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Getting stunlocked by rangers in pvp



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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Buffs and nerfs are independant from each other. You don't get to "make deals" where you demand X for getting rid of broken Y. If anything buffs are a separate discussion.

    No class up to date has ever been granted such a 'deal'. As a matter of fact, large quantities of whine, apparently is enough to simply get things nerfed. The same happened to us TRs. The same happened to GWFs. If something is broken and needs nerf, then it is nerfed. Whether they be compensated in some other way is at best wishful thinking.

    yeah no were only good in pvp right now in dungeons no one wants us. i cant believe im even commenting on such a thread BUT you cant completely nerf a class then say welp we did our part and walk off. cws got a trade off they got nerfed in one area and buffed in another simultaneously. thats what were asking for. and most of us arent even asking for buffs we just want bug fixes. we are the most broken class in general and because of this we suck. in pvp yay were great only because of this stupid stun no one asked for in fact we wanted the opposite less control and more damage and bug fixes and they went the opposite. at least tr gwf has other feat paths they can go (destroyer saboteur executioner) hrs have no other viable path. so please understand the class before you ask for nerfs. ive played this class for 6 months. i understand it well.

    unlike scoundrels we only have .5 second dazes at rank 4. our roots only last 3 seconds. and thats even broken. we only use 2 roots at a time usually so thats .75 dazes (cause of hindering shot .25 daze as rank 4) per rotation we can only keep that rotation up for 3 rotations before we mess up unless theres multiple targets or we get lucky with crits. (25%chance to apply weak grasping roots on crits) which applys a small cooldown reduction. our damage we get lucky if we hit 20k . our daily which we have ot aim and hope the terrain doesnt stop it (which it usually does) only does 50k on a geared character. and thats a crit and were lucky at that.. now all trappers (myself included) agree we need this toned down but if you only do this we will be useless. (most classes want this too)but we also need bug fixes mainly bug fixes a damage buff wouldnt hurt either. we are a primary striker and a secondary controller. cws outdamage us by a ton and there primary controllers and secondary strikers.
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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    macjae wrote: »
    HRs have been one of the strongest PvP classes in every mod so far.

    Module 2? Roots that go through cc immunity, broken cooldown reductions.
    Module 3? Unkillable node-ruling gods.
    Module 4? Piercing damage to rip others to shreds, then massive healing in case of getting caught.
    Module 5? Undodgeable roots that bleed people to death from massive damage in moments.
    Module 6? Undodgeable roots that no longer inflict massive damage, just root/daze-lock people to death.

    You can complain about the class being weak when it actually is weak. Not "would be weak if not for..."

    HR dazing roots as they are now is utterly broken stuff, terrible for gameplay and completely skilless nonsense. Other classes have that too, but that doesn't mean the HR stuff shouldn't get fixed. It's somewhere in line behind TRs and OPs, probably. What might be worthwhile would be to start a larger discussion on the subject of HR design, what HRs should and shouldn't do in PvP, and how to make multiple builds viable while removing the most stupid things like constantly dazing roots.

    This is just a "for the record" statement.. but mod2 HRs were quite hilarious for people who remember it. The 'grasping roots' used to go through all CC immunity, so when a GWF entered Unstoppable or TR used ITC, the HR would lay down powers that proc grasping roots and bam!

    Rubber-banding all over. 'Grasping roots' in those days literally summoned a root that was attached to your ankle... and it acted like a rubber band. You try to move out of it.. it stretches... tension.. and then rubber-banded right back to the root spot..
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    gweddrygweddry Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Buffs and nerfs are independant from each other. You don't get to "make deals" where you demand X for getting rid of broken Y. If anything buffs are a separate discussion.

    From reading your other posts, I don't think I should even be replying. Buffs and nerfs are closely connected. HR as of now is the 2nd WEAKEST class in pvp, and the only reason you can even click "queue" as a trapper HR is because you have crushing roots. Also, the only class that has real problems with HR is CW, but CW's tankiness makes the fight go on for a very long time->HR out of hindering shot charges because of a bug->dazes become WAY less frequent->repel, choke, ice knife, rip. What is the difference between being locked down for 20s and MAYBE dying and being locked for 3s and getting killed in one rotation during that time? The former is way more frustrating, that is all. How many mistakes will you make in keeping up sequencing encounters for 20s and how many in one/two rotations? How many opportunities will have your opponent to respond/fight back?

