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Official Feedback Thread: Trickster Rogue Changes



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    suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kweassa wrote: »
    I'm not exactly against it, but I'm kinda wondering why this needs to go forth.

    Because, as it is, this actually makes it easier to manage/build stats for a TR since now, he can probably dump the INT and DEX stats, have it around maybe 17~20 with natural increase, and then move all his stats to CON and CHA -- since most of the damage factor is provided to you with the auto-crit from stealth, and you have the leisure of putting more stat points to CON for HP and CHA for deflect.

    Previously, you'd have had to spread it all around CON, CHA, DEX, or just give up deflection and go for CON/DEX... or in many cases, give up even dex and go CON/INT for PvP purposes.

    Now, with the "old perma" type of playing being less important, all TRs can have more HP and deflect without a big loss to his damage.


    Do we really need the DEX?

    I am just a cheap *******, honestly, and I hate to have to purchase a race reroll to fix my stats for the new setup. Also I was an idiot with a dex belt and I will have to replace that too (but I may have anyways). Also the stat rolls bias points towards what it thinks is the primary (dex) and we will lose more of our 'true' primary (char/con/str) because of it. That is the only issues with me and I suppose they are minor.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I am just a cheap *******, honestly, and I hate to have to purchase a race reroll to fix my stats for the new setup. Also I was an idiot with a dex belt and I will have to replace that too (but I may have anyways). Also the stat rolls bias points towards what it thinks is the primary (dex) and we will lose more of our 'true' primary (char/con/str) because of it. That is the only issues with me and I suppose they are minor.

    dex never was and never will be our main stat...
    even in this module playing with more than 20 dex is just stupid.
    1) you have much greater return from raw power ( str ), lowering cds ( int ).
    2) because RNG is streaky....which means you will always either crit or not crit at all
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    suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    dex never was and never will be our main stat...
    even in this module playing with more than 20 dex is just stupid.
    1) you have much greater return from raw power ( str ), lowering cds ( int ).
    2) because RNG is streaky....which means you will always either crit or not crit at all

    I agree here. I took dex back in the day and never altered it after I knew the truth of things. Since I looted a dex belt I wore it instead of selling it and getting a wiser belt. It was not a large loss as even though less damage than str it helped a bit on deflect and the crit was helpful with keeping the large crit bleed stacks set and I found that convenience valuable enough to justify my earlier ill informed choices.
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    suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    For those of you concerned about our shift from single target to more AE damage you should realize that you are under the false assumption that the TR had the best single target damage to begin with. This is wrong, and even though the best thing the TR did was single target damage, the TR was not the best class at single target damage. On boss fights a GWF was heavily favored even though bleed came into effect it was not enough to compete with their %health based at will and IBS damage bonuses. HR also had superior damage as did CW (not from simply single target damage but they could do more damage to a single target in a given time but this could be from glyphs or who knows what). SW is odd as some seem to do poorly and I have seen some SW with 3k less GS pop off 50% more single target damage so I don't know what the deal is (I know TT is still bugged (700k crits anyone) but I have seen some insane damage come from hellfire too).
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    mirlegrismirlegris Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    We should have to need Dexterity, but it's not the case.

    Actually :

    Statistic - Effect of Ability Score on stat per point over 10

    Strength = Stamina Regeneration 1%, Damage bonus 1%, DoT resistance 1%
    Constitution = Maximum Hit Points 2%
    Dexterity = Critical Chance 1%, AoE Damage Resist 1%, Deflection chance 0.5%
    Intelligence = Recharge Speed 1%
    Wisdom = Control Bonus 1%, Control Resistance 1%
    Charisma = Combat Advantage damage 1%, Companion stat bonus 1%, Deflection chance 1%

    I think it should to be something as :

    Statistic - Effect of Ability Score on stat per point over 10

    Strength = Stamina Regeneration 1%, Damage bonus 1%, Run speed 1%
    Constitution = Maximum Hit Points 2%,
    Dexterity = Critical Chance 0.5%, Combat Advantage damage 1%, Deflection chance 2%
    Intelligence = Recharge Speed 1%, Control Resistance 0.5%,
    Wisdom = Control resistance 0.5%, Control Bonus 0.5%
    Charisma = Control Bonus 1%, Action point gain 0.5%, Companion stat bonus 1%
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    No drastic change to ability stat.
    People have already spent many moneys on belts.
    What i would like to see is deflect in dex up to 1 from 0.5
    Int armor pen and/or action point.
    Cha combat adv, deflect, recharge speed.

