However, if you go to that link... there is no information.
kyotheman9000Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Probably worse customer support i seen my life, if this issue ever get resolved im not going buy founder pack again for anything perfect world or other games great job fail so hard.
I used "My Wallet" then the "Transfer Your ZEN" option as I had a old STO account. It then asked me to confirm my email before I could Transfer my ZEN. Side affect of confirming my email was the Pack was added to my NW2 account. Hope that helps as I said it fixed my problem after 3 days of waiting for support.
However, if you go to that link... there is no information.
After 72 hours My iss was resolved last night around 5pm PST. I got this same email, and I clicked on the link, I had to log into PWE, and it took me to the page where you can buy the Hero of the North pack, but it was greyed out (because I already bought it). So, I went back to my email after being logged into PWE, clicked on the link again and it finalized the transaction and I now have everything.
My word of advice to those of you who are having issues, get the transaction ID from Paypal or Skrill/Moneybrokers (By calling them) and send that to PWE via your ticket. This is how they found my information. At first they were telling me they could find no record of my transaction (I believe this is due to them having that communication issue from the 6th thru the 7th.)
Have faith and keep up your patience. I was so furious this whole time, but it was worth the wait. EVERYTHING in the Hero of the North pack is worth the wait.
For the hero of the north founder pack there is a video and in the video it says "exclusive drow costume" shown at 0:30 of the video. I have the founder pack and do not see that costume, is it in the level 60 purple box that we get with the pack?
vraeltheblindMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 8Arc User
For the hero of the north founder pack there is a video and in the video it says "exclusive drow costume" shown at 0:30 of the video. I have the founder pack and do not see that costume, is it in the level 60 purple box that we get with the pack?
The "drow costume" is the exclusive drow skin. Renegades have a unique dark brown skin color ( as well as a unique racial ability, tattoos, and background) that differs from the normal drow non-HotN will be able to play as. Only HotN will be able to play as this exclusive variation. If you were referring to the armor used in many of the drow screenshots, its not included. ( A community manager said it was a high-end PvP set, I think...).
After 72 hours My iss was resolved last night around 5pm PST. I got this same email, and I clicked on the link, I had to log into PWE, and it took me to the page where you can buy the Hero of the North pack, but it was greyed out (because I already bought it). So, I went back to my email after being logged into PWE, clicked on the link again and it finalized the transaction and I now have everything.
My word of advice to those of you who are having issues, get the transaction ID from Paypal or Skrill/Moneybrokers (By calling them) and send that to PWE via your ticket. This is how they found my information. At first they were telling me they could find no record of my transaction (I believe this is due to them having that communication issue from the 6th thru the 7th.)
Have faith and keep up your patience. I was so furious this whole time, but it was worth the wait. EVERYTHING in the Hero of the North pack is worth the wait.
im still waitin for them to answer my ticket i alrdy supplied the paypal code along with the charge code that my bank recorded...also the founders thing is grayed out for me so i know my HAMSTER went through it just needs to be applyed /sigh goin on 60hrs now ; X
aketeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Bought a Guardian Founder pack and recieved all goods except the Adventure Helper pack...havent got response to my GM ticket for almost two days now
My ticket on this issue has now hit 5 days.
I've contacted Skrill and gotten them to contact Perfect World.
I've spent several hours trying to reach someone at the Perfect World office in billing or support to no avail.
I have not gotten a single communication from Perfect World other than the automatic ticket reciept email.
I'm a longtime MMO veteran and this is seriously the worst customer service I've ever seen in this industry.
kyotheman9000Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
calling them is total waste of time just get sent to automated machine, they shouldn't even put phone number in contacts its total fake seriously doubt all agents are busy i doubt they even exist, worst customer service ever make Nexon look like god sent.
kyotheman9000Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
After 72 hours My iss was resolved last night around 5pm PST. I got this same email, and I clicked on the link, I had to log into PWE, and it took me to the page where you can buy the Hero of the North pack, but it was greyed out (because I already bought it). So, I went back to my email after being logged into PWE, clicked on the link again and it finalized the transaction and I now have everything.
My word of advice to those of you who are having issues, get the transaction ID from Paypal or Skrill/Moneybrokers (By calling them) and send that to PWE via your ticket. This is how they found my information. At first they were telling me they could find no record of my transaction (I believe this is due to them having that communication issue from the 6th thru the 7th.)
Have faith and keep up your patience. I was so furious this whole time, but it was worth the wait. EVERYTHING in the Hero of the North pack is worth the wait.
did two tickets with my transaction number still getting no response seriously seems like no ones working over there.
I already open dispute with paypal already if they don't want respond back quick then screw them rather get my money back, phone number contact total joke its fake tried over 20times nothing.
melethia22Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Why tell people to post their issues and then not help them? HELLO, anyone paying attention?? You're taking money and not giving people their products. What kind of business is this!?
kyotheman9000Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Why tell people to post their issues and then not help them? HELLO, anyone paying attention?? You're taking money and not giving people their products. What kind of business is this!?
