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  • starnomad#9392 starnomad Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    During Tattered Maps Quest, i'm still unable to click X on character Bonnego Battleaxe in Driftwood Tavern, when he has question mark above his head, this problem has been same for about 2 days now, can you please fix this problem ?
  • bobcat1313bobcat1313 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    Is control resistance bugged? I bought a will o wisp on Zen market and my control resistance didn't go up, says it would go up 25%, plus my pally has 10% I believe but it shows zero. Anyone know if this is bugged or the stat is suppose to be something else?
  • sachi#6083 sachi Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    spent way to much money on this bugged HAMSTER, have to drop yet another quest cant find the last construction thing, omg im sorry i dumped 200 bucks in this money trap for my family to NOT have fun, r you peeps going to fix this stuff ? or just milk us ?
  • joshua#3168 joshua Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    My Oathbound Paladin constantly enters it's combat stance animation for no reason. Even in the Enclave with no companion summoned.
    Post edited by joshua#3168 on
  • sixbroken#0600 sixbroken Member Posts: 1 New User
    My bug feels like a minor to very low major issue. It seems that when i "Invoke Selunel." I get stuck on the reward screen until i back out (without gaining the rewards.) While i am fine with the issue happening every once in a while this has been happening since after I invoked Selunel the first time yesterday around 9:00am (PST). So i missed all of the other rewards besides the first one from this in 2 hours. It happened for a short time as well on Tuesday. Thank you for taking the time to read this if you do and please do fix it
  • franco#1412 franco Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Made an exchange ad for zenny. Instead of making a transfer of 145 ad for 20 zenny. 3k ad was wiped from me.
  • doogiehowser#7274 doogiehowser Member Posts: 4 Arc User

    Made an exchange ad for zenny. Instead of making a transfer of 145 ad for 20 zenny. 3k ad was wiped from me.

    145 AD is PER Zen so 145x20=2,900 AD

    No Bug...Just Math.
    There is part of the dialog box that tells you exactly how much AD will be subtracted when you submit the exchange request
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    Six make sure you do not have anything in your overflow bags.
  • doogiehowser#7274 doogiehowser Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Auction House Timer...
    My Bid button gray's out when there is just over 7 minutes left in an auction...Only allowing me to Buyout from that point on.
    This is a huge disadvantage for someone looking for last minute deals at the auction house. Clearly not everyone suffers from this issue because I regularly get outbid with less than a few minutes on the clock.
    Bugs like these that unfairly handicap some while leaving others unaffected should be a priority, nothing worse than knowing the system is broken for just a few while others can bid openly on last minute auctions.
    File a bug report and they said they know it's happening but to note it here as well

    Which brings me to my next point...there should be a much better bug reporting system in place (None In game that I can see) to track these issues than to leave it to random uncategorized posts on a forum...
  • adri022#8191 adri022 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hello, my auction house is bugged, my consignments have expired but they dont go back to my mailbox so i cant list them again, i need help, thank you. Name of the bugged character: Adri022.
    PD: i can see my expired consignments in my consignments list, where the left time should be there is a ''Expired'' instead, writed in red.
  • waylander#3979 waylander Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I also have multiple items stuck in expired mode! I can't bid on any items less than 15 mins from finishing as well!!! Please fix as the auction house is my favorite thing to "play" in this game!!!!
  • lonelypilot#5094 lonelypilot Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited August 2016
    So I'm level 61 , I've completed many quests including the lower level ones , However I still cannot trade , And my friend who's on level 5 ( which's done only 8 quests ) Which I've also done , Can trade , Please help , I hope that I this can be fixed without creating a new account , Thankyou
    Post edited by lonelypilot#5094 on
  • dreamreaper#3768 dreamreaper Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I just bought the angel companion threw the zen market for 11.99 and didnt get it. It shows the charge in my banking but doesn't show on PlayStation store i bought it. Like i said i went into the zen market then picked add funds but instead of me adding funds i just bought the angel pack. When i finish the zen market said money had been add... I got no money or my angel. There is no issue it was there for me to pick up
    Post edited by dreamreaper#3768 on
  • scatrd#9135 scatrd Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Hello everyone, I've got a repeatable bug. Every time I try to invoke the animation starts and I get the black borders then the game locks up. The only way out is to dashboard, kill the app and restart.
  • slutbaby#2043 slutbaby Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I know this has already been posted, but it's really doing my head in so I want to say this is crippling the game for me too.

    The Auction House. These aren't auctions are they? More blind luck.

    I am unable to bid with less than 9 mins left. And not only that, bids that show me as winning, both in my bids and in the main search, right up until the auction expires, then send me an email saying I am outbid.

