I'm new to the forums and have recently created my first quest. In playing other foundry quests, i've seen DM text appear a few times. How does this work? I've looked everywhere on how to do this to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Published Quests:
*Drow Family Ties NW-DC95ROS61 / My first foundry quest ;o) *The Gold Medallion NW-DIDEBDBXJ / Q1 in Book Of Time Campaign *Tordek's Tools NW-DP3C77MU8 / Q2 in Book Of Time Campaign
I'll be the first one to step up and say I do this all the time in my quest. Little floating "invisible clicky"'s are all through my dungeon when I want the players to hear from the DM. I went to far as to name them "Dungeon Master" and when the player clicks on them they get some environmental information in the form of what the DM would say at that time in a PNP game. I've used it in one location to warn of a difficult fight, other places to set the mood or atmosphere and in some cases reaching that point and clicking the clicky is the objective.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
Thanks so much... i suspected as much but thanks for confirmation.
Published Quests:
*Drow Family Ties NW-DC95ROS61 / My first foundry quest ;o) *The Gold Medallion NW-DIDEBDBXJ / Q1 in Book Of Time Campaign *Tordek's Tools NW-DP3C77MU8 / Q2 in Book Of Time Campaign
*Drow Family Ties NW-DC95ROS61 / My first foundry quest ;o) *The Gold Medallion NW-DIDEBDBXJ / Q1 in Book Of Time Campaign *Tordek's Tools NW-DP3C77MU8 / Q2 in Book Of Time Campaign
I use a position marker and a Reach Point objective. You can enter the DM text in the reach text field.
Published Quests:
*Drow Family Ties NW-DC95ROS61 / My first foundry quest ;o)
*The Gold Medallion NW-DIDEBDBXJ / Q1 in Book Of Time Campaign
*Tordek's Tools NW-DP3C77MU8 / Q2 in Book Of Time Campaign
Published Quests:
*Drow Family Ties NW-DC95ROS61 / My first foundry quest ;o)
*The Gold Medallion NW-DIDEBDBXJ / Q1 in Book Of Time Campaign
*Tordek's Tools NW-DP3C77MU8 / Q2 in Book Of Time Campaign