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Feedback Needed: Top Issues Currently in Neverwinter PC



  • revan06100revan06100 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Only one thing to say...
    They don't care ! This thread has been open for months ! And no Dev/admin had the decency the reply to any of the previous comments... That's unacceptable...
    I don't know why we even bother arguing about something they probably never gonna read and never gonna take into consideration !
    I'm sick of reading the same things over and over again and watching the dev ignoring the hot topics !
    Plenty of feedback has been given for month ! Since the releasing of mod6, and what they have done, is in complete opposite of what players asked for...
    I've lost hope, along with the fun i had by playing this game...
  • deusazzadeusazza Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 63 Arc User
    Didn't receive any twisted ichor after having a gold epic Demogorgon. is it included in the weekly limit? it doesn't say.
  • anthimoniousanthimonious Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    This is a dungeons and dragons game. The dungeons in all the original areas are broken indefinitely. Why aren't you fixing this? I have yet to experience The throne of Idris. I was really looking forward to that. That's the reason I play this game, not to run cragmire crypts over and over ad nauseum. Also that epic gear that you can only find in those dungeons is impossible to get now. You have rendered half of your game useless with all these updates instead of fixing what you have broken. Look IDK what happened but it seems to me like someone made a really good game and then someone else greedy came in and ruined it by trying to make it bigger with more flashy updates and ultimately trying to make more money. That being said, I will not be dropping a dime into this monstrosity until you, at the very least, fix the dungeons. EVEN IF IT REQUIRES A COMPLETE OVERHAUL.
  • clixjynxclixjynx Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Class Balance: I want to start by saying, yes Trickster Rogues are balanced for PVP. However, the class is not geared toward PVE at all from a damage perspective. The class is supposed to provide high damage per second to single targets, however it cannot do this at a reasonable pace. For example, when running Epic Temple of the Spider on a 2600 Item Level Trickster Rogue, all feats into the bottom tree (name escapes me), you can't even kill a spider at a reasonable pace, let a lone anything else. The issue faced is that certain classes are working well and many classes still are not. You have Great Weapon Fighters completely dominating damage over classes like Wizards. I play a Cleric right now, and though it's a blast, I'd love to play my Rogue without it feeling so underwhelming. I've played the TR at their worst and at their broken best. I just want a balance change for the new module focusing on PVE. I get PVP balance is important, however PVE is where most players enjoy their time. Please, address class balance.

    Warlocks need one badly as well.
  • kryzax#9432 kryzax Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Bring back the removed Dungeons! VERY Important. The story doesn't make sense without them and there's not much to do! 3 dungeons til Level 70? Insane.

    Reduce HP Pools! The game is boring. The game is also too hard post level 70 for the solo player

    Increase rewards from dungeons/mobs. The game - partly due to lack of dungeons - doesn't reward effort enough. Too much focus is on the zen market.

    These are the top 3 things I feel are damaging this game the most
  • blackjackwidowblackjackwidow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 424 Arc User

    I have no problems with the game itself.

    But what I find annoying is that every damn time I start the game, there is 1 gigabyte or more to be patched.

    I play with my kid (he visits me every other weekend) and waiting to patch on two computers is annoying.

    Mabye if you implement bittorent-like protocol so we don't have to download separately on each pc?

    Or update cache, so one PC can send the updates to another PC? (with the users consent ofcourse)


    This isn't ideal, but may help: If you load the preview server, it is updated prior to the Thursday maintenance patch. Just open the client on one of the computers, login, click on the preview tab, and let it update. Then, go to the Neverwinter folder, copy the Playtest folder from the updated computer to the same location on the other computer.

    When the live game is updated (typically Thursday maintenance patch), if your preview server copy is updated, you will still see "updating" but the client will copy the needed files from the preview folder to the live folder. (you can tell because there will be an "updated" count and a "received" count; "received" will be zero) There will be no downloading involved.

    You could take this a bit further, and sometime after the patch on Thursday, just open the clients and let them copy the files over, so they're ready to go whenever you are both together. There will then only be the normal login for each of you when you go to play.