    You all act as though as the daze is permanent. It can possibly be, if you go all root encounters, but gl with not taking fox shift. Just keep mashing your own CC button and it will go off sooner or later and then, HR dies like nothing.

    But then again, only a few players still play HR(guess why). Those are either casual players or very good pvpers who like the class and don't just abandon it when it's not fotm anymore. Some of those HRs are really skilled/experienced and will destroy you if you can't play, which seems to be the scenario for a large number of forum warriors.
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    lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    macjae wrote: »
    HRs have been one of the strongest PvP classes in every mod so far.

    Depends on your definition of strong but let's examine this shall we?
    macjae wrote: »
    Module 2? Roots that go through cc immunity, broken cooldown reductions.

    Still didn't make us gods in pvp. Not what GWFs and TRs were in past Mods.
    macjae wrote: »
    Module 3? Unkillable node-ruling gods.

    It was one very specific build (Combat) and you did almost no damage but couldn't be killed.
    macjae wrote: »
    Module 4? Piercing damage to rip others to shreds, then massive healing in case of getting caught.

    Once again it was one build. If you didn't play Combat you were left out in the cold.
    macjae wrote: »
    Module 5? Undodgeable roots that bleed people to death from massive damage in moments.

    Once again one build only (this time Trapper). Play any other build and you were screwed.
    macjae wrote: »
    Module 6? Undodgeable roots that no longer inflict massive damage, just root/daze-lock people to death.

    Trapper Trapper Trapper Trapper Trapper. I am living (and mostly dead) proof that the HR class is not strong in every Mod if you don't play FotM. Is there any other class that has been shoe-horned into playing one path/buiuld in pvp every Mod like the HR?
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Trapper Trapper Trapper Trapper Trapper. I am living (and mostly dead) proof that the HR class is not strong in every Mod if you don't play FotM. Is there any other class that has been shoe-horned into playing one path/buiuld in pvp every Mod like the HR?

    TR. GWF. CW. GF. DC

    It's actually more difficult to find a class that's NOT 'shoe-horned' to playing one path/build in PvP. Only masochists like me who like having things more difficult refuse to play MI/Sabo TR to 'self-gimp', so to speak. Aside from oddballs like me and a few other mates, EVERY TR you meet in PvP is a MI/Sabo. EVERY TR that has made a name for himself in premade level, is a MI/Sabo. Even Executioners during mod5 days, were only viable in PuG levels.

    Same with GWFs. The great big belching/burping menace? One specific build. The unkillable demi-god in mod2? One specific build. Same with CWs as well. One specific build. GF experts in PvP? One specific build. DCs? People used to dabble in the DPS DC, but nowadays, one specfic tancleric build.

    And no, HRs were never weak. At least, not the ones geared for PvP in that one specific build, which, again, being common practice for all classes to do that FotM "one specific build".
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    marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    When the 2-sec reveal hits, the Sabos will be balanced somewhat but still strong... but other TRs... it would be like the final piece of meteorite landing on the last resort of dinosaurs...

    Now at the same time you are in a nerf Hr thread demanding that anyting that is *broken* nm should be nerfed without taking the end result into account.

    That would put and end to ALL Hr paths as we only have one pvp valid and no pve left (you go try lfg as a hr)

    I know you like to call people for hypocrits when in fact your the nr 1 hypocrit clown uncontested this forum has ever seen...
    And no, HRs were never weak. At least, not the ones geared for PvP in that one specific build, which, again, being common practice for all classes to do that FotM "one specific build

    Define weak as there is a reason for that Hr class never ever been close to the popularity in the Tr and Cw classes....
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    TR. GWF. CW. GF. DC

    It's actually more difficult to find a class that's NOT 'shoe-horned' to playing one path/build in PvP. Only masochists like me who like having things more difficult refuse to play MI/Sabo TR to 'self-gimp', so to speak. Aside from oddballs like me and a few other mates, EVERY TR you meet in PvP is a MI/Sabo. EVERY TR that has made a name for himself in premade level, is a MI/Sabo. Even Executioners during mod5 days, were only viable in PuG levels.

    Same with GWFs. The great big belching/burping menace? One specific build. The unkillable demi-god in mod2? One specific build. Same with CWs as well. One specific build. GF experts in PvP? One specific build. DCs? People used to dabble in the DPS DC, but nowadays, one specfic tancleric build.

