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TR's on the preview server: a look at the proposed upcoming changes to TR.



  • velynnavelynna Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    f2pma wrote: »
    cant realy belive you quote and agree with that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
    no decent tr would ever open with cos to remove the shield.
    im sure you know that yourself but this nerf thing got u messed up so you got even the basics wrong.

    Tyrion is right here. CoS or even DF will quickly remove shield, and lots of good Saboteur TRs do that, and continue to do so after stealth reveal. Obviously, it's all about proper timing... you're not going to spam CoS to remove shield when it leaves you vulnerable and you have no dazing or SE to follow-up with.
  • velynnavelynna Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    f2pma wrote: »

    its a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> tip not using it for sure

    #getrekt by CWs
  • f2pmaf2pma Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    velynna wrote: »
    #getrekt by CWs

    no sab uses df
    no decent tr will put him self in position that he has to land dazing or hes dead
    and thats what happens if u open with coz
    top tr put hard target and gc
    cos is to finish not begin

    btw just goes to show that writing with emotions always makes u look silly
    name one tr that uses df and cos !

    the day u and tolkien teach me how to play tr has yet to come
  • velynnavelynna Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    f2pma wrote: »

    btw just goes to show that writing with emotions always makes u look silly
    name one tr that uses df and cos !

    Just goes to show that not properly reading what I'm saying makes you look silly. I NEVER said there were TRs who use both DF and CoS. I said that both are good for removing CW shield. You can use either. Or you can be bad and use neither.

    No one is saying you have to "open" with CoS. Again... it's about timing...

    "no decent tr will put him self in position that he has to land dazing or hes dead"

    I think you've got some practicing to do.
  • f2pmaf2pma Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    velynna wrote: »

    No one is saying you have to "open" with CoS. Again... it's about timing...


    au contraire both u and tolkien said it
    as Req said before, "any half decent TR" will throw a couple of daggers at a CW (to remove their shield) before CCing them and then finishing them with SE.

    and i use gc cos like a pro
    and no tr will ever do this ever
    only your imaginery end game tr lol
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Some peoples write here that how to counter TR with other classes.. But one thing I notice.. They all skip WARLOCK. For god sake. When warlock face TR its become like (finger). Even when I get in domination 60 lv with my <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> geared TR I give (finger) to warlock and he die in same moment.. 1 or 2 hits and all they lay dead.
    From warlock view point, I have 1, ok 2 control skills. Harrowstorm which require. CURSE > Harrowstorm. Which usually require more than 1 second.. So TR usually do hit>roll>hide and u can't catch him.
    Next so called CC. Wraith of shadow. In order to control need CURSE> Wraith of shadow and use skill again to enable unmove effect.. Usually either GWF, TR, CW, GF, DC ignore it.... So same situation as with harrowstorm.. Hit from shadow> roll> hide repeat. And u have 99% that you die without chance to hit back even once...
    Also smoke bomb = SW dead.
    My warlock don't get top end gear, but hell before TIAMAT expansions I could go in close combat agains GWF by avoiding his attacks.
    Now enough to have 1 DC and other 2 TR in party and other team do not even try fight back.

    So yea,, TR kinda easy win class.. And I totaly agree with thread starter.. In some view point with TR you have no chalange... Compared to other classes.
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • velynnavelynna Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    f2pma wrote: »
    your quote :
    any half decent TR" will throw a couple of daggers at a CW (to remove their shield) before CCing them and then finishing them with SE.

    and i use gc cos like a pro
    and no tr will ever do this ever
    only your imaginery end game tr lol

    We're not talking about "imaginery" TRs. We're talking about TRs we play with on a daily basis.

    Here's another tip: you don't "open" with CoS to reduce CW shield without having ITC and SS up. You should then be able to reduce shield and daze the CW without ending up "dead," and follow up with SE.

    This is some pretty obvious, basic TR play.

