Hello....no idea you'll like anything I have to say but too bad....
I have being playing D&D for 20 years pen and paper....and I have a big gripe with the GWF.....how in the hell does a dude with a big sword out dps a mage class....
Like OMG WTF.......this is a huge insult to the spirit of the game.....
When I played pen and paper I never thought for a second that I could out damage a mage....never....
Could someone like explain to why a GWF out dps mage classes.....
you may think why MAGE not SW class.....all mage classes....CW as well....
In fact, I was able to take my GWF into Cloaked Ascendancy at TEN Five K points NO PROBLEM. I STARTED the River District w/ my CW at ELEVEN three k (or so) and died several times w/in the space of a couple days. I then left the River Dist. and completed EVERY campaign track that I could, excepting storm king. Luckily for me the tyranny of dragons campaign got mod'ed about the same time, so I was easily able to max that tree out along w/ elemental evil.
I THEN went back to the River District at ELEVEN six or so, and I was survivable. Then the last double refining saw me spending the time to raise all my CW's enchants at least one level. My CW is now 12k two or so, and I STILL have to be careful in River District. I haven't tried the Kabul instance again, and when I last did, I could NOT complete it w/ my CW. the Kabul boss is acknowledged as a DPS character problem.
Meanwhile, my 11.4 GWF just tears through River. I can wade into anything now and not worry about dying at all. Might take me a while, looking forward to getting my GWF to 12k plus, but I went to Chult about a month ago w/ my CW, and haven't returned. Kept getting killed at TWELVE two. Fracking ridiculous.
So there ya go. Ranged classes get broke off here in NW. My recommendation to ANY new players would be to start w/ a GWF, a pally, or a TR. Learn the system and how to build up your toon, then try a ranged class. BTW, you think CW's have it bad, avoid Clerics. ICK.
I've played D&D for over two decades. For the most part, melee classes had always out DPS'd mages. Yes, mages could do a lot of damage in one spell, over time, the melee classes, and even using ranged weapons, would be the ones dealing the most damage due to multiple attacks per round, critical damage, and they usually got the killing shots. Mages were slower to act, sometimes needing a round or more to prepare and get a big spell off and then they were limited to a set amount of spells per day, less if they could not memorize their spells that day, limited to what spells they had in their spellbook, and even getting interrupted.
While the melee classes always had some sort of weapon, even if it was only their hand or in impulse item picked up used as a weapon. The only mage class that seemed to deal more consistent damage was the Sorcerer, and even then they were limited to casting time, concentration, and known spells.
It wasn't until high level adventures that mages really could dish out damage, and even then, they had to deal with magic resistance, saving throws, casting times, concentration, and so forth. While at the same time, their melee and ranged counterparts had even more powerful weapons, feats, and so forth. I don't remember a time when I didn't know a mage player to take up some sort of melee or ranged weapon because they would always run into a situation where they were unable to do any spell damage.
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It's no different than a movie based on a book. Some things translate. Some things don't. Some things fall victim to creative liberties.
But yes, over time they gave the GWF the best DPS, by far. They also gave GWFs the toughest survivability of DPS classes, and made them fast. Many GWFs use that speed to run ahead and dominate the damage chart and perception, being tough enough to not care about leaving the tank and healer behind.
It used to be that CWs were good at taking care of mobs (the journey to the boss), TRs were were excellent at high damage on single targets (the boss itself), and GWFs were good all-round damage.
Every class is supposed to bring something useful on the run - some kind of facet to the group that gives a party equal reason to bring any classes along, as long as the basic roles are covered.
Well, it's all gone wrong since mod 6/2 years ago. Some necessary corrections were made, but went too far. Many players left the game. Following that, class imbalances widened on a linear trajectory with power creep.
Things were unfair, but the content was easy, so, while players gradually exited the game, most groups were pretty happy to take anyone along, lessening the impact of class imbalances.
New players probably think that's how the game is meant to be. It's not. It's what the game became, due to balancing neglect.
A few really good theory crafters have learned how to make up much of the difference by maximizing buffs and debuffs (the truly dominant force in DPS - though the DEVs are soon cracking down on it), but the fundamental class designs are very biased.
With the latest mods, it got really sour. The DEVs finally brought in the challenging content people wanted, but they didn't fix the obvious class imbalances that existed. This has led to a situation where new tough content is domainated by parties formed from DCs and tanks to buff DPS to craziness - and that DPS choice is...... ta da ... the GWF. The bias to form TONG parties from DCs, tanks and a GWF is extraordinary.
Some complain that the class biases are the fault of players, and you don't *have* to take a GWF and a 2nd DC, but the truth is that the unbalanced theory crafting that is the state of Neverwinter, fundamentally promotes this situation.
The REAL bad we have now? The rarity and price of Ultimate Enchanting Stones. The DEVs have shifted the goal posts on BIS gear, extending rank 12 to rank 14, but with rank 14 requiring Ultimate Enchanting Stones to refine. These *only* drop from .... TONG!! So, tough luck to you if you're the average DPS CW, TR or SW, and blessed are you, if you are a DC, tank or GWF. Not only do you get a *much* easier ride though the current module, you also get a chance at the new hot item (Ultimate Enchanting Stone). Not only do you get all the latest best gear, much more easily, but statistically you also can get a free drop of the new hot item that you can sell to over 1000000 AD to those poor sub-classes that really aren't a part of the new module,as they struggle to get back to BIS status!