    And no, HRs were never weak. At least, not the ones geared for PvP in that one specific build, which, again, being common practice for all classes to do that FotM "one specific build".
    cws have 3 builds that are very viable and work very well gwf only has 1 now but they used to have 2 trs have 2 and i still see very skilled scoundrels every now and again. dc has 3 very good ones ive played all of them. gf has 3 actually on hybrid then protector then conq. i played them all also. please explain to me how they only have 1 viable build? really tell me how each and every build but 1 isnt viable. i would like to know. because maybe im wrong.
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    jhpnwjhpnw Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 611 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ...and the relevancy.. is what?

    If you perceive your class is weak, does it get a get out of jail free card for having broken stuff that shouldn't be in PvP? Do the SWs get to keep their "0 damage" cheesy exploit because they're weak in PvP? Or are you gonna start claiming that HRs are even weaker than SWs?

    if you took time to read my post you would see I said the gushing bug needed to be fixed and was and I even to tried to help some of the new PVP players Its good to see people passionate about there game but every one should post bug on there own groups and not complain about evry one elses class and try to help others learn to work around the issues like I did these flaming every one who disagrees with you is bad for our game because there is so much negative on this forum that the devs don't even listen to us any more for all the cry babys
    my gear is @ 1900 so I am far from an elite player
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    erpuma91erpuma91 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I wonder why the REAL PVP PLAYERS from the top guilds like essence,absolute,chocolate,7kgs never made a post about this op hr.
    I wonder why when u face them ,there arent hr in their group,but only, cw,dc,tr,op,gwf and gf.
    I wonder why in the leaderboard in the first 100 pages u find only 50 hr whit a kill/death of 2/1,tell me where is this op.

    And you guys in this post, like in others, that know nothing about pvp, that maybe have green items,ask for nerf, when hr is the most bugged class on mod6, and 1v1 it s impossible be killed form hr.If u get killed 1vs1 from an hr u are scum, u must change game, .

    Once again let post in this forum hr like, sandstorm, deathshot, rexx, servernotresponding, ask them why this best hr players have changed char.
    Instead talk no sense post a video if u have gust, hr vs evry game class whit same equip, let s see if hr can kill something, let us see thi OP HR, u are ridiculus cry baby, L2P N00BS
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    erpuma91 wrote: »
    I wonder why the REAL PVP PLAYERS from the top guilds like essence,absolute,chocolate,7kgs never made a post about this op hr.
    I wonder why when u face them ,there arent hr in their group,but only, cw,dc,tr,op,gwf and gf.
    I wonder why in the leaderboard in the first 100 pages u find only 50 hr whit a kill/death of 2/1,tell me where is this op.

    And you guys in this post, like in others, that know nothing about pvp, that maybe have green items,ask for nerf, when hr is the most bugged class on mod6, and 1v1 it s impossible be killed form hr.If u get killed 1vs1 from an hr u are scum, u must change game, .

    Once again let post in this forum hr like, sandstorm, deathshot, rexx, servernotresponding, ask them why this best hr players have changed char.
    Instead talk no sense post a video if u have gust, hr vs evry game class whit same equip, let s see if hr can kill something, let us see thi OP HR, u are ridiculus cry baby, L2P N00BS

    My main is a DC. If I'm stunlocked, I can't play. If I can't play I can't do all the alledgly "OP" things clerics can do. If I can't play my cleric dies, fast or slowly, it doesn't matter, the permastun is really a permastun (no time to cast a spell, can't even make divinity, cannot dodge). My pvp gear is the best available on the market. I've stated several times i have 40% CC resist. So keep such comments for yourself.

    A class having trouble in pve doesn't mean it has the right to keep broken mechanics. Stunlocks in pvp shouldn't happen. Never.
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    erpuma91erpuma91 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    diogene0 wrote: »
    My main is a DC. If I'm stunlocked, I can't play. If I can't play I can't do all the alledgly "OP" things clerics can do. If I can't play my cleric dies, fast or slowly, it doesn't matter, the permastun is really a permastun (no time to cast a spell, can't even make divinity, cannot dodge). My pvp gear is the best available on the market. I've stated several times i have 40% CC resist. So keep such comments for yourself.

    A class having trouble in pve doesn't mean it has the right to keep broken mechanics. Stunlocks in pvp shouldn't happen. Never.