    Edit: I can't really tell from your posts... do you struggle with clearing CWs? Do you actually die to CWs in a 1v1? Are you not able to kill CWs with SE?
  • f2pmaf2pma Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    velynna wrote: »
    Here's another tip: you don't "open" with CoS to reduce CW shield without having ITC and SS up. You should then be able to reduce shield and daze the CW without ending up "dead," and follow up with SE.

    no lol even if u have it up u dont open with cos loool coz then u used itc and ss
    and all u have is daze which if doesnt land its problem.

    i kill all of the top cw in 1v1 on mod 4
    only one i couldnt kill was allt if he had bile

    stop saying something i never said and going of topic
    i quote u
    and u make up stuff lol.
    i can keep this up for a while but i made my point long time ago
    im a tr i trow bait u hook like a nb i make u look silly
    u find excuses i laugh but it gets old for me to
  • velynnavelynna Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    f2pma wrote: »
    no lol even if u have it up u dont open with cos loool coz then u used itc and ss
    and all u have is daze which if doesnt land its problem.

    i kill all of the top cw in 1v1 on mod 4
    only one i couldnt kill was allt if he had bile

    That's why "open" is not an appropriate word, which YOU started using. Because obviously, no one ever meant "go to a node and spam CoS as the first thing you do." That's why I said it's about timing. Obviously.

    I was asking about mod 5, not mod 4. Also, obviously.
  • vaulwynvaulwyn Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    To summarize I feel that dps for the TR is very strong and that SE is definitely too strong when the class has so much other utility working in its favor. Here is what I propose: take away the assured crit from stealth. This would leave the chance for high damage (often greater than 30% crit chance) but it would force TR's to feat into crit rather than leaving it up to a class feature. It would mean that 1 of every 3 shockings would take you down to 5% of your HP and 1 of every 3 gloaming cuts would hit for 15k. This alone would be enough to balance the DPS of the TR this mod imho. I don't propose any other large changes to the class but TR's should not have the ability to 1v2 other classes and kill both of them assuming equal gear and skill.

    It is never ok for a class to take 95% of another classes life assuming equal gear with a single attack. Especially if you consider how hard that class already hits and the fact that the class in question almost always gets the first hit. This is no different than being forced into a duel but you are forced to start the duel with 5% life while they get 100% and still hit harder than you and have the option to reset the match anytime they choose. If you think that is fair is any way shape or form then your insane.
    GF - Sigh
  • f2pmaf2pma Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    velynna wrote: »
    That's why "open" is not an appropriate word, which YOU started using. Because obviously, no one ever meant "go to a node and spam CoS as the first thing you do." That's why I said it's about timing. Obviously.

    I was asking about mod 5, not mod 4. Also, obviously.

    well i can quote u only so much before i lose my grace
    and regarding mod 5
    its prety obvious isnt it
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    f2pma wrote: »
    no sab uses df
    no decent tr will put him self in position that he has to land dazing or hes dead
    and thats what happens if u open with coz
    top tr put hard target and gc
    cos is to finish not begin

    btw just goes to show that writing with emotions always makes u look silly
    name one tr that uses df and cos !

    the day u and tolkien teach me how to play tr has yet to come

    I am sab and i use df....
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • f2pmaf2pma Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I am sab and i use df....

    i meant to say no sab uses df with cos together as stated.
    anyway bis tr dont use df at all
    its not optimal coz u lose range-so many times cant finish the target he go for the heals
    very easy to dodge
    u can get dazed more easy against another sab

    same gear skill lvl i dont see it as advantage
  • k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Is it not you hypocrites who mock and humiliate TR in previous mods? now that we got buff you want us to return to that useless state you always hated.
  • k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    clonkyo1 wrote: »
    Well, seems like TR-players are as ******s as some HR and CW players were back on mod4... We, no TR-players, just want not being one-shoted by TR-class like you, TR-players, in example, complained about being perma frozen in mod 4, being killed by just 2 hits from a HR, etc.