    Hope this helps - fun with the kids is best when you're not standing around waiting for an update. :smile:
  • valonievsvalonievs Member Posts: 1 New User
    Thanks for a cool game, currently enjoying it very much.

    1. Now, as everyone else is pointing out, it would be nice with the old dungeons back. Because currently some of us new players are coming to dead-ends during questlines, and we walk around like decapitated emus trying to work out why we're so <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that we can't do something so simple as finding an entrance to these dungeons. If not, then at least remove the quests themselves.

    2. Unpopular opinion (i think): XP gain is too fast, it feels like I'm levelling up every five minutes and it all feels kinda rushed. Increase the amount of xp you need to level up, let gametime be increased in the lower levels so we can get more into the game, or something like that.

    3. New class: One of the coolest classes to ever walk the face of Faerùn is the ....Druid....
    I know that we have the Cleric as a nice healer class, but the Druid is simply cooler. I remember from the Night games the awesome abilities of the Druid to heal, rain fire down upon enemies or tear them to shreds as different animals and even as a dragon. If the Druid ever comes into the game as a playable class, I'm gonna be an eternal Neverwinter Slave xD

    4. Introduction of more Deities: The list of different deities is long in the original lore, and I was devestated when I found that I couldn't choose one of my default deities: Ao and Kossuth. Yes I know Kossuth is an elemental primordial but apparently his power rivals that of a true deity. And come on, we can't choose Ao? the big G?

    Otherwise I'm really enjoying the game, and it's nice to be able to continue playing in the Neverwinter universe. I'm glad you kept the biography part, as it was an awesome addition to he RP aspect of the previous games. Always been a fan of Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, even replayed them many times. and looking forward to the next single-player rpg. But for now I thrive in the chaos that currently reigns on the Sword Coast!

    Olav the Lore <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
  • captainfry420xcaptainfry420x Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    This may seem trivial to some, but the one of the biggest issues I have are with my outfits clipping. Shields, cloaks, hair, and even my skin, will clip through various outfit parts. It is very frustrating. Similarly, I would like to disable the glowing of my armor enchantment, especially since it still shows on my fashion outfit. If it is forced to show in PvP, I can deal with that.

    Another thing is the different states of the same types of stones; bound to me, bound to account, not bound, they take up a lot of space. If I could put them all in one stack, I would accept the penalty of having them all bound to me.

  • lbezzylbezzy Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I was wondering if there could be a change in weapon selection and spell choices. I think the mages are lacking actual spell selection and don't properly make use of there path options. For example, a fire mage that still has primarily the same spells besides 2 or 3 as a storm mage but instead adds rimefire isn't really a fire mage and same Vice Versa. Opening up alittle and actually having spells that makes your mage identifiable with that element i think would be nice. Fire Ball and Lighting bolt would be nice starters i think. But the D&D book is filled with spells so choose what you like or what you think players would like to see. And weapon selection is a bit limited as well, while you have the ablility to change the look of the weapon it doesn't really have that creative factor that make different characters unique. Katanas, Spears, Crossbows, and other weapons wouldn't hurt the game i believe instead add content and different builds. Again the D&D weapons manual and universe is filled with choices so let loose alittle.

    Thank you
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User

    2) Lag in many zones regularly is really bad. Icewind/Dread Ring, many of the mod7 new ones.

    3) Bank Sorting

    4) Change Appearance changes to Gold similar to the change made to un-equip enchants in the past. Or at least lower the AD cost significantly.

    Totally agree with these 3. Especially the Bank Sorting -would save SO MUCH time!

    And the lag in Dread Ring and Sharandar sometimes make them unplayable -esp. Dread Ring.

    Most EE vigilance tasks are deadly dull if you've done it with another toon already. Maybe with the exception of the Air Tome jumps in Spinward - those are always fun. But all the grinding is so lame.

