I, for one, would've preferred to be up front with a shield and a morningstar. I can only hope that time will come soon.
Oh man I am SO with you! If I'm expected to be tanking a ton of mobs, where's my plate armor, shield and mace?????
I'm just like everyone else here, running for my life in circles praying someone gets these **** adds off of me. If my prayers are not answered and I die, it's ME they blame and tell me "you gotta get better dude"... BS ! For ONCE I'd like to enjoy a dungeon without having to dance the "Cleric Electric Slide" dodging all the red that covers up my AS circle....
I am also hoping for a fix for this issue and soon. Going back to my CW until they fix it. Cleric is a class I love and has been a ton of fun in other games, just not this one. It's not a Perfect World...:cool:
You are not listening to the issue at hand. It is game breaking, to a point, when you have inexperienced party members who are only at the bare minimum for entering the instance to begin with. If I have to spend the entire fight dodging mobs and drinking potions, I am not DPSing enough to keep heals going. If I cannot keep heals going, the tank dies, I die, the DPS dies. Sure, potions are actually viable in this game. I LOVE that. However, they have a cooldown during encounters and I suffer for that.
I could drop group, sure... but why bother? I'd rather be a part of the community and TRY to get new players used to the content, even if it means pulling my hair out. I'd prefer to help, which is why I play healer classes to begin with. Running from a challenge is no way to be and I find I make more friends by not being the guy who drops just because we wipe a few times or don't complete the dungeon.
Glad to see it's not just me
It would be one thing if you could "cast on the run", but to cast ANYTHING other than something like Sunburst you have to stop and target the mob/player/area you want to hit. Then you're instantly swarmed by the 30 or 40 mobs that are chasing you (and NOT being handled by the group :rolleyes:) and down you go.
glowyrmzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Well they stated that agro is one of the things that are working on in the "state of the game" article that came out yesterday.
Since I can't post new topics anywhere I just ask here, cause love for the cleric kind of fits the theme:
Anyone noticed shifting bugging out since the last patch? I got several times portet back to my starting position if i try using a power while shifting. Prepatch it just used the power after shifting was done, now its aborts shifting, ports me back and uses the power there. Doesn't look like the occasional rubberbanding.
I'm still in the late 30s, and I'm really looking forward to this Astral Shield skill. Because right now, I'm honestly about to reroll. The nerf on self-heals is just ludicrous. I deal HAMSTER damage, I thought the trade off would be increased survivability or something at least. Instead I find myself popping a potion or two for each group of mobs I fight with nothing to show for it. I can barely see my health bar even nudge when I cast anything, even Bastion of Health. That's just ridiculous. I know everyone else has to pop potions that often, and I get that. But at least other classes get to deal decent damage. When I throw all my points into healing skills and feats, you'd think I would be able to, I don't know... heal myself. >>
For self healing use divine Forgemasters flame for aoe kills use chain into daunting light. Honestly when it comes to soloing we kill incredibly well. However the current threat system makes me hate playing cleric. I didn't roll a healer so I could play tank and healer at the same time.
Just did another run, which was already in progress. Soon as I zoned in, the mobs came to the entrance to kill me.
Really, Cryptic? REALLY?!
So, the group kills everything and we get set. We move on. Next batch of mobs came at me before we even attacked, before I even got to cast a single spell.
This is broken. Period.
It is just broken. It *needs* to be fixed and soon. This is so disappointing.
Just did another run, which was already in progress. Soon as I zoned in, the mobs came to the entrance to kill me.
Really, Cryptic? REALLY?!
So, the group kills everything and we get set. We move on. Next batch of mobs came at me before we even attacked, before I even got to cast a single spell.
This is broken. Period.
It is just broken. It *needs* to be fixed and soon. This is so disappointing.
Agreed. It really breaks the game for DC's
techcenterzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You don't need to single-target heal in this game, so that wouldn't really be much help.
Well when you run HW and everyone is bunched up even i've been looking for a away to do this like a macro button per player
would be handy and i wish we had interrupts
My experience is definitely one of Cleric becoming easier the higher the level the dungeon... Astral Shield definitely makes the difference, Forgemaster's Flame means you can heal properly and Foresight means you can start doing damage mitigation which is really our focus.