    This would not hurt anyone
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    mirlegrismirlegris Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    CWs are 14.5%
    DCs and GFs are 15.5%
    GWFs, HRs, SWs and TRs are 13.5% cumuled bonus point over 10 points of ability score.

    If we gain 0.5% deflection by points over 10 points of dexterity, we lose 0.5% of something else in counterpart.

    Idem for action points gain, ignored resistance etc etc. We can't have everything.

    Sorry for my english.
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    heruwath1heruwath1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    reason of nerfs was before tr are not defending their class, they support nerfs and suggest them like you just did. I have never ever seen nerf thread in cw supported by them when they are soo ** that it's out of imagination.

    i never supported a nerf , read again
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    crusherbeastcrusherbeast Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    heruwath1 wrote: »
    i never supported a nerf , read again

    I say to you ,,don't think about the elephants''. What will u think about then?
    Last thing TR feedback needs is mentioning about nerfs to class so weakened with bugs which were never fixed from begun of game.
    Also i didn't say that you precisely ever had anything to do with any nerf, but even mentioning nerf that can happen is really bad.
    Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools)
    Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    all *****, is really good now in pve. Smoke bomb and duelist flurry speed up really changed everything there.

    in pvp we must have buff to survivability and hard buff to cooldowns but after that there is little to nothing to change without becoming gamebreaking.

    ps: fangredwater really log the &&&&*** preview and go to check. i m usually uber-critical-cynical but after these changes i can't....really
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    kamishitoekamishitoe Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Twisted Grin: When a foe within 30' of you dies you gain Twisted Grin for 10 seconds which improves the damage of your next attack by 2.5/5/7.5/10/12.5%. This bonus is doubled while in stealth.

    Well I know I'm a bit late to the game but here goes:

    I'm a MI Exec TR on the live server, trying out the Executioner feat tree on the preview server.

    Twisted Grin does not seem to proc at all, I asked about this using the zone chat at the Well of Dragons and it was confirmed by another TR.

    Shocking Execution does not give the rank 2-3 bonus in PvE. Bosses with only 1 square of health on the health bar, take at the most 10-18k damage. My Lashing Blade does more damage even out of stealth.

    ITC needs to give immunity, it's the only way a TR can survive and still do a bit of damage in places like Karru.

    At-Wills draining 15% of the stealth bar, please no, I agree with getting rid of the perma-stealth, but we lose too much stealth to untargeted damage already this will be the final nail in the coffin to TR's even the perma's.
    Either change it back or reduce the drain % to 5%. Alternatively, make it so that Duelist's Flurry refills the stealth bar after it has been emptied, in similar fashion to Gloaming Cut.

    Dodges, I'm sorry but HR's having more dodges than TR's, a class which relies on dodging for survivability is very backwards. The very concept of a melee HR baffles me, a primarily ranged class should have 2-3 dodges at most, not the 5-6 it does now (correct me on this if I'm wrong, my HR is only level 24 and it dodges more than my level 60 TR).

    Either give us the same stamina drain on dodging as HR's have or consider making Deft Strike have a 1-2 sec iframe.

    And like many others have mentioned, our animations take too long, slow TR = dead TR, so if possible try to get a few of the skills to have faster animations.

    That is all I can think of at the moment, I'll try to provide more feedback in the future.

    Thank you for your hard work.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Tr dodges are like 3x times better than hr ones..where you virtually dodge nothing if you play with common ping around 200
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    izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Stealth drain while out of stealth should be changed.
    Now its impossible to gain full stealth in tough combat like big heroic encounters, dungeons, any long fight,
    unless we slot special feat/skill or go Sabouter tree.
    To not be allowed to use our TAB mechanic for entire combat is huge disadvantage and should be changed.
    It hurts a lot especialy Executioner tree.