Was giving best DPS, + toughest survivability, + best speed to one class enough? Apparently not.
Most DPS CWs have now worked out that despite the awesome 20% damage of the Bapho set, it turns out that they're better of with the ability increasing gear (Int/Cha/Wis), and have switched to that.
So, when it comes to the best gear, is there a class that traditionally gets the best of both worlds? Great stats/damage *plus* the benefits of the ability increases?
Lets review:
From early times, the awesome Tenser disk mount. Not only awesome stat increases, but also GWF ability increases.
From the time of the Lostmauth set: Every DPS class had to have it (give up their ability increasing gear), but the GWF got the best of both worlds with the belt.
From the Bapho Set: Fantastic boss destroying damage bonus, and again, bumping up GWF abilities.
Since mod 6, every single "must have" dominant gear that has come out, has given the double benefit to GWFs. This isn't just a current balance issue for the DEVs to fix - it's actually a multi-year pattern of unbalanced "theory-crafted" system design.
that 7000 power? i think it should be 12000 power.
it makes no sense to keep classes this far down on sheet dps when wizards cant set the city on fire... or rogues steal literally everything. etc etc
at some point you have to take a step back and come to the realization that its an mmo first, and a dnd experience second.
For the CW this means they need to be a fair amount of dps ABOVE the CWF, since the GWF is way more survivable and the CW is likely to spend more time as a floor decoration. Why bring a CW with way worse survivability unless it contributes more dps?
Low defense should be compensated by higher dps, and that is the way it generally is on most mmorpg's.
Only the NW devs managed to get it really wrong at some point.
And lets be honest: Value is measured in 1: dps 2:dps 3:dps and 4: survivability. Very little else matters in the endgame dungeons if you are not in the buff/debuff game.
GWF also got high survivability, which is a big advantage in the lethal environment in endgame zones.
It is actually the CW that only got dps.
The range comment also isn't correct. The support non-DPS CWs can do it, but to be effective the DPS CWs need to be standing in the middle of the fight (Icy Terrain, Steal Time, Oppressive Force, Sudden Storm, and proximity to party-supplied buffs), where their squishiness counts badly against them.
Just look at the current meta of DCs, tanks and GWFs. Who brings the control? Who cares? Nobody.
Since the latest update, people have been pouring into TONG, I'm guessing because of the desperate need for Ultimate Enchanting Stones, and their extremely high AH price.
Right as this moment, showing a limit of 100 players, I count 3 DPS CWs (SpellStorms), with a a handful of support CWs (MoFs). A huge number of DCs and tanks. Make no mistake, the DPS CW was a very popular class role to play. Imbalances have just killed it off over time.
When you sort the TONG list by group, it's clear that Random queues are not being used (not taking 3 DPS, makes sense). Tanks also do huge damage these days, eroding the value of the DPS role. This clearly shows that for what matters, the balance is very bad for roles across the game, as well as within the DPS classes. It seems clear that the DEVs have either lost control of their class balance game design, or stopped caring.
If you're a DC tank or GWF, you're easily getting the latest and best gear. You're also on the path to getting back to BIS with rank 14 enchants using Ultimate Enchanting stones.
If you're SW, TR, or DPS CW, you are highly discriminated against, by both the DEVS with unbalanced design, and by people forming faster, more successful parties.
This module has come and will fade when the next arrives, but the effects of favoritism where players rebuilt their BIS rank 14 enchants along with the best gear, will live on.
The one thing I could not do was cast a fire ball and kill everything.....and if they did not kill everything it was easy to mop up for everyone else.....
The other thing I remember the melee classes job was to keep the mobs of the priest and mages which they do....but not the GWF like someone here said they run ahead because they don't need anyone's help....then they wonder why people kick them out of the dungeon (I've seen it happen).....
If any class needs a nerf is the GWF.....
My main is a SW and I have a CW...I'm also leveling a DC and a OP but they are far from ready for anything.....
I have made a second GWF.....I deleted my first one because I don't like the class...I don't like to chase my pray which is why I like ranged classes better.....I only made another one to get the class artifact.....
If I like playing a GWF I would be playing one....but I don't....
Thank you for talking to me about this some of you made some OMG points about the balance issues.....
I have being meaning to do some testing in the preview server with my SW but I can't download the preview server....but it would be nice if they would stop nerfing the SW class.....
Obviously power creep also need to be addressed, but if they want to make control (and healing) useful, they need to seriously redesign a lot of the dungeon bosses.
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For new players dont go by this guy's rant just go by what you enjoy and just work your class to the point it's never an issue fighting mobs or dungeons that you can be completely self reliant. If you want to make a cw, ask around your guild for suggestions on what builds to take on, or any class for that matter just ask around. do your research on the class read through the description when making it, look at the powers, assume that you have vulnerability to taking damage and just work on that. highly recommend high lifesteal to help with self healing.
