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FAQ - AD/AH Exploit Follow-Up



  • arrowmaticarrowmatic Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tujuni wrote: »
    its a beta...just wipe it and fix it - ban exploiters...problem solved....

    If it actually was a beta they would have.
  • daasurdaasur Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thank you very much for the effort and the nigth work, Cheer UP!!!
  • mastertyphonmastertyphon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kassadis wrote: »
    couldn't help but notice Join Date
    May 2013 seems to be the same with all positive feedback

    I've only been playing since the beginning of May, like all my friends... when was Open Beta announced? um, oh yeah, April 30th...
  • lothientearlothientear Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dmnyx wrote: »
    Well I regret the money I spent on this game. This AH exploit apparently schemed by PWE staff it self. Since they say they are tracking exploiters and only taking precaution with 1 day roll back.
    1st they should those employees who didn't do their job properly at close beta by not evaluating player feedbacks on AD exploit.
    2nd Clearly, the ones that did 8000USD etc. is their own employees;
    Becuase look; you are a simply employee working with wage for 1500 USD/month ( maybe even less) and suddenly you receive a secured way to get 1 year work of income in 15 days. . 90% the ones who are incharge of answering tickets are the real exploiters, since they know exactly how to exploit and didn't attemp to fix it it clearify that they exploit it.
    3rd From PWE perspective;
    If more people with glorious horses trilling armor sets appear in short time it will encourage the people who are ambitious and refering to real money for quick solution to pay more. Becuase they can justify the idea "look hundereds of people hanging around with all that staff, think that I'm not the only one paying, I didn't even pay as much as this guy could have done." So PWE win as well.

    I think it was preplanned by PWE. If it is otherwise PWE should fire the employees who didn't do their work properly and cause exploit. But I think PWE can't do it because if they do those employees will declere this exploit is encourased by PWE himself as a plot to get more money in short time.

    Personally I don't want to see a ban list, it is totaly null and void, those who get banned would only lose few hours of work from their life, I want to see identities of real people who got fired.

    Only actions taken in real life can prove PWE is a serious company who don't set such plot for quick money.

    Off with their heads! Call Ser Ilyn Payne! LOL
  • daddyjackdaddyjack Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    travail01 wrote: »
    I can't help but think that PWE would come out looking like the bad guy if they took a few hundred kids and teens to court over video game exploits. :p

    Now, the guy who claims to have made over $6000 selling his Zen to a gold selling website... That guy probably looks more like a Bond villain. Slicked back hair, eye scar, east-euro accent, wearing some sort of onesie jumpsuit with a turtleneck underneath. That's the kind of guy you can win a court case against.


    Ah but you are dealing kids, This means Parent with money who should be fully responsible for there children it is not a singly a juvie issue at that point. Not to mention no one would even know it happen due to protection of juveniles privacy. .... dont quote me i'm just parent and street informed.
    Not to mention i am only talking about what i know in the USA PWs micro transactions are out of London
  • scarmoryscarmory Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You're an idiot... You do realize, if <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> happens like this and they are under a "BETA" phase whether it's closed or open.. and you try to CLAIM a refund because of an exploit.. YOU MOST CERTAINLY WILL NOT GET A REFUND. When it is properly released, you can at least have a justified argument.. Please use your brain before responding. I never claimed that once it's properly released there won't be bugs. Even god can't help you.
    Because once a game is properly released, its completely exploit and bug free?

    At least during the time period they are billing as an beta period, the direction funds from purchases theoretically goes is hopefully more in teh direction of work being done on the game, rather than even moreso simply into the pockets of investors, many of whom don't game and dont know or care anything about gaming, let alone this particular title.... who only care about getting as much money out of their investment as they can milk. Not saying that in itself is wrong either... just less savory for where I'd like my money to go, personally.
  • redneckroninredneckronin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    luridmuse wrote: »
    Neverwinter ‏@NeverwinterGame1m
    .@DigitalLuck No ETA on bringing the servers up yet but we are doing group conference in a few minutes to sync up on next steps. -D

    Group Conference?

