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  • kharnzorkharnzor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    mrsnakeg wrote: »
    I can't stand people that say things along the lines of "I'm in IT, so I know better and they're doing it wrong, it's soooo much easier". It's pompous and stuck up.

    Just because you work in one area in IT, doesn't mean you understand the intricacies and complexities of other systems. Especially surrounding load and stress testing, which is one of the hardest things to prepare for. Years ago when MySpace was still relevant, they actually forked out the money to replicate their production infrastructure, and then load tested the system to over 1,000,000 users. They still managed to be overloaded on the day when they launched some new feature.

    So yeah, he deserves to be called out for his "I'm in IT, I know all and you suck" attitude.
    Nice reply. calm and logical. unlike that other post.
    in other news, 1004
  • truebornstigastruebornstigas Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't know why people keep saying "freeloaders" and derogatory remarks to the people who decided to wait to see how poorly they screwed people over before buying anything. People playing for free aren't the one's ****ing you over here. So if you're going to blow up, do it in the right direction. Most of us were just smart, given the track record of this company, not to buy anything for the game. You wanted pre-beta access, and impatiently couldn't wait, so quit your *****ing and get in line with the rest to wait or dish out $200 because that's the only way you're getting in before others playing for free...

    A mix of poor reading skills and a sense of entitlement.

    The smart ones are the ones holding out. If the game is good, they will get my money. $200 for beta and a few days head start/no queue? Rather not, thanks.

    People just want someone to blame. Obviously we are all peasants for not throwing our money at a company with a mediocre-at-best history.
  • raradrararadra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I was expecting this, It's Perfect World after all, not a single one of their games launches succesfully

    Yes, perfect world as well as every other MMO game company on earth, hasn't managed to launch a pain free MMO yet.
  • rammurrammur Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20
    edited April 2013
    I think they done screwed up hard.
  • arktronarktron Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    raradra wrote: »
    Yes, perfect world as well as every other MMO game company on earth, hasn't managed to launch a pain free MMO yet.

    Rift. cya.
  • diamondketodiamondketo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    Left it to queue for my dinner and got kicked out for 15 minute idle. OMG! Should've just increased it to 30 for today sigh...Perfect World I've been with you guys for almost 4 years it's been great the first year but it's getting ridiculously worse.

    What are the chances that people will buy the founders pack when they are angry about this? People tend to spend money when happy not when angry.
  • jdnycjdnyc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 334 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    My prediction is that they will come back online with 3 more servers starting tomorrow.
  • rammurrammur Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20
    edited April 2013
    raradra wrote: »
    Yes, perfect world as well as every other MMO game company on earth, hasn't managed to launch a pain free MMO yet.
    yeah i expected it but this is stupid bad most games had this issue had 20-30+ servers at release too and this one has 3 anyone coulda told them it was gonna be bad .
  • rammurrammur Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20
    edited April 2013
    jdnyc wrote: »
    My prediction is that they will come back online with 3 more servers starting tomorrow.

    They should have done it better like had a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ton of servers for release and just merged or taken excess ones down thats how most the smart devs do it nowdays just so they can get everyone ingame.
  • heystrangerheystranger Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I just heard about this today! Can't believe I didn't know about it sooner.
    Woah, so I've been waiting for about an hour and I got to around 4000 in the queue, and then I suddenly jumped up to 45000, and just now as I was typing this it went back down to 4000? Seems pretty erratic, hope I can get in soon though. (And here I wanted to sample all the classes! Hope I picked a fun one on the first try. :P Oh and I'm at 45000 in the queue again, lol.
  • diamondketodiamondketo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sorry for this controversy but is there a chance that these server are put on it's limit in purpose of selling the founder's pack?

    I read this in another thread that was closed and censored which adds a huge amount of suspicion. This DOES NOT do good for you guys PWE.
  • thevlakathevlaka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    shonky open beta is shonky.
    Sorry to say but this reeks of fast cash grab with little to no care given if players abandon the game early.
  • rammurrammur Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20
    edited April 2013
    yep im thinking neverwinter is up there now with d3's release good job you guys may earn the reward.
  • zalfienzalfien Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    tilt42 wrote: »
    Oh grow up! You're not getting a service you didn't pay for because you didn't pay for it. The queue skipping is part of the Hero level only, and this is CLEARLY written in the product description.

    "Speak with your wallet", hah! If you think paying $60 entitles you to be a VIP customer anywhere, you've probably not got much of a wallet to begin with.

    I don't agree with this at all. I could have gone and bought a console game for the same amount I gave them. I could have bought three and had change to spare for the price of the Hero of the North package. No game ANYWHERE requires you to pay $200 for VIP anything, until this game. Sixty dollars isn't chump change, just in case some <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> wants to comment about us middle-class working citizens. I'm sorry, I could have easily spent my sixty dollars on groceries instead to feed my family, but I chose to support this game with it. And what do I get? A kick in the nuts. I have to wait in the back of the line with everyone else who paid sixty dollars, AND with the people who didn't pay anything. They're getting this game free, and are getting in ahead of people who have paid money out of their own pockets to support the developers. Everyone saying it's a beta and there are bound to be problems, shut it. I gave them money I didn't have to give, and I'm getting the same treatment as someone who's playing this game for free. It's the same as if I were to go to a restaurant with a reservation, and someone with no reservation gets a table before I do. I PAID for this, I should get better treatment than that.
  • dcto1dcto1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Wait 2 hours... d/c in 5 minutes... yay!
  • jagoritannajagoritanna Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 35
    edited April 2013
    zalfien wrote: »
    No game ANYWHERE requires you to pay $200 for VIP anything, until this game.