    I enjoy Underdark - for now - because it's still new and the artwork is different - but the area to explore is way too small. In the lead up to the release, I was hoping for more exploration, less skirmishing. Maybe the next Underdark mod will grow the Underdark map....like - a LOT???
  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    AD ECONOMY - transmutes Cube of augmentation and MOUNT TRAINING were neglected or missed in the rework of ad economy after the changes ... epic mounts are half the price in ah as the mount training 3 alone 1/3 the price of mount training 2+ mount training 3 maybe move these over to tradebar and or reduce to 200k and 600k ad respectively? that would still make mount training more than buying epic mounts in auction so as to keep you selling lockbox keys. also maybe add a zen pack that gives one mount training 2 and one mount training 3 per character on a single account for the same price as average epic account wide mount from zen market? please one or all of the above .... would be greatly appreciated . i love my starry panther but will not spend 3x more ad to make it epic speed than it would cost to buy an epic mount from auction!!!!
  • bkt5789bkt5789 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I have a lot of suggestions...

    Class balancing...

    Unnerf spell storm for cw, the nerf was <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. The cw is becoming a crappy class cause there is more and more control resistant mobs and the damage output is also decreasing this there is no point to the cw anymore. Control is a misnomer in this game, control really should just mean area dps, and they should just be buffed to what they were.

    Unnerf burning guidance, prism, bonds of virtue. Instead of nerfing these things cause it caused lag instead upgrade your servers to support it. The healing paladin is a good healer but not only situationally. Incredibly boring to play now cause all the fun was sucked out of them.

    Unnerf life steal - because there is only like one viable build for sw now and that's because of a glitch.
    Stop nerfing classes.

    The most fun in the game pve and Pvp wise is dealing damage. Give every class their overpowered spec and make everyone happy, perhaps even come out with harder content to challenge the overpoweredness.

    Oh and find a way to make trickster rogues not so <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> again. They were good in mod 5, and they went from being best damage dealer, to best ambulance due to their stealth. That's stupid.

    Buff clerics, their heroic feats are crappy and or don't work. Their righteous tree should be buffed.

    The hunter ranger only has like one viable spec as well. Fix that.

    If you make all classes have their "wow look at me in overpowered" spec, everyone will make everything and you'd make more money cause it's more stuff spent in zen market, etc...


    Get the game working like it used to with my graphics card. I run an amd r9 200 series graphics card and the game client crashes on start up. What changed?

    There are too many AD sinks in this game, and not enough ways to generate AD. This results in people resorting to buying the currency or the items they want for their rooms with real life money using a third party service that I affectionately call the "shanghai fund"

    Fix some tool tips, some of them are misleading.

    Another gigantic issue...

    Stronghold content sucks. It forcing people to work together and to look beyond themselves to progress together. The boons are fantastic but getting them is pure horror, and it's added a level of drama and discord to the game that I've never seen into any mmo that I've played before. I've lost many friends when this content released, and quite honestly I was having more fun before the guild structure was released as well. If my friends haven't started backstabbing each other cause of this content, they quit the game completely.
  • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    I hope the Devs read this,

    You folks have done a great job

    My Thanks

  • bronto111bronto111 Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    I agree that all classes need 2 sets of powers and feats,one set for pve and anouther for pvp.
    in this way you can nurf or remove abilities and feats etc (TR piercing damage and shocking execution) that make pvp completely unbalanced.
    However on top of that you need to make pvp so that 2 toons of the same class cannot que as a team for pvp,2 Tr's or 2 x OP or 2 x Dc ,even 2 x Gf make for a very un-winable dom match and therefore not fun.
    Also you need to throw away ELO match making as neverwinter pvp has nothing to do with skill level unless all toons on both parties are exactly equal item level AND have the same match of classes on both sides.
    Thirdly you need to throw away the pokemon rings (underdark rings) or make it so they become inactive if the toons item level equals or exceeds 3k as they are one of the biggest mistakes ever to be introduced in this game and on a 4k toon make that toon completely overpowered.
    The introduction of all the new artifact weapons/OH and the pokemon rings have completely undermined the mastercrafting and rendered mastercrafted items useless and undesirable and as such mastercrafted items should be buffed as they should be the ultimate items that everyone wants .Just like the old days when you had to colect shards from dungeons in order to craft youre best weapon,mastercrafting should be the only way to get the token for the best weapon or OH or armour or rings.
    Those that dont like crafting can simply buy them of the auction house i gaurantee the prices will be very cheap due to the volume of players that will rush mastercrafting if this was the case.
    Getting oneshot in a dungeon or skirmish is NOT fun, castle never was one of the most fun dungeons ever ,what made it fun was not that it was easy (it was not easy) and it was not fun cause it was short,what made it fun was the time and effort it took to complete it combined with possible valuable item drops from each of the multiple bosses made CN a fun and entertaining dungeon.
    All these skirmishes are boring underdark is boring EDMO is short frustrating and boring,and the only reason everyone is still doing them is to get one of the broken Pokemon rings.

