I have 2 questions for you guys. First what would you consider the best character builder atm? I've been looking at some but most seem lackluster.
Second, I hate copying builds so I took ideas from both of you (in Unspecified case a little less since he takes lots of ideas from Deistik in his crit build which I believe is the way to go).
Now, I haven't chosen as many recovery talents from the tree as I already have AS at 14.9 secs. Is it worth going more? Instead I'm getting 1 point in several other talents just to give me an edge and some perks as I find my divine power already recharges quite fast.
Once you guys recommend me the char builder I'll post it here so you can check and give me soem advice on some talents I chose if that is possible.
I feel like any build is viable right now until they fix cleric. You really need almost nothing as long as you have Astral Shield. Nothing effects its heals the same in tier 2 or naked. Same with almost every other heal except the tab heal on your mouse the green laser thing. Thats the only heal I notice that gets a huge difference from stats. Right now Im just building Defense Recovery and crit and its going fine in Castle Never.
lexairrMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
not1nameleftMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Thanks for all your hard work Deistik, has really helped me a lot as I came into the game knowing nothing about it and always play a healer.
Good job I checked the thread again as I have been working towards an old build as I level but I guess that is what a respec is for
Is evident at the current state cleric mechanics revolves around crit, being str the stat that synergizes the best with the key feats > ingame powers cycling. No doubt from my part hat str is the key stat to focus on, but on what I doubt or I'm not certain from my pow is if it is advisable to go all the str>crit stat possible.
When the softcap DR kicks in would not be more advisable to focus on cha then wis at the expense of a lower str? I dont see that viable to go for a such big 24 str number @4000 crit, seems more reasonable to stop at 20-22 str @ 2500-3000 crit , leaving lot more room for recovery and power, or defense on softcap values aswell and its associated ability scores.
I dont have so much experience neither insight as Deistik and other wise clerics around (or enugh AD for some respecs to do extensive testings) and I recognize your work and good assertions beyond mines, but Im not quite sure on this issue, on all the rest fully agreed
mithon81Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 8Arc User
When the softcap DR kicks in would not be more advisable to focus on cha then wis at the expense of a lower str? I dont see that viable to go for a such big 24 str number @4000 crit, seems more reasonable to stop at 20-22 str @ 2500-3000 crit , leaving lot more room for recovery and power, or defense on softcap values aswell and its associated ability scores.
I'm not sure I've got this correctly, but it's my understanding that DR on crit from gear is completely separate from the %bonus from str, meaning if you have gear with 3k crit on it you will get the same crit improvement regardless of what base crit you have from a high or low strength value.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. But if I am wrong the whole reason for the emphasis on statting str over wis falls away, barring itemization (as you could always make up for a suboptimal statchoice by gearing accordingly). Hence I doubt that I'm wrong in this.
kyotheman9000Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
well my main focus getting recovery to 4k first then crit to 3k then rest to power once u have first two at their soft cap, rest is power, defense, hp in that order.
mithon81Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 8Arc User
well my main focus getting recovery to 4k first then crit to 3k then rest to power once u have first two at their soft cap, rest is power, defense, hp in that order.
Yes. I agree.. get to a reasonable amount of crit and recov first and then build power.
But I'm not sure I understand why you (and many others) use the term "soft cap". That term makes good sense when the DR is steadily increasing (semi-linearly) up to a point, and then suddenly increases a lot. Then "soft cap" would be at the sudden increase. From this evidence however, I don't see any such sudden increases in the data.
To me it seems the increase in DR is rather gradual, and it's up to each and every player to determine at what point they think they're getting too little ROI (return of investment) by placing points in that stat. Which will ofc. change when there is decent theorycraft/empiric evidence detailing at what point the gain from power outshines the gain from the other two stats. I don't know of any such evidence atm. Untill then however the term "soft cap" doesn't mean much.
hi deistik and UnspecifiedHealer, can u guys help me out about this, i started a human race with no knowledge, luckily i rolled 16/16/14 i mean i added the +2 on str already so its 16, so i missed 2 points of str but i have 2 more points on CHA, my question is that u have 24/18/18, so i will end up with only 22 str in lvl 60, the extra 2 points should i add it on CHA or WIS? that is my big question, should i reroll and start over to get the 24 str on final build or 22 str is fine ?
ty deistik but what do u think i heard that we need 34% recharge speed to have perma astral shield im wondering if i should lvl my charisma to 20 or wisdom to 20?
lexairrMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
edited May 2013
Deistik: Can you give a link to your character sheet on the gateway? I'm wondering what rings/necklace/waist I should get.
will 2% stamina regen makes some difference on some breakpoints? i mean i play d3 and in that game there are specificis breakpoints to achieve in order to have the optimal build, im trying to understand a little more about this game but one thing i noticed is that i cant figure how the heal mechanic works by adding % on heals, also i noticed that 1% heal is not alot on wisdom so i started stacking str becuz i love crit chance, now i started to stack charisma becuz i want ap faster and recharge speed faster, but it seems that when u stack alot of receovery the only thing that will really benefit u by adding more charisma is the ap gain becuz at some point will only reduce u like 00.01 sec 1 charisma so i am confused
My CHA is @18 with no buffs, and I'm at 38% recharge, so I don't think you need to sacrifice anything for CHA (WIS wouldn't do anything for your recharge, anyway). The main advantage of stacking recovery/CHA is the AP gain (I can get up to +120% AP gain in a group)...
