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Zinzerena's Zealotry (Drow focused, medium RP, Adult 21+, Late Night CST)



  • dreadsheparddreadshepard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Welcome new people to the forums gearing up for their first weekend of beta, check us out!
  • vixisynvixisyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited March 2013
    falfidor wrote: »
    Vendui' malla Vixisyn! A pleasure to meet you. What is the name of your guild? Looking forward to meet you all in the game :)

    Our guild is called Tuain't Luth'ol, hoping to have our site up in the next couple of weeks!
  • dreadsheparddreadshepard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Are you guys followers of Lolth? How are you all handling the 60+ day wait to play vanilla drow after launch? Wish they would reverse that.
  • vampirialvampirial Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Are you guys followers of Lolth? How are you all handling the 60+ day wait to play vanilla drow after launch? Wish they would reverse that.

    Im really looking forward to fighting alongside the Zealots at our first real meeting on the Beta weekend, its only a shame we cant use our Drow characters for it, but still I suppose its something to look forward to on release.
  • dreadsheparddreadshepard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Maybe Ill try to make a Duergar or Svirfneblin alt slave for my main and mess around with that. That's right, you don't have to play a Drow to be in ZZ.
  • vixisynvixisyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited March 2013
    I believe that the majority of our membership at this point will be worshipers of Shar.

    While the 60+ day wait is annoying, at least four of our core members decided to go for Hero packs so we'll have our drow at launch. The rest will just make support characters (slaves/servants/etc) until the drow are finally opened up for everyone else. I suspect we'll be spending at least a month leveling, getting used to the game, and playing around in the Foundry before diving too hard into RP, but I suppose it just depends on how much time we are able to invest.
  • dreadsheparddreadshepard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    vixisyn wrote: »
    I believe that the majority of our membership at this point will be worshipers of Shar.

    While the 60+ day wait is annoying, at least four of our core members decided to go for Hero packs so we'll have our drow at launch. The rest will just make support characters (slaves/servants/etc) until the drow are finally opened up for everyone else. I suspect we'll be spending at least a month leveling, getting used to the game, and playing around in the Foundry before diving too hard into RP, but I suppose it just depends on how much time we are able to invest.

    Exactly, While we are RP and end-game pve, we are not hardcore and are not in any kind of hurry. If you guys want, join us as guests at launch so you can utilize our "Foundry Content Index" Balynrae one of our council members set up.
  • dreadsheparddreadshepard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have finished the lore of Zinzerena. This is a combination of 'Drow of the Underdark' a 3.5 companion, wiki and my own additions. For everyone out their looking for a Drow guild with some interesting lore check us out at www.zinzerena.com.

    Zinzerena was born a drow mage with an aptitude for illusion magic. Her mother faked her death in order to smuggle her away from the priestesses of Lolth. She grew in power, studying alone as a spellcaster and assassin specializing in the use of poison and disguise, and gained her divinity by tricking Keptolo, Lolth's consort, out of a fraction of his.

    Zinzerena once undertook to raid a beholder's lair only to find it was already in combat with a slaad. As most drow do in such tales, she waited until the combat was over, the beholder grievously weakened and the slaad dead, before she revealed herself, quickly slaying her foe and absconding with a sword and cloak that the slaad had brought with it. She used illusion, disguise, and misdirection to confuse the slaadi who came to reclaim the items.

    Zinzerena, though a mistress of disguise, commonly takes the form of a dexterous-looking cloaked and masked drow elf. Her cloak, won from a slaad, displaces her image in space and has randomly varying protective capabilities, while her slaad-won sword, whose bonus also varies at random times, bleeds a magical paralyzing venom. She also carries a crop with a black handle that she uses to stun; it also has the powers of a wand of wonder.

    Zinzerena's followers believe in raising themselves up by bringing down others. They avoid revealing their true strength or hatred until their victims are helpless. They wait until they have the advantage to strike; fair fights are an alien concept to them.

    Zinzerena's followers believe in the value of cruelty, stealth, misdirection, and survival by any means necessary. One of their proverbs, referring to Lolth, is The legs of the spider are made to be broken. Zinzerena is beloved by those drow who wish to throw off the shackles of the priesthood of Lolth. She is a patron of assassins and illusionists. Members of the planar faction known as the Revolutionary League also hold her as a patron.

    Zinzerena is one of the greatest heroes of the drow, her deeds still spoken of and emulated in their cities around the world. An illusionist and assassin of unmatched skill, she slew at will both personal rivals and those whom she was hired to dispatch. Her trickery is legendary, and it is said that her illusions were so realistic and her lies so subtly woven that she could convince anyone of anything. To this day, Zinzerena is spoken of almost as a divinity, and indeed some drow do worship her as a demigod.

