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Getting stunlocked by rangers in pvp



  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Bugs arent installed to give you an easy button its not a call for a nerf its pointing out a bug. And you suck as an hr its why you need to use it. So, please enough with the l2p. You need to L2p without abusing bugs ******. You guys trying to defend this will have to shelf your HRs when its fixed because you are no good at playing HR without abusing a bug.

    Tell me you dont happen to be a Cw abusing Storm and Lostmouth set would you? Or spelltwist or aborting repel casting it endlessly?

    Hr using gush+dott is undergeared no good free to kill nabs in Pvp thats the bug that can be abused but look at Kd ratio and total kills then come back and nag.

    For each hr there is 10 Cw abusing storm spellwist and repel.

    For those Hr using constict-hindering-fox plz point toward the offical bug on that i be very interested for you to find it dont be shy now plz enlighten us as its you 100th post about this bug of yours.....
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    What bug? It's really a "I don't like being hit with this wet noodle and I refuse to adapt" issue.
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Again quit whining and point out the bug. Does it do something other than what the game says it should? If so, what exactly.
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I main an HR and I dont need to abuse this to win. You dont point to someone else abusing a bug to justify that you should be able to do it too. You guys are lunatics to try and say that its wai. All youve done is let everyone one here know you're not a true competitor but that you need to abuse a bug because its the only way for you to have a chance because you are terrible without it.
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    And you're right in that they don't need to be nerfed. They need a serious boost. Then people wouldn't live for 26 seconds while being cced and then we could start the "hr's kill me in three seconds like I do to them and I want them nerfed" posts.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    Actually, being a WK is not my problem. I actually do quite well, even against broken bull**** HRs. It doesn't make it any less broken. Just because I test and succeed with a counter-build, still, doesn't make it any less broken. Noticing a trend here? HRs need to get fixed. Not nerfed. We don't want them nerfed. If everything about the HR was working correctly, they wouldn't need the bull**** roots. It would be nice if HRs could acknowledge that. Just goes to show that everyone wants to keep their broken powers. So as a TR, I'm going to use everything in my arsenal short of going MI. The more you hate me, the more enjoyment it brings .

    Ok so all suggestion from Hr on every thread about that we gladly give up daze for piercing damage or a 60k hit encounter every 5 sec or actually arpen and control bonus working on roots does not count in your book.

    The major suggestion from almost all Hr is make root respect dodge, put an idc on daze IF and i state IF AND WHEN the other issues at hand is adressed NOT BEFORE AND ANOTHER 3 MODULES WITH ONLY NERFES.


    And when you look at reality and real numbers Hr is the worst class possible with even worse stats the SW IN PVP.

    And on top of that you say Hr has a L2P issue and can only play due to broken abuse of a bug (whish actualy if USED MAKES YOU WORSE IN PVP).

    Says alot about those of you who compLain about the Hr class at all...........
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    all you've done is point out that you don't like something and are going to call people names because of it. If it's not wai, how so? Tell me what it is doing that it shouldn't. Not what you "feel" it should or shouldn't be doing.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i main an hr and i dont need to abuse this to win. You dont point to someone else abusing a bug to justify that you should be able to do it too. You guys are lunatics to try and say that its wai. All youve done is let everyone one here know you're not a true competitor but that you need to abuse a bug because its the only way for you to have a chance because you are terrible without it.

    name the bug plz ................
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Omg point it out really? You guys are sad. You know, this was spelled out for everyone in a previous post. Its probably where you learned really.
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So then it should be easy for you to point it out now.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    omg point it out really? You guys are sad. You know, this was spelled out for everyone in a previous post. Its probably where you learned really.

    name da bug or are you incapable of this ..............
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Its against the tos and would get this thread locked to do so. Which i dont want. I want every singl last one of you using this that are giving a bad name to the class to be exposed for the **** stains you are. So keep it up.
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    "Your honor I have no proof that there is something wrong but I will not let that deter my whining."
    Mod please close this pointless thread.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    its against the tos and would get this thread locked to do so. Which i dont want. I want every singl last one of you using this that are giving a bad name to the class to be exposed for the **** stains you are. So keep it up.

    so you cant name the bug all talk talk talk talk you cant name the bug tell us why will ya ....

    and plz enlighten us what is your MAIN HRS NAME
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It's not against tos to point out that an ability is not doing what the description says. They even a spot called the bug section for that very reason.
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Scroll back thru the other pages if youre really curious. It was discussed ad naseum. Are you seriously telling me that when you lock someone up like that that you think its wai. That the devs wanted to allow someone to chainlock an opponent for 10 or more seconds until you can finally kill them? Really? And pleas dont try to say cdubs can hold people. Youre not a control ranger
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    scroll back thru the other pages if youre really curious. It was discussed ad naseum. Are you seriously telling me that when you lock someone up like that that you think its wai. That the devs wanted to allow someone to chainlock an opponent for 10 or more seconds until you can finally kill them? Really? And pleas dont try to say cdubs can hold people. Youre not a control ranger

    what is your main hrs name :

    What is the bugg is it gush+dott or something else confirm this

    I dont belive for a second you play Hr as main on high lvl so what is your name am calling your a liar and fraud prove me wrong.
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You are the fraud my friend. Thats why you need to use this to be any good. Dont worry everyone knows now.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You are the fraud my friend. Thats why you need to use this to be any good. Dont worry everyone knows now.

    So cant answer any simple question and cant say the name or your so called Main Hr mr liar.

    Your a fruad and most likely a Cw running around spreading lies to stay OP alone your credibility is 0 absolute ZERO.