    Yeah, so...hate to nit-pick, but I'm the sad idiot who bought a lifetime subscription to STO. It was more than $200.

    Anyway went from 5900 -> 79585 -> currently about 2800.
  • dcto1dcto1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sorry for this controversy but is there a chance that these server are put on it's limit in purpose of selling the founder's pack?

    I read this in another thread that was closed and censored which adds a huge amount of suspicion. This DOES NOT do good for you guys PWE.

    "The Founder Program ends soon. Become a Founder now before it's too late: http://nw.perfectworld.com/founderspack/&quot; at the top of the thread.... diamondketo, I think you nailed it.
  • kraivemoarkraivemoar Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sorry for this controversy but is there a chance that these server are put on it's limit in purpose of selling the founder's pack?

    I read this in another thread that was closed and censored which adds a huge amount of suspicion. This DOES NOT do good for you guys PWE.

    Sounds about right really. Kind of what you get with a F2P game and a company like PWE, but then again it is only open beta. Of course if you treat all your beta testing as a chance to sell early access and make a quick buck...
  • traieletraiele Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sigh.. for those ppl who are defending the queue times / lag by saying 'theres a lot of ppl joining, of course it was going to cause oversubscription to their servers' ... by that same logic, it is therefore common sense that there is a lot of ppl joining, and that was a launch risk that should have been anticipated by saying 'we need to increase our launch capacity, so that everyone can get in and play.. that way more ppl stay with the game as we are not providing demotivators to them, and we come out in the long term with more profitzzz!!! amazing ...

    You guys also say 'look at other launches and MMO's.. same problem, what did you expect?'... I expected them to look at history, and say, this has been a problem in the past, lets do it better.

    Only defence they can have would be dont have the money to properly invest in hiring servers capable of handling everyone for first few months until natural attrition comes in and they can dump them later
  • tungsten702tungsten702 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    A friend of mine just called and was going to buy a couple of guardian packs, one for him and one for his son.

    I told him not to bother and that it was semi worth it in the closed beta access, but now that you would be lucky to even get in because its gone free to play and the $60 at his stage is a cash grab for items you wont be able to use today, hell maybe not even tomorrow.

    Needless to say, hes gonna go free to play for him and his son lol.

    Feel good that ive managed to save him spending $120 to stare at a 5000 person que lol.
  • terrell396terrell396 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    u paid for early access this game is free to play and us so called freeloaders spend money on other pwe games me i just waited for this one ill spend money on it in the future when its stable
  • diamondketodiamondketo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Agreed totally.

    "there is a lot of people joining" well I want to say to whoever said that "there are a lot of people not joining and waiting"
  • jdnycjdnyc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 334 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    While I do believe that having a queue does help them sell HotN packs, I don't think they would want a queue as long as they are currently. 15-20 minutes = possible push to sell packs. 55-70 minute waits? no. I have a hard time seeing how this benefits them financially in the long run to make people wait that long.

    Linking the HotN in the first post is a little heavy handed however and I can see where people would get the idea.
  • aldelbertaldelbert Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As a Hero of the North member, I'm very glad that PW forum mods are putting their boots down on freeloading guardian whiners and the poor people whining. It was stated time and time again that $200 would put you ahead of queue times. Broke people need to close their mouths or pony up some cash. It's that simple.

    Heroes of the North are Heroes in the game and outside of it. All of you poor people should get down and thank us for providing the funding for your gaming experience.
  • klotharklothar Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First time i'm seeing a loging queue that goes upward , help!
  • john816930john816930 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    8793 to 51231......
  • seawalker13seawalker13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 229 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    *sighs* WHATever...

    Minimize game, go read email, play iTunes,make dinner for hubby and I, eat dinner, chalk this entire thing up to experience and move on.

    "Experience" as in never again "Pre-ordering" a game from Cryptic. I played through 3 betas, STILL waiting on the things I paid for.
  • gumbynotalentgumbynotalent Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    zalfien wrote: »
    I PAID for this, I should get better treatment than that.

    But you didn't PAY for the privilege to jump the queue so what are you *****ing about, your inability to get something you decided not to pay for?

    As for all the "IT Experts" talking about how they only have 3 servers, get a clue, they have 3 "Shards" or instances of the environment, these would be clusters not single instance servers.

    The sense of entitlement of some people. OMG I have to wait to play a game! No you don't have to wait but you choose to. If its as bad as you say then why bother come back when the game is "RELEASED" and not in Beta, even if it is purely a marketing term.
  • diamondketodiamondketo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Guess what people are providing funding for any kind of games anyways. Capitalism will continue and forever on continue so there isn't really a point.

    Hmm you seem like you don't know Perfect World that well.
  • arktronarktron Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sorry for this controversy but is there a chance that these server are put on it's limit in purpose of selling the founder's pack?

    I read this in another thread that was closed and censored which adds a huge amount of suspicion. This DOES NOT do good for you guys PWE.

    bingo. well said and prepare to be CRUSHED by the fanboys
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