    If I am outbid:

    1. Why doesn't this show in the Auction House?
    2. How is it possible for other people to bid when I am unable to?

    All I can think of is the AH becomes way too cached in the final minutes and doesn't update at all.

    Having a real time AH would be too performance intensive right? So what we have is a non-functional solution.
  • onemanboyband#1920 onemanboyband Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Nevermind, figured it out.
  • waylander#3979 waylander Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Up to almost twenty items stuck for sale!!! Missing out on my AD. Where's a response from devs on this one? Multiple threads so it's affecting ppl game wide!
  • dreamreaper#3768 dreamreaper Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Small bug in the lore.
    In Vellosk's lore

    After you defeat eidolon you get some lore about him. Then you fight Thunderhowl and after you defeat him it says u get lore about him but this is where the bug occurs. Instead it just changes the title of eidolon's lore to Thunderhowl and u never get Thunderhowl's lore
  • durrock72durrock72 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    > @scatrd#9135 said:
    > Hello everyone, I've got a repeatable bug. Every time I try to invoke the animation starts and I get the black borders then the game locks up. The only way out is to dashboard, kill the app and restart.

    Similar issue to. try to invoke but nothing happens but black border. can back out of it but doesn't start the timer for next invoke.
  • hydrurga#3574 hydrurga Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    For the last week or so I've had a 3rd character slot on my character selection page and I did not earn it. I've been trying to ignore it because I'd heard it happens sometimes and usually goes away in a few days, but today I bought the 2 character slot pack thing and I still have that extra character slot (I have not gotten the first time buyer's pack so that isn't it). When will the extra slot go away and can I safely make a new character without worrying about it getting deleted for being in the 3rd slot? I don't want to get my account banned for "abusing" a glitch when I should be able to make a new character in the slots I DID buy.
  • zaqzilla01zaqzilla01 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    1. On two of my PS4 Neverwinter Characters their background randomly changed from what they originally were to "The Dalelands Battle-Tested Veteran".

    2. Again on PS4 for my lv70 Ranger the visuals for the Daily moves don't show.
  • dadrowranger#0543 dadrowranger Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Did spin ward rise every quest told me to put seed in tree then talk to Knox. I did. Still did not get my weapon like I was suppose to. It said all quests are done but no weapon now the Druid has nothing and I do not have my weapon.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User

    My Oathbound Paladin constantly enters it's combat stance animation for no reason.

    Check to see if your companion is off fighting somewhere. I have the panther and he's always picking fights - which puts me into combat. It took me a while to figure out that this is what was happening. If that's not it then I dunno

    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • ultramortultramort Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Post edited by ultramort on
  • grandbishoprix2grandbishoprix2 Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited August 2016
    for some reason this forum for me to post and i am consider at new when i had this account along before ps4 and i had account over a year but here is my issues
    i am on my character and i checked others as well and i do not know if this is a bug but my experience bar is not visible or not there and how do you remedy this and i have no idea what is my experience percentage on the experience bar or what you may call it
    and i have tried every thing including screen adjustment
    and please provide the remedy and i thank you in advance
  • faiaokami#0546 faiaokami Member Posts: 1 New User
    I'm having an issue with invoking my Celestial Blessing. It will go through with the process, make the noise, hands raise, but never gives me anything. And stays on screen until i back out. (Hope this make sense ) Any ideas?
  • drbubbles#2158 drbubbles Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Try emptying your overflow bag
  • zodyak#6723 zodyak Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Last quest to complete reclamation rock and mid way i dc, so i restarted the game and now the play button is greyed out. Been a hr. How to fix?
  • dubaiportapottie#4304 dubaiportapottie Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited September 2016
    There is a bug preventing new players exchanging ZEN to Astral Diamonds that`s why there are so litte Zen on ZAX now so it reqires more AD to buy zen. My buddy just started 2 days ago and got this when try to trade zen for Ad

    The exact error message is "unlock use of the currency exchange by completing three of the following quest chains. Return of the Crown, Tower District, The Plague Tower, Blackdagger Ruin, and Neverdeath. I already did 4 of them but I still coudlnt trade :( anyone know how to solve this problem?

    He did as requested and complete 4 out of 5 tasks but still couldn't trade zen for AD. One of my other frd start after this recent patch also have this problem. It`s stupid bug because new players are more likely to make zen purchase to get ahead. They wrote support but still haven't heard anything. It`s like a scam because perfect world didn't say anything when they made the purchase -__-- Now I am getting blamed by them.
  • thealien#9627 thealien Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    PS4 Bug
    I did not receive my last 2 boons in the elemental evil campaign for spinward rise.

    Apparently you need to do all four legs before you can claim the last two boons for each one.
    Post edited by thealien#9627 on
This discussion has been closed.