    And you still havent said what is
    Thats why you need to use this to be any good

    Until you prove you main a hr at high lvl and tell us the nature of the bug your posts is irrelevant and will be treated as such...
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, youre wrong you can yell from the highest rooftops that you're not abusing bug and try and change the conversation to calling the other hrs pointing this out as frauds. But your comments expose who you are and that youre an exploiter. This has nothing to do with me, because i dont cheat to win. Which is what youre doing. Again youre telling me that you locking someone up like that is wai? Smdh. Hope you have a broken tr to exploit on once this is fixed. Theres jerkoffs on those forums too trying to defend their latest exploit. You will feel right at home.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No, youre wrong you can yell from the highest rooftops that you're not abusing bug and try and change the conversation to calling the other hrs pointing this out as frauds. But your comments expose who you are and that youre an exploiter. This has nothing to do with me, because i dont cheat to win. Which is what youre doing. Again youre telling me that you locking someone up like that is wai? Smdh. Hope you have a broken tr to exploit on once this is fixed. Theres jerkoffs on those forums too trying to defend their latest exploit. You will feel right at home.

    My Hrs name Nerlatherian Gs 3.596

    Path - Trapper

    Encounters used in PVP constrict-hindering-fox

    Now tell us 3 things

    Your Ranger and

    what am I abusing and

    what bug are you refering to.

    Answer these or stay silent as the fraud and liar you otherwise are ...
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You didnt answer the question. You really believe that you should be able to lock people down like that. That its a feature?
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Gwynbleidd, add me in game so I know where youre exploiting at so I can avoid the area.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You didnt answer the question. You really believe that you should be able to lock people down like that. That its a feature?

    Yes as it is how with the why Hr works its the only thing a Hr has left if they give Hr back full arpen full control bonus, fix wild medice, give archery a cc breaker and some surivability give melee +50% damage on at will +30 % on encounters sure remove daze or put idc on it and make root repsect dodge(should do that nm what really)

    Now mr Liar and Fraud answer my questions:

    Now tell us 3 things

    Your Ranger and

    what am I abusing and

    what bug are you refering to.
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So you admit that its not wai and youre using it because its all your hr can do to be viable. Ill accept that as a confession. Been nice getting you to admit it. They dont have to fix the other things wrong with hrs for you to stop using it. Just stop. Its not a fair way to play if you're opponent cant move. Im sorry your roots dont have arm pen. But its no justification. As ive pointed out to the others saying that its wai.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So you admit that its not wai and youre using it because its all your hr can do to be viable. Ill accept that as a confession. Been nice getting you to admit it. They dont have to fix the other things wrong with hrs for you to stop using it. Just stop. Its not a fair way to play if you're opponent cant move. Im sorry your roots dont have arm pen. But its no justification. As ive pointed out to the others saying that its wai.



    And you say am sorry Y O U R roots dont have arpen you are admitting that you dont play HR and that you are a LIAR.

    For the last time answer these 3 questions or be forever a fraud and liar to be ignored....

    Your Ranger path and gear score

    what am I abusing and

    what bug are you refering to.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yes as it is how with the why Hr works its the only thing a Hr has left if they give Hr back full arpen full control bonus, fix wild medice, give archery a cc breaker and some surivability give melee +50% damage on at will +30 % on encounters sure remove daze or put idc on it and make root repsect dodge(should do that nm what really)

    Now mr Liar and Fraud answer my questions:

    Now tell us 3 things

    Your Ranger and

    what am I abusing and

    what bug are you refering to.

    your repetitions become a bit anoying, please stop it, and please just be so honest and tell us, if you really think that perma locking ppl is an adaequate strategy in PVP?
    and don´t refer to other broken things like: " this TR can nearly oneshoot or that OP did oneshoot ... i have to deal with some of these HR with warlock in domination and its really redicules tbh
    so if you think its the way to go and play in PVP, since all other classes cheat as well or use broken stuff like wheel etc., i want to inform you that from my perspective its worse than TR in mod 5 , only to give you something to compare
    btw. exactly you were one of the most active forum members that yelled against this class n mod 5, as far as i remember, now defending same broken s.h.i.t?
    doesn´t give you lots of cedibility
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You cant own this conversation. Youve already lost the arguments. I know its hard to accept since its been easy mode for you lately. Im sure irl not so much. Thats why youre here locking people down thinking this your time to shine. Combat btw. So I can contest a node. Theres no defense. Crushing roots will get some sort of icd or rework because you arent entitled to lock your opponents up like that. I went away from trapper til this is fixed.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    your repetitions become a bit anoying, please stop it, and please just be so honest and tell us, if you really think that perma locking ppl is an adaequate strategy in PVP?
    and don´t refer to other broken things like: " this TR can nearly oneshoot or that OP did oneshoot ... i have to deal with some of these HR with warlock in domination and its really redicules tbh
    so if you think its the way to go and play in PVP, since all other classes cheat as well or use broken stuff like wheel etc., i want to inform you that from my perspective its worse than TR in mod 5 , only to give you something to compare
    btw. exactly you were one of the most active forum members that yelled against this class n mod 5, as far as i remember, now defending same broken s.h.i.t?
    doesn´t give you lots of cedibility

    Hr module 6 worst class to play Tr module 5 Gods among mortals see the differance prolly not blind as a bat....


    Your Ranger path and gear score

    what am I abusing and

    what bug are you refering to.
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    He doesn't have an answer. He has no argument and doesn't even pretend to have one. His post is pure failure. No need to even engage him anymore.
This discussion has been closed.