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Feedback Needed: Top Issues Currently in Neverwinter PC



  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User

    I would like to know why I am rubber banding so much in the beginning area! This is my first time playing Neverwinter and I am a bit sad that I cannot even get through the introduction due to the 5 second lag delay. Please advise!

    Warlocks and Paladins. Thats why. I have detailed for the DEVs whats happening, why, and steps to reproduce it AND how to fix it. Lets see what they do.
  • ahrukinahrukin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 31 Arc User
    ill keep it short and sweet
    1) Rewards, (gear , Ad, drops) i personally feel its useless to run PVE content right now as there is extremely little to no rewards
    2) pallys in pvp.... come on .... its just ridicules ... 5 BIS tunes cant kill one.... get a grip guys there no skill or fun in that.
    3) Lag! why would you even release strongholds pvp? its completely unplayable.... i speak for the server when i say we all just played it to get the banners then thats it... was a great concept but once banners are no longer requred it will be playd by none as its not fun when its random lag.
  • oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    ahrukin said:

    ill keep it short and sweet
    2) pallys in pvp.... come on .... its just ridicules ... 5 BIS tunes cant kill one.... get a grip guys there no skill or fun in that.

    Just change int to Pallys. They're destroying PVE too.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
  • alaskaalaska Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    Two issues going on right now and one I'm aware others have had problems with as well.
    1.) The end chest in ELOL is broken. For myself and others i've been adventuring with, the chest claims that our inventory is full. However my inventory is NOT full. The problem this presents is that I'm unable to get the items from the chest or complete the quest and leave the area. While some might not care about the items I do especially since the second to last attempt I ran had one of the treasured horns of lostmauth! You can imagine how pissed i was that i could not get this item! I tried a screen grab and submitting a bug/report to GMs unfortuately the screen grab is to damn blurry and for some reason the colors are all messed up and its near impossible to see anything. Im guessing this is my game settings which i lowered to help with the terrible performance i was seeing previously. I tried to do elol again with another group of folks same thing at the end except this time no horn.. I don't know why it claims my inventory if full because its not. THere were two others in the group this time that had the same problem.
  • oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    alaska said:

    Two issues going on right now and one I'm aware others have had problems with as well.
    1.) The end chest in ELOL is broken. For myself and others i've been adventuring with, the chest claims that our inventory is full. However my inventory is NOT full. The problem this presents is that I'm unable to get the items from the chest or complete the quest and leave the area. While some might not care about the items I do especially since the second to last attempt I ran had one of the treasured horns of lostmauth! You can imagine how pissed i was that i could not get this item! I tried a screen grab and submitting a bug/report to GMs unfortuately the screen grab is to damn blurry and for some reason the colors are all messed up and its near impossible to see anything. Im guessing this is my game settings which i lowered to help with the terrible performance i was seeing previously. I tried to do elol again with another group of folks same thing at the end except this time no horn.. I don't know why it claims my inventory if full because its not. THere were two others in the group this time that had the same problem.

    We all care about the items, and it's not just in eLOL, it's bugged in all dungeons. http://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/discussion/1207096/delve-chest-looting-issue-inventory-full#latest
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
  • phas3r1phas3r1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Ok there is something very weird about the leveling system.
    All your skills can be upgraded to level 4 only after you reach lvl 70 but...
    Its possible that you never get an extra point to raise them to level 4 because your reward for overflow level is random.
    In example ; " I just did completed my 7th level overflow, i was lucky i have 73 points, wich mean 2 of 7 level gave me 1 skill point."

    So at this beat i will need 21 more level overflow to be abble to level the 7 default skills im using, that is if im lucky an i keep getting 2 out 7 levels. I also have an alternate load-out wich i know i will probably never be abble to upgrade lvl4 in my short life time.

    For me it is definately a problem, every level i wonder if its worth to put the effort in leveling since last level all i got was 5 x Rank 5 enchants. Oh By the way, for your information i stoped using rank 5 enchants the moment i did reach level 70, because it does corespond with the moment i started doing enough astral diamonds to buy better, why you giving me those instead of a skill point, do you think it does compensated???? Anyway i could have used em to refine an artifact, but i did need 4 gold for a boon in sharandar so i sold em to a vendor in exchange for 5 silver each if i remember right. (((Does an overflow level = 25 silver ???)))
  • geetheblueskygeethebluesky Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2015

    Here is some feedback that I hope will be easy to implement.

