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Getting stunlocked by rangers in pvp



  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    mjytresz wrote: »
    This man gets my vote.

    You been his kissas*s for a long time now mr brownose we are not supriced the 3 comrades in arms famous clown TRs led by Mr Kweassa/Mirrorballs closly followed by Morenthar the jester and Mjytresz the village fool...........
  • piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    But every single point you made in defense for your precious HR applied exactly the same to us Scoundrels.

    1. chain dazes were possible, but most PvP scoundrels didn't make good use it because they were MIs. The long-chain dazes were the territory of us WKs, and MI scoundrels were severely limited.

    2. you weren't 100% dazed. There were "off times" for to try and retaliate, which in most cases the victim was usually in a state of panic and would miss the opportunity and then get dazed again

    3. the damage was pathetic, with similar gear ranges of +20k GS a Scoundrel TR could daze and beat and repeat the process almost onesidedly, and it would make small dents in contemporary GWFs. Against one of the BiS CWs I've fought in IWD I remember beating him up one-sidedly for quite some time and it only took down like 1/3rd his HP... and then of course, one rotation from him took away more than half my HP.

    4. It is so ironic (and funny as well) that the wording you use; "This might all sound nice and dandy but it is single target making me a target for others to prevent this chain aka help a team member. It also take one hell of a time to bring down a cw with shield up.. and this does not work on classes with CC breakers. So all in all 2 classes HR and Cw are the ones that suffer fully from this cc chain and frankly to pull if off against a Cw you need simular or better gear +skill." -- is almost EXACTLY what I've told you and your friends during mod5, in defense of the Scoundrel. Should have gotten all my comments licensed and copyrighted, ROFL.

    ...but of course, inspite of all of it, you still adamantly demanded the path was broken and needed a nerf to stop chain-CCs. So please, have some consistency. Despite all our clashes and arguments, I would have somewhat found you respectable if you had kept to your own principle in all cases, including your own class... but lol, as soon as the "permastun is broken" arguments hit your own class, you wimped out.

    That makes you look petty, as well as without any principle, and loss of credibility as well, since people have now seen that you clearly have a double-standard in these kind of things, where you say one thing in a certain situation, and then change opinions as soon as it involves yourself. "Nerf the other guy, don't nerf mine".

    Interesting to note the TR players that you've attacked and abused in such a volatile manner, still support TR nerfs and balancing even up to date, despite the harsh and unfair treatment from the community, while you, with all your insults and TR bashing, have proved to be just another selfish little prick when it comes to your own class.

    Guess it's times like this where the word "principle" really matters. We've got those, you don't.

    Have you no shame? :p

    wanna compare Mod 5 TR with mod 6 HR? shall we?
    don't think that mod 5 TR is equal with mod6 HR, 3-4s daze repeatly and 0.5-1s daze every 1.5s is a different thing
    HR stealth can be easy interupt TR stealth can't be interupt,HR don't have 100% crit change+combat adv mekanic, HR don't have cc breaker like ITC + 75% deflect sev, HR have crappy short shifting TR have long roll dodge, HR don't have nuke damage daily like TR and that 50% crit sev in lashing blade
    and don't forget about bloodbath bug that very nasty
    you saying about hard winning againt BIS GWF and CW? HR pretty much dead meat when facing BIS GWF, being 1 rotate by a CW and lose half of your HP? HR will pretty much dead when stunlock by BIS CW
    many people are already post some vid about TR pug that can beat another BIS class in mod 5 are you saying that all those premade need l2p? and all TR pug are got real talent and skillfull? how shamelees you are
    TR got nerf hard for a reason.. and i don't wanna waste my time to discuss someting that already fixed because of some troll clown brought it up
    when mod 5 hit i was asking to all TR that defend their OPness about how to counter their permadaze rotation but what i got was about TR VS TR
    you saying about principle? how about 2s reveal got bugged? not a word?
    another troll clown showing up shame on you
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    Wow a long range class wants damage buff you want to be the next CW? no way no damage buff for HR with your 9 encounters your HR will melt anyone.