As for people saying we are not tanks, no we aren't primary tanks but we do (AFAIK) have the 2nd highest defense going which means we are off-tanks. We have Medium armor and damage mitigation traits/abilities giving us pretty good survivability and yes, threat is messed up .
ausdoerrtMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I've also noticed that if you let the GFs do their job and pull the mobs from range first (using the tab taunt), coupled with that AOE taunt, the mobs are less likely to go after the cleric first. They do, however, go for the ranged classes first if given the option - which kind of makes sense if you think of it.
They do need to tweak it to let GFs hold aggro better and lower healing threat somewhat, but a competent tank goes a long way. I ran Gray Wolf with guildies, where a fighter (I forget if it was GF or GWF) was specifically assigned for getting mobs off me, and I don't even remember having to deal with the mobs all that often.
There is a lot of skill involved in this game. Reminded me of an older game that went through hell levels, etc. The funny thing is, I feel more like my old mass-mob kiting wizard playing the devoted cleric (in some situations) than when I am playing my control wizzy.
That being said, there is an issue with agro and I do agree Guardian Fighters need some help too. SOME of the time it's the rogue or wizard Zerging the boss, we heal them, we get their agro since the tank hasn't had time to hug the boss. I don't believe the developers intended cleric to tank, heal, and dps all at once. Maybe they did, if that's the case then it's like a single player game at that point instead of a true MMO where each class is supposed to do a particular function. Based on the videos done by NWO, introducing the classes, I think they meant each class to have a function.
I think part of the problem is that in many MMOs not many people like to play the cleric/priest class. It does take a particular kind of person to want to play this class and love it. Hence you see NWO doing their best to make the class "lovable" by even peeps who like to DPS or like to solo. I love to heal and I HATE soloing. That's pretty much the two reasons why I play cleric.
Anyhow, just my opinion. Either way I like the game and use it for fun playing with my husband duo.
Someone talked about a mace and shield on cleric - that is NO paladin ! That's actually typical cleric wearing what DC's do and carrying a mace and shield. I think the reason is in old D&D they touch-heal. Range healing is sparse if at all there. Hence the cleric has to be able to take some hits (note NOT tank it) and live while the touch-healing is being activated.
ramzay81Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm all for them implementing something to give you guys what you want. However, I've built myself into a tank, a **** good tank. I will be very upset if they wreck my ability to be a tank.
The game is buggy. I'm pretty sure the devs didn't mean for clerics to tank the add spawns they way they do now (much like they didn't mean to render GWF useless thanks to CW pushing adds off cliffs). And while D&D has tanking clerics, this is a D&D MMO, certain allowances have to be made.
That being said, the game has a tank, the GF. Tanking is why the GF was designed and created. Why would they create a class that renders another one useless?
If you build your cleric/gear around an aspect of the game that should be known to be iffy at best, buggy at worst, you have nobody to blame but yourself and the devs once that gets fixed.
Don't get me wrong, having played games like WoW (where a lot of classes have several options as to the type of role they want to fill in groups) I'd like to have a choice. I also appreciate the work you've done for the cleric community (your videos have helped me a lot).
But somebody as smart as you know should know better than to believe the current aggro-magnet status of the cleric, which renders the GF somewhat obsolete, is intended. Gear around it at your own risk.
Edit- Also, if you've played any previous MMO, you know that classes/builds get rendered useless on a regular basis, forcing people to re-spec and re-gear. It's part of the MMO "experience" (not saying I agree with this, this is just the way it is). Bugs and exploits are discovered, people are playing a class in a way the devs hadn't anticipated/didn't want, etc. Signing up to an MMO essentially means you never know what your class will be like one year down the road. I don't see why you'd be annoyed if your tanking cleric is ruined - given the current state of the game and of certain classes, I'd say barring a major content patch that gives all classes multiple role options, your tanking cleric is almost guaranteed to be ruined. IMHO, that is.
I vote give us feats/class features that let us CHOOSE our role.
They already do let you choose your role. It happens right at character creation, where you choose your class based on the role you want to fill. If you want to tank, pick GF. Support, Cleric.