    I have been playing this game pvp and pve since it was new and it is no longer fun ... it stopped being fun when grinding repeatedly the same boring quests became necessary to get the good items.
    I always liked crafting my own items and remember fondly my satisfaction and the envy of my peers when i finaly crafted my weapon and offhand after multitude of MC runs over a period of months.Mastercrafting really appealled to me till i actually started it and relised there is nothing from mastercrafting that is actually better than any free item in the game.So im still grinding mastercrafting in the vain hopw that one day i can craft something really awesome (my very own self made transmute items?) since your own designers clearly have no idea what constitutes a great looking transmute item.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User

    I would like to suggest that we be able to bank our AD and Tarmalune bars and be able to share with our other characters just like with the gold, silver, & copper. Also, the AD report that was put out made me wonder just what you were really talking about. I saw several things go up in price but I haven't seen any go down. EXAMPLE: the Small Forest Stag went from 600 Tarmalune Bars to 750 Tarmalune bars. Honestly, who are you guys making it easier for? you are making it more expensive to get things, NOT cheaper.

    Banking Tarmalune trade bars has become a reality, unfortunately only because there is no way to obtain trade bars except to pay to play...

    The same could be done for Astral Diamonds, but since a player can earn AD's without having to pay real world currency to get them - it hasn't been done.

    Any doubts about the primary concern being about the company getting as much money from players and potential players as possible, instead of producing a fun and popular game where the joy and satisfaction of the players is a primary concern?
  • helix#4749 helix Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I have only one request as most here I'm sure have covered what I might have otherwise said.

    Since this is supposedly NeverWinter Nights, could you please, please get the license to use the music in the original NWN game and put it here? I loved that music to the game play.


    Oh and fix HR by making it more survivable. Please see the thread http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1210283/state-of-the-hr-and-whether-the-class-has-a-future.

    I think the HR class draws way too much aggro than it should when in a party or running with companions.
    Post edited by helix#4749 on
  • astrotiger5astrotiger5 Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    The recording system "100 motes" for elemental is flawed!!
  • mrgiggles651mrgiggles651 Member Posts: 790 Arc User

    Since this is supposedly NeverWinter Nights,

    It's not Neverwinter Nights. They've specifically said it's not Neverwinter Nights.

    I wasted five million AD promoting the Foundry.
  • helix#4749 helix Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    Since this is supposedly NeverWinter Nights,

    It's not Neverwinter Nights. They've specifically said it's not Neverwinter Nights.

    Okay, I meant Neverwinter then. I think the music is still better in NWN.
  • helix#4749 helix Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    I'm a relatively new player, but I finally got my HR to level 70. That was brutal, and a bad experience as a first time player in Neverwinter. First of all I learned from the other players and another thread that my first choice for a character is the weakest in the game. Maybe if I started with a Paladin I would have a more positive impression, but the HR as my first choice (as the D&D Ranger is my favorite class) and it did not leave a good impression on me. The grind from level 57 to 70 was mind numbing with vigilance dailies in the drowned coast because my HR is too weak to take on anything else. I joined a guild and that helped, and the members are friendly. Anyway, I stuck with it and finally made it to 70, and got a enchantment trinket from Cryptic saying congratulation; I quickly refined it towards another enchantment. Whatever. I bought some new armor with Tarmalune bars I got from my VIP status, and even spent some Zen to get some Dusk Assault Bracers, then headed off to the Wells of Dragons. However I learned quickly having 61K in hp means nothing to the trash as I was cut down over and over. I respec'd my HR from Stormwarden to Pathfinder. That help a little with survivability as it allowed me to flee my assailants faster. Ironically the NPC HR have much more power than any HR I've seen in the game as they can one shot the monsters that follow me into their camp site. So, after nearly two months of playing Neverwinter I realized at least with the HR its a losing arms race. I'll always face more stronger monsters, struggle just to complete that one quest I accepted and never convincingly defeat my digital foes. Oh, and forget PvP. I won't even try that despite all of Sgt Knox's pleading. After investing maybe about $100 into this game I'm not sure I'll continue playing Neverwinter. Thanks anyways, Cryptic.
  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User