    There came a day, however, when Zinzerena was many hundreds of years old — aged even for a surface elf, let alone a drow — that the assassin was hired by a priestess of Lolth named Acalantra. Acalantra had long coveted the position held by her older sister, who had obtained higher authority in both the Church of Lolth and the ranks of their house, whose name remains untold in any of these tales. Zinzerena knew that a priestess of Lolth and matriarch of a great house would prove a challenging target, yet she did not hesitate, for Zinzerena had never been caught and never been thwarted. For days, Zinzerena watched from afar, her senses augmented by her magics, and observed her target. She learned where the matriarch went, and when. She saw, as though they glowed in the dark, the mystical defenses that surrounded the house, and knew that she could stride between them as easily as a spider navigating its own web.

    When the night came, and the matriarch had but recently returned from a tiring day of rituals, Zinzerena swept through the property. Cloaked in illusion, wearing the shadows like a second skin, she passed the guards and was not seen. As though it were flat earth, she scaled the walls of the great stone structure, and did not slow. Wires and magic both reached out for the locks of the window, from which the matriarch watched over her property; she opened it, and was not heard.

    But Zinzerena had been betrayed, the only way such a skillful assassin could ever have been caught. The priestess who had hired her, and the matriarch who was her target, sought together to form a new guild of assassins, and they could not abide so skilled a competitor for their services. Convincing the priesthood that Zinzerena was a threat — for followers of her exploits had begun to worship her — they drew upon all the resources the community had to offer in springing their trap. Created by the church and kept hidden from Zinzerena's scrying by layers of powerful magics, golems lumbered from the shadows of the chamber — golems crafted of immense masses of webbing. Against such beings, all the assassin's illusions, all her poisons, all her skills could not help her. By the betrayal of one whom Zinzerena had no cause to suspect, the great assassin was finally laid low. Wrapped in thick layers of webbing, she was brought by the golems before the assembled priesthood, including the one who had hired her. "No more will you flout Lolth's rule," they told her, convinced that it was her own intention to set herself up as rival to the Spider Queen. "Soon the name of Zinzerena will vanish from the lips and the ears of the drow." But Zinzerena only laughed. "You are cowards, and you are fools," she told them. "It is only your fear, and your lack of faith, that makes you think that a few awestruck souls who worship me could ever threaten the Weaver of Webs. And you are a fool to think that you can truly slay Zinzerena. For I am a scream on the wind, a flicker of shadow in the corner of the eye. For centuries I have come and gone, and none have stopped me, nor even seen me unless I wished it, for I am illusion. Try though you might, you can never slay what you cannot touch." "We can touch you now," they replied, "and we can slay you."

    Then the priestesses moved in toward the assassin, held helpless by the golems, and tore her limb from limb. Yet when the webs settled to the earth, nothing remained but a few wisps of black cloth and leather, with no trace of a body at all. Zinzerena never appeared again, but neither did the church ever find her body. And who knows — perhaps she was truly the insubstantial illusion she claimed, now freed of physical form to roam the world unhindered. For it was the day after Zinzerena's disappearance that the drow first discovered the abilities they all share today: the ability to manipulate darkness and light, the fundamental basis of all secrecy and all illusion.

    Zinzerena's true followers, those that have left the underdark, know what really happened to Zinzerena after her disappearance. Zinzerena had tricked the Priestesses of Lolth by replacing herself with a visage of herself. She was already well on her way to leaving the city when her visage was torn limb from limb. This act was so monumental to the Drow that they received their abilities, not her actual death. Zinzerena decided from that moment on that she would further the facade of her own demise in hopes to inspire the Drow to rise up throw out Lolth as their deity. But this would not be, not yet anyways.

    Zinzerena need a believer, a true disciple, someone who would tell her story and build her cabal. Eventually she would find that follower In Mordius Ro'Thane. A male Drow fighter who would build his own great fame from humble beginnings and who would champion her with the edge of his greatsword. Not a High Priestess, Not a great noble, not even an illusionist or an assassin but a Drow born of the underdark and who's unknown and common beginnings would inspire Drow the world over to follow her own message, worshiping her and building her strength to exact her revenge on Lolth and her followers. She would need more than just the leader of her cabal, she would need a young naive yet powerful god to give her followers the gifts they would need to fulfill her designs.

