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Official Feedback Thread: Trickster Rogue Changes



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    f2pmaf2pma Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kweassa wrote: »



    That's what happens happens when you spend weeks and weeks whining and crapping on the boards, instead of taking the time to practice and study what has changed. Most of us regular TRs in the preview, as well as those who fight against us, are almost ready to finalize our build/tactics in preparation for Nov.18th. You, on the other hand, I can only guess to how crappy and unoptimized you are for the change. How could you NOT be? You don't know jackshi* about how each path combat mechanic works.

    10k on a HR, with a P.Vorpal, and a Lashing Blade, with an Executioner... just... LoL.

    Your playing/spec/build level in the test server is probably near the scrub level. Spend more time and try optimize your build, and study how the buff/feat mechanics work. If possible, come to the preview everyday and look for some good players like Brollax or Nanner, or Vexation, and ask them on tips on how to use the new paths.

    only tr who will dare to call me out like that is one that never pvp like you
    coz he dont need to wory abouth me facing him any time soon
    only scrub here are you everything you ever wrote is low scrub mod pvp

    while u dont even pvp since mod 2 im page 1 on mod 4 solo pug without single reload <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
    your so called builds were never for pvp tr but some kind off companion with wicked reminder.
    and i dont need to look for a good players coz i am one lol

    you need to look
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    he has right about gloaming cut tho.
    and he also has right about lashing blade hitting for peanuts without first strike (let s even remember that we are talking about a 20+ seconds encounter)
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    why wouldn't someone take first strike in pvp? that + vorpal + lashing blade from stealth is a HUGE help for a great unexpected burst at the beginning of each encounter.
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    kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    TRs in my Guild are super pumped about these changes/updates! So kudos to the Devs as having happy TRS hasn't exactly been common over the last few months... ;)

    Also in reference to a certain individuals (who is posting quite a bit over the last few pages!) sublime command of the English language...

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    crusherbeastcrusherbeast Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well as once one man said ,,fool is certain and person wise has a lot of reasonable doubts''.
    Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools)
    Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    why wouldn't someone take first strike in pvp? that + vorpal + lashing blade from stealth is a HUGE help for a great unexpected burst at the beginning of each encounter.

    cause after that is like playing without a class feature and lashing blade is actually easy to miss. First strike was viable a long time ago because empowered by the overrun critical, it worked like this: cloud of steel critted --- you enter combat --- stealth --- 3 seconds to lose combat mode --- reset first strike --- hit your encounter.

    now the combat mode lasts for more than 8 seconds so its basically impossible to have a first strike reset even if stealthed .

    it's a **** trap class feature
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    dakburdakbur Member Posts: 152 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    why wouldn't someone take first strike in pvp? that + vorpal + lashing blade from stealth is a HUGE help for a great unexpected burst at the beginning of each encounter.

    I think the jury is out on first strike until we can get into live PvP... Personally, I find it kinda buggy... Doesn't seem to always reset... Not sure the circumstances, but I quit slotting it on PTS.... Plus I seem to only ever get HRs and DCs for duels where first hit is always a dodge or block
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    f2pmaf2pma Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    why wouldn't someone take first strike in pvp? that + vorpal + lashing blade from stealth is a HUGE help for a great unexpected burst at the beginning of each encounter.

    unexpected burst in pvp looool i dont even need to see u
    i hear u comin from mile away
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    lupisulupisu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    While I do agree lashing with first strike hits like a truck from exe builds, that's pretty much all they have to offer. And once that's done with only swift death awaits. Given that I'm only a low GS trickster it might not accurately reflect things on higher levels, but having spent a couple of days worth of testing all three builds I can't help but feel the balance is not there between the trees. While I have no problems getting great performance out of sabo, and scoundrel all tho to a lesser degree works as well, nothing here has helped me find any way to get exe to be anywhere close to them.