    oh **** see what happens i go out of town and troll boy comes to the thread to ruin it..
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i disagree with the original guy saying no one used this bug.. i HAVE seen it used.. but it is NOT very common honestly, i tried it out 2 days ago and it IS hard to land the bleed hit except when it is just a mass melee with several people around and often someone just WALKS into it.. once you do land it though you have a few seconds of non-stop encounter powers.. and being able to spam one with a 100% chance of a root/daze is the issue.. doing a 6 skill rotation can NOT LOCK ANYONE DOWN even though the guy said he can do it because of a high crit chance and on a crit a 25% chance to put on the root/daze.. your talking about 1/4th of 1/2.. (at a 50% crit chance)

    the one thing no one seems to be talking about in here is HR(s) have pitiful damage in the trapper tree which is tree that ALLOWS them the ability to quickly recover encounter powers by using both melee and range powers... our BIGGEST HITTING SKILL is the level 65 is cordon of arrows/plant growth.. and i personally have gotten (at 2167 GS 8kpower 2.5kAP and a 33.4% crit chance) crits/flanks of 25k.... avg hit is more like 16-17k... that is with plant growth (pretty easy to hit someone) if you hit a person with cordon of arrows in pvp they should just insta die because they are an idiot (it is so obvious on the ground, only time i hit anyone using it was when they were 100% distracted fighting another person, OR i was above them and they never saw me till i droped it RIGHT on top.. this skill also did about 20k crits (little less than plant growth).. now most HR(s) i see DO NOT run with that in PvP (seen a handful in 75 matches) i more often see the standard fox or marauders or constricting or hindering and ONCE in awhile i see a thorn ward.. i get AT MOST with hindering strike (the melee hit) a whopping 14k crit!! *cheer* yet often i get hit by other classes for 30k and have seen a sickening 104k (non CRIT!!!) from a GWF.. guy made me implode pretty much..

    now does **** damage justify a bug *** now.. but i also think untill that bug is fixed this crying that we are always "stun locking" is stupid, once that is fixed if this is STILL an issue then yeah, cryptic needs to look at reducing the time players are affected by more (it is already on our skills 1/2 to 1/3rd of what it does to an NPC..

    bug/exploit vs OP is quite different..
  • mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    gom8 wrote: »
    i disagree with the original guy saying no one used this bug.. i HAVE seen it used.. but it is NOT very common honestly, i tried it out 2 days ago and it IS hard to land the bleed hit except when it is just a mass melee with several people around and often someone just WALKS into it.. once you do land it though you have a few seconds of non-stop encounter powers.. and being able to spam one with a 100% chance of a root/daze is the issue.. doing a 6 skill rotation can NOT LOCK ANYONE DOWN even though the guy said he can do it because of a high crit chance and on a crit a 25% chance to put on the root/daze.. your talking about 1/4th of 1/2.. (at a 50% crit chance)

    the one thing no one seems to be talking about in here is HR(s) have pitiful damage in the trapper tree which is tree that ALLOWS them the ability to quickly recover encounter powers by using both melee and range powers... our BIGGEST HITTING SKILL is the level 65 is cordon of arrows/plant growth.. and i personally have gotten (at 2167 GS 8kpower 2.5kAP and a 33.4% crit chance) crits/flanks of 25k.... avg hit is more like 16-17k... that is with plant growth (pretty easy to hit someone) if you hit a person with cordon of arrows in pvp they should just insta die because they are an idiot (it is so obvious on the ground, only time i hit anyone using it was when they were 100% distracted fighting another person, OR i was above them and they never saw me till i droped it RIGHT on top.. this skill also did about 20k crits (little less than plant growth).. now most HR(s) i see DO NOT run with that in PvP (seen a handful in 75 matches) i more often see the standard fox or marauders or constricting or hindering and ONCE in awhile i see a thorn ward.. i get AT MOST with hindering strike (the melee hit) a whopping 14k crit!! *cheer* yet often i get hit by other classes for 30k and have seen a sickening 104k (non CRIT!!!) from a GWF.. guy made me implode pretty much..

    now does **** damage justify a bug *** now.. but i also think untill that bug is fixed this crying that we are always "stun locking" is stupid, once that is fixed if this is STILL an issue then yeah, cryptic needs to look at reducing the time players are affected by more (it is already on our skills 1/2 to 1/3rd of what it does to an NPC..

    bug/exploit vs OP is quite different..