    CW and HR is different story its range with 4-6 encounters, tons of CC coupled by nuke, a class mechanic hussle free with no cooldown (HR) you want me to enumerate more? one hit by what? Lashing Blade? with long cooldown and melee range? compare that to Ice Knife and Fox Cunning that has invulnerability built in it?. You want a list of comparison so that you will know whos life is easier? I know alot of range class built as glass cannon because in previous mod TR have pathetic damage output thats why you want to nerf its damage so you can keep your OP dps and you dont need to invest on survivability right?

    Btw range class "arent tanks" they have the poorest survivability so dont expect them to be unkillable and a monstrous assassin all at the same time.
  • crollaxcrollax Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    Ppl never satisfected
    Ppl never look theirself to improve more

    Trs was op in the begging of mod5 because we wanted to get some fun also..

    Like how u did all class in a period of time((our fun was shortest btw because of fasttt forum whiners))

    Anyway we get crazy big nerf about stealth.but ppl never satisfected

    Look guyz if u cant kill a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> tr right now its all because of your low skill

    Because there is plenty ıf player who can clean me so fast as 1v1 who KNOW tr!!!

    İnstead of wish to santa work biiitchess !!!

    This game made by whiners.....

    And devs who listen pug whiners....
    dEVS dont listen these *****ess they are all pug and ****

    While i get destroy by <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> low skill op class in m3-m4 ive never come to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> stupid website and whine like how u did all...

    İf u cant think like tr or if u havent practise with a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> pro tr ages u have 0 chance sadly. İts not about beeing op or nıt its all about skill base

    İ swear there is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> op players who give alotttttt of pain even like this

    Some of them was killing me even in begging of mod5 stop <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> whine!!!!!!!!!

    And iyon if i remember well u were the one who snipe us as 2xtr((((bleeders...)))) + dps dc.... Gayest comp ive ever seen.......
    Ps: only noobs bleeds.

    Road runners...

    İnstead of listen pugs on forum and nerf stealth mechanism if they would ask me

    My personal idea::: before these nerfs in the begging of m5 they had to;;

    1.remove peircing damage from bb
    2.make each shock take down %50 hp instead %95
    3.make increase ceit chance %20 which till be %40 in stealth and outsşde stealth %20

    But its all over because this 2 second nerf with these stupid random damage nerf all is done
  • malfoirmalfoir Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    crollax wrote: »
    ....snip non-sense.........


    Have no idea what this means, but I wait some TR changes to coming up before I go back PvP(or game itself), best PvP team is TR TR TR DC TR or DC TR TR DC TR ... is there other good options than TR?

    BTW, 2second visibility with current server lag/glitches is pretty ZERO, ;) .
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Ppl never satisfected
    Ppl never look theirself to improve more

    Trs was op in the begging of mod5 because we wanted to get some fun also..

    Like how u did all class in a period of time((our fun was shortest btw because of fasttt forum whiners))

    Anyway we get crazy big nerf about stealth.but ppl never satisfected

    Look guyz if u cant kill a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> tr right now its all because of your low skill

    Because there is plenty ıf player who can clean me so fast as 1v1 who KNOW tr!!!

    İnstead of wish to santa work biiitchess !!!

    This game made by whiners.....

    And devs who listen pug whiners....
    dEVS dont listen these *****ess they are all pug and ****

    While i get destroy by <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> low skill op class in m3-m4 ive never come to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> stupid website and whine like how u did all...

    İf u cant think like tr or if u havent practise with a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> pro tr ages u have 0 chance sadly. İts not about beeing op or nıt its all about skill base

    İ swear there is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> op players who give alotttttt of pain even like this

    Some of them was killing me even in begging of mod5 stop <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> whine!!!!!!!!!

    And iyon if i remember well u were the one who snipe us as 2xtr((((bleeders...)))) + dps dc.... Gayest comp ive ever seen.......
    Ps: only noobs bleeds.

    Road runners...

