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Daigotsu: Scourge Warlock Guide, by "Leeroy Jenkins" of GWF Fame... ;)



  • animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Hi! :)

    I am still utilizing the Hellbringer paragon path, yes.

    Ya, you definitely don't want to lose No Pity, No Mercy particularly with the new off-hand Artifact Feature of 5% Damage Resistance ignored!

    gotta agree, i think the only other item I like on the offhand is the additional run speed, but i think the resistance ignored one will be my first choice.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    animalust wrote: »
    gotta agree, i think the only other item I like on the offhand is the additional run speed, but i think the resistance ignored one will be my first choice.
    Yea, I am slowly unlocking the rest... Luck sacked into the No Pity, No Mercy one with my second unlock! :D
  • darthwwwdarthwww Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I see.. black ice is best for pvp, but there are still lots of questions in my mind..
    1.Draconic Gears. For pve, how about draconic gears? Do warlocks need the action point gain?
    2.Artifact off-hand. Why you dont use artifact off-hand? The set's bonus looks valuable.
    3.Stat and Armor pen.Warlock only need to focus on crit, life steal and power? Are 30%crit and 15%life enough? Does armor pen work well?
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    darthwww wrote: »
    I see.. black ice is best for pvp,
    Yep! :)
    darthwww wrote: »
    but there are still lots of questions in my mind..
    Fire away...
    darthwww wrote: »
    1.Draconic Gears. For pve, how about draconic gears?
    It's helpful, of course... However Accursed Diabolist and Fabled Iliyanbruen are just far and away better becauce of the DPS increase.
    darthwww wrote: »
    Do warlocks need the action point gain?
    It's helpful, of course!
    darthwww wrote: »
    2.Artifact off-hand. Why you dont use artifact off-hand? The set's bonus looks valuable.
    I do use one, and it rocks face! :p
    darthwww wrote: »
    3.Stat and Armor pen.Warlock only need to focus on crit, life steal and power?
    You ant your Armor Penetration at 24% total between your Intelligence Modifier and your Armor Penetration total stat.
    darthwww wrote: »
    Are 30%crit and 15%life enough?
    Critical Chance could be higher, I actually sit at 40% or so, and Lifesteal at 15% is fine... A bit high honestly, I keep mine around 1500ish for about 11.5-12.5% or so.
    darthwww wrote: »
    Does armor pen work well?
    Yes, as said above... Definitely get to total of 24%!

    Hope that helps bud... :cool:
  • korpakukac1korpakukac1 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Kolatmaster is the CON artifact belt better than the CHA?

    CHA belt has better stats for DPS I think.

    CON gives 4% dmg and some hp
    CHA gives 4% crit and combat advantage dmg. Because of our passive we prett much always do combat advantage dmg.

    Also CON belt gives max hp, arp, defense
    CHA belt gives power, life steal and deflection.

    So is the CON belt better in the end?

    BTW could you give me your character@handle so i could ge ta short answer from time to time if I see you online?
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Kolatmaster is the CON artifact belt better than the CHA?
    I feel the Base Damage percentage increase from CON is overall better, but I am not a Math-fu expert. If anyone who is would care to Math-fu it out that would be great!

    So basically, I'm going on instinct and conversations with people on the test shard. I have not been able to ACT/Compare runs with my exact build with both of them... Probably worth finding out though! :)
    BTW could you give me your character@handle so i could ge ta short answer from time to time if I see you online?
    My handle is in the first post of my Guild's recruitment thread, direct link in my sig! :cool:
  • korpakukac1korpakukac1 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Thanks Kolat :)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Thanks Kolat :)
    No problem mi amigo... Happy to discuss things! :cool:
  • animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    I feel the Base Damage percentage increase from CON is overall better, but I am not a Math-fu expert. If anyone who is would care to Math-fu it out that would be great!

    So basically, I'm going on instinct and conversations with people on the test shard. I have not been able to ACT/Compare runs with my exact build with both of them... Probably worth finding out though! :)

    My handle is in the first post of my Guild's recruitment thread, direct link in my sig! :cool:

    before mod 5 release, i played with my Test server SW (which was made on test serve rin July) I had played aroudn with Charisma and Intellgience at legendary. but that character is far behind on Boons and stuff so unfortunately not a very good comparison to my current SW.