    For the gazillionth time, pitiful damage doesn't justify chain CCs.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    For the gazillionth time, pitiful damage doesn't justify chain CCs.

    and the nerf of one completely different feat line doesnt justify crying for another class to be nerfed. l2p.
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    For the gazillionth time, pitiful damage doesn't justify chain CCs.

    i was going to come and make fun of you.. but then i realize i said "now does **** damage justify a bug *** now" i meant "*** no" but i figure the last paragraph would of explained that where i said fix the bug and see if people still complain about perma daze/root..

    PS i would gladly loose my crushing roots skill if my damage was made more in line with well.. every other class besides a guardian fighter (which is about what we are equal too.. paladins even hit stupidly hard if they want to go that route instead of a healing turtle)
  • mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    gom8 wrote: »
    i was going to come and make fun of you.. but then i realize i said "now does **** damage justify a bug *** now" i meant "*** no" but i figure the last paragraph would of explained that where i said fix the bug and see if people still complain about perma daze/root..

    PS i would gladly loose my crushing roots skill if my damage was made more in line with well.. every other class besides a guardian fighter (which is about what we are equal too.. paladins even hit stupidly hard if they want to go that route instead of a healing turtle)

    So what's stopping you from making a separate thread or asking a fix in that manner to the devs?

    You HRs think it's some kind of a threat by repeating "you wanna see us with more damage?" blablabla, but you're forgetting most of us who've been here through multiple mods are already used to fighting HRs that dished out a crapton of damage through (yet another HR-friendly bugged) Piercing Blades(old version), during the peak days of combat HRs.

    You HRs also casually lie about how trappers are the only worthy tree out there, but we also know that's not true, don't we. Right up to the latter days of mod5 Combat was by far the most preferred, and it is quite a hilarious irony that up to those days, you HRs made excuses in the exact same tone, how your Combat was the only viable path, so it shouldn't be balanced or nerfed... right up to the point when a few pioneering trapper players showcased the trapper build, as well as some favorable patches, that brought on the undodgeable, crazy high DoT damage trappers in the final days of mod5.

    Now, even with that crazy amount of multi-proccing root damage gone, you guys are still staying for trappers. Is it too far fetched to think that there is some reason you value the trapper path, rather than move over to a different path with higher damage, the path gross majority of HRs have been playing since mod2~mod5?

    Hmm.. let me guess... I'm guessing the tactical importance of permastunning had to do something with it... no ?
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So what's stopping you from making a separate thread or asking a fix in that manner to the devs?

    You HRs think it's some kind of a threat by repeating "you wanna see us with more damage?" blablabla, but you're forgetting most of us who've been here through multiple mods are already used to fighting HRs that dished out a crapton of damage through (yet another HR-friendly bugged) Piercing Blades(old version), during the peak days of combat HRs.

    You HRs also casually lie about how trappers are the only worthy tree out there, but we also know that's not true, don't we. Right up to the latter days of mod5 Combat was by far the most preferred, and it is quite a hilarious irony that up to those days, you HRs made excuses in the exact same tone, how your Combat was the only viable path, so it shouldn't be balanced or nerfed... right up to the point when a few pioneering trapper players showcased the trapper build, as well as some favorable patches, that brought on the undodgeable, crazy high DoT damage trappers in the final days of mod5.

    Now, even with that crazy amount of multi-proccing root damage gone, you guys are still staying for trappers. Is it too far fetched to think that there is some reason you value the trapper path, rather than move over to a different path with higher damage, the path gross majority of HRs have been playing since mod2~mod5?