    To me this indicates that there is something off with the proportional risk/reward of building for permastealth. The amount of damage a sabo has to give up for the security of never leaving stealth is not large enough to merit building for a tree with no more out of stealth survival, and (partly because of stealth's autocritting allowing one to forego crit in stats, gear, and enchantments) not that significant a difference in damage. Even if you had some way to survive long enough to deal it.
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    f2pmaf2pma Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    lupisu wrote: »
    While I do agree lashing with first strike hits like a truck from exe builds, that's pretty much all they have to offer. And once that's done with only swift death awaits. Given that I'm only a low GS trickster it might not accurately reflect things on higher levels, but having spent a couple of days worth of testing all three builds I can't help but feel the balance is not there between the trees. While I have no problems getting great performance out of sabo, and scoundrel all tho to a lesser degree works as well, nothing here has helped me find any way to get exe to be anywhere close to them.

    To me this indicates that there is something off with the proportional risk/reward of building for permastealth. The amount of damage a sabo has to give up for the security of never leaving stealth is not large enough to merit building for a tree with no more out of stealth survival, and (partly because of stealth's autocritting allowing one to forego crit in stats, gear, and enchantments) not that significant a difference in damage. Even if you had some way to survive long enough to deal it.

    whole point off changes was to remove df especialy with glyph and skill with that.
    now if u have ad you can go all slots rank 10 radiant enchants ,legendary come to 8k power and spam gc in steAlth
    executioner style with ss,bait itc.
    it doesnt get more cheese than that even
    the rest will hit 5k crits if lucky to have a pvorp
    this is that great theory crafting kwassa is talking about looool
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    ivcakamikazeivcakamikaze Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    We are making a couple more improvements to some underperforming (or awkwardly performing powers) to open up some new power choices in situations where they were not viable before.
    • Trickster Rogue: Sly Flourish: Now applies Broken Armor for 15 seconds (up from 6).
    • Trickster Rogue: Sly Flourish: Overall damage now increased by 15% on all strikes.

      Is this mean that Sly Flourish skill will be stronger then Duelist Flurry in PVP?
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      rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Is this mean that Sly Flourish skill will be stronger then Duelist Flurry in PVP?

      Hardly. It s more a pve filler between a rotation and other
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      mojoratmojorat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 90
      edited November 2014
      Is this mean that Sly Flourish skill will be stronger then Duelist Flurry in PVP?

      It will depend on the playstyle. The new SF seems to support either quickvmovements when standing still or during stealth. For the tr who doesn't want to stand still .
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      kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      mojorat wrote: »
      It will depend on the playstyle. The new SF seems to support either quickvmovements when standing still or during stealth. For the tr who doesn't want to stand still .

      For both PvE or PvP purposes, I still think turning one of the melee at-wills into a basically defensive power (the first of its kind in all of NW, I guess) would probably benefit TRs more.

      Hence, I'd rather see Sly Flourish damage even nerfed a very weak and worthless as an offensive power, and then turn that 15% damage boost and 15s Amour Breaker shifted in its entirety into a 15% deflection chance buff for 5s after each hit(does not stack, only refreshes), and a 15s deflection severity increase by 10%.

      That way I'd imagine it'd basically fit a combat style that is offense/positioning from stealth, and then defensive mode while out of stealth AND actually landing Sly hits. With Deflection around 35~40% for many, a 15% increase is going push it upto 50~55% buffed... and the deflection severity will be higher, upto 85%. You get hit with a 30k LB, and that's reduced down to 4.5k.

      The figures seem high, but I'd note that its still melee-unfriendly in NW with each attack rooting yourself. I expect if this were the case Sly would mostly be a tool to be used against GWF/GFs, while still limited against HR/CW/SWs... so the power sort of balances itself out.
      Stop making excuses. Be a man.
      If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
      Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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      stefzeer9010stefzeer9010 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Throw in a retraining token and I will be pleased :)
      Do keep ever present in your thoughts, my friend, that an illusion can kill you if you believe in it.
      And the real thing can kill you whether you believe in it or not.
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      shunterinoshunterino Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Throw in a retraining token and I will be pleased :)
      I believe it was stated in the recent AMA that TRs would be getting a forced feat respec.
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      beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Really, the idea of just a feat respec is not unreasonable these days. Changing stat points and boons is more of a luxury problem, and we really do get plenty of power points with overflow experience.