    If it s the truth mate, i m sry to tell u, u dont know how to play a pvp, u dont know how to play ur class.
    My post it s for ppls that rly do pvp, play premade, not casual ppls that que que just for do the astral quest.
    A dc can never die vs an hr alone, and if hr stun u for 10 minuts w/o ur party kill him whit 2 shots, well, it s not only you, but ur team to that dont know how to play. Hr have nothing broken for good now like now, but only broken for bad, like armp that make our dmg 30% lower than normal.
    I dont care about comments of ppls that dont play pvp, and dont know how to play and just cry about this useless fake perma stun, i alrady wrote before, why none of TOP ELITE PVP GUILD have problems to face an hr?? why TOP ELITE GUILD PVP when play premade havent an HR?? why instead talk nosense nobody post a video where an hr whit same equip kill a cw?? kill a dc?? kill a gwf?? kill a tr?? kill a op?? kill a gf??
    Why dont u ask urself where the best hr pvp players of the server are ?? why are all disappeared???Where is sandstorm? where is deadshot?where is rexx?? where is server not responding?? they change char, so stop whit the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
    The real abomination are CW that tank like a gf, and whit 3 skills kill u.
    The real abomination are gf that whit 2 skills kill u.
    The real abomination are op,immortals and kill u whit only daily.

    U have no right to complain about this ridiculus class that is HR now like now.Who do this, is just some1 that need l2p.
    ps: and btw there is the enchant called 'ELVEN' if u have so many problems to deal whit an hr..whata shame.
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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    erpuma91 wrote: »
    If it s the truth mate, i m sry to tell u, u dont know how to play a pvp, u dont know how to play ur class.

    Yes, so many people in these accursed forums certainly seem to have some insane L2P issues, judging by the goose-steppin' anti-TR <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> rallies they formed in mod5 where they would drag out a scapegoat in a TR attire and burn it at the stake.

    My post it s for ppls that rly do pvp, play premade, not casual ppls that que que just for do the astral quest.
    A dc can never die vs an hr alone, and if hr stun u for 10 minuts w/o ur party kill him whit 2 shots, well, it s not only you, but ur team to that dont know how to play. Hr have nothing broken for good now like now, but only broken for bad, like armp that make our dmg 30% lower than normal.

    Lovely day for another irrelevant rant from another irrelevant, desperate defense for a broken mechanic.

    I dont care about comments of ppls that dont play pvp, and dont know how to play and just cry about this useless fake perma stun, i alrady wrote before, why none of TOP ELITE PVP GUILD have problems to face an hr?? why TOP ELITE GUILD PVP when play premade havent an HR?? why instead talk nosense nobody post a video where an hr whit same equip kill a cw?? kill a dc?? kill a gwf?? kill a tr?? kill a op?? kill a gf??

    When do they ever talk about anything? Your beloved "top elite PvP guilds" are a bunch of abusers and exploiters that have crapped on every single problem in PvP that has ever existed, abused the trust of the devs and other players, thrown enormous amounts of grief and abuse against other people as well. Every bug, every overlook, every faulty system they abuse it to their own ends. Why the hell should they talk about anything? It's not their M.O.

    Why dont u ask urself where the best hr pvp players of the server are ?? why are all disappeared???Where is sandstorm? where is deadshot?where is rexx?? where is server not responding?? they change char, so stop whit the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
    The real abomination are CW that tank like a gf, and whit 3 skills kill u.
    The real abomination are gf that whit 2 skills kill u.
    The real abomination are op,immortals and kill u whit only daily.

    You wanna hear what Sandy, one of the best HR players ever in this game, says about the HR class?

    I've actually had the pleasure of being acquainted with him, and had a lot of opportunities to discuss about a lot of things in preview server. Do you really wanna know how much he despises your "top elite PvP guilds"? Or how much he is disappointed with those "top elite PvP players" being nothing more than a bunch of copycats and thugs? Who do you think is the father of this entire trapper phenomenon, when everyone was still playing combat HRs in mod5? Do you know what he thinks about the roots and dazes? "Bullshi*" -- those are his words.

    You see, this is what happens when you start throwing around big names of famous people and try to steal their authority to satisfy your own personal agenda: your entire stolen authority comes crashing down once it is revealed those "famous people" don't support your views. Classic wannabe PHAIL moments in forum discussions.