That being said, I would really hope they implement a Word of Warcraft model where you have dual-specs for each class (being able to switch between two specs without having to respec each time) as well as being able to have distinctly different feat paths. A DPS cleric that is almost on par with Rogue DPS, a support path, etc.
Well when you run HW and everyone is bunched up even i've been looking for a away to do this like a macro button per player
would be handy and i wish we had interrupts
Everyone being bunched up is WHY you don't single-target heal in this game.
Astral Shield, Forgemaster, etc. all help you NOT NEED to heal single target. Couple the extreme AE heals with potions and competent groups fare well in higher end content.
The only real problems with clerics are the stacking of AS in PvP, 40% LESS healing on ourselves (someone was on some REALLY good dope when they thought that up) and the dungeon aggro. Other than that, I see very little that needs tweaking or radical changing.
There's no need for macro heals once you realize that you have to completely forget what other MMOs have taught you about how to heal. WoW, EQ, and the like all teach you that single targets are primary heals and AE heals are supplemental. Not so in this game, and that is why I am enjoying the class. Even with the bugged out aggro.
I haven't had the issue of being attacked before I cast any healing spells at all but general aggro for us is awful. I think the biggest problem is just the way each boss fight is constructed. Wave after wave of adds does not bode well for a healing class that is constantly doing AOE HoTs. We immediately get threat because we are the first thing to pop up on the adds threat table every single time.
I have noticed that over-healing has caused me to get aggro. So I wonder if this is a large source of our pain? Though, I have to admit that the tank and dps do make a huge difference between me kiting all the mobs and me kiting 75% of them. As it is now I just tell the tank to focus on one or two and let me kite the rest. At least I know I wont have all of them. On some fights I have to use my environment to my advantage. So I do a lot of circling around a sarcophagus, or whatever's handy, that mobs have an issue pathing around. But I still end up drinking tons of potions.
If bosses had mechanics beyond "spawn infinite adds" it would be OK. Since the bosses do spawn too many adds, it becomes the clerics problem. When the cleric dies and the adds go free, it's over fairly quickly.
The worst is when people ask - "Why aren't you healing?!?!?!?!?!"
I try to explain that if I stop moving I'm going to die, and I also need holy power to functionally heal. I cannot move and gain holy power when 12 melee adds that run at 130% run speed are on me. Perhaps I should have rolled a DPS class and had 0 responsibilities other than standing outside of the red circles.
Seems like the "burden" is disproportionately on clerics. Even if the dps should help me get adds off, I pay the price when they don't, and the party might wipe afterwards.
The best part is when you die and get resurrected. I cast one spell or take one step and they all instantly refocus on me. So I can't even die for a threat wipe. If it weren't for the constant kiting healing would be a lot more enjoyable. Or, at least, give me a shield so that I can stand still to cast astral seal or something.
It is, quite literally, not my ability as a healer that keeps my groups alive but my ability to dodge and pot at the right times.
ramzay81Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
[QUOTE=atnasomus;3894032 Perhaps I should have rolled a DPS class and had 0 responsibilities other than standing outside of the red circles.
Seems like the "burden" is disproportionately on clerics. Even if the dps should help me get adds off, I pay the price when they don't, and the party might wipe afterwards.[/QUOTE]
This is why the rogue is such a popular class. They have one role and one sole purpose - to do as much damage as possible to single targets. No real CC, tanking or support concerns. And the role they do have, they do really well.
That's how DPS classes are in a majority of MMOs. Sometimes they had some pre-fight CC responsibilities, or they needed to be on interrupt duty.
For rogues, when things get too hairy, they have stealth that makes them untargetable while they continue to attack (their auto attacks don't break stealth). The sheer number of adds makes playing this class a total pain. It never feels like I'm achieving anything by just running the entire time, although I understand that's what we have to do.
Even still, how can I gain holy power while I'm forced to run? I get a few empowered versions of my spells off, then I've got nothing (and non-holy powered spells won't keep the party alive).