    Please add a single option to the configuration. "Turn off loot result popups."
    By this I mean--don't bother with moving them around. Don't bother with changing the font size, dimensions, or even rerouting the output to a text log the results ARE already logged, so the visuals can be deemed unnecessary. Don't bother creating an elaborate plan to revamp the loot results; it won't get done, there's too many other things that seem more important. But this still needs fixing.

    Just let us turn it off entirely. Sure, we won't know visually when we win or not (unless we check the log). But at least this will fix the problem of the entire middle section of the screen being polluted by loot results. Those who want to loot (like me) can keep doing so without bothering others.

    No, "etiquette" will not fix this problem (counter: even if it's good behavior, lots of people don't care about that). Don't rely on the playerbase behaving, because they won't.

    No, "waiting until battle ends" is not a solution (counter: quick thieves, greedy people)--see line right above this.

    No, setting loot to "free for all" doesn't solve it either--I run dungeons with people to access more loot, not less! And the default is set to "need or greed"--again, don't rely on users changing it to magically accomodate others. That will not happen.

    The choice has to be put into the configuration. It won't get solved any other way.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,046 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    It would help to get the option to make a setting for drops...
    green drop: [ ] need, [ ] greed, [ ] pass
    blue drop: [ ] need, [ ] greed, [ ] pass
    purple drop: [ ] need, [ ] greed, [ ] pass
    and it would still only roll need, if that item is for your class.

    The roll itself would be more or less automatic, and you would only see a message, when you win something.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • gharnorgharnor Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Okay , I appreciate the need for all the specific things like "the Bar Trader" and things you want us to buy keys for. The need for an overhaul of crafting is huge. I have characters that craft in each category and it is awful that I cannot start in, leadership for instance, and train a worker all the way to GrandMaster. This fault is true in all the crafts, one cannot train a worker all the way up. So, this leaves me to attempt to buy from the Zen market boxes that may or may not contain the single puzzle piece I need, spending useless amounts of money. Thus crafting cannot be achieved. Now, one can just buy , with a huge amount of AD's, a GrandMaster, but why not just buy the weapon or armor and forget the wasted time of upgrading the craft?
    Then , of course the tools, yes the tools. One can go through hours of crafting up and gathering for days and days, then find out the tools one needs cannot be made, just bought for huge amounts of AD's, again it is just easier and cheaper time wise and money wise to buy a weapon or armor from the AH. Fix this so those of us who have reached lvl 25 in the crafts can make things after spending months reaching our levels. Crafting is broken, useless is a better word, it is a good system but built in, intentional flaws make it a train wreck.
  • e1ementoe1emento Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    My thoughts
    1: Get our dungeons back
    2: Correctly list the first skirmish Blacklake Terror as a skirmish. Currently it's listed as a quest instead. Also could we get a redo on skirmishes like we had with dungeons?
    3: Remove the mistext under Accomplishments in our Journals which states two which never will get fixed anyway.
    The Icespire Mountaineer and the Eye Chirurgeon
    4: Create an Archival Collection List for past inventory on PvE Equipment, etc.. It would be nice to have a complete collection list to check against that includes the older items.
    5: The ARC Client is taking up too much of my physical RAM. Without even getting into the game, it uses between ten and twenty MB. This may very well be the reason why I crash in game to desktop.
    Also when I start out, I keep getting an error that the procedure entry point HttpCreateUrlGroup cannot be found in its dynamic link library file HTTPAPI.dll. I don't know what to make of this as I get no response.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    e1emento said:

    5: The ARC Client is taking up too much of my physical RAM. Without even getting into the game, it uses between ten and twenty MB. This may very well be the reason why I crash in game to desktop.