    You asked where Sandstorm went? He doesn't frequent as much because he's sick and tired of those "top elite PvP players" being such brutish thugs and immature arsehats. He looks down and despises on the people who he used to crush everyday, nowadays acting all high and mighty and treating other lesser skilled players like horsecrap -- just like what you are doing right now. He's disgusted of such attitude from the PvP community so he says he'd rather not play and just occasionally log.

    THAT's what he said.

    U have no right to complain about this ridiculus class that is HR now like now.Who do this, is just some1 that need l2p.
    ps: and btw there is the enchant called 'ELVEN' if u have so many problems to deal whit an hr..whata shame.

    Anyone who has received grievances from a broken mechanic has every right to complain about it. After all, the screams of whines coming every single one of you hypocrites during mod5? No TR is ever going to forget that. Karma's a female canine being, boyo.
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    lirithiel wrote: »
    How is Combat supposed to cope with the constant roots/dazes? I don't do nearly enough damage in the small window I have in between stunlocks. The only advantage I may have is mobility but even then it hardly helps me.

    I'm sorry but even though I main 2 HRs I cannot and will not justify or support the perma stunlock mechanics currently rife in pvp. It will get nerfed in time, but with TRs having run around for an entire Mod as gods I have no hope that a fix will come soon.

    I second to this I stopped playing my trapper HR its a shameful class to play just lock someone kill him without breaking a sweat
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    marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Anyone who has received grievances from a broken mechanic has every right to complain about it. After all, the screams of whines coming every single one of you hypocrites during mod5? No TR is ever going to forget that. Karma's a female canine being, boyo.

    Your right nobody is going to forget about the mod 5 Tr and their GODMODE and nodbody is going to forget that LATE IN MOD 5 you told Gwf Gf and Sw that they where a bunch of crybabys that needed to L2P AND DODGE EXE.

    And btw its funny your refure to Relaxinor, that you seam to know so well, as a he.

    All and all together your a Tr that defends one of the most broken OP <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> classes ever seen in a pvp game and your after nerfing the atm weakest class in the game as one of those Trs, kinda says alot about your agenda mr CLOWN KWEASSA...
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    dodgododgo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 870 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    marnival wrote: »
    Do you ever read what you write before postings I mean EVER.
    Talk about contradiction as usal your rumbling is laughed at and to further your humiliation I will post some numbers for you to work your little brain around.

    First 10 pages sorted under kill lvl 70 on leaderboard numbers of per class

    Tr 52
    Cw 56
    Hr 20.

    Total kills from first 5 pages sorted under kills

    Tr 36 573
    Cw 41807
    Hr 10 268

    and as a sugger on top of it KD ratio

    Tr 36573/8767=4.17



    Megalomania much little Tr? Nobody visit all the threads you write in -your all over the place living in this forum it seems am sure you have at least 10 times the posts I have .

    Second everybody lost to Trs module 5 (still do against good bis abusing trs) its not about how you play brainless kid its the idiotic posts of yours that need a reality check now and then Mr Kweassa Clown.....

    number of CDUBs and TRs in game as opposed to HRs........priceless
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    I second to this I stopped playing my trapper HR its a shameful class to play just lock someone kill him without breaking a sweat
    and yet you wouldnt 1v1 a undergeared gwf with your hr on camera to prove how op hrs are? tell me again how you "stopped playing them because they are a shameless class" yeah wheres all your videos? wheres all the hrs in the leaderboards?
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    marnival wrote: »
    Your right nobody is going to forget about the mod 5 Tr and their GODMODE and nodbody is going to forget that LATE IN MOD 5 you told Gwf Gf and Sw that they where a bunch of crybabys that needed to L2P AND DODGE EXE.

    And btw its funny your refure to Relaxinor, that you seam to know so well, as a he.

    All and all together your a Tr that defends one of the most broken OP <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> classes ever seen in a pvp game and your after nerfing the atm weakest class in the game as one of those Trs, kinda says alot about your agenda mr CLOWN KWEASSA...