Was this the game play they had in mind? If so, I'm not sure if I'd keep playing. I mean, yeah any other class does sound like more fun than this, but I'd hate to force any of my friends to take on the healing role as it's just annoying and stressful.
weeatdimsumMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Even still, how can I gain holy power while I'm forced to run? I get a few empowered versions of my spells off, then I've got nothing (and non-holy powered spells won't keep the party alive).
Ethereal Boon. Have you considered getting this feat? Sun burst is nifty for generating divine power and AP. Brand of the Sun is easy to maintain on bosses while running around; you can even get a few on some of the mobs you're kiting too. Ummm... yeah... try that if you haven't.
Love my DC...but got sick of the hearing people whine about not being able to get aggro from me, and got even more tired of dealing with it. I rolled a GF just to put it to the test. I can pull and hold aggro nearly completely (the exception being some of the boss fights where the group just needs to be on it with some of the adds). Honestly, my belief is.....****ty Tanks.
1. The Majority of Guardian Fighters are going through the Conq (DPS line) and completely ignoring Tactician (the THREAT LINE). I guess they are more concerned with their numbers than keeping the mobs focused.
2. Due to people constantly stating "Cleric Aggro is Broken" many GF's just don't even try....this just irks me to no end. They will literally just shrug their shoulders and look at it like its your role in the game to get eaten. ****ty Tanks, and a horrid player.
Yes, Clerics draw a lot of attention. Damage + Buffs + Heals all flying through the air at the same time.....its glorious!! They need some attention, but this change isn't happening anytime soon (its not even mentioned). A tank can hold all the threat in the world if he would stop stroking his Epeen. To me aggro is working just fine.
If you constantly run dungeons without a GF, then best of luck...you will still pull it off, just accept the threat you generate. IF you have a GF and you are still getting aggro, I would personally look at the tank. I did, and found them to be lacking. I am so glad they feel their dps is above average though....
Righteousness - Your chosen God has imbued you with their divine power granting you ............ for your chosen path.
Wanna tank ... 30% more threat from healing, 10% defense bonus from AC
Wanna heal ... 30% less threat from healing, 10% increased healing from POWER
Wanna dps ... 10% more damage, 10% increased crit. severity, 10% more damage from divine encounter powers
Add some negative reductions to balance the gain and we have a choice.
Omg......I'm not sure if I want to kiss you, hug you, or do dirty things to you....I'ma do a combination of it all.
I still puke everytime I open my characterwindow and see this righteousness-debuff.
The developer who thought it would be a good idea to reduce the own heals of the healerclass by 40% should have the hairs on his HAMSTER picked out with a pair of tweezers. slowly, one by one.
that...would...do.. it. Although the youtube video would only be for the brave.
...............vote for your favourite expansion.......... "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity". ..............not this one then.............
I want to thank all of you for your input, attempts at advice and just good discussion. Hopefully, this will reach the attention of someone who can effect change, but I doubt it.
This game has such great potential, but PW/Crypticare killing it off during its "open beta" phase. It's a shame to see possible greatness do nothing but wither and die because the devs are more concerned with the market, spelling errors and graphical glitches than they are with fixing the myriad of game-breaking issues which are being complained about ad nauseam on the forums.
An option to spec into plate armor would go some way to helping existing problems.
There may be a Battle Cleric planned for the future and allowing the existing Devoted Cleric to wear plate armor may be detrimental to the release of that class,but I'm still going to barrack for the option to spec plate armor on the current Devoted Cleric.
Well when you run HW and everyone is bunched up even i've been looking for a away to do this like a macro button per player
would be handy and i wish we had interrupts
Your first issue. HW is on your bar. Start there. There are plenty of us running T2's and having minimal issues. I suggest looking at Deistic and Unspecified's posts on clerics.
On a side note. I see a lot of people complaining about running around. WHat running around?
Battle Process (any size large or small, boss or trash):
Drop AS on ground.
Throw FF on any mob that will live long enough to give out the heals.
Stand in circle and facetank the mobs. They cant kill you. The heals just pump you right back to full.
You will have to dodge/move out of the red floor aoe stuff still but @ 9k GS (and im talking all purple T1 stuff in less than 6 hours of playing at 60. Some are only 5-6k AD on the AH) I can and do facetank all the adds. No need to run, no need to hide. Stand there and whack em. This also ensures you always have plenty of power to cast your next heals.