    Wipe Incoming!

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  • jugglazjugglaz Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Right firstly i understand that the servers need to be rolled back because of the cheaters, but the developers best have perma banned their I.P addresses/emails. . everything !

    For me as a lower level character i have just lost near 7 hours worth of levelling, equipment, upgrades, gold and companion Xp. Imagine what the higher lvl's lost.

    if the Cheats involved were not banned then there is no justice >:(

    After reading almost 88 pages of posts, there seems to be an opinion that this bug has been around since the closed Beta testing . . will 7 hours rollback really fix the issue ( i doubt it ) a bigger response is needed i think
  • infexominfexom Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Umm.. is this idiot serious?
  • fattynicksfattynicks Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    smurph115 wrote: »
    I was chat banned around the time of the rollback. Tried to make a ticket but it didn't work. It was for an entire day. Will I have to wait an entire day AGAIN? Thanks. Also...make the chat bans scale please. 5min/10min/25min/1hour/3hours/6hours/12hours/1day plz.
    I know right? I got reported for spamming, which I wasn't even doing, not sure how many people need to report you but for a first offense I was muted for 24 hours. No PM's, no guild messages, nothing... it was horrible. I couldn't even get groups for the harder content because I can't PM. And when I did get groups by inviting people looking for the content, I couldn't type to them and most would leave when I never responded.
  • methodforumsmethodforums Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    genryu20 wrote: »
    Hot **** you people are so quick to point fingers at guardians/heroes for being exploiters. Your all so stupid haha. Didn't even get to play much during my beta testing and didnt have my AD but yeah...im the exploiter alright. ****, grow a brain ok buddy? ^_^

    Agreed.. if anything the FREE non paying people and im not saying all but hell ya the free2Play players that didnt spend a dime on this game got hungry and starting jumping for joy when they seen they got more then a 200$ founders pack for free if anything unless someone admits it You don't know WHO or WHO DIDN'T Exploit. We didn't buy founders pays to be come better we like and enjoy the game and wanted to support it so we could get new content in the future. And call me a "FANBOY" but supporting a game whatever want u want "RL MONEY" or Not. wait till this roll back happens and prob a few more server shutdowns. and the people still playing the game after all his craziness are the people worth playing with and continue to make the game better.

    for the others getting there money back/charge backs/quitting. nice playing with you. Goodbye more room for players that enjoy this game and are willing to stick it out because they enjoy the game not because they lost all there gear due do "cheating" you want to cheat go play a game that actually has "cheat codes" in it. u want to play a game to progress dont cheat work for your gear.
  • justworknamejustworkname Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2013
    bigslik wrote: »
    Quote Originally Posted by bobnobob View Post
    90% of the exploits in this game were KNOWN, REPORTED AND IGNORED BY CRYPTIC way back in CLOSED beta. They deserve everything that is happening to their poorly coded,unfinished game with no content. You people saying "poor devs, they have to deal with big bad exploiters" are the real problem of this game and the gaming industry overall, you are sheep on which developers who release unfinished games and charge for beta access thrive.

    STFU lol No one ignored any of it.

    OK I have too ask : If these issues were not being igored what actually was being done about it up too this point because it seems too me by the actions of the devs and PW they act like they had no idea of these bugs till today. If they knew about these issue and allowed themselves too act accordingly with selling founder packages and anything in zen cart they have a serious problem on there hands>Anyone in there right mind is gonna dispute any transactions with this company and WIN GoodLuck Cyrptic its about time you fall on your face after STO "same issue" Bet this will be a P2P game eventually no one in there right mind gonna spend money on this game now being F2P after all this