    Shocking Execution
    I will say it again, because it wasnt adressed.
    Its not shocking, it have never been seen near any execution except 9k gs noobs in pvp or elite mobs in dread ring or sharandar.
    Reduce AP use to 1/3 of AP bar, like HR dailies,
    or/and make it more like SW killing flames, with 1/3 dmg split in small aoe.
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    yourbutt2048yourbutt2048 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm pretty sure that TR dodges can be considered better than HR now, they increased the range IIRC and I think its 3 dodges because I got the stamina regen feat and barely have 4 back to back dodges. About time too, TR supposed to be sneaky time of class and be able to go in and out of fights easily.
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    caexarcaexar Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    With the increase in speed for Duelists Flurry, extra dodge and the ridiculously OP Smoke Bomb, I am able to solo the harder encounters such as Rescue the Prospectors and Ill gotten goods now, however I am forced to slot in Shadow Strike to do so. This seems a fair trade off for being able to one man encounters meant for 3 or 4. All in all the game play is far more tactical and fast paced, it feels more roguish which is good. There are a few more tweaks I would suggest though.
    Deft Strike by nature is a teleport and attack to the rear of an enemy, why on earth does it not proc Return to Shadows? In addition to the previous suggestion for Whisperknives that I made, Deft Strike needs to be fixed so it procs Return to Shadows. This change will provide for an alternate means to accumulate stealth for the Saboteur line while soloing and will improve the constant in and out of the shadows style of gameplay that is the direction the TR is going.
    The stealth depletion upon being struck is a little extreme and leaves the rogue in an incredibly difficult spot when caught out in the open (thus the need to slot Shadow Strike) I would suggest taking damage while stealth regenerates merely halts it temporarily instead of reduces it.
    I still feel that the third strike of Duelist's Flurry should only count as one attack for the purpose of stealth depletion. The flurry lasts long enough that you'll be out of stealth anyway by the time it is finished so it makes no sense to make using the skill harder.
    Impossible to Catch should be made to grant back a small bit of stealth meter for every attack deflected while it is active. This is a fair tradeoff since you nerfed it to no longer grant dodging and will add a little bit of survivability to the TR.
    Likewise perhaps Bait and Switch could grant stealth back for every attack the dummy takes as well.
    Point being right now stealth regeneration is severely limited for most rogues and since stealth is being turned into an augment utility, it makes sense to have multiple means of generating it.
    The cone of attack for the stealth Dazing Strike is still weird and needs looking at please
    Shocking Execution needs to be brought back up to fearful levels again. It is now in the category of Cold Steel Hurricane in that it's a capstone daily that makes you go "WTF?"
    I'd also like to see flurry bleeds only change the damage dealt if the refreshing bleed is of a greater damage value. I can flurry someone and get bleeds ticking in crit then flurry them again and the duration resets but the damage does to a non crit, less amount. This is just wrong. Flurry bleeds should always refresh and always go up in damage as the fight goes on.

    Shadow Opportunity is still not working right unless you have Ambusher's Haste ranks, please fix this!!!!
    Threat level 60 Guardian Fighter
    Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
    Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
    Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
    Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
    Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
    Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
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    crusherbeastcrusherbeast Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    caexar wrote: »

    With the increase in speed for Duelists Flurry, extra dodge and the ridiculously OP Smoke Bomb

    After that i stopped reading. If smoke bomb is anyhow op then your homework is to go make hr and cw and learn fast what means ,,OP''.
    Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools)
    Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
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    group5egroup5e Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    all *****, is really good now in pve. Smoke bomb and duelist flurry speed up really changed everything there...

    Can you tell me what rotation you would use duelist flurry in now in pve as opposed to other at-wills (excluding the executioner build no one will take)?
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    heruwath1heruwath1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    i say to you ,,don't think about the elephants''. What will u think about then?
    Last thing tr feedback needs is mentioning about nerfs to class so weakened with bugs which were never fixed from begun of game.
    Also i didn't say that you precisely ever had anything to do with any nerf, but even mentioning nerf that can happen is really bad.

    this , guys is a nerf there is no rework , just nerfing tr
    you basically dont have better cc/single-dps/aoe-dps/defences than other classes
    you are outmatched in every turn, plus the class is not as fast as other ones, let alone faster

    so why the hell are you still talking and discussiong?
    They are gonna go forward with this rework, its their game after all
    i just will find another one, and i suggest that you should too, cause its not happiness that fills you right now
    its just hope, and they are gonna step on it again next mod/change
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    yourbutt2048yourbutt2048 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    group5e wrote: »
    Can you tell me what rotation you would use duelist flurry in now in pve as opposed to other at-wills (excluding the executioner build no one will take)?