Im currently running T2's with the same success as T1's and normals. I cannot comment on pvp as I do not play it.
Yes. Love.
Why no Cleric aggro fix. It's getting old having to spend most fights running from targeted attacks and mob melee just because I heal. Heck, the aggro even persists through repeated deaths.
Think you guys can at least put some effort into that? I love the game, I love the cleric class, I even love to love you, baby, but this is just out of hand at this point and it ruins lots of runs with people new to the content. As you can imagine, they often screw up, though not their own fault for not knowing the content yet.
Anyway... some love would be appreciated.
Thank you,
The Mgmt.
No love needed and no agro fix needed. We are battle clerics and everything works as intended. Cleric is sooooo OP in PVE its not even funny. Stop running around is my advice to you. Drop AS, Toss out FF then repeat. Stand in the circle and attack stuff. The only thing can do even the slightest bit of damage (that doesent heal to full nearly instantly) is the red boss floor aoe. Move of course when you are in one of those. I am running all t1's and all but 1 t2 and I couldn't even tell you the last time I used a health pot.
Oh man I am SO with you! If I'm expected to be tanking a ton of mobs, where's my plate armor, shield and mace?????
I'm just like everyone else here, running for my life in circles praying someone gets these **** adds off of me. If my prayers are not answered and I die, it's ME they blame and tell me "you gotta get better dude"... BS ! For ONCE I'd like to enjoy a dungeon without having to dance the "Cleric Electric Slide" dodging all the red that covers up my AS circle....
I am also hoping for a fix for this issue and soon. Going back to my CW until they fix it. Cleric is a class I love and has been a ton of fun in other games, just not this one. It's not a Perfect World...:cool:
Glad to see it's not just me
It would be one thing if you could "cast on the run", but to cast ANYTHING other than something like Sunburst you have to stop and target the mob/player/area you want to hit. Then you're instantly swarmed by the 30 or 40 mobs that are chasing you (and NOT being handled by the group :rolleyes:) and down you go.
I have hope for the future.
Anyone noticed shifting bugging out since the last patch? I got several times portet back to my starting position if i try using a power while shifting. Prepatch it just used the power after shifting was done, now its aborts shifting, ports me back and uses the power there. Doesn't look like the occasional rubberbanding.
seem to not be used.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
For self healing use divine Forgemasters flame for aoe kills use chain into daunting light. Honestly when it comes to soloing we kill incredibly well. However the current threat system makes me hate playing cleric. I didn't roll a healer so I could play tank and healer at the same time.
Really, Cryptic? REALLY?!
So, the group kills everything and we get set. We move on. Next batch of mobs came at me before we even attacked, before I even got to cast a single spell.
This is broken. Period.
It is just broken. It *needs* to be fixed and soon. This is so disappointing.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
Agreed. It really breaks the game for DC's
Well when you run HW and everyone is bunched up even i've been looking for a away to do this like a macro button per player
would be handy and i wish we had interrupts
As for people saying we are not tanks, no we aren't primary tanks but we do (AFAIK) have the 2nd highest defense going which means we are off-tanks. We have Medium armor and damage mitigation traits/abilities giving us pretty good survivability and yes, threat is messed up
They do need to tweak it to let GFs hold aggro better and lower healing threat somewhat, but a competent tank goes a long way. I ran Gray Wolf with guildies, where a fighter (I forget if it was GF or GWF) was specifically assigned for getting mobs off me, and I don't even remember having to deal with the mobs all that often.
That being said, there is an issue with agro and I do agree Guardian Fighters need some help too. SOME of the time it's the rogue or wizard Zerging the boss, we heal them, we get their agro since the tank hasn't had time to hug the boss. I don't believe the developers intended cleric to tank, heal, and dps all at once. Maybe they did, if that's the case then it's like a single player game at that point instead of a true MMO where each class is supposed to do a particular function. Based on the videos done by NWO, introducing the classes, I think they meant each class to have a function.
