If for some unholy reason they did decide to add him as a companion and they didn't go with the fist hiding under the beard thing from Family Guy I'd be pretty upset.
I'm guessing he'd be the Ranger class and using Texas build option...
For me the Pseudodragon all the way. But instead of flying all the time, let him perch on my shoulder, when you are standing still, and look around curiously. A Very Rare companion with a dive attack and also stings you with its poisonousness tail barb. At max level it adds to you attribute just like a familiar would. Different colors would be nice too. Yep, take my money.
Current companions that can't be leveled past 15 are a freaking joke. Let's make the current ones more viable before introducing more HAMSTER. Oh that's right, PWE has turned this otherwise great game into just another cash grab.
i just read all the posts, all i want 2add is for Companions 2have a skill tree this lets u grow your companion the way u want....
Can we have companions that are for that class of hero only? eg. only wizard can have a Medusa etc etc etc....................
i havent spent any money on the game yet because its open beta, but i have 3x pre paid ultimate game cards....ready 2 use
i was hoping 2see new things & companions added 2the game next month?............................................................................
edrick1976Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited June 2013
a cleric/healer that levels to 30 that does NOT suck
Unicorn is already a Mount. This was seen in all of the Closed Beta builds via the Vault of Piety shop for 360 Ardent Coins but was removed for another expansion or time.
The game files have the following:
Tiger - Mount
Spider - Mount
Unicorn - Mount
Rogue - Companion
Imp - Companion
Dog Skeleton - Companion
Not sure but guessing Companions
Dodecahedron - Companion (this is the game file name w/o any spaces) similar to the Ioun Stone.
Cantankerous Mage - Companion
Harper Devotee - Companion
Harper Stealth - Companion
Open the Launcher. Click Options near the top. Check Disable on-demand patching. This will download another couple of gigs.
Overall, I'd like to have companion AI touched up a bit - the cleric and wizard companions, specifically, should *avoid* being in melee w/ enemies.
YES, this please!
And seriously....I don't care what it looks like, I just want a tank that holds AOE taunt. It doesn't help when he's initially got aggro on one mob and his handful of buddies ignore him to come dog pile on me.
I would pay $50 right this second for Fippy Darkpaw gnoll companion!
A Faerie Dragon would be awesome, too... a quasit/homonculous... Hell Hound.... A beholder the size of a baseball that has multiple types of attacks that it randomly does...
jihancritiasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Well, they brought more out with the companion pack you can buy, instead of just bringing the books out for us to upgrade the ones we have already.
TL : DR? Then don't waste my time responding.
jihancritiasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
DM from years ago created a dungeon for us. We were running around and found a jar with some unknown thing in it. I guess it was a being trapped inside. He kept saying "let me out", begging, sounding funny as hell. Seeing that in the game, if I could have that give stat bonuses, collect loot, would be great. All quiet, solo questing, hear whispering begging to be let out of the jar, just funny to me.
A beholder the size of a baseball that has multiple types of attacks that it randomly does...
In 3.X they had a little beholder familiar you could get. Its name was an Eyeball. You could use its eye stalks to make your ray attacks through. Would be neat to have one of those here. Here is the Forgotten realms wiki about it. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Eyeball
josh0lanternMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 23Arc User
edited June 2013
How about those Guard Drakes. I recall they are commonly trained by elves as "guard dogs" if memory serves
kasuhariMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited June 2013
I just want the god **** book that I can upgrade your companion to level 30. Yes 30 help tremendously on the Cleric and Man at war. At 60 they died in 10 seconds after you summon them.
Or at least one that knows when to get away from a powerful attack unlike my cleric that just holds her symbol at the foe, and looking pretty (stupid).
LMAO! DejaVu! xD
Collision - LVL 60 TR ○○○ ENYO - LVL 60 CW
josh0lanternMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 23Arc User
edited June 2013
Can I get the smart-alec Lich from the Graveyard quest? I don't need it to do anything, just follow along or sit in my pack and comment on what's going on... mock people that die, cackle maniacly, that sorta thing XD
Can I get the smart-alec Lich from the Graveyard quest? I don't need it to do anything, just follow along or sit in my pack and comment on what's going on... mock people that die, cackle maniacly, that sorta thing XD
Would be amusing to find intelligent weapons that comment in a similar manner.
Not so much a new companion, but I'd like to have the ability to give armor and weapons to my companions. Also, an option to pay to be able to train them higher than 15th level. I understand you need to make money, which is why I suggest pay rather than free. But in the higher level instances, 15th level companion doesn't last long in combat.
Figure it out for yourself or obey without question.
Also, an option to pay to be able to train them higher than 15th level. I understand you need to make money, which is why I suggest pay rather than free. But in the higher level instances, 15th level companion doesn't last long in combat.
They have tomes of training at the companion vendor shop. They just need to unlock them for us to buy
bolt1981Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited June 2013
a campanion that levels up as far as you do, none of this stopping at lvl 15, 20 etc etc. If i have a companion i want to keep it
An interesting healer pet could be the Packmate Homonculus. Throws around health potions as its heal power. Doesn't actually use up potions or anything. It would just be its animation.
josh0lanternMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 23Arc User
An interesting healer pet could be the Packmate Homonculus. Throws around health potions as its heal power. Doesn't actually use up potions or anything. It would just be its animation.
I don't remember this thing, what book was it from?
Chuck Norris
If for some unholy reason they did decide to add him as a companion and they didn't go with the fist hiding under the beard thing from Family Guy I'd be pretty upset.
I'm guessing he'd be the Ranger class and using Texas build option...
They could even add a nice tweak where parrot occasion repeats what you say in chat
Can we have companions that are for that class of hero only? eg. only wizard can have a Medusa etc etc etc....................
i havent spent any money on the game yet because its open beta, but i have 3x pre paid ultimate game cards....ready 2 use
i was hoping 2see new things & companions added 2the game next month?............................................................................
2. Displacer Beast
3. Storm/Frost/Fire giant
The game files have the following:
Tiger - Mount
Spider - Mount
Unicorn - Mount
Rogue - Companion
Imp - Companion
Dog Skeleton - Companion
Not sure but guessing Companions
Dodecahedron - Companion (this is the game file name w/o any spaces) similar to the Ioun Stone.
Cantankerous Mage - Companion
Harper Devotee - Companion
Harper Stealth - Companion
Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/
YES, this please!
And seriously....I don't care what it looks like, I just want a tank that holds AOE taunt. It doesn't help when he's initially got aggro on one mob and his handful of buddies ignore him to come dog pile on me.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
A Faerie Dragon would be awesome, too... a quasit/homonculous... Hell Hound.... A beholder the size of a baseball that has multiple types of attacks that it randomly does...
In 3.X they had a little beholder familiar you could get. Its name was an Eyeball. You could use its eye stalks to make your ray attacks through. Would be neat to have one of those here. Here is the Forgotten realms wiki about it. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Eyeball
LMAO! DejaVu! xD
Would be amusing to find intelligent weapons that comment in a similar manner.
They have tomes of training at the companion vendor shop. They just need to unlock them for us to buy
I don't remember this thing, what book was it from?