    Easily resolved by DIY:

    Launch the Launcher, ARC Client isn't necessary (neither is Steam). You find it in the "Cryptic Studios" folder (one hirarchic level anove the "Neverwinter directory...) under the name of "Neverwinter.exe"...
  • dudedudeguy#9050 dudedudeguy Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this yet, but would it be possible to add a customizable filter to the chat? If that was added, people would be able to ignore spambots based on the messages they send, and it would not be as time-consuming as it currently is to ignore/report spambots.
    To further elaborate, what I'm talking about would be a filter where the user can choose what words or phrases are filtered out.
    Post edited by dudedudeguy#9050 on
  • quasaralphaquasaralpha Member Posts: 2 New User
    I hope that Underdark expansion pack will stop that awful repetitions of the vigilant quests. Below the 60th lvl quest line is fine. Plenty of beatufil locations etc. But after the 60th lvl NWN turns into Lineage and this is terrible. That countless fappping of doing same quests again and again and again.
    Help me to send this message to the main group of developers please. Such gameplay transformation is definitely not OK.
  • tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    OK you guys need to start addressing something - the fact that Neverwinter lacks a system that smoothens out the transition that allows new players to become dedicated, veteran players.

    Now, the imbalance/gameplay/bugs is something we older players can live with. We've stuck around this long, so expect us to continue running around doing stuff in-game as long as we see progress.
    Still, the fact remains that Neverwinter lacks that certain player-friendly factor that makes other MMOs like WoW so popular. This is slowly driving out your newbie playerbase, regardless of whether their insecurities are justified or not. Your new players feel estranged and abandoned, and all that eye candy/lore is only going to keep them coming back for so long.

    1) The game lacks an easily accessible general knowledge resource.
    Let's make something clear - Neverwinter tends to attract players who love real-time combat. Now people like these tend to be very competitive (-everyone- is a potential rival) and the result is that you get a community can be VERY toxic or unhelpful.
    You can see how this can be very bad for new players.
    I see CWs, masters of AoE and control, struggling in the Fiery Pit because they're using the wrong powers. I see players who keep dying in level 60+ content because they're using poor gear with random stats and relying on outdated pots. I see new players trying to tackle IWD using mostly guts and subpar gear (obviously that doesn't turn out very well).
    In the end, even gear can only help so much. These days there are people in legendaries/mythicals dying in T1s (even with the op OP bubble) because they haven't figured out things like the fact that you shouldn't stand behind a dragon (something they should have learned when they first died to Charthraxis). Try asking old players. Many will agree that they general skill/general knowledge level of the average new player has dropped considerably.
    It doesn't help that the game is full of whiners. This is natural in a community with very competitive players - you guys must learn to accept this and deal with it constructively.

    Long term solution:
    a) Introduce a system that recognizes when a player is struggling (combat takes too long, player seems to be stacking the wrong stats or not stacking any useful stat at all, player is constantly dying/being reduced to low HP) and offers suggestions. On his/her 2nd/3rd consecutive death, a message like "You have been killed! Did you know (insert enemy type) is vulnerable to (insert potential useful PvE powers)?" or "You have been killed! Did you know that a single Tail Swipe attack from a dragon can potentially defeat even very experienced adventurers?" or "You are constantly low on HP! Did you know that you can stack Lifesteal too help you survive longer in combat?"
    b)Introduce a section in the helpful tooltips that describe what certain powers/stats are useful for. It can be descriptive, like "Lifesteal: This attribute is incredibly helpful for classes with lots of fast attacks or damage over time powers" or lore-related, like "Oppressive Force: In days of old powerful Control Wizards were known to be able to stop an entire army on its tracks with this ability".
    b) Implement a General Knowledge function that new players can consult. Contains everything from what to bring in dungeons, what to expect in T1s (training grounds)/T2s (this is end game so you should you should expect a very different level of difficulty), how to handle abusive players, what gear they should focus on getting/upgrading first (because more new players are falling into the trap of getting T2s ASAP, in part because of whiners), how to find the proper guild, etc.
    This can simply be a link to the forums or something.
    I'm not saying you devs should hold their hand through the whole experience, but you must be able to point them in the right direction.

    Band-aid solution:
    Seek help from the player community. There a lot of knowledgeable players out there who wouldn't mind volunteering their free time and answering questions from newbies. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, like you can simply change the color of a player's name in zone chat and change their designation to "adventuring guide" or something.
    Hopefully this will also help strengthen dev-player relations.

    2) The game lacks a defined progress meter.
    The question people in zone chat have learned to expect the most from newbies is some variation of "What should I be doing next?"
    Common replies include some variation of "because .... bacon" and 'yo mama jokes.