    I'm not the OP but I went executioner tree (**** me right?) and Duelist Flurry bleeds make up 30 - 35% of my overall damage, altogether, with the initial and flury its almost 50%.
    heruwath1 wrote: »
    this , guys is a nerf there is no rework , just nerfing tr
    you basically dont have better cc/single-dps/aoe-dps/defences than other classes
    you are outmatched in every turn, plus the class is not as fast as other ones, let alone faster

    so why the hell are you still talking and discussiong?
    They are gonna go forward with this rework, its their game after all
    i just will find another one, and i suggest that you should too, cause its not happiness that fills you right now
    its just hope, and they are gonna step on it again next mod/change

    This guy is obviously trolling or delusional, just ignore him, its not like smoke bomb is CC or Aoe-Dps...
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    crusherbeastcrusherbeast Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    heruwath1 wrote: »
    this , guys is a nerf there is no rework , just nerfing tr
    you basically dont have better cc/single-dps/aoe-dps/defences than other classes
    you are outmatched in every turn, plus the class is not as fast as other ones, let alone faster

    so why the hell are you still talking and discussiong?
    They are gonna go forward with this rework, its their game after all
    i just will find another one, and i suggest that you should too, cause its not happiness that fills you right now
    its just hope, and they are gonna step on it again next mod/change

    Don't worry bro :) I am playing from time to time another game which is amazing so if it will be as bad as your saying in new mod i will know what to do. So time will show.
    Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools)
    Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
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    mojoratmojorat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 90
    edited November 2014
    I tested the most recent changes and it seems pretty solid. I can do all tge easy He now as MI scoundrel. Howevee i could only get to tge 3rd wave on the harder version of totem of auril. Not sure this represents an issue wit tge changes or my character at 15k gs.


    Forgot to add bloodbath triggers knifes edge and rezets all powers.
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    hadukhanhadukhan Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    mojorat wrote: »
    I tested the most recent changes and it seems pretty solid. I can do all tge easy He now as MI scoundrel. Howevee i could only get to tge 3rd wave on the harder version of totem of auril. Not sure this represents an issue wit tge changes or my character at 15k gs.


    Forgot to add bloodbath triggers knifes edge and rezets all powers.

    WAI i really hope
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    mojorat wrote: »
    I tested the most recent changes and it seems pretty solid. I can do all tge easy He now as MI scoundrel. Howevee i could only get to tge 3rd wave on the harder version of totem of auril. Not sure this represents an issue wit tge changes or my character at 15k gs.


    Forgot to add bloodbath triggers knifes edge and rezets all powers.

    it's wai, i mean they fixed to not work on artifacts but that feat has synergy only with bloodbath which rapidly put you in and out stealth.
    ideally the combo is dazing strike bloodbath dazing strike shadow strike, re stealth
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    valenswiftvalenswift Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    Smoke Bomb: great job there. It's simply amazing.

    Shadow Strike: animation is too slow and the dmg pretty low.

    Path of Blades: this power should proc weapon enchant.

    Shadow of Demise: This is a capstone feat. I think Exes are in disadvantage with Saboteurs and Scoundrels. It should proc with every source of dmg, be multitarget and stackable to feel Executioner as a good call to play.

    Dazing Strike: Great job. Fast animation. I love it.

    Duelist Flurry: I like faster animation. Maybe a bit more base dmg or third blow counts as one for stealth depletion matters.

    Cloud of Steel: maybe a bit faster animation.

    Stealth Depletion: I don't like this change at all. Maybe 10% would be more than enough, I think.

    Shocking Execution: ... come on. Kinda joke high rank daily.

    Armor sets: I would like an armor set like swashbuckling was. I feel the new ones stack too much Armor Penetration and maybe more PVP oriented. Maybe I'm wrong, but is what I think. I don't like 2/4 and 4/4 bonuses much. I like recovery much than Arp.

    Dodge/stamina: I like it. I think we don't need more tumbling distance, but it's ok, I can handle it.

    Stats: I don't like TRs dumping DEX at all. We should be dexterous fighters. 100% crit in stealth is awesome but make DEX almost <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for a DEX class. This issue needs a rethink.
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    demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    valenswift wrote: »

    Stats: I don't like TRs dumping DEX at all. We should be dexterous fighters. 100% crit in stealth is awesome but make DEX almost <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for a DEX class. This issue needs a rethink.

    they could just turn stealth into a 25% or so combat advantage buff instead. that way if anyone wants to actually critical (and benefit from lashing's stealth bonus), then they will need high dex.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    they could just turn stealth into a 25% or so combat advantage buff instead. that way if anyone wants to actually critical (and benefit from lashing's stealth bonus), then they will need high dex.