    Hmm.. let me guess... I'm guessing the tactical importance of permastunning had to do something with it... no ?
    have you played a combat? the damage is even lower than trappers and thats saying something and with lifesteal nerf that path directly relied on life steal.archery doesnt have enough survivability and gets completely dominated every time. we have made several threads about the bugs yet it isnt fixed since mod 6 started. i doubt they will. on top of that everyone claiming hrs are op seem to think we have trs damage and a perma stun when we cant perma stun even. most classes complaining have cc breaks trs like yourself have a 5 second cc immunity window and 24k% deflect and 100% severity. gwf has cc break nice and long and gf and pally both have cc breaks as shift and the only classes we can own are cw and dc. thats the point of stunning like we do. we do just enough to interrupt people. the only classes who can complain are dc and cw and since you are neither you have no room.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So what's stopping you from making a separate thread or asking a fix in that manner to the devs?

    You HRs think it's some kind of a threat by repeating "you wanna see us with more damage?" blablabla, but you're forgetting most of us who've been here through multiple mods are already used to fighting HRs that dished out a crapton of damage through (yet another HR-friendly bugged) Piercing Blades(old version), during the peak days of combat HRs.

    You HRs also casually lie about how trappers are the only worthy tree out there, but we also know that's not true, don't we. Right up to the latter days of mod5 Combat was by far the most preferred, and it is quite a hilarious irony that up to those days, you HRs made excuses in the exact same tone, how your Combat was the only viable path, so it shouldn't be balanced or nerfed... right up to the point when a few pioneering trapper players showcased the trapper build, as well as some favorable patches, that brought on the undodgeable, crazy high DoT damage trappers in the final days of mod5.

    Now, even with that crazy amount of multi-proccing root damage gone, you guys are still staying for trappers. Is it too far fetched to think that there is some reason you value the trapper path, rather than move over to a different path with higher damage, the path gross majority of HRs have been playing since mod2~mod5?

    Hmm.. let me guess... I'm guessing the tactical importance of permastunning had to do something with it... no ?

    Clown and clueless as usal melee path dont come near Trapper in damage and nothing you write is ever thought through or based on reality.

    Trapper is played in pvp because it can cc not because it has good damage and it is still doing more damage then melee it should say something about how clueless you are.
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    this thread IS ABOUT the bug ya numb skull.. Unless one of three conditions are met/used a HR CAN NOT daze lock a player anymore than a TR can.. The only time i have consistently been daze locked is when a guy is simply spamming the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of constricting arrow (obviously exploiting the bug with the bleed melee attack "ticking" so fast that you can spam your range skills.. I have also had 2 rangers daze lock me (just like 2 rogues or 2 gwf's or just about 2 of any class.. especially CW(s).. I also suspect i have had bad luck with a ranger getting crits + the 25% chance to apply weak roots.. (which is like .125 of a sec per level of crushing roots)

    I normally can not stun lock ANYONE, i have maybe a handful of times, and i can't tell if it was lucky on crits, or if it was some strange imbalance between my control bonus and his lack of control resist.. it could also of not been so much a daze lock but a root lock and the guy was just panicing, it is hard to tell if the guy is rooted+dazed or just rooted and not attacking you because he is trying to flee..

    I also wonder how many people in here played back in mod5 earlier in the year when rangers truly could daze lock anyone easily because the daze lasted 3(1sec per rank) freaking seconds! and already was reduced several patches back to .75 or now 1 second with rank 4...

    i just wish people who complained about classes actually PLAYED them so they knew WTF they were talking about.. one reason i hate the current permastealth spec on TR(s) is because that was my main class for quite awhile (before i quit the game a year + ago)
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Is it too far fetched to think that there is some reason you value the trapper path, rather than move over to a different path with higher damage, the path gross majority of HRs have been playing since mod2~mod5?