    Personally I went CON because I split between PVE and PVP, the extra HP is obviously helpful, but the extra Damage from con is welcomed, and it also increases the damage of Warlocks Bargain slightly.

    But im also a Fury Tank ;p
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    animalust wrote: »
    before mod 5 release, i played with my Test server SW (which was made on test serve rin July) I had played aroudn with Charisma and Intellgience at legendary. but that character is far behind on Boons and stuff so unfortunately not a very good comparison to my current SW.

    Personally I went CON because I split between PVE and PVP, the extra HP is obviously helpful, but the extra Damage from con is welcomed, and it also increases the damage of Warlocks Bargain slightly.

    But im also a Fury Tank ;p
    Fair enough... :)

    Always good to have input!

    I'll be running some tests on the Preview Shard in the coming weeks, just to be safe. ;)
  • floggologgofloggologgo Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hey Kolatmaster.

    First; very cool guide and tipps!

    Second; Offhand question.
    Is there now a "wow i must get this additional bonus" to increase our dps?
  • jacopojcjacopojc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    hi, first of all thanks for the guide... i'm closing to level 60 and i was thinking: is it better the malevolent warlock set (with the +4% damage or even 12% given by the puppetmaster) or the accoursed diabolist?
    i thought it was the 1st but you suggested the 2nd, and i'm quite perplexed since i have to wait 6 seconds for it to apply and usaually most of the targets in 6sec are already dead.
    Thanks again!
  • inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hey Kolatmaster,

    was curious if you've done any parsing on Gatekeeper's Empowerment.

    I've been running parses on training dummies and have found that I do more damage in single target by simply not using dailies and keeping the 17% dmg bonus from this feat while at full AP.

    In aoe obviously TT, but in single or when there's not enough adds that will live long enough for TT to do anything i'm finding that simply not using a daily is better.

    I did have to approximate daily damage though by using Flames instead of Brood, simply because trying to parse out creeping death ticks from only brood is impossible for any log longer than say 5 minutes (10s of thousands of hits), and I like my parses to be longer than this to normalize for RNG.

    So I looked at the total % of dmg from creeping death (about 25%, i rounded up to 30%) and multiplied that by brood's tooltip and it's practically the same dmg as Flames of Phleg without creeping death.

    Flames gives me 12% dmg spamming it non-stop as soon as AP fills, and I have really good AP gen + Legendary DC Sigil. Went 6 DC sigil cycles so about 30 dailies.

    Gatekeeper's gives 12+5=17% dmg bonus.

    Curious what your thoughts are.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hey Kolatmaster.
    Hey man!
    First; very cool guide and tipps!
    You're welcome, my pleausre! :cool:
    Second; Offhand question.
    Is there now a "wow i must get this additional bonus" to increase our dps?
    The No Pity, No Mercy Off-Hand passive of 5% Damage Reduction works like Greater Plaguefire and increases DPS if you are above the targets Armor Pen rating. So for PvE it is pretty darn good...

    jacopojc wrote: »
    hi, first of all thanks for the guide...
    You're welcome! :)
    jacopojc wrote: »
    i'm closing to level 60 and i was thinking: is it better the malevolent warlock set (with the +4% damage or even 12% given by the puppetmaster) or the accoursed diabolist?
    i thought it was the 1st but you suggested the 2nd, and i'm quite perplexed since i have to wait 6 seconds for it to apply and usaually most of the targets in 6sec are already dead.
    Waiting the 6 Seconds is worth it for the Accursed Diabolist as many elites/bosses at Level 60 have a high pool of hitpoints. I'd definitely go with it over the Malevolent Warlock as your Soul Puppet (as a Fury spec) is not always out. At least as yet I have not seen it being better... But I can always test on the Preview Shard also!
    jacopojc wrote: »
    Thanks again!
    You're welcome again... lol

    Hey Kolatmaster,
    Hey man, hope all is rocking well!
    was curious if you've done any parsing on Gatekeeper's Empowerment.
    I've been using Gatekeeper's Empowerment for a bit now, and I've adjusted my playstyle accordingly. Not spamming TT, unless it's needed and simply keeping my AP bar full on bosses. I believe it is definitely the way to go.
    I've been running parses on training dummies and have found that I do more damage in single target by simply not using dailies and keeping the 17% dmg bonus from this feat while at full AP.