    Lol nice copy and paste the guy did to a post some other guy already got his covers pulled about faking long ago, dude. Notice the place this guy supposedly "reported" these issues has nothing to do with cryptic, neverwinter, or anything else?
  • sajko1sajko1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Soooooo, Glory and bought items for them are lost right? -.-
  • charlescobracharlescobra Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2013
    this is true, but still get over it and bring the server back on line so we all can get back to playing the game
  • run3wolfrun3wolf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • jinthedeviljinthedevil Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What happens to auctions that have received a bid but have expired, will the auction items go to the bidder? because some items receive incredibly low bids but were assuming to go up as the time of the auction progressed? wouldnt it be unfair for players to lose their items to low bids during this rollback?
  • ajayceproajaycepro Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thank you for being this open about things. Probably stopped the mob of gamers with torches and pitchforks that would be knocking on your door :p. But, one thing, will you only do a rollback and some banning? Will you not change up the system to be more robust against this kind of thing?
  • grayhograyho Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Imagine you are the game studio - what is the best way of fixing the problem?

    If they do an entire wipe - many will complain
    If they do a small rollback - many will complain
    If they do nothing - many will complain

    Do you see the pattern here?

    I think that this was the 'lesser of all evils'

    Doing nothing is clearly a terrible idea
    A full wipe both; goes against their promise of 'no wipes' AND makes a LOT of players not want to start all over.

    I think if only 25-35% of the playerbase knew PRIOR to the 7 hrs - then focusing on perma-banning them is relatively feasable and a good plan - even if a majority of the AD/ZEN is gone/on other characters.

    If DURING the alleged '7 hrs' >50% of the playerbase knew - then that rollback is the best solution.

    I think the biggest problem out of this entire thread is the fact that - in the OP by the admit; it is said (paraphrased) "we will respond to any of the most frequently asked questions in this thread"

    The most frequently asked question out of 60+ pages is essentially;

    "What will happen to those who did the exploit prior to 7 hrs? This was a known bug from the start, so why was nothing done prior to this incident?"


    "What about those exploiters (mentioned above) and 'mule' characters? They will still have the AD/zen/items"

    The fact that this question has not been properly addressed is a HUGE issue - this is THE SINGLE MOST ASKED QUESTION.

    I know that it may be impossible to say "oh this and this will happen", but at least ACKNOWLEDGE that this is a concern - even a vague statement of "we will do extensive investigation once we resolve the more important issue of getting the game back up and running smoothly"

    By acknowledging that - you are providing at least SOME semblance of certainty and reassurance to your loyal (and PAYING) customers!
  • greymasquegreymasque Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    infexom wrote: »
    For all you broke a** bums talking nonsense about people who bought the early access pack:

    Who the f*ck are you to tell us how to spend OUR money? You didn't make it, you aren't spending it, so shut your mouth. Instead of sitting back giving your utterly worthless opinion about how we distribute our cash, perhaps you should get a better paying job so 200 bucks won't determine whether you get to pay your light bill this month.

    Also, for the dipsh*ts that will claim to have soo much money, but refusing to spend it on a game... so what? You don't see us saying you are stupid for saving, so why are you whining and trying (poorly) to insult us for spending? I mean, it 200 dollars. I spent more than that on dog food. Most people spend more than that on an impulse buy at Walmart. Get a better job

    WHile some of your post is valid, the "get a better job" thing shows that you're either incredibly naive, or you haven't had to search for a job in the US within the past 6 years. Bit of trivia for you: it's not as easy as just filling out an application. People with doctorates can't find jobs. Most places outside the major metro areas aren't hiring, and even inside the metro areas it's rough due to too much competition for too few jobs. I'm employed with a degree & tons of experience, and still haven't been able to find a better-paying job in the year I've been looking.
    Get to know the real world, get some compassion, and learn to make your points without being a complete jerk about it.
  • methodforumsmethodforums Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agreed.. if anything the FREE non paying people and im not saying all but hell ya the free2Play players that didnt spend a dime on this game got hungry and starting jumping for joy when they seen they got more then a 200$ founders pack for free if anything unless someone admits it You don't know WHO or WHO DIDN'T Exploit. We didn't buy founders pays to be come better we like and enjoy the game and wanted to support it so we could get new content in the future. And call me a "FANBOY" but supporting a game whatever want u want "RL MONEY" or Not. wait till this roll back happens and prob a few more server shutdowns. and the people still playing the game after all his craziness are the people worth playing with and continue to make the game better.