    This quote here shows you have no idea what you are talking about. I've been playing Combat HR since Mod 2 in pvp and it has been freefall for this spec since the Piercing Blades fix. Our damage is less than pitiful atm, Fox Shift hits like a saturated drenched noodle and that is our highest damage-dealing encounter if you don't count or play with Plant Growth.

    Archer has the ability to dish out some damage perhaps but then we are free kills to just about any class out there with our ZERO survivability and complete lack of CC.

    So no, your assumption is way off the mark that the vast majority of HRs are NOT playing FotM Trapper. I am in the minority.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    lirithiel wrote: »
    This quote here shows you have no idea what you are talking about. I've been playing Combat HR since Mod 2 in pvp and it has been freefall for this spec since the Piercing Blades fix. Our damage is less than pitiful atm, Fox Shift hits like a saturated drenched noodle and that is our highest damage-dealing encounter if you don't count or play with Plant Growth.

    Archer has the ability to dish out some damage perhaps but then we are free kills to just about any class out there with our ZERO survivability and complete lack of CC.

    So no, your assumption is way off the mark that the vast majority of HRs are NOT playing FotM Trapper. I am in the minority.

    Seriously zero survivability when HR have marauder escape, root and long range this only means one thing your playing it the wrong way.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    Seriously zero survivability when HR have marauder escape, root and long range this only means one thing your playing it the wrong way.

    Troll get back to your bridge. You have demonstrated time and time again that your knowledge of HRs is non-existent. I will not even pass comment on your L2P suggestions.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    Seriously zero survivability when HR have marauder escape, root and long range this only means one thing your playing it the wrong way.

    Ha ha plz pretty plz with butter on cant you play a archer hr and let us know how you feel about survivability it would make my day actually............
  • gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    marnival wrote: »
    Ha ha plz pretty plz with butter on cant you play a archer hr and let us know how you feel about survivability it would make my day actually............

    HR(s) have INCREDIBLE survivability.... as long as we are up high... and there are no CW(s) or other archers around... so no melee can hit us.. then Archer tree is like SUPER good at annoying people.. and tickling them with damage...

    Trapper tree has gotten much better however on survivability now that aspect of the lone wolf actually works..
  • icyphishicyphish Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,255 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Again, many of you get the wrong idea about this HR Stunlocks, its not an issue about Buff or Nerf, its a BUG, and a BUG needs to be fixed.

    Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
  • mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    icyphish wrote: »
    Again, many of you get the wrong idea about this HR Stunlocks, its not an issue about Buff or Nerf, its a BUG, and a BUG needs to be fixed.

    ...and to think that these people demanded the so-called "permadazing" from TRs, which wasn't even a bug, but an intended and normal functioning effect, to be "removed immediately" all throughout mod5, without any consideration into its outcome, nor any form of compensation.

    Of course it's OK to nerf the TR immediately, but its not OK to nerf a permastun abusing HR, coming from a bug, unless the devs kindly fix some other bugs as compensation. At least us TRs let the target move around to find opportunities to escape, so every time there was a delay in between dazes the target could attempt escape or retaliation with a dodge or shadowslip, lol.

    This permastunning, even when the daze wears off, locks down all dodge attempts for total defenselessness... makes you a big fat target to everyone around, an unmoving, totally still character with the great big bondage fetish... and the best part, some of the CC-breaker powers still can't disable it.
  • bertrandxbertrandx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I admit I haven't read the 18 pages of posts but I want to point out something that has been said many times before.

    A good CW stun/controls and kills his victim very fast, making it impossible to retaliate whereas a HR stunlocks and takes a long time before his prey is dead. The feeling of frustration is much higher when dying from a HR because the sense of helplessness is much longer, making it harder for the victim to accept the unavoidable death.

    I agree that the stunlock on HR might be a bit too much but if they touch it, better touch other classes stuns/cc/1-2shots aswell for the good of class balance in PvP.
    Bert - Lv70 pathfinder trapper. How's sunny california?
  • icyphishicyphish Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,255 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    bertrandx wrote: »
    I admit I haven't read the 18 pages of posts but I want to point out something that has been said many times before.