    Kelemvor, “Lord of the Dead” presides over the Realm of the dead. He is the most fare to mortals of any god and works to bring balance to death. He seeks to end the corruption of the dead and his followers strive to squash necromancy in all its forms. Mortals should not fear death, they must understand death Kelemvor believes. He understands the importance of the other gods and the balance they bring to the land of mortals and the outer planes. He worries about the influence of two gods in particular however, Bane and Lolth. Banes war on his fellow gods is the problem of all the gods. Kelemvor’s largest concern is that of Lolth. Lolth now sits unopposed as the queen of the Demon Pits. Her corruption taints the Realm of the Dead. As her followers grow so does her power; Lolth, like Bane seeks dominance over the realms. She wishes to consume the lesser gods, consume the greater gods and sit alone atop the thrones of all fallen gods. Most other gods do not concern themselves with the matters of Lolth. They see her as an isolationist, one to be left alone. Kelemvor sees the taint of death that follows her. He is convinced she has greater plans for all the realms and the death she will bring to undo his balance. Kelemvor also believes that Lolth has discovered a way to leave her realm and journey to others. Why does he think this way? He has been tricked into believing this idea of course. And who tricked him you ask? Why, Zinzereana.

    Before Zinzerena would inlist the power of another god, she attempted to kill the "Queen of Spiders" by herself. Zinzerena was ambushed by a small army of driders as she attempted to enter the Demonweb pit and confront Lolth. Zinzerena planned to cut off the Queen of Spiders legs, sever her head and hurl it to the bottom of the pit. She did not make it very far into the Queens chambers before she was ambushed by the driders. The driders took Zinzerena captive, placed her in the Demonweb as a gift for the Spider Queen to feast upon. Zinzerena managed to free herself from the web, escape from Lolth and travel deep into the pit where she discovered an entrance to the Realm of the Dead. Zinzerena upon reaching Kelemvor convinced him of Lolths plans of domination. Zinzerena sits with Kelemvor in the realm of the dead whispering lies to the god. She plans to use the gods power to ready her followers, grow her own power so she may strike at Lolth and throw her from the Demonweb once and for all and preside over her own realm of chaos and assassins.

    Zinzerena’s cleric followers receive their spells from the “Lord of the Dead” himself. They whisper the same lies in their prayers to the god and in return he grants them the power to serve their true goddess of chaos and assassins, the one destined to be worshiped by all the Drow, Zinzerena.

    Thank you for reading.
  • dreadsheparddreadshepard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm guessing because we are exiled and because how much of a villain Lolth always is that that eventually killing her will be a for lack of a better word "raid." ZZ has built up our Lore to allow us to kill the Queen of Spiders. ZZ is aligned all chaotic and true neutral as the followers of Zinzerena are. If there were an attack on the under dark in the game, mainly the ability to kill Lolth, ZZ would ally ourselves with Lolths daughter Eilistraee. You would not have to kill her in game most likely because she is good. Our guild would ally ourselves with her followers as well. Cryptic made a point to have the setting be when Lolth, alone as the only god in the Demonweb pits, to me that just screams high level "raid." (Only time will tell) If you are looking for a Drow guild that follows Eilistraee but can't find one, or you don't agree with how the guild is run; consider Zinzerena's Zealotry.
  • underdarkhunterunderdarkhunter Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    control wizard here I am come.
  • reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    question would i be banned if my character was to pvp a guild member say one of those followers of ellistraee(sp?)
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
  • pyruk4pyruk4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 13
    edited March 2013
    i can join? =] im br =x
  • dreadsheparddreadshepard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    reilz1981 wrote: »
    question would i be banned if my character was to pvp a guild member say one of those followers of ellistraee(sp?)
    No not at all, Individually the only way to build yourself up is to tear down others. In an RP setting It might not be that bad either. If Lolth were to be destroyed, it stand to reckon that Ellistraee might try to take her place. The Goal of ZZ as a "guild and a cabal" is to make sure that doesn't happen and put Zinzerena on the thrown and free her from the Realm of the Dead. Your own goals don't have to align with ZZs, you are a Drow after all. I would prefer RP events not turn into everyone challenging me to a duel and become complete chaotic blood baths lol... there will be some organization there. We are Medium RP after all, so most importantly we have fun, be respectful to guild members and other players outside of RP events.
  • reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    nice then count me in
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
  • goldenlion619goldenlion619 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    pyruk4 wrote: »
    i can join? =] im br =x

    Sign up on the guild websight.
  • drowessdrowess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'd like to try the guild out this weekend, but I feel it is too early to make a final decision. So I'm a little leery of just going on and signing up on the site.
  • itsneoitsneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 74
    edited March 2013
    drowess wrote: »
    I'd like to try the guild out this weekend, but I feel it is too early to make a final decision. So I'm a little leery of just going on and signing up on the site.