    for the others getting there money back/charge backs/quitting. nice playing with you. Goodbye more room for players that enjoy this game and are willing to stick it out because they enjoy the game not because they lost all there gear due do "cheating" you want to cheat go play a game that actually has "cheat codes" in it. u want to play a game to progress dont cheat work for your gear.
    -.- so much spelling/grammer fail in this -.- that is what 5 in the morning does to you while waiting for the server to popup
  • timbriustimbrius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hundreds of thousands of manhours would be lost in a wipe. The people who keep on asking for a wipe are delusional if they think PW would go to that length. The people who keep citing polls needs to get real and understand that there are so many people who would not vote in such a poll because it is akin to asking if we should nuke russia. You would only get a bunch of yay from the loonies while those who understand the issue doesn't need to vote because the question isn't sensible. Of course the loonies would say only communists would vote no too.

    I'm sure that with this rollback there is substantially fewer number of accounts that they have to clean up.
    That said, NW has plenty of mechanics that deflate AD over time so even if they do not get rid of it all, the economy will recover. If you look at Blizzard with the recent Diablo 3 gold exploit, in the end they had to accept that 15% of all duped gold would still be in the economy. It is perfectly reasonable to accept a little bit of inflation, compared to annihilating the entire economy. It is so very obvious.

    Are you pro-wipe guys all trolling or what?
  • genryu20genryu20 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2
    edited May 2013
    Agreed.. if anything the FREE non paying people and im not saying all but hell ya the free2Play players that didnt spend a dime on this game got hungry and starting jumping for joy when they seen they got more then a 200$ founders pack for free if anything unless someone admits it You don't know WHO or WHO DIDN'T Exploit. We didn't buy founders pays to be come better we like and enjoy the game and wanted to support it so we could get new content in the future. And call me a "FANBOY" but supporting a game whatever want u want "RL MONEY" or Not. wait till this roll back happens and prob a few more server shutdowns. and the people still playing the game after all his craziness are the people worth playing with and continue to make the game better.

    for the others getting there money back/charge backs/quitting. nice playing with you. Goodbye more room for players that enjoy this game and are willing to stick it out because they enjoy the game not because they lost all there gear due do "cheating" you want to cheat go play a game that actually has "cheat codes" in it. u want to play a game to progress dont cheat work for your gear.

    High fives:p
  • ministerofchangeministerofchange Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    infexom wrote: »
    Umm.. is this idiot serious?

    Not sure which of the many your referring to , but sadly most of them ARE serious!
  • redlanceredlance Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 95
    edited May 2013
    Group Conference?

    Wipe Incoming!

    They already announce that no wipe will be done, only a 7 hours rollback.
  • dwillbdwillb Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ebloodz wrote: »
    Oh well, I completely missed the exploiting, I was happily dungeon delving at the time.

    I hope the gift package includes a respec token, that would make me happier than (almost) any amount of AD.

    A respec token and/or a couple character slots would be fine with me. Anything else would either be useless, ridiculous, or an insult. Yeah an insult... If you're planning to give us locked boxes, just keep em :p

