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Getting stunlocked by rangers in pvp



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    piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    im gonna be honest with you man i agree with you and you should keep going but your gonna run out of breathe on the forums. youll explain this here and another thread will pop up claiming the same false info. same thing happened with trs tbh.

    well i don't have a plenty of time to play in game due to work.. i do forum in my breaktime so it's fine
    just wanna make clear that HR is not broken compare to other class and counterable, because I hate people who saying other class that beat them is OP and stand behind the banner of balance when they just need to l2p and don't wanna change their encounter setup
    Landing 1 melee encounter & then spamming 2 ranged encounters without interruption doesn't really seem impossible.

    ReRead please
    piejal wrote: »
    how many HR do you find use that setup encounter and perform that bug exploit on pvp?
    if you complain about full recharge encounter rotation then i guess you don't know that even in mod 5 until now HR trapper can perform full rotation recharge range-melee rotation
    try to apply gushing wound to exp CW that slotted repel with that setup encounter? HR is pretty much dead meat before able to land that crappy animation melee encounter
    i personaly choose melee-range rotation for pvp.. no need to abuse bug that only easy to be pull off on solo PVE and dummy
    fix the bug i don't mind and i really mean it
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    piejal wrote: »
    well i don't have a plenty of time to play in game due to work.. i do forum in my breaktime so it's fine
    just wanna make clear that HR is not broken compare to other class and counterable, because I hate people who saying other class that beat them is OP and stand behind the banner of balance when they just need to l2p and don't wanna change their encounter setup

    clearly you don't know about HR rotation.. true 3 encounter with 1s daze CR then what? your rotation become a mess
    talking about easy why don't you pass some knowledge about CW rotation stunlockin+ice knife? it's must be need real talent and skill to pull it off right? LOL
    btw they were talking about gushing wound bugging the cd. anyways add me in game wolf4@blackxxwolf3.
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    piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    btw they were talking about gushing wound bugging the cd. anyways add me in game wolf4@blackxxwolf3.

    oh i see..
    good to know you
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    gweddrygweddry Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    Ugh. So aren't good at finding a TR in stealth? Are we back to this again? Yes, I understand that at some point you have to find us in melee range to get the ball rolling. If you are any good you only have to do it once then you have us on lock-down.

    It's when you come back in again, instead of exercising patience. Not all TRs are built the same. Some of us have given up our offensive capabilities for survival. Some of us also realize that if we play a more aggressive style, and go in and out of stealth more, that we should spec for that as well. Also, this benefits us in the current PvE climate.

    But I digress, exercise more patience against TRs and you will fair a lot better.

    Anyway, please remember that I do want your class to operate properly. I simply want your broken aspects fixed. I don't want you to become less challenging. I just want you challenging in a more "legit" fashion.

    Just like I want the cheese taken out of TRs.

    You misunderstand. There is NO WAY of locking down a TR from range, because you can't see them. Plus, our ranged powers have far too long cast time compared to our melee powers. I don't use target lock so I need encounters with fast animation that are able to lock the target quickly and not fail while casting. You probably don't play an HR so you don't know how we play on a node against a TR. The main tool for locating them is of course fox shift/smashing our disruptive shot button. I am more than capable of finding TRs on nodes, except for the very top players, they are usually much harder to predict.

    As far as builds go, I am no TR expert, but I know that the best one is the lurkers-cos-so abuse. Please don't bring pve into this.

    Patience? As I mentioned, you need to act quickly, because the TR ends you in 10 cos.
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    gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    gweddry wrote: »
    You misunderstand. There is NO WAY of locking down a TR from range, because you can't see them. Plus, our ranged powers have far too long cast time compared to our melee powers. I don't use target lock so I need encounters with fast animation that are able to lock the target quickly and not fail while casting. You probably don't play an HR so you don't know how we play on a node against a TR. The main tool for locating them is of course fox shift/smashing our disruptive shot button. I am more than capable of finding TRs on nodes, except for the very top players, they are usually much harder to predict.

    As far as builds go, I am no TR expert, but I know that the best one is the lurkers-cos-so abuse. Please don't bring pve into this.

    Patience? As I mentioned, you need to act quickly, because the TR ends you in 10 cos.

    I hear so often that you need patience and it is easy to fight the permastealth TR(s) i can't help but find that bull****.. if we were a tank maybe we could wait out most of the TR(s) stealth bar once his/her stamina runs out and they can't refill it anymore.. but as a HR the only way i found to fight that one build is with the artifact that increases stealth detection.. and even then that only works on the WORST TR(s) who stand in one place for too long instead of throw throw roll throw throw roll.. to keep stealth bar refilling..