    I feel the hate but if your referring to HRs they should be moderate damage-low cc range class no more no less, Not unless you want to give up the other 6 encounters you have and place ICD on your tab.
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    I feel the hate but if your referring to HRs they should be moderate damage-low cc range class no more no less, Not unless you want to give up the other 6 encounters you have and place ICD on your tab.

    actually they are supposed to be high damage low cc class. because according to cryptic hrs are PRIMARY STRIKERS AND SECONDARY CONTROLLERS. cws are SECONDARY STRIKERS AND PRIMARY CONTROLLERS.
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    actually they are supposed to be high damage low cc class. because according to cryptic hrs are PRIMARY STRIKERS AND SECONDARY CONTROLLERS. cws are SECONDARY STRIKERS AND PRIMARY CONTROLLERS.

    Melee strikers like GWF and TR "should be high damage" range strikers like HR "should be moderate damage" if rangers will get the same amount of damage of a melee striker well that does not make sense. Im not saying rangers will not achieve that but when that happens who wants to invest on a melee class if you can dominate both worlds of damage vs defense vs utility and cc and only CW and HR possess this traits they are well rounded very versatile with their kits.
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    Melee strikers like GWF and TR "should be high damage" range strikers like HR "should be moderate damage" if rangers will get the same amount of damage of a melee striker well that does not make sense. Im not saying rangers will not achieve that but when that happens who wants to invest on a melee class if you can dominate both worlds of damage vs defense vs utility and cc and only CW and HR possess this traits they are well rounded very versatile with their kits.
    but rangers are half melee and spend more time in melee range than in ranged stance. our at wills also suck and our cd reduction feats only work if we switch stances and land melee hits if we miss or they get dodged our rotation is messed up.
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    piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    diogene0 wrote: »
    My main is a DC. If I'm stunlocked, I can't play. If I can't play I can't do all the alledgly "OP" things clerics can do. If I can't play my cleric dies, fast or slowly, it doesn't matter, the permastun is really a permastun (no time to cast a spell, can't even make divinity, cannot dodge). My pvp gear is the best available on the market. I've stated several times i have 40% CC resist. So keep such comments for yourself.

    A class having trouble in pve doesn't mean it has the right to keep broken mechanics. Stunlocks in pvp shouldn't happen. Never.

    you don't wanna stunlocked by 0.6s every 1.5s? slot sunburst
    the fact in the same level gear HR can't kill DC alone.. but in pvp fight HR CR is the reason why DC can be dead..
    so if you wanna nerf CR so how we are gonna kill DC in PVP? basicaly you just wanna become immortal in PVP

    how many times i need to explain how to counter HR CR?
    some of you come to pvp forum not to disscuss playstyle and how to counter each other rotation instead just wanna nerf other class and make your class superior
    you can typing all day about HR become OP in PVP instead of l2p to use short animation encounter..
    if you all already crying about HR that basicaly bugged root 30% primary damage and loose 20% deflect change at the moment
    instead of crying to cryptic to nerf HR i think you need to pray to god to buff your brain
    please don't l2p and i really mean it.. more free kill for me
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    but rangers are half melee and spend more time in melee range than in ranged stance. our at wills also suck and our cd reduction feats only work if we switch stances and land melee hits if we miss or they get dodged our rotation is messed up.

    thats why HR should have moderate damage because they dont have weakness they just switch and change weapon to take advantage of a given situation. Rangers are hybrid leaning more on the range side how do I know? HR main hand weapon is a bow :)
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    k9madrush wrote: »
    thats why HR should have moderate damage because they dont have weakness they just switch and change weapon to take advantage of a given situation. Rangers are hybrid leaning more on the range side how do I know? HR main hand weapon is a bow :)

    i agree. but i believe the moderate should be changed to high damage where gwf has really high damage. get it? still lower. and almost EVERY SINGLE HR will agree with everyone else to GET RID OF CRUSHING ROOTS ALTOGETHER. and give us more damage. it would be fun. we had a lot of fun in mod 5 we werent the best werent the worst. it was fun. but that arm pen bug is killing us with crushing roots. thats why i say they need to fix the bugs and fix crushing roots simultaneously. otherwise we will be either op or up.
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    felixkamfelixkam Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i agree. but i believe the moderate should be changed to high damage where gwf has really high damage. get it? still lower. and almost EVERY SINGLE HR will agree with everyone else to GET RID OF CRUSHING ROOTS ALTOGETHER. and give us more damage. it would be fun. we had a lot of fun in mod 5 we werent the best werent the worst. it was fun. but that arm pen bug is killing us with crushing roots. thats why i say they need to fix the bugs and fix crushing roots simultaneously. otherwise we will be either op or up.