Amen, this worse business model i seen my life, seriously this company should be sued, no normal business can work like this get away with it its criminal.
since i cant open new topics i dont know why, arent you going to ban these people that abused the Share quest with infinite exp?? thats not fair, LOT LOT of people leveled from 1 to 60 with an AutoIT script...
perfect banns my account because i made dispute with paypal priceless, perfect world u worse company ever u guys should be shut down. Had make new one so sad
Anyone find a way around the display name conflict issue yet . . .
Not yet, sadly . Spend a good hour hunting around the forums for a fix or a way around the issue, but most people with the Conflict can't even enter a new display name. Seems support hasn't heard about the issue yet...
melethia22Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Logged on after the maintenance today and had my stuff. Feelin bad for the people still having problems tho...:( GL guys..
nailzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Try clicking the link from the "Your Neverwinter Founders Pack Transaction Is Not Complete!" email. Seems like they might have fixed it, after being broken for days it worked for me today.
I just purchased the Guardian's Founder Pack today but my forum title isn't present
dvvbvvsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I recently purchased a Guardian of Neverwinter Founders Pack. I was able to quickly and painlessly navigate through the purchasing process via Paypal, however once the payment was taken from my account, I came across the Display Name Conflict.
According to the page I was redirected to is alerting me that my display name has either been taken or is not concurrent with my account currently not logged in when this is not the case.
My account name is dvvbvvs (d v v b v v s) and my email is [link removed]
xanenalMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
Getting Display Name Conflict. So apparently my PW account isn't linked to my Neverwinter account, even though I created the account when I started playing Neverwinter...
vthethiefMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
Same deal here! Display Name error! I wish I had seen this thread prior to my purchase. Here is hoping for a ticket reply.
Mine went through ok yesterday. However I do not seem to have got my astral diamonds or my respec token.
Is there somewhere specific I pick these up from?
The astral diamonds are where you would buy zen. Just click the icon at the top of your screen. Also the respec token is just there. If you go to respec the button is no longer grayed out.
I am having a problem with the Guardian Pack, I bought it and have done the pre-reqs but I still haven't gotten it in game. It is grayed out on the screen showing the different packs and the payment was completed just haven't gotten the items in game yet, checked the agent and my mailbox nothing in either. Any help would be nice
"our transaction (0C606629FL139341R) was approved, but you still need to go to to redeem your Founder's Pack! "
However, if you go to that link... there is no information.
I used "My Wallet" then the "Transfer Your ZEN" option as I had a old STO account. It then asked me to confirm my email before I could Transfer my ZEN. Side affect of confirming my email was the Pack was added to my NW2 account. Hope that helps as I said it fixed my problem after 3 days of waiting for support.
After 72 hours My iss was resolved last night around 5pm PST. I got this same email, and I clicked on the link, I had to log into PWE, and it took me to the page where you can buy the Hero of the North pack, but it was greyed out (because I already bought it). So, I went back to my email after being logged into PWE, clicked on the link again and it finalized the transaction and I now have everything.
My word of advice to those of you who are having issues, get the transaction ID from Paypal or Skrill/Moneybrokers (By calling them) and send that to PWE via your ticket. This is how they found my information. At first they were telling me they could find no record of my transaction (I believe this is due to them having that communication issue from the 6th thru the 7th.)
Have faith and keep up your patience. I was so furious this whole time, but it was worth the wait. EVERYTHING in the Hero of the North pack is worth the wait.
The "drow costume" is the exclusive drow skin. Renegades have a unique dark brown skin color ( as well as a unique racial ability, tattoos, and background) that differs from the normal drow non-HotN will be able to play as. Only HotN will be able to play as this exclusive variation. If you were referring to the armor used in many of the drow screenshots, its not included. ( A community manager said it was a high-end PvP set, I think...).
im still waitin for them to answer my ticket i alrdy supplied the paypal code along with the charge code that my bank recorded...also the founders thing is grayed out for me so i know my HAMSTER went through it just needs to be applyed /sigh goin on 60hrs now ; X
I've contacted Skrill and gotten them to contact Perfect World.
I've spent several hours trying to reach someone at the Perfect World office in billing or support to no avail.
I have not gotten a single communication from Perfect World other than the automatic ticket reciept email.
I'm a longtime MMO veteran and this is seriously the worst customer service I've ever seen in this industry.
did two tickets with my transaction number still getting no response seriously seems like no ones working over there.
I already open dispute with paypal already if they don't want respond back quick then screw them rather get my money back, phone number contact total joke its fake tried over 20times nothing.
Amen, this worse business model i seen my life, seriously this company should be sued, no normal business can work like this get away with it its criminal.
Not yet, sadly
According to the page I was redirected to is alerting me that my display name has either been taken or is not concurrent with my account currently not logged in when this is not the case.
My account name is dvvbvvs (d v v b v v s) and my email is [link removed]
Is there somewhere specific I pick these up from?
The astral diamonds are where you would buy zen. Just click the icon at the top of your screen. Also the respec token is just there. If you go to respec the button is no longer grayed out.