    Fox shift hitting stealthed players i SUSPECT is a bug, even if it does work, kinda wish that skill wouldn't work unless it had a target (it gets wasted on tr(s) so often who stealth/roll as i hit the button and it just stands there and swings and does nothing :)

    and as as for "locking down" a TR at range that is a pipe dream.. i can shot almost ANY CLASS with constricting shot, or hit them with the melee hindering strike and they are rooted for maybe a second? or a second and a half.. but a TR.. try 1/10th of a second if that.. even better if they are in the process of stealthing or ARE stealthed.. the root animation is not only stealthed too, but if they were rolling when it hit.. they are not even where your arrow hit rooted, they are where ever they rolled too, rooted for a split second but STILL stealthed.. Stealth overall just seems "broken" in the game.. even the HR(s) skill Forest Ghost, lets HR(s) stealth, but then we can ATTACK from that stealth and not unstealth, i didn't even realize that till another HR told me.. i thought we could only "auto attack" like the skill said..

    also as for the bleed being "hard to land" i will try it out later in PvP today and see how hard it is.. i suspect not very hard at all and it does not matter WHO you land it on as long as you hit them with that bleed + a fast DOT (like plague fire) you can then shoot anyone else for awhile with the super fast range cooldowns, even if that guy ran..
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    angrymanagementangrymanagement Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    piejal wrote: »
    well i don't have a plenty of time to play in game due to work.. i do forum in my breaktime so it's fine
    just wanna make clear that HR is not broken compare to other class and counterable, because I hate people who saying other class that beat them is OP and stand behind the banner of balance when they just need to l2p and don't wanna change their encounter setup

    ReRead please

    You seem to think you are telling people something, but you seem to be unable to understand anything people tell you.
    Have you ever looked at your own post history? Pages and pages of you telling anyone saying anything about an HR that they are wrong and need to l2p, insults to people playing CWs, and an endless nerf campaign on TRs.
    Perhaps, you should sit back and actually take in what other people are saying.
    The perma stun HRs are rare among HRs, but they are out there. If your not pulling it off, then perhaps you should sit back and let other people chat since your mind was made up before you ever came to post here.
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    jhpnwjhpnw Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 611 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You will rarely see any of the better geared HR using perma stun bug we don't have to 1st it doesnot do much damage why hit you 16 times for less than 20 k damge I love it when they try to use it on my HR after about 6 or 7 seconds I catch them in between procts and there dead It can be a pain if they have a CW Or TR with them but most of the time even then they are so weak the die quickly I believe this is a bug they are taught to use by others to help them in over all pvp and I bet its not the HR doing the teaching when I see 1 week HR with 4 white shining armor he rides a level one hors
    e and them level epic ones that's not a pug mistake that's an setup team trying to help a newby fast track. the gushing bug is more annoyance than any thing else but it needs to go away
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    schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    this perma stunning build is used in PVP and broken and has to be fixed, serious player who knows how to abuse this bug exactly did already post in the forum how it works
    90% of the Hunter who stick in this thread don´t know how this bug exactly works, because if they knew they would write something like this surprised friend who belongs to the "Bug-Defender-Section" :)
    holy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.. i play a HR and i had been defending this crazyness with "perma daze" NOW i see where it is coming from...
    That is stupid.. the rotation HR(s) do to pretty much have your 6 encounters than 1 or 2 atwills then 6 more encounters does not seem broken/bad (due to the fact we hit so ridiculous tiny compared to other strikers or controller(s)/strikers even.. But that was just silly, i could keep using my range skills as fast as i wanted just about was about a .75 to 1 second at MOST pause...
    .. but good grief with that bug you could root/daze lock anyone at distance
    *rolls eyes* THAT explains why i have been daze locked in PvP by other HR(s)
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    jhpnwjhpnw Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 611 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    90% of the Hunter who stick in this thread don´t know how this bug exactly works, because if they knew they would write something like this surprised friend who belongs to the "Bug-Defender-Section"

    90 % of the HR know how it works WE JUST DONT USE IT. it does not even merit using it is WEAK and have said it needs to be fixed you just keep on it like a dog on a bone over something that's bugged. out of all the bugs out there this is the least of them that needs to be fixed but it still needs to go and all the attention given to it is quiet funny

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    gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    this perma stunning build is used in PVP and broken and has to be fixed, serious player who knows how to abuse this bug exactly did already post in the forum how it works
    90% of the Hunter who stick in this thread don´t know how this bug exactly works, because if they knew they would write something like this surprised friend who belongs to the "Bug-Defender-Section" :)