It is rough going as a dps class but it doesn't have to be a living nightmare. some can make due others clearly cannot and will complain about how other classes are better and should be nerfed. gwf's are just for melee so obviously they're going to be in the frontlines dealing the damage and taking it because they were designed specifically for that role. ranged classes like cw/SW/hr/dc are going to have flaws when it comes to battle but they dont have to be weak in it.
Hell i play a ranger(previously stated) as a combat spec'd one, i'm always at the frontlines with everyone fighting the mobs and shredding them. it all boils down to preference do you want to be a long ranged player? close combat? or even be a buffer to your allies? its about what you want to play not what your forced into playing, if being a cw or any ranged doesn't work out try a melee or support class and see if it fits your play-style.
If your not enjoying the game, then just move on to another game that you do enjoy playing.
In other news I made my very first R9 today......yay....
Have a nice day.....
You balance group dynamics through solo dynamics.
Let me explain, you start with the idea that a solo class gets were everyone is going eventually, they just get there in a different style and path.
So take a snap shot of what each class does SOLO in a time frame like 5 min. At the end of 5 minutes are they relatively in the same state? Did the GWF having to pause and regen, kill relatively the same amount of mobs and have skills recharged and hp as the OP that chugged through the mobs a bit slower but get to 5 minute mark whole without regen? Did the CW push off most mobs, blast through the rest rapid, then deal with those that nicked them, have time to regen and be whole at the 5 min mark? Did the DC chug through like the OP with heals as armor, did the SW with leeching? Did the TR/HR kill a couple here, kill a couple there and finish off in time to reach the 5 minute mark? If they didn't then THAT class is under powered and the one that zipped through to 5 minutes unchecked is overpowered. Balance THAT and don't nerf it.
In a 5 minute snap shot, every class should be relatively the same dmg score/HP and skills charged. Yes the GWF blasted through, but he had to regen. so in 5 min the TR/HR that did huge spike dmg, they also had to do time dancing. The OP/DC/SW/GF chugged through to that 5 minutes intact, they just grinded it slower rate dmg.
So all that. why the hell group? For speed and ease of use. With a DC along the GWF/GF won't need to regen, with the GWF/GF along the DC can spend more time buffing party dps, debuffing mobs not self healing. With the group along the SW can spend more time cursing/doting and less leeching/dancing. The HR/TR can be mopping up strays and dodging in/out to range/stab boss. The CW can be luring mobs into the middle or holding off mobs from the squishier members. A group helps share the burden, gets it done faster and to pie ala mode sooner. (I like pie, keep your cake, so sue me
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
In the higher level dungeon's its all about the DPS....and if the Dev's keep nerfing the other DPS classes....
I'm almost 11k ilevel on my SW....is there any point even playing any more on this character any more....
SW are not over powered any more is there any point in nerfing them more.....
you must remember I played D&D I was under the impression that a mage class would be a power house of damage...this is very disappointing.....
The dps does not matter to me...the fact that I'm made to feel that I'm wasting my time with a character that I can't do higher level dungeons with....
is it to much to ask to re balance the classes so that they have a chance......
Eg, GWF dominates in TNG, mostly because like 1/2 the dungeon health is Orcus, and GWF is a single target lad.
FBI and MSP are definitely CW area. I've seen really good GWFs get stomped by mediocre CWs in those dungeons. And there's no BS here like "oh he ran ahead and killed stuff". That doesn't work in T3s. You run in front of the tank, and you die. Ads hit hard, yo.
And HRs are just great all-around. Jacks of all trades, masters of none.
TRs and SWs are in a dire need of a buff.
Anyways, here's another perspective, one you get from actually thinking. GWFs do DPS, and they're not ranged. So they're directly in the thwacking range of every boss. They also pull a lotta aggro. They basically need everything they have to actually work as a class. My vote is, buff every class that is underperforming. With the recent nerfs, it would be a massive pain to have another source of DPS taken away. TNG is hard enough as it is. There's that 1% of people who already have all the R13s and 14s, but what about the rest? The rest who can't finish FBI, let alone MSP or TNG.
Now that I've addressed that... I have to say, are you really whining about not matching a working class with a class that's so utterly underperforming that people are literally abandoning their SW MAINS to change to CW and HR and whatever?
If your armpen is where it needs to be, then your crit is low, and your power needs to go up before you start feeling like you’re are really doing damage
Keep going
You aren’t to the point where your class starts to feel weaker than others yet, and you’re already upset and wanting to give up? You are letting yourself get influenced by forum trolls man
Because my SW is my highest item level character in game, I was planing to take this toon to Tong....I'm not so sure if that is such a good idea anymore....
My next highest item level is not even that high at 9.5k and my cleric is newly level 70 at 8.4k item level....
but before I replace if I do replace my main I need to unlock all the dungeons which I can only do on my SW..... I made my SW about a year ago I don't remember the date I did it but I have no idea at that time that the class had being nerfed to the ground...I was enjoying the class and at that time that was all that mattered....
but now I'm thinking what I need to do to get into the end game stuff and my SW could do it but any other class could do it better.....
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox