1. farming mobs is fun... the first thousand or so ogres you kill
    2. Queing and waiting... well that is no fun you que and continue doing what you where doing, playing neverwinte, another game, doing stuff around house etc
    3. Nothing in this game is "stretched" out I was able to get a char to level 60 and run a few dungeons while not playing more than a few hrs a week in less than a month
    4. I wasn't referring to you or anyone who disagreed with the system, more with the type of posts that came right after yours... about using scripts and having a mental disorder.
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    aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,366 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If we can't learn to have civil discussion, this thread is going to get closed. Last chance...

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    aftershafteraftershafter Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Perhaps a short ban on those causing the disruption would be better than closing a rather useful thread? I think closing the thread is giving the unruly types exactly what they want...
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    llfritzllllfritzll Member Posts: 215 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Nice plan, just sucks that I actually have a life and all.
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is Neverwinter tycoon! I wanted to start doing this but I run dungeons almost every chance I get even on off DD times.
    I am now just waiting on DD and the rest of the times I can probably start running this.
    Seems fun to me like a mini game.
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    steppenkatsteppenkat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    boofahead wrote: »
    It's because they are all using scripts to do it. Noone is going to set that many profession slots themselves.

    Doesn't take that long to do it manually, I barely spend more than 3 minutes setting up tasks with 4 characters.
    - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    steppenkat wrote: »
    Doesn't take that long to do it manually, I barely spend more than 3 minutes setting up tasks with 4 characters.

    It takes much longer in-game, and is much easier via the Gateway. I only manage 3 characters though.
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    teepussiteepussi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just wish they gave us "log to character selection option, instead of logout. Such a hassle, i wont be touching gateway.
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    steppenkat wrote: »
    Doesn't take that long to do it manually, I barely spend more than 3 minutes setting up tasks with 4 characters.

    and you are the one that says you make 50-90K a day. please for the love of God, explain....
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    azithothazithoth Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2013
    steppenkat is online now
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    '' I do this right now, except that I only raise Leadership in 2 of my 3 characters, so the gain is much slower right now. I have no hurries though.

    About the praying, it's easy. When you need to pray with your main, just log out and do it with the rest. It'll take you 2 minutes more at most, it's easy to keep track.

    If you do this right, each time you pray with your main, you'll have similar gains with the rest.

    Right now I'm gaining about 20-25 k AD by the day without doing any dailies, which is a fair amount already in my opinion. Once I start with them I'll probably hit around 50k. If I did dailies with my GWF too (which would be quite tedious tbh) I'm sure that I could reach almost a 90k profit per day. ''

    three minutes, TWO characters. 50/90k AD... simply bull****
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    aftershafteraftershafter Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    azithoth wrote: »
    erm, go back and read who attacked who.... i liked this thread, until....

    aftershafter is online now
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    Perhaps a short ban on those causing the disruption would be better than closing a rather useful thread? I think closing the thread is giving the unruly types exactly what they want...

    i agree totally, ban the OP for mindless attacks....

    Absolutely. If he is a continual disruption, give him a short ban. If he is part of the problem though, he is not alone.

    Whether the OP is guilty or not, this thread itself was very useful to me and I'm sure it will be to others. Don't close the thread, just give a short ban to those who can't keep the discussion civil.

    Curious, why post join date/etc?

    PS - those who live in glass houses... Referring to things people are doing as "mindless" and whatnot is exactly what this thread, nor any other thread, doesn't need. If you want the OP banned for attacks, do try and clean up your own contributions to help set a better example.
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    guardtowerguardtower Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    arcbladez wrote: »
    Here's a better idea, why don't I spend that time doing overtime at my real life job, then buy $40+ worth of Zen instead?

    This is a way for you NOT TO SPEND anything ... sure waste your hard earned money on a game instead of something more important

    why should you do OVERTIME real time just to spend money in a game when there is a loop hole that can give you the exact same thing only a bit longer and will occupy only your resting time (out of work)

    this is a reply from the 1st page~ but this kind of comment will continue all throughout the thread for those who "glorify that they have jobs and can spen x amount of money needlessly in a game"
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