      It still sucks that they won't do it for classes that get their new paragon paths, but it's not so bad with the balance changes.

      I do hope it's a full feat respec, as the automatic one from preview is not refunding points in paragon-specific feats, which leads to problems.
      Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

      Neverwinter Census 2017

      All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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      suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Does the race reroll token let you reroll your starting stats? I am asking as others have expressed these new changes have devalued dexterity significantly and I would either have to restart anew or use a reroll token (if such allows this) or suffer through with an inferior stat allocation.
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      crusherbeastcrusherbeast Member Posts: 426 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Does the race reroll token let you reroll your starting stats? I am asking as others have expressed these new changes have devalued dexterity significantly and I would either have to restart anew or use a reroll token (if such allows this) or suffer through with an inferior stat allocation.

      Yes you can reroll stats. When you buy race change you can change everything as you would make new char except for not being able to choose class ofc.
      Tairev-TR(All kind of killing tools)
      Asha-DC(Faithful-Anointed Champion)
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      ikapamkikapamk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 294 Bounty Hunter
      edited November 2014
      kweassa wrote: »
      For both PvE or PvP purposes, I still think turning one of the melee at-wills into a basically defensive power (the first of its kind in all of NW, I guess) would probably benefit TRs more.

      Hence, I'd rather see Sly Flourish damage even nerfed a very weak and worthless as an offensive power, and then turn that 15% damage boost and 15s Amour Breaker shifted in its entirety into a 15% deflection chance buff for 5s after each hit(does not stack, only refreshes), and a 15s deflection severity increase by 10%.

      That way I'd imagine it'd basically fit a combat style that is offense/positioning from stealth, and then defensive mode while out of stealth AND actually landing Sly hits. With Deflection around 35~40% for many, a 15% increase is going push it upto 50~55% buffed... and the deflection severity will be higher, upto 85%. You get hit with a 30k LB, and that's reduced down to 4.5k.

      The figures seem high, but I'd note that its still melee-unfriendly in NW with each attack rooting yourself. I expect if this were the case Sly would mostly be a tool to be used against GWF/GFs, while still limited against HR/CW/SWs... so the power sort of balances itself out.

      I would rather keep the damage - there are too few armour debuffs currently present. WR and the T2 executioner feat. I know I would find myself relying heavily on armour debuffs (esp since the SF one is whole-party) when facing bigger mobs to help maximise the scoundrel dazes. Of course, that's also going from a melee TR mindset, but still, for what's supposed to be a DPS class, a defensive at-will is not the best idea. Just put more deflect into the T1 scoundrel feat (2.5% is pretty shoddy for deflect or life steal).
      Carpe Jugulum
      Sharra Del'Armgo - SW Trapper Hybrid HR
      Ogghra Bar'Ghuzumn - MI Scoundrel TR
      Vænna Thrymskjöldr - IV Protector GF
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      r10999r10999 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 20 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      kweassa wrote: »
      For both PvE or PvP purposes, I still think turning one of the melee at-wills into a basically defensive power (the first of its kind in all of NW, I guess) would probably benefit TRs more.

      Hence, I'd rather see Sly Flourish damage even nerfed a very weak and worthless as an offensive power, and then turn that 15% damage boost and 15s Amour Breaker shifted in its entirety into a 15% deflection chance buff for 5s after each hit(does not stack, only refreshes), and a 15s deflection severity increase by 10%.

      That way I'd imagine it'd basically fit a combat style that is offense/positioning from stealth, and then defensive mode while out of stealth AND actually landing Sly hits. With Deflection around 35~40% for many, a 15% increase is going push it upto 50~55% buffed... and the deflection severity will be higher, upto 85%. You get hit with a 30k LB, and that's reduced down to 4.5k.

      The figures seem high, but I'd note that its still melee-unfriendly in NW with each attack rooting yourself. I expect if this were the case Sly would mostly be a tool to be used against GWF/GFs, while still limited against HR/CW/SWs... so the power sort of balances itself out.