    Long term solution:
    A more robust, general version of the campaign window that includes the present campaign window along with "milestones" (plus links) telling people what they should be doing next.
    Level 70 milestone examples: (sorted by difficulty)
    Explore the Realm of Sharandar. Includes Tooltip and link to Sharandar campaign and collections.
    Explore Kessell's Retreat. Tooltip: The evil Kessell is threatening blahblahblah. Equip yourself with serviceable gear from quests, campaign merchants or the Auction House and storm the evil mage's blahblahblah. Includes link to Skirmish and collection rewards.

    Band-aid solution:
    Same as above.

    3) The game needs a better grouping system.
    No, this is not about the RNG or the queue system. I'm saying the game needs a better grouping UI for LFG.
    End game is all about grouping, and the current system is not making it easy. The type of community we currently have certainly doesn't help.
    If you people really want to cultivate a better community then players need to start to get along better. This means that grouping has to be fun. Standing around doing nothing and spamming LF3M blahblahblah for minutes at a time is definitely not fun. It helps then if the LFG UI was more defined, streamlined and player-friendly.

    How about an interactive window that goes into detail about the identity/class of the players already in the group? So that instead of spamming LFG in chat, people can just create a group entity and then wait for people to join. People looking for a group will just have to choose where they want to go and then choose a group from there.
    The UI will include a tavern-esque setting/backdrop, and there will be tavern/travel bonuses (technical: to promote more varied group compositions, lore-wise: class interaction bonuses, some classes work better with themselves or others) depending on what classes people bring along. If a group takes too long to launch then the group gets additional morale bonuses (technical: to make joining that particular group more attractive, lore-wise: a good meal/some drinks/extra time in a relaxing atmosphere can really improve one's performance in combat).
    You can build on the tavern concept further to make it more interesting while players are waiting.

    The queue system, of course, now also include a random, potentially powerful bonus to players using it. High risk, high gain.
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
  • solbergxsolbergx Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    How about rebuilding proffessions, right now you can have 4 mithral assets for a profession and still there is only a 60% chance you can get a tier 3 item, i think it should be 85%, or maybe have a fith asset, crafting items from profession should be profitable. And the items need to be reviewed, there are lots of items that are not good.
  • lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User

    This thread has a lot of good ideas but it has been growing since your OP in July. Might I suggest, that you and the mods consolidate it in new one so that we can continue to provide relevant feedback. Some of the suggestions have already been implemented and bugs fixed.

    It would help organize some of the players feedback and keep current
    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    lwedar said:


    This thread has a lot of good ideas but it has been growing since your OP in July. Might I suggest, that you and the mods consolidate it in new one so that we can continue to provide relevant feedback. Some of the suggestions have already been implemented and bugs fixed.

    It would help organize some of the players feedback and keep current


    It would be a good thing to strip the redundancy from this thread, and rewrite it into a new one's first post.

    Then close this one with a link to the new thread, and carry on discussing there...
  • hoofithoofit Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 122 Arc User
    Pvp complete over haul there is so much wrong in pvp that I would take an entire page to list everything in detail.
    But I think devs need to play pvp constantly for a week at level 70 and all item levels to see that problem of item level gap the word joke doesn't cover it.
    Then there is this culture of exploiting broken feats and enchants to gain huge advantage this has to be dealt with after all it is no different to cheating.
    If you guys just played enough pvp and looked at your enemys gear you'd see why it's pretty obvious that some are using more than just broken feats/enchants, for instance some don't dodge and have no armor enchants just hop and manage never to get stunned have very little defence and take massive dmg with also very little hp something is up it doesn't take a genius to see that when it happens a lot.
    Lets hope you make a start on pvp before bringing out yet another mod (sarcasm lol)
  • tomislavpleckotomislavplecko Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have no problems with the game itself.
    But what I find annoying is that every damn time I start the game, there is 1 gigabyte or more to be patched.
    I play with my kid (he visits me every other weekend) and waiting to patch on two computers is annoying.
    Mabye if you implement bittorent-like protocol so we don't have to download separately on each pc?
    Or update cache, so one PC can send the updates to another PC? (with the users consent ofcourse)