    In aoe obviously TT, but in single or when there's not enough adds that will live long enough for TT to do anything i'm finding that simply not using a daily is better.
    Yep, related to that just before typing this... My findings also!

    I did have to approximate daily damage though by using Flames instead of Brood, simply because trying to parse out creeping death ticks from only brood is impossible for any log longer than say 5 minutes (10s of thousands of hits), and I like my parses to be longer than this to normalize for RNG.

    So I looked at the total % of dmg from creeping death (about 25%, i rounded up to 30%) and multiplied that by brood's tooltip and it's practically the same dmg as Flames of Phleg without creeping death.
    Many thanks for this information! It's what I suspected, but data is always good... *epic high five* :D
    Flames gives me 12% dmg spamming it non-stop as soon as AP fills, and I have really good AP gen + Legendary DC Sigil. Went 6 DC sigil cycles so about 30 dailies.

    Gatekeeper's gives 12+5=17% dmg bonus.

    Curious what your thoughts are.
    Yea, I definitely think Flames of Empowerment class Feature and Gatekeeper's Empowerment feat are the way to go for Fury.
  • animalustanimalust Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 573 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    didn't see you mentioned that you cant proc creeping death on dreadtheft wthout warlocks bargain

    apparently this is some secret that many warlocks just don't seem to know about =(
  • floggologgofloggologgo Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hey another question...

    Do you know about the dark enchantment?
    Is it worth to replace that with power echnantments; becouse of the nekrotic dmg?
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    animalust wrote: »
    didn't see you mentioned that you cant proc creeping death on dreadtheft wthout warlocks bargain

    apparently this is some secret that many warlocks just don't seem to know about =(
    Oh you always want to use Warlock's Bargain before using Dreadtheft, particularly with the Accursed Diabolist Armor Set Bonus. I mean sure, sometimes timing on cool downs might get a bit wonky, and you'll use Dreadtheft without it; but you do want to try to focus on syncing them up. It's how I teach all my Guildies who have Warlock's...

    Curse the target, then use Warlock's Bargain, then Killing Flames (if you have time!), then Dreadtheft. Standard rotation, and it's the bread and butter of a Hellbringer Fury Scourge Warlock. :cool:

    Hey another question...

    Do you know about the dark enchantment?
    Is it worth to replace that with power echnantments; becouse of the nekrotic dmg?
    Dark Enchantments don't give Necrotic damage bud...

    They give:
    Armor Penetration in an Offense slot.
    Life Steal in a Defense slot.
    Movement in a Utility slot.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hey another question...

    Do you know about the dark enchantment?
    Is it worth to replace that with power echnantments; becouse of the nekrotic dmg?
    Is english your first language? I think you may have mistranslated something to english.

    tenebrous do necrotic damage and tenebrous has a definition of dark; shadowy or obscure. Which means that it could be translated as dark. However the english client uses dark as the name of the enchant for arp, lifesteal, and movement.
  • floggologgofloggologgo Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Dark Enchantments don't give Necrotic damage bud...

    They give:
    Armor Penetration in an Offense slot.
    Life Steal in a Defense slot.
    Movement in a Utility slot.[/QUOTE]


    I know :)

    But i meant the other dark enchantment with lesser and perfect upgrades
    That will deal necrotic dmg when you do a hit... or so x)
  • floggologgofloggologgo Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I only have the german client sorry :((
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Dark Enchantments don't give Necrotic damage bud...

    They give:
    Armor Penetration in an Offense slot.
    Life Steal in a Defense slot.
    Movement in a Utility slot.