    I always just assumed they were talking about us rotating our encounter powers rapidly by building up encounter "cool down increase(or decrease depending on how ya look at it)" skills.. it wasn't until someone said it was a bug being exploited and it was in a certian thread that i looked it up read it.. swore i was told/read it was "fixed" when they fixed using THAT same skill to make lostmauth proc like CRAZY and kill mobs in seconds.. but i tried it out myself on a training dummy *rolls eyes* stupidest thing ever... even if it is NOT being used a lot it is going to give us (HR(s)) a **** reputation.. i think the flip flopping melee/range to quickly cooldown encounters is not a bug, only because our encounters BARELY do damage when we spec out that way, compared with most other striker/controller encounter powers.. and if you DO spec into the melee or archery tree you do a LOT more damage but can not quickly cool off your encounter powers.. i figure that is what we "give up" to have that ability..

    but if anyone here comes and compalins about someone using that bug (easy to tell.. see if they put a bleed on you, and then just spammed constructing arrow on you afterwards).. i will totaly defend you that, THAT is bullcrap.. but if they are doing the melee/range rotation i wont defend it because ATM you can NOT truly stun lock someone with that, unless they have ZERO negation, and control resist.. even THEN i don't think you can stun(daze) lock, just root lock em.. because the daze at rank 4 is .125X4 = .5 of a second on weak roots and 1 second on strong, and the full rotation is more like 2 seconds MAYBE you can get em daze locked for 2 seconds by hitting with 1st daze at the middle of 1st rotation and START of 2nd rotation.. i doubt seriously you can do 4 encounters (because of animation delay) in 1 second.. and even then, that is IF he had no bonus(es) also i think HR(s) currently DONT get a control bonus on either roots OR dazes but it is **** hard to figure out because they last SOOO short..
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    foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    perma root and daze from rangers, apart of the other broken powers of some classes are killing PVP. No class should be able to perma root and daze its opponent. This has to be fixed
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    marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    perma root and daze from rangers, apart of the other broken powers of some classes are killing PVP. No class should be able to perma root and daze its opponent. This has to be fixed

    Hr is killing pvp i ... dam ... am speechless .. i *shakes head gets coffe sips on it and shakes head again, laughes a bit confused and moves on.....*
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    foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah, move on with ur sarcasm. When players see rangers abusing or doing whatever this perma thing is, they stop playing, no one wants to be perma rooted and dazed, resulting in a 4vs5 when there is a quitter. And my dear sarcastic marnival, i said "apart of this".. that is, one of many things that kill pvp fights.
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    marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah, move on with ur sarcasm. When players see rangers abusing or doing whatever this perma thing is, they stop playing, no one wants to be perma rooted and dazed, resulting in a 4vs5 when there is a quitter. And my dear sarcastic marnival, i said "apart of this".. that is, one of many things that kill pvp fights.

    and this thread is about *apart from that*-

    Today cryptic manage to butcher serpent which is about 30% of added dps as a class feature, now add to that the arpen is not applayed to roots and control bonus does not applay to most Hr things or root.

    There are 3-4 Hrs out there that manage to somehow (of some i highly doubt is using legal means) remain competitive otherwise facing a Hr is the most favarable option I have.
    They dont kill me and they die fastest of all classes as they have NO cc escape and pittyful defence.

    But hell ya who cares about instant kills from nowhere or 60k hits every 4 sec while hanging in the air or cw that heals better then dc and tank better then gwf while doing storms with aow damage surpacing everything in the game.

    Hell yea Hr is destroying pvp atm no one cares about non killable OP that 1 shot you every 30 sec or use broken auras that can whipe entire partys when abusing it (yea high end guild using it right now)-

    Lets make it official Hr daze is now the most game breaking ability in this game and are destorying pvp for everybody escpecially since Hr is no numerous nowdays all over the place just look at leaderboard sorted by kills or wins you find them mmm well they are there somewhere am sure of it...

    Reality check somebody pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze........................
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    erpuma91erpuma91 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Marnival it s a waste of time speak to this ppls, the 95% of the ppls post in this forum are bad geared(blu violet items maybe r8), dont know nothing about other classes and the class they play.They try to do sometimes gg, and when they face hr full equipped get killed=hr it s op.
    Go to check the leaderboard for kill... in the first 15 pages u will find around 20hr, 18 of them have kill /death ratio of 2.1, only a couple no1 know how have a kill/death ration of 3/1. If u look tr have kill/death ration of 10/1, than u find cw and gf.
    Now like now Tr is yet bloody broken, he can kill u just using daggers(just press 1 button) and u cant do nothing, gF are bloody broken to, whit a skill take u of around 75% hp, ,op are immortal and one shot ppls whit the daily,cw are embarassing, tank more than a tank and whit less than a rotation kill the oppo, dc nothing to say, an immortal class that go around here and there and never die.

    But when u read this forum... miracle, evrything change and the most op broken class are the HR!!!!! a class that have his dmg bugged of 30% less, a class that havent defensive skills and so on, but hr have the 'BROKEN PERMA DAZE' ahahahah, u are all drunk ahahah.
    Once again, i dont care if u want nerf perma useless daze, i want my damage fixed, i want my feat fixed. But if u nerf perma useless daze, u must nerf tr piercing dmg and itc, u must nerf cw shield and damage, u must nerf gf dmg, and ofc u must nerf op rly bad, this is the truth, all class are bloody broken, but TR GF AND CW are the first class that need a heavy nerf.
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    piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jhpnw wrote: »
    90% of the Hunter who stick in this thread don´t know how this bug exactly works, because if they knew they would write something like this surprised friend who belongs to the "Bug-Defender-Section"

    90 % of the HR know how it works WE JUST DONT USE IT. it does not even merit using it is WEAK and have said it needs to be fixed you just keep on it like a dog on a bone over something that's bugged. out of all the bugs out there this is the least of them that needs to be fixed but it still needs to go and all the attention given to it is quiet funny


    yes some HR know and some HR don't but both don't use this exploit in PVP, why must we defend sommething that we don't use..?
    HR CR is counterable, beside just typing nonsense what about link vid about 13s/20s totally stunlocking from HR with using 40% CC resist burning set.. i am waiting here
    again i gonna tell please fixed Gushing wound bug 100% i support and i really mean it
    You seem to think you are telling people something, but you seem to be unable to understand anything people tell you.
    Have you ever looked at your own post history? Pages and pages of you telling anyone saying anything about an HR that they are wrong and need to l2p, insults to people playing CWs, and an endless nerf campaign on TRs.
    Perhaps, you should sit back and actually take in what other people are saying.
    The perma stun HRs are rare among HRs, but they are out there. If your not pulling it off, then perhaps you should sit back and let other people chat since your mind was made up before you ever came to post here.

    insult? you are the one first typing the word "easy",
    saying that being totally stunlock by HR in 13s with no vid and then admit that repel can counter HR CR (for this i thank you)
    complain about HR dodge when CW got a better shifting dodge
    i was ask you to pass some knowledge about CW rotation stunlocking+ice knife and how HR survive and counter it without CR
    personally i think from mod 5 until now HR been fight with a handicap when face CW in both same level gear and exp, when a CW being killed 1 on 1 by HR in equal gear tier it's not your CW toon that is wrong but the person behind the keyboard
    again like it or not CR HR was make DC become killable, and CW need more than 1 rotation to kill due to slotting repel
    so please give me a vid + your wisdom as a CW to prove me wrong if you can't i suggest you to stop typing

    so you are saying that TR is fine?
    stealth+100% crit change+combat adv,ITC+75% deflect sev+long roll,2s reveal no longer exist which still bugged now
    funny guy you are.. LOL
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    piejal wrote: »
    yes some HR know and some HR don't but both don't use this exploit in PVP, why must we defend sommething that we don't use..?
    HR CR is counterable, beside just typing nonsense what about link vid about 13s/20s totally stunlocking from HR with using 40% CC resist burning set.. i am waiting here
    again i gonna tell please fixed Gushing wound bug 100% i support and i really mean it

    insult? you are the one first typing the word "easy",
    saying that being totally stunlock by HR in 13s with no vid and then admit that repel can counter HR CR (for this i thank you)
    complain about HR dodge when CW got a better shifting dodge
    i was ask you to pass some knowledge about CW rotation stunlocking+ice knife and how HR survive and counter it without CR
    personally i think from mod 5 until now HR been fight with a handicap when face CW in both same level gear and exp, when a CW being killed 1 on 1 by HR in equal gear tier it's not your CW toon that is wrong but the person behind the keyboard
    again like it or not CR HR was make DC become killable, and CW need more than 1 rotation to kill due to slotting repel
    so please give me a vid + your wisdom as a CW to prove me wrong if you can't i suggest you to stop typing

    so you are saying that TR is fine?
    stealth+100% crit change+combat adv,ITC+75% deflect sev+long roll,2s reveal no longer exist which still bugged now
    funny guy you are.. LOL

    yup if anything hrs need a buff. i just played a pvp match against equally geared opponents and they laughed at me told me to play a diff class cause hr is the worst class atm. our damage sucks and the only thing we got is a .5 second daze oh yeah pls nerf.
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    yup if anything hrs need a buff. i just played a pvp match against equally geared opponents and they laughed at me told me to play a diff class cause hr is the worst class atm. our damage sucks and the only thing we got is a .5 second daze oh yeah pls nerf.