    Well Drowess, while I completely understand, I would like to make a suggestion.. do as I did so long ago.. Just do it.. you wont regret it, great bunch of peeps, awesome lore being developed by mordious and we are all quite friendly. Power to the Drow.. and all that. Bring your drowess to ZZ and give us a try. No one will bind you to a chair and or make you their slave.. well, unless your willing that is. - winks-

    see you in the forums. and in world in a few hours.


    IGN: DrDoom
    CLS: Heretic
    SVR: Atlantis
    IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f

  • drowessdrowess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ok, Ok. I signed up. I used my cryptic handler for the username. And well it being an alias name of Lolth, I don't know how that is going to go down. I never thought when I made my cryptic account years ago, they would make this game. But I promise not to make any Lolth followers in the guild.
    itsneo wrote: »
    No one will bind you to a chair and or make you their slave.. well, unless your willing that is. - winks-

  • reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i am reillyblair81 on there

    think i am going to have some fun around here *grin*
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
  • seawalker13seawalker13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 229 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    OT -dreadshepherd, that was one hell of a backstory for the drow and some very fine story-telling. Makes me think of making my first half-elf character half-drow, once I get her over her initial "see everything in black and white" phase. Very well done. Bravo!
  • dreadsheparddreadshepard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Part of that was taken from the 3.5 book Drow of the Under dark. Only about half of it is actually me, but thank you.
  • itsneoitsneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 74
    edited March 2013
    drowess wrote: »
    Ok, Ok. I signed up. I used my cryptic handler for the username. And well it being an alias name of Lolth, I don't know how that is going to go down. I never thought when I made my cryptic account years ago, they would make this game. But I promise not to make any Lolth followers in the guild.


    welcome to ZZ :D I am sure you will have a great time with us. looking you up now :D

    IGN: DrDoom
    CLS: Heretic
    SVR: Atlantis
    IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f

  • tazrakunetazrakune Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 55
    edited March 2013
    I may end up applying to this guild since the other Drow guild I applied to seems to be deserted.
  • itsneoitsneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 74
    edited March 2013
    tazrakune wrote: »
    I may end up applying to this guild since the other Drow guild I applied to seems to be deserted.

    the more the merrier. Do join I am sure you will find, we are quite active. :D and welcome.

    IGN: DrDoom
    CLS: Heretic
    SVR: Atlantis
    IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f

  • kage84kage84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 33
    edited March 2013
    I'm interested in this guild, but I'm not sure if my planned char would fit or not with the guild. For the most part I see her as a neutral Drow, leaning more towards good than evil in general, but would be willing to do actions that would be considered evil for the right (to her) cause. She wasn't raised how Drow typically are, so doesn't really understand traditional Drow culture and behavior, both above and below the surface, and tends to be shy and likes to keep to herself at times. She doesn't worship any deity, but does seek revenge against Lolth and her followers, so I could see her joining a guild like this to help towards her goals.
  • falfidorfalfidor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 67
    edited March 2013
    Welcome all drow followers! It will be a pleasure to meet you all in the game this weekend!
  • underdarkhunterunderdarkhunter Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kage84 wrote: »
    I'm interested in this guild, but I'm not sure if my planned char would fit or not with the guild. For the most part I see her as a neutral Drow, leaning more towards good than evil in general, but would be willing to do actions that would be considered evil for the right (to her) cause. She wasn't raised how Drow typically are, so doesn't really understand traditional Drow culture and behavior, both above and below the surface, and tends to be shy and likes to keep to herself at times. She doesn't worship any deity, but does seek revenge against Lolth and her followers, so I could see her joining a guild like this to help towards her goals.

    Your character would fit in, ZZ is made up of drow outcasts that banded together on the surface for protection and have the shared goal of seeing lolth destroyed. All are characters are different from each other, some are good others are not. Your character will not understand the cruelty of the other drow but it will make for good role-playing. You have place with us, just go to the websight and sign up, hope to see you there.
  • kage84kage84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 33
    edited March 2013
    Thanks for the response, I've registered on the site as Fate and submitted an application. :)
  • pyruk4pyruk4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 13
    edited March 2013
    i registered, and now what do i do?
  • dreadsheparddreadshepard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    pyruk4 wrote: »
    i registered, and now what do i do?

    After you register, you will need to head over to our public forums and fill out an application.
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