    İnstead of listen pugs on forum and nerf stealth mechanism if they would ask me

    My personal idea::: before these nerfs in the begging of m5 they had to;;

    1.remove peircing damage from bb
    2.make each shock take down %50 hp instead %95
    3.make increase ceit chance %20 which till be %40 in stealth and outsşde stealth %20

    But its all over because this 2 second nerf with these stupid random damage nerf all is done

    Ok so lets see whats makes a class good in PVP.
    1 Burst dam - Tr top - check

    2 Survivability Tr top - check

    3 Cc Tr top - check

    If one single class are best at the 3 most important aspects of pvp you think that the rest should sit quite and l2p better?

    Now if you enter a race with a car of old model fiat 50 hr you dont want to compete against a Porsche turbo with 600 hr and feel its your driving that makes you loose.

    How hard is it to understand that you have the ability to finish the fight before it gets started and that no class NO class can face you and live even 2-1.

    How sad it is when 14 Kgs can take out rest of the classes at 22kgs because the class is so broken that most stay on rezz if they see 2 16+gs Tr on other team.

    If you want to keep it this way or are telling others to l2p your just spoiled children that wants ALL the toys and start to screem what when some say you have to give away some..

    Its time for devs to wake up seriously this has gone on long enough now......
  • k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    marnival wrote: »
    Ok so lets see whats makes a class good in PVP.
    1 Burst dam - Tr top - check

    2 Survivability Tr top - check

    3 Cc Tr top - check

    If one single class are best at the 3 most important aspects of pvp you think that the rest should sit quite and l2p better?

    Now if you enter a race with a car of old model fiat 50 hr you dont want to compete against a Porsche turbo with 600 hr and feel its your driving that makes you loose.

    How hard is it to understand that you have the ability to finish the fight before it gets started and that no class NO class can face you and live even 2-1.

    How sad it is when 14 Kgs can take out rest of the classes at 22kgs because the class is so broken that most stay on rezz if they see 2 16+gs Tr on other team.

    If you want to keep it this way or are telling others to l2p your just spoiled children that wants ALL the toys and start to screem what when some say you have to give away some..

    Its time for devs to wake up seriously this has gone on long enough now......

    Dont you know a Scoundrel TR cant excel in CC and burst damage at the same time nor a Exe be outstanding in cc not unless he change setup? not unless his gear is 4 legendaries away from yours. Each TR feat tree is different from one another its all about GEAR SETUP and STAT BUILD my friend. Next time before you make "PRESUMPTIONS" you should know and understand first

    CW - range, burst, crowd control, 4 encounters, low stamina consumption, fast cdr from int w/o sacrificing damage and many more this can face a TR if played and built right to correct you
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This is the issue, caused by fotm-classes.


    They aren't only attracting the good gamers, obviously. This applies to every mmorpg in general. I have seen the trend grow for over 12 years. People hop onto easymode-bandwagons as soon as the oppurtunity arises. Then when things, which have gotten out of hand, are getting fixed it has a greater impact on the not so good gamers which results in said players (keep in mind, they are the majority of said classes' playerbase.) trying to defend the from their point of view, "not so OP'ed" - gem. While the skilled gamers barely complain, since they realized from the get go, what lies ahead of them.


    I think it is just normal human behaviour, though.

  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'm thinking you actually do, but you'll stop at nothing to give yourself an unfair advantage.

    I stop at nothing to get something even near balance when it come to Tr.

    I never said nerf anything Tr has I said the way they work now they are out of hand and in godmode.

    Exe Lashing to much cc combinded with to much dam and survivability/escape mode in different combinations is making them rule pvp in away no class should come even near.

    Exe-pb-cc-lash-100%crit-first strike-dubble proc daily- etc etc is to much even if they all cant be stacked together in a single path to many of them can be combined that need to be changed mkay.

    Just fyi I played Gwf and stopped when they became to OP module 2 because it was just boring going 30-0.
    I stopped playing Hr in module 4 because it was not much of a challange.