    Wow a long range class wants damage buff you want to be the next CW? no way no damage buff for HR with your 9 encounters your HR will melt anyone.
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    Wow a long range class wants damage buff you want to be the next CW? no way no damage buff for HR with your 9 encounters your HR will melt anyone.

    lol stop commenting about hr class you know nothing of this class you think we have 9 encounters when we only get 6. you cant even count much less make a valid opinion on hrs.
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    lol stop commenting about hr class you know nothing of this class you think we have 9 encounters when we only get 6. you cant even count much less make a valid opinion on hrs.

    yeah tell it to my friend "MR SWIFTNESS OF THE FOX" hands of the cookie jar peanut. Do you think you can play dumb in front of us?
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    yeah tell it to my friend "MR SWIFTNESS OF THE FOX" hands of the cookie jar peanut. Do you think you can play dumb in front of us?

    swiftness of the fox reduces cooldowns by 15% not giving extra encounters learn to read your so stupid i cant even. why am i even explaining this to you your to stupid.
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    piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    Wow a long range class wants damage buff you want to be the next CW? no way no damage buff for HR with your 9 encounters your HR will melt anyone.

    Troll Clown Detected
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    piejal wrote: »
    Troll Clown Detected

    troll mascot detected
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    troll mascot detected
    ****ing potato detected.
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    ****ing potato detected.

    hypocrite detected
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    hypocrite detected

    you are a hypocrite also. you defend trs being op but then complain about others defending their op class and put them down for it.
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    you are a hypocrite also. you defend trs being op but then complain about others defending their op class and put them down for it.

    Thats my line :rolleyes: and hypocrites shouldnt use that word. I know alot of people using TR as a decoy go ahead and flood this place with "black" propaganda, and your not getting any damage buff for HR coz that what common sense dictates and you dont have one ;)
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    Thats my line :rolleyes: and hypocrites shouldnt use that word. I know alot of people using TR as a decoy go ahead and flood this place with "black" propaganda, and your not getting any damage buff for HR coz that what common sense dictates and you dont have one ;)

    ive told you i dont want buff to hr i want bug fixes. i just want your tr "buffed" to my level of damage cause apparently we are so op.
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    angrymanagementangrymanagement Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    piejal wrote: »
    insult? you are the one first typing the word "easy",
    saying that being totally stunlock by HR in 13s with no vid and then admit that repel can counter HR CR (for this i thank you)
    complain about HR dodge when CW got a better shifting dodge
    i was ask you to pass some knowledge about CW rotation stunlocking+ice knife and how HR survive and counter it without CR
    personally i think from mod 5 until now HR been fight with a handicap when face CW in both same level gear and exp, when a CW being killed 1 on 1 by HR in equal gear tier it's not your CW toon that is wrong but the person behind the keyboard
    again like it or not CR HR was make DC become killable, and CW need more than 1 rotation to kill due to slotting repel
    so please give me a vid + your wisdom as a CW to prove me wrong if you can't i suggest you to stop typing

    so you are saying that TR is fine?
    stealth+100% crit change+combat adv,ITC+75% deflect sev+long roll,2s reveal no longer exist which still bugged now
    funny guy you are.. LOL

    I am assuming English is not your primary language. Either that or you completely fail at reading comprehension or need meds to turn off the voices in your head.

    I never said Repel cancels a stunlock HR - you did, & then you insisted you must be right (after all 1 ranged stun starts the lock again on the immobilized target).

    You want to know how to survive a full encounter rotation + daily to the face? Me too, because most classes will kill you if they land that.

    I didn't say TR was fine, just pointing out that your posts never seem to add any value to any conversation, you rant for nerfs, and talke to anyone discussing balance around HR bugs like you are better than them. Pop those meds so you stop hearing things that aren't said.

    Since you don't seem to be capable of actually offering anything of value, you aren't worth responding to further.

    L2Understand what you read
This discussion has been closed.