    Absolutely agree. Mod 5 HR was definitely a highlight. Crushing Roots and lack of damage have pigeonholed us into a bad spot.
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    i agree. but i believe the moderate should be changed to high damage where gwf has really high damage. get it? still lower. and almost EVERY SINGLE HR will agree with everyone else to GET RID OF CRUSHING ROOTS ALTOGETHER. and give us more damage. it would be fun. we had a lot of fun in mod 5 we werent the best werent the worst. it was fun. but that arm pen bug is killing us with crushing roots. thats why i say they need to fix the bugs and fix crushing roots simultaneously. otherwise we will be either op or up.

    One thing you and I can agree is that they need to fix the game its not the classes its the game itself that is broken, and worst the people working in this game are mess up.
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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    marnival wrote: »
    Your right nobody is going to forget about the mod 5 Tr and their GODMODE and nodbody is going to forget that LATE IN MOD 5 you told Gwf Gf and Sw that they where a bunch of crybabys that needed to L2P AND DODGE EXE.

    And btw its funny your refure to Relaxinor, that you seam to know so well, as a he.

    All and all together your a Tr that defends one of the most broken OP <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> classes ever seen in a pvp game and your after nerfing the atm weakest class in the game as one of those Trs, kinda says alot about your agenda mr CLOWN KWEASSA...


    Another insult post? Keep trying, boyo. People are still talking about HRs, and not about how everyone should hate TRs. OOOOOh noes! Make more insults! Bash TRs some more! We need to divert this discussion into more TR hate, so nobody cares about broken dazes and roots anymore!!

    trrrrrolololololol :D

    (ps) was sandy a she? We didn't exactly have "I'm a girl, I'm a boy" introductions when we spoke about lot of things, including biased players with <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> poor attitude(*hint hint*). But of course, this is also IRRRRRRRRRRELEVANT, since you can't refute that a HR player better than you, better knowledged and versed in the ways of the HR, considers the root and dazes are broken and needs a fix.
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    marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    Another insult post? Keep trying, boyo. People are still talking about HRs, and not about how everyone should hate TRs. OOOOOh noes! Make more insults! Bash TRs some more! We need to divert this discussion into more TR hate, so nobody cares about broken dazes and roots anymore!!

    trrrrrolololololol :D

    (ps) was sandy a she? We didn't exactly have "I'm a girl, I'm a boy" introductions when we spoke about lot of things, including biased players with <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> poor attitude(*hint hint*). But of course, this is also IRRRRRRRRRRELEVANT, since you can't refute that a HR player better than you, better knowledged and versed in the ways of the HR, considers the root and dazes are broken and needs a fix.

    Megalomania as usal. Its not up to us to say who wins or looses an argument and as it isent any Judge or jury standing by we wont have a verdict will we.

    But if you want we can allways look at how many that called you an clown idiot and ignorant on these forum and that adds up an adds up and adds up to ALOT me well about 3 are calling me ignorant and stupid all happend to be Tr defending the class and trying to nerf others funny isent it.

    Fact Tr rule pvp
    Fact your on an agenda to nerf other clases
    Fact your a Clown and everybody but a few Tr and 1 dc and 1 cw agree that Hr is in a to bad spot to be nerfed atm.

    Insight sure isent one of your treats but I guess being a Clown that is not to be expected either....
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    piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    marnival wrote: »
    Megalomania as usal. Its not up to us to say who wins or looses an argument and as it isent any Judge or jury standing by we wont have a verdict will we.

    But if you want we can allways look at how many that called you an clown idiot and ignorant on these forum and that adds up an adds up and adds up to ALOT me well about 3 are calling me ignorant and stupid all happend to be Tr defending the class and trying to nerf others funny isent it.

    Fact Tr rule pvp
    Fact your on an agenda to nerf other clases
    Fact your a Clown and everybody but a few Tr and 1 dc and 1 cw agree that Hr is in a to bad spot to be nerfed atm.

    Insight sure isent one of your treats but I guess being a Clown that is not to be expected either....

    No need to have debate argument with troll clown named mirrorballs
    no matter how we explain we never gonna get to open his mind
    because the definition of balance in his mind is when his TR become OP in mod5
    he need mod 5 TR handicap to be able to play pvp
    troll is a troll don't waste your time
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