      I like that idea! that would be neat and provide me a change from my melee at will and my range at will so I can always be doing stuff. With that I would always be doing something interesting because it would have a point to it even if its not damage and it doesn't take long to execute SF so it wouldn't mess with the rotation too much either and would in fact be easy to add.
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      suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Yes you can reroll stats. When you buy race change you can change everything as you would make new char except for not being able to choose class ofc.

      Cool and thanks. That is one concern alleviated anyways, although hopefully the devs will revisit the stats before release and alter them to be more significant to their intended values.
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      letojarred1letojarred1 Member Posts: 306 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      I like the TR in preview, actually a TR can lock and kill an HR is a big Ohhhhh Kayyy for me.
      StrawberryCheesecake TR
      BlackberryCheesecake CW
      CheeseCake House :o
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      luccameluccame Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 91 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      Does the race reroll token let you reroll your starting stats? I am asking as others have expressed these new changes have devalued dexterity significantly and I would either have to restart anew or use a reroll token (if such allows this) or suffer through with an inferior stat allocation.
      Yes you can reroll stats. When you buy race change you can change everything as you would make new char except for not being able to choose class ofc.

      You can't change power points allocation, paragon path, feats and boons (and not even additional ability scores I believe). For those you need a Retraining Token.

      The tooltip of Race Reroll Token says what you can change.
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      suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      luccame wrote: »
      You can't change power points allocation, paragon path, feats and boons (and not even additional ability scores I believe). For those you need a Retraining Token.

      The tooltip of Race Reroll Token says what you can change.

      Thanks, I had used the retraining token before but it was the initial stats at char creation that concerned me as I had a dex/char tr and a dex/str tr and with the devaluation of dex I was bothered and wanted to 'reroll' the starting stats.
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      k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
      edited November 2014
      Feedback: Feats
      Shady Preperations: Entering Stealth reduces all your cooldowns by 2/4/6/8/10%.
      Knife's Edge: Activating a Daily reduces all of your cooldowns by 3/6/9/12/15%.

      I used a low INT/Recovery build to test this two feats but to my disappointment its a 5 points of uselessness each. I would like to bring this to your attention and may I suggest to change this to Shady Preperations: Entering Stealth reduces all your cooldowns by .5/.1/1.5/2/2.5 secs and Knife's Edge: Activating a At-will and Path of the Blade has a 2/4/6/8/10% chance to reduces your recharging encounter cooldowns by 1 seconds.
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      kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      k9madrush wrote: »
      Feedback: Feats
      Shady Preperations: Entering Stealth reduces all your cooldowns by 2/4/6/8/10%.
      Knife's Edge: Activating a Daily reduces all of your cooldowns by 3/6/9/12/15%.

      I used a low INT/Recovery build to test this two feats but to my disappointment its a 5 points of uselessness each. I would like to bring this to your attention and may I suggest to change this to Shady Preperations: Entering Stealth reduces all your cooldowns by .5/.1/1.5/2/2.5 secs and Knife's Edge: Activating a At-will and Path of the Blade has a 2/4/6/8/10% chance to reduces your recharging encounter cooldowns by 1 seconds.

      I think you might be having the wrong idea when viewing these effects.

      If anything you're expecting way too much. Under your suggestion a Sab build can easily stealth/destealth twice in a row for an instant 5s recharge reduction, and the amount of recharge reduction coming from PotB that hits 3 targets max for 20 seconds... what you're asking for isn't balanced at all. When that happens, you're talking about the encounter bar lighting up within seconds after having used an encounter.

      Just how seriously OP do you want the TR to be, that would make you be satisifed;; :o
      Stop making excuses. Be a man.
      If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
      Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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      demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited November 2014
      i don't like sab/perma so i never specced for it, but doesn't bloodbath practically refresh all of your cooldowns with knife's edge feat? courage breaker probably does similar since it's also a multi-hit.

      i do remember this being mentioned early on in this thread (also sounded like there were some pranks going around for a while with arty spam because of it)
    This discussion has been closed.