I think part of the problem is that in many MMOs not many people like to play the cleric/priest class. It does take a particular kind of person to want to play this class and love it. Hence you see NWO doing their best to make the class "lovable" by even peeps who like to DPS or like to solo. I love to heal and I HATE soloing. That's pretty much the two reasons why I play cleric.
Anyhow, just my opinion. Either way I like the game and use it for fun playing with my husband duo.
The game is buggy. I'm pretty sure the devs didn't mean for clerics to tank the add spawns they way they do now (much like they didn't mean to render GWF useless thanks to CW pushing adds off cliffs). And while D&D has tanking clerics, this is a D&D MMO, certain allowances have to be made.
That being said, the game has a tank, the GF. Tanking is why the GF was designed and created. Why would they create a class that renders another one useless?
If you build your cleric/gear around an aspect of the game that should be known to be iffy at best, buggy at worst, you have nobody to blame but yourself and the devs once that gets fixed.
Don't get me wrong, having played games like WoW (where a lot of classes have several options as to the type of role they want to fill in groups) I'd like to have a choice. I also appreciate the work you've done for the cleric community (your videos have helped me a lot).
But somebody as smart as you know should know better than to believe the current aggro-magnet status of the cleric, which renders the GF somewhat obsolete, is intended. Gear around it at your own risk.
Edit- Also, if you've played any previous MMO, you know that classes/builds get rendered useless on a regular basis, forcing people to re-spec and re-gear. It's part of the MMO "experience" (not saying I agree with this, this is just the way it is). Bugs and exploits are discovered, people are playing a class in a way the devs hadn't anticipated/didn't want, etc. Signing up to an MMO essentially means you never know what your class will be like one year down the road. I don't see why you'd be annoyed if your tanking cleric is ruined - given the current state of the game and of certain classes, I'd say barring a major content patch that gives all classes multiple role options, your tanking cleric is almost guaranteed to be ruined. IMHO, that is.
Also, not to be rude, but...
They already do let you choose your role. It happens right at character creation, where you choose your class based on the role you want to fill. If you want to tank, pick GF. Support, Cleric.
That being said, I would really hope they implement a Word of Warcraft model where you have dual-specs for each class (being able to switch between two specs without having to respec each time) as well as being able to have distinctly different feat paths. A DPS cleric that is almost on par with Rogue DPS, a support path, etc.
Astral Shield, Forgemaster, etc. all help you NOT NEED to heal single target. Couple the extreme AE heals with potions and competent groups fare well in higher end content.
The only real problems with clerics are the stacking of AS in PvP, 40% LESS healing on ourselves (someone was on some REALLY good dope when they thought that up) and the dungeon aggro. Other than that, I see very little that needs tweaking or radical changing.
There's no need for macro heals once you realize that you have to completely forget what other MMOs have taught you about how to heal. WoW, EQ, and the like all teach you that single targets are primary heals and AE heals are supplemental. Not so in this game, and that is why I am enjoying the class. Even with the bugged out aggro.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
I have noticed that over-healing has caused me to get aggro. So I wonder if this is a large source of our pain? Though, I have to admit that the tank and dps do make a huge difference between me kiting all the mobs and me kiting 75% of them. As it is now I just tell the tank to focus on one or two and let me kite the rest. At least I know I wont have all of them. On some fights I have to use my environment to my advantage. So I do a lot of circling around a sarcophagus, or whatever's handy, that mobs have an issue pathing around. But I still end up drinking tons of potions.
The worst is when people ask - "Why aren't you healing?!?!?!?!?!"
I try to explain that if I stop moving I'm going to die, and I also need holy power to functionally heal. I cannot move and gain holy power when 12 melee adds that run at 130% run speed are on me. Perhaps I should have rolled a DPS class and had 0 responsibilities other than standing outside of the red circles.
Seems like the "burden" is disproportionately on clerics. Even if the dps should help me get adds off, I pay the price when they don't, and the party might wipe afterwards.
It is, quite literally, not my ability as a healer that keeps my groups alive but my ability to dodge and pot at the right times.
Seems like the "burden" is disproportionately on clerics. Even if the dps should help me get adds off, I pay the price when they don't, and the party might wipe afterwards.[/QUOTE]
This is why the rogue is such a popular class. They have one role and one sole purpose - to do as much damage as possible to single targets. No real CC, tanking or support concerns. And the role they do have, they do really well.