    A good CW stun/controls and kills his victim very fast, making it impossible to retaliate whereas a HR stunlocks and takes a long time before his prey is dead. The feeling of frustration is much higher when dying from a HR because the sense of helplessness is much longer, making it harder for the victim to accept the unavoidable death.

    I agree that the stunlock on HR might be a bit too much but if they touch it, better touch other classes stuns/cc/1-2shots aswell for the good of class balance in PvP.

    I dont fully agree your statement....

    1. In a team fight environment, not being able to deal HEAVY DMG QUICKILY and not being able to tank/heal, could mean you are less useful. Yes the HR could 'stunlock' the target for a while, but the chance is he's probably gonna get smashed by others before he's able to do his 1~1.5 minute stunlock to finish you up. Just think about your PvP games, how often is that you run around for 1 minute without seeing someone from either team? (aside from either team being spawn camped...)

    2. Yes I agree it can be frustrating for some classes, but being a GWF, I smile when I see that kinda HR, cus I know 99% of them wont be able to take me down with that kinda dmg... and once I go unstoppable... it would be the last of them... :D yes, its actually a 'grin' for us when we see such HR :D

    Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    icyphish wrote: »
    1. In a team fight environment, not being able to deal HEAVY DMG QUICKILY and not being able to tank/heal, could mean you are less useful. Yes the HR could 'stunlock' the target for a while, but the chance is he's probably gonna get smashed by others before he's able to do his 1~1.5 minute stunlock to finish you up. Just think about your PvP games, how often is that you run around for 1 minute without seeing someone from either team? (aside from either team being spawn camped...)

    ...and to think that these people demanded the so-called "permadazing" from TRs, which wasn't even a bug, but an intended and normal functioning effect, to be "removed immediately" all throughout mod5, without any consideration into its outcome, nor any form of compensation.

    Of course it's OK to nerf the TR immediately, but its not OK to nerf a permastun abusing HR, coming from a bug, unless the devs kindly fix some other bugs as compensation. At least us TRs let the target move around to find opportunities to escape, so every time there was a delay in between dazes the target could attempt escape or retaliation with a dodge or shadowslip, lol.

    This permastunning, even when the daze wears off, locks down all dodge attempts for total defenselessness... makes you a big fat target to everyone around, an unmoving, totally still character with the great big bondage fetish... and the best part, some of the CC-breaker powers still can't disable it.

    A HR can still be dealt with by others while perma-stunning. A TR in Mod 5 could not be touched because he was in stealth THE WHOLE TIME. A huge difference between the two imo.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • bertrandxbertrandx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    icyphish wrote: »
    I dont fully agree your statement....

    1. In a team fight environment, not being able to deal HEAVY DMG QUICKILY and not being able to tank/heal, could mean you are less useful. Yes the HR could 'stunlock' the target for a while, but the chance is he's probably gonna get smashed by others before he's able to do his 1~1.5 minute stunlock to finish you up. Just think about your PvP games, how often is that you run around for 1 minute without seeing someone from either team? (aside from either team being spawn camped...)

    2. Yes I agree it can be frustrating for some classes, but being a GWF, I smile when I see that kinda HR, cus I know 99% of them wont be able to take me down with that kinda dmg... and once I go unstoppable... it would be the last of them... :D yes, its actually a 'grin' for us when we see such HR :D

    I don't quite see where we are disagreeing :D

    What you said I had already thought, I just didn't enter into the details of explaining it and it only reinforces the fact that if permadaze doesn't work anymore it is only logical devs also remove/nerf some of the uber powers of other classes.
    And yeah, I hate facing a well-geared GWF in a 1v1 situation, or even tanks in general but your class in particular, because I already know I won't be able to root or daze him and get smashed in a matter of seconds. Heck, I can not even run away from them because of their sprint and charge abilities! Q.Q