    I luckily wasn't affected by it too much... just gonna lose a few hours of offline profession tasks :(
  • dmnyxdmnyx Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daddyjack wrote: »
    Ah but you are dealing kids, This means Parent with money who should be fully responsible for there children it is not a singly a juvie issue at that point. Not to mention no one would even know it happen due to protection of juveniles privacy. .... dont quote me i'm just parent and street informed.
    Not to mention i am only talking about what i know in the USA PWs micro transactions are out of London
    dmnyx wrote: »
    Well I regret the money I spent on this game. This AH exploit apparently schemed by PWE staff it self. Since they say they are tracking exploiters and only taking precaution with 1 day roll back.
    1st they should fire those employees who didn't do their job properly at close beta by not evaluating player feedbacks on AD exploit.
    2nd Clearly, the ones that did 8000USD etc. is their own employees;
    Becuase look; you are a simply employee working with wage for 1500 USD/month ( maybe even less) and suddenly you receive a secured way to get 1 year work of income in 15 days. . 90% the ones who are incharge of answering tickets are the real exploiters, since they know exactly how to exploit and didn't attemp to fix it it clearify that they exploit it.
    3rd From PWE perspective;
    If more people with glorious horses trilling armor sets appear in short time it will encourage the people who are ambitious and refering to real money for quick solution to pay more. Becuase they can justify the idea "look hundereds of people hanging around with all that staff, think that I'm not the only one paying, I didn't even pay as much as this guy could have done." So PWE win as well.

    I think it was preplanned by PWE. If it is otherwise PWE should fire the employees who didn't do their work properly and cause exploit. But I think PWE can't do it because if they do those employees will declere this exploit is encourased by PWE himself as a plot to get more money in short time.

    Personally I don't want to see a ban list, it is totaly null and void, those who get banned would only lose few hours of work from their life, I want to see identities of real people who got fired.

    Only actions taken in real life can prove PWE is a serious company who don't set such plot for quick money.

    It isn't about parents or gamer kids it is PWE who scheme exploits open your eyes people.
  • justworknamejustworkname Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2013
    fattynicks wrote: »
    I know right? I got reported for spamming, which I wasn't even doing, not sure how many people need to report you but for a first offense I was muted for 24 hours. No PM's, no guild messages, nothing... it was horrible. I couldn't even get groups for the harder content because I can't PM. And when I did get groups by inviting people looking for the content, I couldn't type to them and most would leave when I never responded.

    to be perfectly honest im glad to see the report feature is working and on a low tolerance. 24 hour ban? meh who cares. use voice chat for a day and leave zone chat turned off. way too much garbage and trolling being spewed in that mess anyhow.

    Sorry to you personally if you truly did nothing to warrant the ban.. but i find it a little hard to believe that THAT many ppl really misclicked on your name in particular when reporting for spam.
  • daddyjackdaddyjack Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey blo0dy farktards, what time are the forking servers coming back up.
    Fooking hell, do your fooking job pigs.
    You incompetent pigs disgust me.
    The person who hired you is a da177n <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
    Fokking pigs; that's what ye are.
    Never seen <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> as bad as you.
    Fix the servers, eat <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> n die already.
    Forking mud faced idi0tic m0rons.
    Seriously fokk you.
    Do you forking know how long was the downtime.
    Forksh1t bustards! Every single one of you.
    Especially if a bl0ody fooking basturd deletes this.
    Sw1nes. You should not eat drink nor sleep till this is fixed and you are still taking your own bl0ody sweet time.
    Forking piece of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that's beneath a sw1ne.

    umm did you forget your pill again? awww
  • wastingsanitywastingsanity Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow invasion of the Join Date: May 2013 Users and they all seem to be either defending the game or asking for a wipe. Employees and banned exploiters on new accounts?
  • teiteiteiteiteitei Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The most offensive part about this whole thing is the lack of communication, even on the home page there's nothing posted that anything of any significance happened today.

    The lack of any projected time for servers coming back up is also appalling, I can't even being to think of how many hardcore fans are still up constantly refreshing when a simple post saying

    "Servers won't be back up anytime soon, eta 2pm tomorrow"

    If they aren't up by then post a correction saying it needs to be extended due to (insert generic reason here), or they could come up faster and everyone would be ecstatic. But as things stand now you've wasted a lot of your fans time, and continue to do so.

    I used my free time to download 3 new mmorpg's to try out with working servers, wonder how many others did the same?
This discussion has been closed.