-Buffs you and your group, And depending which skin you're using it will be different buffs (every skin should have benefits so every skin is a good choice so no1 will feel that this skin is useless)
-Heals you with Over time heal like the Devoted cleric companion.
-Range attacks, looks different depending which skin that is used. (will be example down)
Passive abilities - (just for the awesomeness really)
Depending which skin that is chosen for the unicorn, different trails will be following you and your group.
Example: Fiery unicorn, Fire trail follows you. Rainbow unicorn, Rainbow trail follows you exc exc.
Secret passive - 5% chance when you die to be resurrected with 20% of your maximum hp.
Skins - Fire Unicorn, Rainbow Unicorn, Shadow Unicorn, Robot Unicorn, and a white unicorn, Could be more but i'll just name those.
How to get - You will need 10k+ Gearscore to start the quest and it's taken from <NPC>. He will explain a legend to you about a legendary horse blah blah. And you will begin a chain quest. And pretty much there will be alot of farming in dungeons to do and slay bosses.
an example: Loot <item> from 4 different dragons, and the dragons have different elements.. Earth/fire/water/air. the drop rate for the item should be around 5% or lower. and the item will be rolled out to all that have taken the quest and it will be bound to the one that wins. When gathered you will be able to start the summoning ritual with the 4 different elements and you will obtain your Epic Unicorn.
To obtain skins you'll have to:
Farm <item> from different dungeons.. let's say for fiery unicorn you will need to obtain 1000 <item> and then you unlock a quest and you can offer these 1000 <item> to the gods to obtain the fiery unicorn skin.
Just something i want to add - The reason why i want it to be hard to obtain is because it will first of all be much much more rare to see. It will feel more special to obtain it. I personally really love to obtain items that isn't seen very much and when people inspect you or see you they just go: Omg.. screenshot. Because i know i do when i see people like that. I also like cool storyline quests with awesome rewards.
And it's not hard to figure out why i mentioned that it should be bound to character. And if it would be placed in Zen shop i would probably cry.
elilusoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited May 2013
I will two ferrets like i have here at home
Oh forgot to say like many people here as well..
voqarMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
None because the whole idea of companions that do next to nothing and have zero personality is a waste of time and space. It's like grouping with the zone chat spamming nolifes.
Companions are a decent idea for a game like Skyrim where you are single player only.
In a MMORPG, the genre that's all about co-op PvE and grouping, they are a stupid idea.
Not everyone plays MMORPG's for the benefit of others. Some gamers enjoy this genre simply because games in it are usually much larger then single-player RPG's. Also, some players simply don't have time to form groups and/or go through 45-minute dungeons. Rather you like it or not, it is important for a company to try to appeal to the two types of gamers out there: those that have time, and those that don't. Companions, even if they're a small contribution, help Neverwinter appeal to those that don't have time.
"Just keep moving." - Lara Croft
gruntpyreMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
A buffer class that provides multipliers (power etc) or debuffs mobs, make it epic, cost a ton of AD.
gruntpyreMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
For sheer coolness; a psionicist hireling, mini-beholder, ullarithid or illithid, Githyanki striker type hireling, Sentient Weapons with dialogue (BG2 esque) and which can damage and provide buffs to player
judobearMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
I know this has been posted a dozen plus times on the Thread...but ill say it again.....Upgrade tomes!! thats what i want to see next. Zen or AD i dont care... i want to be able to upgrade my current companions that are in the game .... IMO that really needs to happen first....then go to town on your designer companions....I want my own personal Iron Golem =P
Dragon and get the upgrade tomes sooner rather than later.
usodesuMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
a companion that is useful perhaps ?
strikers ? what is the use ? i have a level 30 dire wolf and i never use it, it is that bad, you pretty much use your level 15 healer all the time for leveling, companion but after level 40 you will be reviving her more and it becomes a liability , at 60 you never use them...except for the stone and cat.
why are the only useful companion are the enhancement companions like the cat for example. why is this ?
you bring us a tomb spider ?
what for ? fluff ?
cant think of anything but look i got a spider bragging rights , you like spiders (awesome then)
why not give us tools to control our companions?
why not check logs and see that something is wrong with them, they are not performing like they should, at least not the striker, the healer is level 15 (so level 30ish in character level) but she is more useful then my level 30 direwolf who sometimes just stands there, does so little damage it is like wtf dismiss this hairy canine fluff of sad.
again, why not give us tools to control our companions? that's right that would be news , good flippin' news
news like , here is a new tool, you can now order your
companions to stay, follow, be careful (which makes companions move out of danger), be aggressive etc etc commands ...
now that would be news and a companion i would use.
Miniature giant space hamster is a must but we would need an 'above very rare class' for that
I also would love to see Yuan-Ti pureblood girl. Cause scales and snake eyes are smexy . Also depending on type it could be dual-wielding sword using striker (kinda: I like that Yuan-Ti swordsmanship is almost 100% dual wielding style) or some type of 'poison enhancing' leadership priestess of Sseth (or aspect of him in goddess Varae).
I just deem them **** appealing... with swords in hands. If Yuan-Ti gets on: I GOTTA GET ZEN XD (or gimme one please! pwetty pwease!)
"You stand as inspiration. You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking." -Quote towards Minsc "I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
I also would love to see Yuan-Ti pureblood girl. Cause scales and snake eyes are smexy . Also depending on type it could be dual-wielding sword using striker (kinda: I like that Yuan-Ti swordsmanship is almost 100% dual wielding style) or some type of 'poison enhancing' leadership priestess of Sseth (or aspect of him in goddess Varae).