    The truth is I think this thread was created out of the frustration a CW had of being permadazed to death, and the failure of looking at the other side of the mirror and recognise that he does the same in a much faster and effective manner to almost all classes.
    Bert - Lv70 pathfinder trapper. How's sunny california?
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    bertrandx wrote: »
    I don't quite see where we are disagreeing :D

    What you said I had already thought, I just didn't enter into the details of explaining it and it only reinforces the fact that if permadaze doesn't work anymore it is only logical devs also remove/nerf some of the uber powers of other classes.
    And yeah, I hate facing a well-geared GWF in a 1v1 situation, or even tanks in general but your class in particular, because I already know I won't be able to root or daze him and get smashed in a matter of seconds. Heck, I can not even run away from them because of their sprint and charge abilities! Q.Q

    The truth is I think this thread was created out of the frustration a CW had of being permadazed to death, and the failure of looking at the other side of the mirror and recognise that he does the same in a much faster and effective manner to almost all classes.
    according to the OP's sig hes playing the 2 classes the perma stun hits most.
  • piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    icyphish wrote: »
    Again, many of you get the wrong idea about this HR Stunlocks, its not an issue about Buff or Nerf, its a BUG, and a BUG needs to be fixed.

    which bug do you mean?
    arp not affect root damage?
    control bonus from wisdom not affect root?
    gushing wound?
    if you mean one of these then you got my vote
    and just to make it clear.. it's not stunlocks.. CW is the true owner of this.. HR is constant interupts and it's counterable even from non cc breaker class
  • piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    And HR is almost all time on range to perma root a target... Do not see your point here, TBH.

    apologize accepted..
    go ahead continue embaressed yourself any further
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    And HR is almost all time on range to perma root a target... Do not see your point here, TBH.
    dude hrs are not fully ranged most of the time. they are half and half in fact most hrs remain in melee range during the fight. please play the class.
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    What really sucks about this build is a lot of the people running it actually think theyre any good at all. You guys are losers that give HRs a bad name. The class is strong enough without rolling this troll build that lacks zero skill. And stop trying to challenge people to 1v1s, its sad.
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'd love if trapper build could provide decent CC and decent damage. Now it seems like you can stunlock for loong time but with puny DoT...not optimal and would like to see less CC but more damage to balance. So when i root you successfully i deal good damage, and you don't get dazed/rooted forever...

    For PvE instead i'd like to keep the focus more on AoE CC and less on damage so trappers can be a viable alternative to CWs maybe...
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    What really sucks about this build is a lot of the people running it actually think theyre any good at all. You guys are losers that give HRs a bad name. The class is strong enough without rolling this troll build that lacks zero skill. And stop trying to challenge people to 1v1s, its sad.

    Unfortunately people will always take the easy road and atm Trapper provides just that. Sadly it's the only 'viable' spec in pvp for HR currently and even with its <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>-poor damage they can at least kill the enemy. As an Archer without being harassed I am able to get a few kills but as Combat I really struggle in that department. But yeah not much skill involved in locking your opponent down and whittling down their health pool, while they are unable to retaliate at all. The majority of the time when one of these Trappers hit me I don't even bother anymore, just take my hands off the keyboard and wait to respawn. It's that futile.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • timeforsquishingtimeforsquishing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Trapper is not the most viable build for pvp now. Its the most trolly for sure. But we need to cap nodes to win dom matches. And those that run this sad build are no better than those poseur TRs we had to put up with last mod that used dot enchants to double proc sod and think they were actually good players. Where are they now? Mostly gone thank god. Because they sucked at actually playing the class. When they finally got around to fixing it this mod they went away. The results will be the same once they fix this. Then these guys can go back sucking on their HRs and put them back on the shelf. If your only viable option in pvp is to play the most broken of buggy builds then youre not viable in pvp because you suck. Go back to your skill tree and start trying out different things or scout out the top tier guys and figure out what theyre doing. Because trapper is far from the only viable option. Im definitely not talking about archery either. That continues to be a wrong choice if you want to pvp competitively.
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