    AD ECONOMY - transmutes Cube of augmentation and MOUNT TRAINING were neglected or missed in the rework of ad economy after the changes ... epic mounts are half the price in ah as the mount training 3 alone 1/3 the price of mount training 2+ mount training 3 maybe move these over to tradebar and or reduce to 200k and 600k ad respectively? that would still make mount training more than buying epic mounts in auction so as to keep you selling lockbox keys. also maybe add a zen pack that gives one mount training 2 and one mount training 3 per character on a single account for the same price as average epic account wide mount from zen market? please one or all of the above .... would be greatly appreciated . i love my starry panther but will not spend 3x more ad to make it epic speed than it would cost to buy an epic mount from auction!!!!

    PLEASE "QUOTE" THIS AS RESHARE SEEMS TO BE THE ONLY MEANS OF SHOWING SUPPORT FOR AN IDEA... IT IS RIDICULOUS THIS HASN'T BEEN ADDRESSED YET... Unreal that i cant even sell an epic mount on auction for enough ad to upgrade a rank 2 mount to same speed as the epics or even half the cost of rank 2 to rank 3 (epic speed equivalent) personally i will spend no more irl $$$ on this game untill these issues are addressed
  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User

    Bring back the removed Dungeons! VERY Important. The story doesn't make sense without them and there's not much to do! 3 dungeons til Level 70? Insane.

    Reduce HP Pools! The game is boring. The game is also too hard post level 70 for the solo player

    Increase rewards from dungeons/mobs. The game - partly due to lack of dungeons - doesn't reward effort enough. Too much focus is on the zen market.

    These are the top 3 things I feel are damaging this game the most

    Valid points
  • joyousdecieverjoyousdeciever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2016

    I'm a relatively new player, but I finally got my HR to level 70. That was brutal, and a bad experience as a first time player in Neverwinter. First of all I learned from the other players and another thread that my first choice for a character is the weakest in the game. Maybe if I started with a Paladin I would have a more positive impression, but the HR as my first choice (as the D&D Ranger is my favorite class) and it did not leave a good impression on me. The grind from level 57 to 70 was mind numbing with vigilance dailies in the drowned coast because my HR is too weak to take on anything else. I joined a guild and that helped, and the members are friendly. Anyway, I stuck with it and finally made it to 70, and got a enchantment trinket from Cryptic saying congratulation; I quickly refined it towards another enchantment. Whatever. I bought some new armor with Tarmalune bars I got from my VIP status, and even spent some Zen to get some Dusk Assault Bracers, then headed off to the Wells of Dragons. However I learned quickly having 61K in hp means nothing to the trash as I was cut down over and over. I respec'd my HR from Stormwarden to Pathfinder. That help a little with survivability as it allowed me to flee my assailants faster. Ironically the NPC HR have much more power than any HR I've seen in the game as they can one shot the monsters that follow me into their camp site. So, after nearly two months of playing Neverwinter I realized at least with the HR its a losing arms race. I'll always face more stronger monsters, struggle just to complete that one quest I accepted and never convincingly defeat my digital foes. Oh, and forget PvP. I won't even try that despite all of Sgt Knox's pleading. After investing maybe about $100 into this game I'm not sure I'll continue playing Neverwinter. Thanks anyways, Cryptic.