For rogues, when things get too hairy, they have stealth that makes them untargetable while they continue to attack (their auto attacks don't break stealth). The sheer number of adds makes playing this class a total pain. It never feels like I'm achieving anything by just running the entire time, although I understand that's what we have to do.
Even still, how can I gain holy power while I'm forced to run? I get a few empowered versions of my spells off, then I've got nothing (and non-holy powered spells won't keep the party alive).
Was this the game play they had in mind? If so, I'm not sure if I'd keep playing. I mean, yeah any other class does sound like more fun than this, but I'd hate to force any of my friends to take on the healing role as it's just annoying and stressful.
Ethereal Boon. Have you considered getting this feat? Sun burst is nifty for generating divine power and AP. Brand of the Sun is easy to maintain on bosses while running around; you can even get a few on some of the mobs you're kiting too. Ummm... yeah... try that if you haven't.
1. The Majority of Guardian Fighters are going through the Conq (DPS line) and completely ignoring Tactician (the THREAT LINE). I guess they are more concerned with their numbers than keeping the mobs focused.
2. Due to people constantly stating "Cleric Aggro is Broken" many GF's just don't even try....this just irks me to no end. They will literally just shrug their shoulders and look at it like its your role in the game to get eaten. ****ty Tanks, and a horrid player.
Yes, Clerics draw a lot of attention. Damage + Buffs + Heals all flying through the air at the same time.....its glorious!! They need some attention, but this change isn't happening anytime soon (its not even mentioned). A tank can hold all the threat in the world if he would stop stroking his Epeen. To me aggro is working just fine.
If you constantly run dungeons without a GF, then best of luck...you will still pull it off, just accept the threat you generate. IF you have a GF and you are still getting aggro, I would personally look at the tank. I did, and found them to be lacking. I am so glad they feel their dps is above average though....
Omg......I'm not sure if I want to kiss you, hug you, or do dirty things to you....I'ma do a combination of it all.
that...would...do.. it. Although the youtube video would only be for the brave.
"Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
..............not this one then.............
I want to thank all of you for your input, attempts at advice and just good discussion. Hopefully, this will reach the attention of someone who can effect change, but I doubt it.
This game has such great potential, but PW/Cryptic are killing it off during its "open beta" phase. It's a shame to see possible greatness do nothing but wither and die because the devs are more concerned with the market, spelling errors and graphical glitches than they are with fixing the myriad of game-breaking issues which are being complained about ad nauseam on the forums.
Anyway, thanks again to all of you.
newbie rogue extraordinaire
There may be a Battle Cleric planned for the future and allowing the existing Devoted Cleric to wear plate armor may be detrimental to the release of that class,but I'm still going to barrack for the option to spec plate armor on the current Devoted Cleric.
Your first issue. HW is on your bar. Start there. There are plenty of us running T2's and having minimal issues. I suggest looking at Deistic and Unspecified's posts on clerics.
Battle Process (any size large or small, boss or trash):
Drop AS on ground.
Throw FF on any mob that will live long enough to give out the heals.
Stand in circle and facetank the mobs. They cant kill you. The heals just pump you right back to full.
You will have to dodge/move out of the red floor aoe stuff still but @ 9k GS (and im talking all purple T1 stuff in less than 6 hours of playing at 60. Some are only 5-6k AD on the AH) I can and do facetank all the adds. No need to run, no need to hide. Stand there and whack em. This also ensures you always have plenty of power to cast your next heals.
Im currently running T2's with the same success as T1's and normals. I cannot comment on pvp as I do not play it.
No love needed and no agro fix needed. We are battle clerics and everything works as intended. Cleric is sooooo OP in PVE its not even funny. Stop running around is my advice to you. Drop AS, Toss out FF then repeat. Stand in the circle and attack stuff. The only thing can do even the slightest bit of damage (that doesent heal to full nearly instantly) is the red boss floor aoe. Move of course when you are in one of those. I am running all t1's and all but 1 t2 and I couldn't even tell you the last time I used a health pot.