@ lexairr: I'm currently just using the drake seal rings/belt. I have terrible RNG in Castle Never Although I have been tinkering with defensive slots in my pet (tarmalune bar Icon, etc.).
lexairrMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
@ lexairr: I'm currently just using the drake seal rings/belt. I have terrible RNG in Castle Never Although I have been tinkering with defensive slots in my pet (tarmalune bar Icon, etc.).
Which necklace/rings, the Revolt or Control ones? What armor set(s) do you recommend from T1/2?
The difference is so minimal it doesn't matter. You're literally debating 1.33% healing/1% damage v 1% recharge/1% AP gain. Which do YOU want more? There's your answer.
Which necklace/rings, the Revolt or Control ones? What armor set(s) do you recommend from T1/2?
Revolt neck, control rings/belt. I currently use 4/4 miracle healer, because I feel even though it's (probably) bugged, it is still a lot of added healing to yourself that doesn't have a 40% redux.
T1 I'd probably stack 2 different 2p sets to get 400 of crit/power/recovery.
okn ty deistik i appreciate your help, since u are running 18 cha and u are doing fine and i have 19 i will add the extra point on wiz just to add a little more healing power in my build, ty again
I've been stacking defense/deflect/regen after I hit 3800 in crit/recovery. I might even drop a little more crit since my STR is so high, really just need to keep it above 34%, and I'm at 42% solo. If you're with a guardian fighter that uses his AP gain shout, you should never have a problem gaining AP. Keep recharge speed above 34% above all else.
Currently sitting at 1700 defense, but I think in the next week, I'll probably regear myself and/or my stone/cat some to maximize survival.
Just curious, what main hand and off hands you are using now?
Would really like to know im not wasting an enchantment on a main/off hand which is not yet maxed out. Currently using something similar to the PvP main and off hands but with crit stats.
Symbol of the Divine Conduit and Icon of the Miracle Healer, until I can get the ancient ones from CN.
kuyuujiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited May 2013
Very nice build, just roll a Cleric and this seems to be the best I'm looking for, aside with my Critical TR lols
kuyuujiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited May 2013
Oh 1 question, does this build actually works okay for PvP or it's mainly for dungeons?
Especially for the Faithful Paragon Feats or is other Paragon path better?
I gotta ask, why do you favour the 1/2/3% more healing T1 heroic feat
From what it reads, Wisdom increases healing by 1/2/3%....
Now, does that increase the +Healing bonus of wisdom by 1/2/3% (which be nearly worthless ... 3% of 7%...yeah, no thanks)
Or does that increase healing by 1/2/3% per wisdom you have above 10? (which would be OP cuz even on a 16 wisdom roll w/ 18 total, thats +24% healing on a 3pt tier1 heroic...which makes me think it cant be this option...)
It just seems like if its the first thing, it's the worst points to be spent on our tree?
kuyuujiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
I gotta ask, why do you favour the 1/2/3% more healing T1 heroic feat
From what it reads, Wisdom increases healing by 1/2/3%....
Now, does that increase the +Healing bonus of wisdom by 1/2/3% (which be nearly worthless ... 3% of 7%...yeah, no thanks)
Or does that increase healing by 1/2/3% per wisdom you have above 10? (which would be OP cuz even on a 16 wisdom roll w/ 18 total, thats +24% healing on a 3pt tier1 heroic...which makes me think it cant be this option...)
It just seems like if its the first thing, it's the worst points to be spent on our tree?
Well you need to pump 5 points in order to forward to T2, so it's either you get more healing % or more AP gain while you heal haha
PS: So by healing more since we are not pumping WIS, will cover up for the lost of WIS I guess? 3% of AP isn't that great gain, I mean the gain won't be very significant.
kuyuujiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited May 2013
I got a suggestion, isn't it better to remove 1 point in the Rising Hope and put it in the Greater Divine Power for 4th Pip?
IMO, 1 more point in Rising Hope only increase the duration, and since you mentioned it almost proc 100%, there won't be a need for leveling it to 60s?
I got a suggestion, isn't it better to remove 1 point in the Rising Hope and put it in the Greater Divine Power for 4th Pip?
IMO, 1 more point in Rising Hope only increase the duration, and since you mentioned it almost proc 100%, there won't be a need for leveling it to 60s?
If you're doing anything and have three or more unused (D) pips then you're doing something wrong. Basically having a fourth pip will only benefit you BEFORE a big encounter. Minimum of two points have been recommended as optimal for the most efficient up time on Rising Hope. (Credit to Unspecified for that).
prunetracyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I gotta ask, why do you favour the 1/2/3% more healing T1 heroic feat
From what it reads, Wisdom increases healing by 1/2/3%....