    if you try and jump streight to endgame without getting first 5 mods campaign boons you are setting yourself up to be underpowered for the content in endgame .... if you dont work on getting rank 8+ enchants ... you are undergeared
  • helix#4749 helix Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    I'm a relatively new player, but I finally got my HR to level 70. That was brutal, and a bad experience as a first time player in Neverwinter. First of all I learned from the other players and another thread that my first choice for a character is the weakest in the game. Maybe if I started with a Paladin I would have a more positive impression, but the HR as my first choice (as the D&D Ranger is my favorite class) and it did not leave a good impression on me. The grind from level 57 to 70 was mind numbing with vigilance dailies in the drowned coast because my HR is too weak to take on anything else. I joined a guild and that helped, and the members are friendly. Anyway, I stuck with it and finally made it to 70, and got a enchantment trinket from Cryptic saying congratulation; I quickly refined it towards another enchantment. Whatever. I bought some new armor with Tarmalune bars I got from my VIP status, and even spent some Zen to get some Dusk Assault Bracers, then headed off to the Wells of Dragons. However I learned quickly having 61K in hp means nothing to the trash as I was cut down over and over. I respec'd my HR from Stormwarden to Pathfinder. That help a little with survivability as it allowed me to flee my assailants faster. Ironically the NPC HR have much more power than any HR I've seen in the game as they can one shot the monsters that follow me into their camp site. So, after nearly two months of playing Neverwinter I realized at least with the HR its a losing arms race. I'll always face more stronger monsters, struggle just to complete that one quest I accepted and never convincingly defeat my digital foes. Oh, and forget PvP. I won't even try that despite all of Sgt Knox's pleading. After investing maybe about $100 into this game I'm not sure I'll continue playing Neverwinter. Thanks anyways, Cryptic.

    if you try and jump streight to endgame without getting first 5 mods campaign boons you are setting yourself up to be underpowered for the content in endgame .... if you dont work on getting rank 8+ enchants ... you are undergeared
    For PvE? Nice try, but I'm not buying it. My HR has 2 boon powers from Tyranny of Dragons campaign and still punches like a wet noodle. To prove my point I started a Pally and OMG, my OP is OP. Not complaining at all because I like it for once to kick @ss rather than having my @ss kicked with a sorry class that is of Cryptic's design. Case and point. My pally is level 42 now, guess what? It took me 4 days to do in what took me three weeks with my HR. Maybe I'm getting better, nah. Didn't spend a single point on powers, feats or ability score and solo-ed it without a companion until I was level 23! Not to mention my pally has ZERO boon powers! Oh, and my equipment score is like 370.

    Thanks for the tip but it's none of the above; the HR is simply the weakest, most nerfed-up class in Neverwinter, and it should be dropped if they plan to leave it that way while introducing new classes.

    And BTW, whose, ph*ck up interpretation is it make a mace the preferred weapon for a Pally? These peeps never played D&D before? That is so messed up.
  • helix#4749 helix Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    @leonidas#6308 wrote:

    "For PvE? Nice try, but I'm not buying it. My HR has 2 boon powers from Tyranny of Dragons campaign and still punches like a wet noodle. To prove my point I started a Pally and OMG, my OP is OP. Not complaining at all because I like it for once to kick @ss rather than having my @ss kicked with a sorry class that is of Cryptic's design. Case and point. My pally is level 42 now, guess what? It took me 4 days to do in what took me three weeks with my HR. Maybe I'm getting better, nah. Didn't spend a single point on powers, feats or ability score and solo-ed it without a companion until I was level 23! Not to mention my pally has ZERO boon powers! Oh, and my equipment score is like 370.

    Thanks for the tip but it's none of the above; the HR is simply the weakest, most nerfed-up class in Neverwinter, and it should be dropped if they plan to leave it that way while introducing new classes.

    And BTW, whose, ph*ck up interpretation is it make a mace the preferred weapon for a Pally? These peeps never played D&D before? That is so messed up."

    @leonidas#6308 , you need a NWO history lesson.

    HRs are an unfortunate exception to many rules in NWO.