I was just talking to my brother earlier about how games are over saturated with undead and D&D loves Drow a little too much and how I'd love to see NW use the Yuan-Ti. As for a Yaun-Ti companion I'd kind of like to see it as one of the psionic classes, preferably battlemind.
How about an Erinyes? Or maybe an Advespa? Or better yet... a Gem Dragon hatchling?
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
How about a companion that doesnt follow you around but gets into the code of the game and fixes the bugs and issues and exploits thats the one for me.
Was thinking about a doppleganger companion before. thought it would be neat if it took the shape of an enemy humanoid you defeated while it was out. It could retain that shape and attacks for like 10 min or so.
When did pedophilia become funny?
-Buffs you and your group, And depending which skin you're using it will be different buffs (every skin should have benefits so every skin is a good choice so no1 will feel that this skin is useless)
-Heals you with Over time heal like the Devoted cleric companion.
-Range attacks, looks different depending which skin that is used. (will be example down)
Passive abilities - (just for the awesomeness really)
Depending which skin that is chosen for the unicorn, different trails will be following you and your group.
Example: Fiery unicorn, Fire trail follows you. Rainbow unicorn, Rainbow trail follows you exc exc.
Secret passive - 5% chance when you die to be resurrected with 20% of your maximum hp.
Skins - Fire Unicorn, Rainbow Unicorn, Shadow Unicorn, Robot Unicorn, and a white unicorn, Could be more but i'll just name those.
How to get - You will need 10k+ Gearscore to start the quest and it's taken from <NPC>. He will explain a legend to you about a legendary horse blah blah. And you will begin a chain quest. And pretty much there will be alot of farming in dungeons to do and slay bosses.
an example: Loot <item> from 4 different dragons, and the dragons have different elements.. Earth/fire/water/air. the drop rate for the item should be around 5% or lower. and the item will be rolled out to all that have taken the quest and it will be bound to the one that wins. When gathered you will be able to start the summoning ritual with the 4 different elements and you will obtain your Epic Unicorn.
To obtain skins you'll have to:
Farm <item> from different dungeons.. let's say for fiery unicorn you will need to obtain 1000 <item> and then you unlock a quest and you can offer these 1000 <item> to the gods to obtain the fiery unicorn skin.
Just something i want to add - The reason why i want it to be hard to obtain is because it will first of all be much much more rare to see. It will feel more special to obtain it. I personally really love to obtain items that isn't seen very much and when people inspect you or see you they just go: Omg.. screenshot. Because i know i do when i see people like that. I also like cool storyline quests with awesome rewards.
And it's not hard to figure out why i mentioned that it should be bound to character. And if it would be placed in Zen shop i would probably cry.
Oh forgot to say like many people here as well..
Yeah, like another player. Almost as if it was an MMORPG and people grouped together instead of soloing thru most of the game.
Companions are a decent idea for a game like Skyrim where you are single player only.
In a MMORPG, the genre that's all about co-op PvE and grouping, they are a stupid idea.
Not everyone plays MMORPG's for the benefit of others. Some gamers enjoy this genre simply because games in it are usually much larger then single-player RPG's. Also, some players simply don't have time to form groups and/or go through 45-minute dungeons. Rather you like it or not, it is important for a company to try to appeal to the two types of gamers out there: those that have time, and those that don't. Companions, even if they're a small contribution, help Neverwinter appeal to those that don't have time.
It's called Cat, or Ioun Stone of Allure. lulz
Still no training books for old ones...
strikers ? what is the use ? i have a level 30 dire wolf and i never use it, it is that bad, you pretty much use your level 15 healer all the time for leveling, companion but after level 40 you will be reviving her more and it becomes a liability , at 60 you never use them...except for the stone and cat.
why are the only useful companion are the enhancement companions like the cat for example. why is this ?
you bring us a tomb spider ?
what for ? fluff ?
cant think of anything but look i got a spider bragging rights , you like spiders (awesome then)
why not give us tools to control our companions?
why not check logs and see that something is wrong with them, they are not performing like they should, at least not the striker, the healer is level 15 (so level 30ish in character level) but she is more useful then my level 30 direwolf who sometimes just stands there, does so little damage it is like wtf dismiss this hairy canine fluff of sad.
again, why not give us tools to control our companions? that's right that would be news , good flippin' news
news like , here is a new tool, you can now order your
companions to stay, follow, be careful (which makes companions move out of danger), be aggressive etc etc commands ...
now that would be news and a companion i would use.
Crappy joke is crappy.
Are you saying you want a gelatinous cube companion as a controller class, or were those separate requests?
I also would love to see Yuan-Ti pureblood girl. Cause scales and snake eyes are smexy
I just deem them **** appealing... with swords in hands. If Yuan-Ti gets on: I GOTTA GET ZEN XD (or gimme one please! pwetty pwease!)
(art by NadrojWobrek
alias Jordan Kerbow )
"I choose You Jymaru!" ~for there are times when more than words need to do the talk
I was just talking to my brother earlier about how games are over saturated with undead and D&D loves Drow a little too much and how I'd love to see NW use the Yuan-Ti. As for a Yaun-Ti companion I'd kind of like to see it as one of the psionic classes, preferably battlemind.
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
example- my cleric companion throws heal on your CW.
the world will know peace"
Who is Alex, and why would he be worth $400 dollars? :-P.
Was thinking about a doppleganger companion before. thought it would be neat if it took the shape of an enemy humanoid you defeated while it was out. It could retain that shape and attacks for like 10 min or so.