  • shadowspawn01shadowspawn01 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I would like to suggest that we be able to bank our AD and Tarmalune bars and be able to share with our other characters just like with the gold, silver, & copper. Also, the AD report that was put out made me wonder just what you were really talking about. I saw several things go up in price but I haven't seen any go down. EXAMPLE: the Small Forest Stag went from 600 Tarmalune Bars to 750 Tarmalune bars. Honestly, who are you guys making it easier for? you are making it more expensive to get things, NOT cheaper.
  • shadowspawn01shadowspawn01 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I would like to suggest that we be able to bank our AD and Tarmalune Bars just like we do with gold & silver & copper. and be able to withdraw it with any of our characters
  • guitarzan698guitarzan698 Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Hey guys... take it from someone that has been involved with D&D for over 40 years... FIX THE FOUNDRY. Then it won't matter how much HAMSTER content you guys release... the content will take care of itself... and you guys can fix your game.
  • dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    the top issue for me is the devs dont bother to listen to players.
  • rapo973rapo973 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 831 Arc User

    Oltreverso guild leader
    Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
  • tantrumusmaximustantrumusmaximus Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    1) Overflow XP - Reduce it to about 1/3 if it's tied to RNG this is an integral part of char progression and further alienates new players compared to players that have benefitted from the amount needed pre-mod 7.

    2) Lag in many zones regularly is really bad. Icewind/Dread Ring, many of the mod7 new ones.

    3) Bank Sorting

    4) Change Appearance changes to Gold similar to the change made to un-equip enchants in the past. Or at least lower the AD cost significantly.

    5) DUAL SPECs. Please allow us to have multiple builds.

    6) Extra pages for hotbars to allow for multiple Power layouts. It is very cumbersome to change multiple times in a dungeon run for different encounters.

    7) Please reduce bag prices. Many of us have many alts and you would benefit from lower prices as we would buy more bags. Right now bag prices do not lend well to having multiple characters.

    8) Please update the potions to scale to the content. A CW getting like 5% of their health back when almost dead makes almost none of the new content solo friendly. Not saying make it easy mode, just saying a potion should be good for maybe 25% of your health.


  • piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    1. Cryptic launch elemental wep artif that make stronghold artif wep become obstacle (drown and burning) even before ppl don't have it yet, so Cryptic just make 1 mod grind to almost get the BIS wep that req GH R16, banner of the fallen, fang of the dragonflight,wep armanmnet (masterwork) become obstacle just with 100x times HE artif wep? it's just so lame
    this is suppose to be alternative option for those who don't wanna after the BIS artif wep set that required a lot of things but not to make the BIS one become obstacle..
    Crytic already make statement that will not nerf elemental artif wep and make adjustment, so i think they need to buff stronghold artif wep
    2. here what Crytic annoucment about masterworks
    -Once you’ve completed training with one profession you can begin a second.
    -You may unlock all masterwork recipes and obtain all masterwork tools on a single character should you undertake all of the quests.
    i am already clear my masterwork leatherwork quest and get the recipe but the other masterworks quest didn't show up even when i got jewelcraft R25
    -Finishing training will also net you a new fashion set unique to that profession. no fashion earn
  • jenniann27jenniann27 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Character bound Companion's and Astral Diamonds can be deposited into your bank like gold.
  • anthimoniousanthimonious Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    One of the things I really liked about this game was tryng to go into Sharandar at lvl 60. It was a real challenge, and if your character isn't up to par, impossible. Now, when you finally get to lvl 70 and get into Sharandar, the equipment you recieve is still set for lvl 60! This makes no sense. I didn't get a chance to play it when the level cap was 60, and I feel like I will never get to experience what this game was meant to be. I think you should put into place a way to roll back levels even if it's through inactivity. From what I have seen lvl 60 is where the real game ends.
  • tantrumusmaximustantrumusmaximus Member Posts: 215 Arc User

    One of the things I really liked about this game was tryng to go into Sharandar at lvl 60. It was a real challenge, and if your character isn't up to par, impossible. Now, when you finally get to lvl 70 and get into Sharandar, the equipment you recieve is still set for lvl 60! This makes no sense. I didn't get a chance to play it when the level cap was 60, and I feel like I will never get to experience what this game was meant to be. I think you should put into place a way to roll back levels even if it's through inactivity. From what I have seen lvl 60 is where the real game ends.

    You bring up a very good point. There are many areas in the game that have not had loot upgraded to the zone's level. Rank3 enchants from 70th level area that used to be a 60th zone from skill nodes is an example of that...
This discussion has been closed.