    Now I play Dps dc (thrill in pve very hard in pug pvp) gwf and even though less my hr.

    Gf was my first gwf became main after about a month after beta and I started Hr as soon as they came out.
    I also have a 60 sw but cant get time for doing dailys with any more then one at a time so he has to wait for his turn...

    And saying Tr is out of control and OP in pvp is no whine its reality if you dont realize that you dont pvp simple as that..
  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    morenthar wrote: »

    1. sabo is way too good at any gear lvl, you can compete with any class 7-8k GS higher
    2. exec at high gear lvl is **** impossible, it one shots everything and.... is immune or in stealth pretty much permanently due Knife;s Edge BB combo.
    3. scoundrel can abuse KE just as well, plus it brings so so much utility: pretty much shuts down completely a target.
    4. SE can be used by all.
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ayroux wrote: »

    I really wish they would address this first. It is the primary issue and the most in need of balancing/recoding.

    Thanks for your reply bro.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I really wish they would address this first. It is the primary issue and the most in need of balancing/recoding.

    Thanks for your reply bro.

    I was also wondering how much of an impact it would be in balancing TR if they changed it so anything stealthed doesnt count as "contesting" or even "capping".

    What this means is you cant perma stealth around and contest a node, and you cant even stealth on a node and cap it. If you want to contest/cap a node your out in the open, same as everyone else.

    What this means for TRs is they would excel and be the very best "assassins" but are the worst "defenders" at defending a node.

    So stealth couldnt be used as a domination defensive tool, just an offensive/tactical one.

    It might give TRs too much a handicap since that is their best defensive encounter, but the way stealth works and the way domination works... Think about it. Domination is "defending a node" how is being stealth ed sneaking around "defending" it?

    I think changes to SE and if something like this were done, it would go a ways in balancing TR.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ayroux wrote: »
    I was also wondering how much of an impact it would be in balancing TR if they changed it so anything stealthed doesnt count as "contesting" or even "capping".

    What this means is you cant perma stealth around and contest a node, and you cant even stealth on a node and cap it. If you want to contest/cap a node your out in the open, same as everyone else.

    What this means for TRs is they would excel and be the very best "assassins" but are the worst "defenders" at defending a node.

    So stealth couldnt be used as a domination defensive tool, just an offensive/tactical one.

    It might give TRs too much a handicap since that is their best defensive encounter, but the way stealth works and the way domination works... Think about it. Domination is "defending a node" how is being stealth ed sneaking around "defending" it?

    I think changes to SE and if something like this were done, it would go a ways in balancing TR.

    How about no...
    IF YOU WANT TR NOT TO COUNT ON A NODE IN STEALTH... Then gf blocking wont count.. And gwf using tab wont count.. a cw with barrier on wont count on node... Stealth is our class ability and should count as being on a node if we are the node
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ayroux wrote: »
    I was also wondering how much of an impact it would be in balancing TR if they changed it so anything stealthed doesnt count as "contesting" or even "capping".

    What this means is you cant perma stealth around and contest a node, and you cant even stealth on a node and cap it. If you want to contest/cap a node your out in the open, same as everyone else.

    What this means for TRs is they would excel and be the very best "assassins" but are the worst "defenders" at defending a node.

    So stealth couldnt be used as a domination defensive tool, just an offensive/tactical one.

    It might give TRs too much a handicap since that is their best defensive encounter, but the way stealth works and the way domination works... Think about it. Domination is "defending a node" how is being stealth ed sneaking around "defending" it?

    I think changes to SE and if something like this were done, it would go a ways in balancing TR.

    How about no...
    IF YOU WANT TR NOT TO COUNT ON A NODE IN STEALTH... Then gf blocking wont count.. And gwf using tab wont count.. a cw with barrier on wont count on node... Tr is our class ability and should count as being on a node if we are the node
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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