    no the new damage levels are based on critical being 100%. not only: stealth is now so short lasting that a 25% bonus is laughable. This means you will often find yourself out of stealth and in need of critical chance.
    probably saboteurs would suffer more and at that point the only thing i can reasonably imagine ( making all path/tree happy ) is to move recharge speed in dex at the place of crit chance.
    however more than that we should fix the "being 1/2 shotted" thing.

    moving damage bonus in dex would be the right choice but it would displeace people with a str belt to make an example.

    about valentswift feedback: he has right with shadow strike being too slow, path of the blade, shocking, cloud of steel but absolutely not on shadow demise ( which should be multitarget tho ... you dont know who has the debuff otherwise )
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    micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    group5e wrote: »
    Can you tell me what rotation you would use duelist flurry in now in pve as opposed to other at-wills (excluding the executioner build no one will take)?

    I will probably try first with a sabo build: (PvE)
    Sly/DF as at wills.

    For clearing:
    Smoke/Dazing, Blitz, WR.
    stealth-> smoke -> re-stealth (capstone) -> blitz (should be enough for anything to die or just finish with DF/sly)

    For medium/big stuff (what left after the hit above)
    get behind -> 2xWR to get stealth -> stealth -> 3Sly to debuff -> stealth will run out here -> DF -> WR (to get full invis bar) -> DF (activate stealth at last part and hope the bleed will crit if timed right)

    For bosses: (this need even more thinking/testing)
    WR, Lashing/Dazing (need to test now what will provide more dps now that can assure crit on dazing and it has lower CD) , maybe ITC (eLoL with no GF/DC) or SS if the boss dont have clear 'behind'

    Same idea as before if possible to get 3sly in invis to debuff and then 2DF when the second DF last part is in invis to force crit on the bleed.
    After that only maintain 2xDF-> get invis (WR x1 if capstone up pr x2-3 if need to get behind) -> Sly x3 -> DPS encounter -> repeat.

    Need to tweak it for door to door pulls and perhaps test with using dazing instead of WR as they both should refill stealth do to AoE in such cases (need to test dps)
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    yourbutt2048yourbutt2048 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    micky1p00 wrote: »
    I will probably try first with a sabo build: (PvE)
    Sly/DF as at wills.

    For clearing:
    Smoke/Dazing, Blitz, WR.
    stealth-> smoke -> re-stealth -> blitz (shouldb enought for anything to die or just finish with DF/sly)

    For medium/big stuff (what left after the hit above)
    get behind -> 2xWR to get stealth -> stealth -> 3Sly to debuff -> stealth will run out here -> DF -> WR (to get full invis bar) -> DF (activate stealth at last part and hope the bleed will crit if timed right)

    For bosses: (this need even more thinking/testing)
    WR, Lashing/Dazing (need to test now what will provide more dps now that can assure crit on dazing and it has lower CD) , maybe ITC (eLoL) or SS if the boss dont have clear 'behind'

    same Idea as before if possible to get 3sly in invis to debuff and then 2DF when the second DF last part is in invis to force crit on the bleed.
    After that only maintain 2xDF-> get invis (WR x1 if capstone up pr x2-3 if need to get behind) -> Sly x3 -> DPS encounter -> repeat.

    Just curious, if you do any one of your rotations on a training dummy, whats your overall damage in around 1 minute?
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    mojoratmojorat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 90
    edited November 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    it's wai, i mean they fixed to not work on artifacts but that feat has synergy only with bloodbath.
    ideally the combo is dazing strike bloodbath dazing strike shadow strike, re stealth

    I think maybe Bug is the wrong word is doing exactly what its supposed to do. The problem is in pvp exe stealth lashing bade bloodbath lashing blade. Its not a 1 shot but there wont be much to resist it. Bloodbath is a daily we get at lvl 1 kfifes edge is only supposed to reduce cooldowns by 10% i cant see how its intentioal.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Clarification: why path of the blade does not apply weapon enchantments and feats?
    i can understand that about piercing damage, it would be OP but at least the capstones and the enchantments...
    it does splitted low damage on 3 target, damage on single target is being nerfed to 33% so it's time to allow it.

    it can crit but does not apply vorpal is one of that no sense.
    example of skills similar that do work as intended: thorn ward, icy terrain, oppressive force, slam, all dots based warlock skills, split the sky.

    BUG: SMOKE BOMB, like path of the blade, does not apply shadowy opportunity. Differently from path of the blade that ticks for 20 seconds, smoke bomb only ticks for 3 if the enemy does not move..so i would like it to be fixed.

This discussion has been closed.