    I know :)

    But i meant the other dark enchantment with lesser and perfect upgrades
    That will deal necrotic dmg when you do a hit... or so x)
    I only have the german client sorry :((

    Those are called tenebrous enchantments in the english client and it's why the confusion happened. Unless something has changed that I'm unaware of those don't proc creeping death, besides that tenebrous enchantments have a icd that makes me doubt that they would be more effective than more power.
  • darthwwwdarthwww Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Should i place brutal in my offence slot?
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    darthwww wrote: »
    Should i place brutal in my offence slot?
    Brutal's are solid, though I think you may get over the soft cap on Crit Strike of 3300ish if you slot too many of them... Depending on the gear you use of course! :)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Place Holder. :)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Place Holder 2. :)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Place Holder 3. :)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Place Holder 4. :)
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Greetings all!

    Been taking my notes down on for a few weeks on Mod 5, and finally got around to taking updated screen shots of my stats/gear/boons/etc.

    Current Gear:


    Note: All offensive slots are Radiant, maxing power is key once you have reached the soft caps in the other stats. Defensive slots have a mix of Azure/Radiant/Dark, though their are other options of course. Basically tailor it to your needs as your gear accumulation moves upwards.

    The main hand is the Dark Spiral Aura one, as I like the stats it gives along with the fact I actually use Dark Spiral Aura as another source of decent Necrotic damage.

    The offhand I use the No Pity, No Mercy passive feature to decrease Damage Resistance by 5% as it increases DPS since I have maxed out my ArmPen at 24%.


    Sigil of the Devoted - Because it's simply the best active artifact there is.

    Heart of the Blue Dragon - Because it has great stat allotments and 450 Combat Advantage bonus.

    Kessell's Spheres of Annihilation - Because it has great stat allotments and 450 Combat Advantage bonus.

    Current Ability Scores w/o any buffs from pots/campfire/etc:


    Current Stats w/Companion Ioun Stone, but w/o any buffs from pots/campfire/etc:


    Note: As you can see I have done my utmost to not go above the soft caps in the key stats of Critical Strike, Recovery, and ArmPen. Only stat I am 'too high' in is Lifesteal, and that's more from the offhand increasing it a lot and one/two defensive slots as Darks.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Here are my current Boons:



    Dread Ring:


    Icewind Dale:


    Note: I went with Rousing Warmth over Winter's Bounty (which I had last) because as I'll explain, the art of using Tyrannical Threat is not spamming it but knowing when not to use it.

    Tyranny of Dragons:


    Note: On the Tyranny of Dragons Boon selection, I am currently working on getting Boon 6 and 7 in the Dragon's Fury mini-tree to increase Critical Severity to 6.5%/8%.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Here you'll see my Feats, Powers, and Toolbar load out...



    Pretty 'standard issue' above on the Feat selection. It's designed to maximize Flames of Empowerment usage as that is the foundation of the build... That is, maintaining Flames of Empowerment and using Tyrannical Threat in a strategic manner to maximize uptown of the flat 17% damage bonus from Flames of Empowerment.



    Note: At this point in time, with over flow experience and all that jazz, everyone should have plenty points to put in whatever they deem useful. So do as ye see fit!

    Toolbar Load Out:


    Note: Above you can see my PvE Toolbar load out I have: No Pity, No Mercy / Flames of Empowerment / Tyrannical Threat / Brood of Hadar / Killing Flames / Dreadtheft / Warlock's Bargain / Hand of Blight / Dark Spiral Aura

    That is what it is all day, every day. No changes whatsoever. The concept is pretty simple... Keep AP full to max out No Pity, No Mercy. Always used the Sigil of the Devoted Cleric after you use Tyrannical Threat or Brood of Hadar. Use Warlock's Bargain on the biggest bad guy, then if I judge I have time fire off Killing Flames (just to put it on cool down), then fire off Dreadtheft. Use Hand of Blight in between cool down times and fire off Dark Spira Aura whenever I have a chance if it's at 2 or 3 orbs.

    Rinse and repeat. I use this running through a dungeon with my Accursed Diabolist set on, and when I am fighting bosses wearing the Fabled Iliyanbruen.

    Some might find the consistency of this setup boring, and that's fine... I love it because of its universal consistency that I have found it to have in all sequences of PvE thus far.
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