    Every D&D fan loves rangers. They are a fan favorite.

    Who hasn't wanted to play as Legolas, Strider or Hawkeye?

    We were offended that HRs weren't included with Fury o t Feywild.

    We demanded their creation.

    Upon release and for 1 mods after, HRs were considered "OP".

    (Roots anyone?)


    In 2014 HRs were nerfed.


    Thereafter HR has been an orphan class.

    Still beloved, but never 'needed' in PVE.

    Never sought after.

    When was the last time you saw 'LF1 HR" in LFG?

    @joyousdeciever ('i before e, except after c') was correct for every class except HR.

    And maybe SW. Another orphan, but not as beloved as the HR.

    TLDR :

    To be truly needed (PvE ) and competitive (PvP) in NWO...

    1) By >lvl 60, fill all slots with > rank 7 enchants (they are dirt cheap).

    2) Complete all of the Dread Ring and IWD boons. (Not hard to do.)

    3) Complete as many PvP, Demo and (damn you, Linu) ToD boons as you can stomach.


    Appreciate the history lesson. Fact to the matter is Neverwinter is D&D-like, not truly D&D. The point is whole D&D system has proven itself; it has a long history and player base fan that goes well beyond Neverwinter; you can't argue against over 175,000 D&D fans who had play tested just the Player's Basic Rules version 3.0 alone. It works. I think the game would be much more balanced if the Dev's just stuck to the system D&D was build on. That means no enchantment stones, no refinements, no equipment scores, none of that. But it maybe too late now because they wanted to try something different, so it's no surprise they have to figure out a balance to a system that's not proven and is not really D&D. I guess they will have to just keep tweaking.
  • helix#4749 helix Member Posts: 62 Arc User


    "I think the game would be much more balanced if the Dev's just stuck to the system D&D was build on. That means no enchantment stones, no refinements, no equipment scores, none of that."

    Here you are (respectfully) confused.

    This is a MMO. D&D is not an MMO.

    They had to encorporate several required features of MMOs to make it viable.

    " it's no surprise they have to figure out a balance to a system that's not proven and is not really D&D."

    Again, if you expect the table-top experience you will be disappointed.

    Clear your preconceptions.

    Accept NWO as new Canon in a unique media experience unlike all prior fantasy.

    You will enjoy it better.

    Actually, NWO is the second MMO game to have a D&D license to its name. It's a major selling point that the numerous fantasy based MMO's lack, so it should be used by Cryptic as much to it's advantage.

    The other D&D MMO does make a very well balanced playing experience that is truer to the D&D mechanics and it does not suffer from the imbalances that NWO does. As I've said before, it's likely because NWO tried to do something different with the game mechanic and the deficiencies in the game show. The other D&D MMO does not have this problem because it pretty much stuck to the system. Is this bad for NWO? Not necessarily, but it means they have to work harder and tweak the game and find that right balance for their system (which it still lacks) because they chose a different mechanic. I'm just noting the consequences of their choice in game design and the results speak for itself, hence this thread and now a call to write/speak with the Devs on Twitch on 21 Jan2016. Something's wrong with NWO and they want to fix it. For that I applaud them and they should take every care to hear what their fan base tells them.
  • kilyiewildekilyiewilde Member Posts: 9 Arc User
  • kilyiewildekilyiewilde Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    And stop asking for nerf on TR's please , if you don't like then do not pvp!!
  • rhodahrhodah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    top topic for me is fix the issues around farming alumn in Mount Hotenwo. Several threads have been made already.
    e.g. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/comment/12774413
    I know you said it's not that easy to fix, I ask you to priorize that.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    rhodah wrote: »
    top topic for me is fix the issues around farming alumn in Mount Hotenwo. Several threads have been made already.
    e.g. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/comment/12774413
    I know you said it's not that easy to fix, I ask you to priorize that.

    ROFLMAO. Leaving "trash" in partially farmed resource nodes has been a side effect of unbelievably poor and short-sighted game design here since beta. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a fix. Best option is either abandon that portion of the gane you are trying to complete, or buy desired resources or end items from AH or Zen store.​​
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