Now, does that increase the +Healing bonus of wisdom by 1/2/3% (which be nearly worthless ... 3% of 7%...yeah, no thanks)
Or does that increase healing by 1/2/3% per wisdom you have above 10? (which would be OP cuz even on a 16 wisdom roll w/ 18 total, thats +24% healing on a 3pt tier1 heroic...which makes me think it cant be this option...)
It just seems like if its the first thing, it's the worst points to be spent on our tree?
It's a static 1/2/3% increase to healing. Every class has a feat like this. The bonus is entirely unrelated to the associated stat, it basically just tacks the bonus on to whatever Wisdom provides normally.
I feel like any build is viable right now until they fix cleric. You really need almost nothing as long as you have Astral Shield. Nothing effects its heals the same in tier 2 or naked. Same with almost every other heal except the tab heal on your mouse the green laser thing. Thats the only heal I notice that gets a huge difference from stats. Right now Im just building Defense Recovery and crit and its going fine in Castle Never.
Good job I checked the thread again as I have been working towards an old build as I level but I guess that is what a respec is for
When the softcap DR kicks in would not be more advisable to focus on cha then wis at the expense of a lower str? I dont see that viable to go for a such big 24 str number @4000 crit, seems more reasonable to stop at 20-22 str @ 2500-3000 crit , leaving lot more room for recovery and power, or defense on softcap values aswell and its associated ability scores.
I dont have so much experience neither insight as Deistik and other wise clerics around (or enugh AD for some respecs to do extensive testings) and I recognize your work and good assertions beyond mines, but Im not quite sure on this issue, on all the rest fully agreed
I'm not sure I've got this correctly, but it's my understanding that DR on crit from gear is completely separate from the %bonus from str, meaning if you have gear with 3k crit on it you will get the same crit improvement regardless of what base crit you have from a high or low strength value.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. But if I am wrong the whole reason for the emphasis on statting str over wis falls away, barring itemization (as you could always make up for a suboptimal statchoice by gearing accordingly). Hence I doubt that I'm wrong in this.
Yes. I agree.. get to a reasonable amount of crit and recov first and then build power.
But I'm not sure I understand why you (and many others) use the term "soft cap". That term makes good sense when the DR is steadily increasing (semi-linearly) up to a point, and then suddenly increases a lot. Then "soft cap" would be at the sudden increase. From this evidence however, I don't see any such sudden increases in the data.
To me it seems the increase in DR is rather gradual, and it's up to each and every player to determine at what point they think they're getting too little ROI (return of investment) by placing points in that stat. Which will ofc. change when there is decent theorycraft/empiric evidence detailing at what point the gain from power outshines the gain from the other two stats. I don't know of any such evidence atm. Untill then however the term "soft cap" doesn't mean much.
@ lexairr: I'm currently just using the drake seal rings/belt. I have terrible RNG in Castle Never
Which necklace/rings, the Revolt or Control ones? What armor set(s) do you recommend from T1/2?
Revolt neck, control rings/belt. I currently use 4/4 miracle healer, because I feel even though it's (probably) bugged, it is still a lot of added healing to yourself that doesn't have a 40% redux.
T1 I'd probably stack 2 different 2p sets to get 400 of crit/power/recovery.
Currently sitting at 1700 defense, but I think in the next week, I'll probably regear myself and/or my stone/cat some to maximize survival.
Would really like to know im not wasting an enchantment on a main/off hand which is not yet maxed out. Currently using something similar to the PvP main and off hands but with crit stats.
Especially for the Faithful Paragon Feats or is other Paragon path better?
Thanks alot!
From what it reads, Wisdom increases healing by 1/2/3%....
Now, does that increase the +Healing bonus of wisdom by 1/2/3% (which be nearly worthless ... 3% of 7%...yeah, no thanks)
Or does that increase healing by 1/2/3% per wisdom you have above 10? (which would be OP cuz even on a 16 wisdom roll w/ 18 total, thats +24% healing on a 3pt tier1 heroic...which makes me think it cant be this option...)
It just seems like if its the first thing, it's the worst points to be spent on our tree?
Well you need to pump 5 points in order to forward to T2, so it's either you get more healing % or more AP gain while you heal haha
PS: So by healing more since we are not pumping WIS, will cover up for the lost of WIS I guess? 3% of AP isn't that great gain, I mean the gain won't be very significant.
IMO, 1 more point in Rising Hope only increase the duration, and since you mentioned it almost proc 100%, there won't be a need for leveling it to 60s?
If you're doing anything and have three or more unused (D) pips then you're doing something wrong. Basically having a fourth pip will only benefit you BEFORE a big encounter. Minimum of two points have been recommended as optimal for the most efficient up time on Rising Hope. (Credit to Unspecified for that).
It's a static 1/2/3% increase to healing. Every class has a feat like this. The bonus is entirely unrelated to the associated stat, it basically just tacks the bonus on to whatever Wisdom provides normally.