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Guardian Fighter Feedback - Discussions



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    ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Lmao, I approve of the above post:)
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
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    ctf4voidctf4void Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ayroux wrote: »
    Reason: Block ISNT 100% now its only 80% multiplier. You cant perform any action during block like encounters or at wills.

    You can use aggravating strike and shield slam while blocking. Both are at-wills.

    All that guarding/blocking needs is to increase its recovery speed and/or increase the amount we can block. The way block works at the live server is perfectly fine and it is fun! It just needs a buff, not an overhaul. The new guarding/block mechanics should be entirely scrapped.

    Some few skilled GFs have reasoned why this new guard mechanics is a bad idea, just like a few good GFs have vividly warned that sharing paragon paths between GF and GWF is a very bad idea. We currently see the problems regarding that with Threatening Rush, where GFs had to point out to the devs that giving it charges and a cooldown will hurt the GF class before the devs thought about changing that and now they have to build different Threatening Rushes for both classes.
    This new way to guard/block hasn't even gone live yet (and hopefully never will) and already in a poll in the preview forum double the amount of participants favor the current guard/block mechanics getting buffed opposed to the new guard/block mechanics.
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    shamgar4shamgar4 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Have we just accepted that the dev's want us to be a walking sing, with no DPS? Cuz only then do we really need more tanking ability. Yeah, i think its stupid too that a GWF can get better deflection/etc. And unstoppable is way better than any shield they will come up with. But, where do we need to be tankier? We can't get groups in PVE because we bring nothing to the table, not because we can't stay alive. Our buffs aren't as good as bringing a real class, our dps is meaningless. Why worry about tanking? Other classes can dodge, sprint, unstoppable out of the red. How do you tank draco's hands? This is an action MMO. You can stay alive without a tank in all dungeouns. Why make us a better tank, when a tank is NOT NEEDED.
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    lisaxxiilisaxxii Member Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    Wanted to bring this over here to have a discussion about it in the proper thread for discussions.
    ayroux wrote: »
    The more and more I think about it, the more I agree with AntMonster in that the GF should take a few steps TOWARDS the direction of unlimited Block.

    Reason: Block ISNT 100% now its only 80% multiplier. You cant perform any action during block like encounters or at wills. There are ways to force a GF out of block. GFs becomes more immobile while blocking.

    Im not saying make it perma block, what I do think should happen though - contrary to previous posts, is to give block a massive stamina pool to gather from - like 15 seconds of duration base. Then, have this stamina pool refill itself about every 5-8 seconds fully. So ROUGHLY it takes 1 second out of block to gain about 2 seconds of block time.

    I would then remove the feat that grants extra DR based on missing block or w.e that feat is - maybe add that into the capstone feat.

    I think this would be a competitive GF as now they can block for very long periods of time, but hey! it doesnt mitigate ALL damage just most of it. Basically makes a GF a defensive force to be reckoned with.

    ALSO - ill say this again, with the new block meter Reckless Attacker for Conqs needs a rework.
    ALSO - I STILL really believe GFs should get critical strike chance added to DEX and ARP should be moved to CON.

    Does anyone else agree that a 15 second block even at 80% is really really OP? Or am I not seeing something here?

    To me it looks like a slightly nerfed ITC that lasts 15 seconds and can be cast every 5-8 seconds...
    Enemy Team
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    zhaofuozhaofuo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 129 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    .. Double post
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    zhaofuozhaofuo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 129 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    lisaxxii wrote: »
    Wanted to bring this over here to have a discussion about it in the proper thread for discussions.

    Does anyone else agree that a 15 second block even at 80% is really really OP? Or am I not seeing something here?

    To me it looks like a slightly nerfed ITC that lasts 15 seconds and can be cast every 5-8 seconds...

    It might be OP but a slow moving(up for discussion) 80% DR with no physical threat isnt something to be worried about. think of it as a perma TR but they can use encounter.

    you can't use any encounter while blocking so thats a trade off

    So i would agree that it's not too OP compared to a Perma TR at the moment.
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    daggon87daggon87 Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    In fact no, I don't think even perma 80% block would be really OP. As long as it's directional, with limited movement and with the impossibility to use encounters and dailies, like on live.
    But it would be great to have the opportunity to test it to be sure.
    Olaf, freelance guardian fighter.
    Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
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    colonelfreezycolonelfreezy Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    as a tank who plays since the beta, i really have to say that all the "buffs" for the tank are completly useless...
    I mean ok, for pve its cool, but DEV's and GM's, open your eyes and take a look at the PVP GF's, there is only a bunch really good ones and they get <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> by gwf and hrs.... (even more on the preview) you should really not nerf the incoming block dmg, ok the stamina thing is ok, its a balance but only tanking 80% dmg instead of 100% is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, yesterday i blocked a shocking ex. and got 20k dmg, and im one of the best pvp tanks... thats just lame, i mean there arent alot of tanks in the game, and with this nerfs you wont get more ppl to play the class, so plz really think about the blocking, cause the extra health has no sense if you get damage when blocking, this is really the first time i criticize "balances"!

    Everyone expected a tank buff, but what are you doing ? only blocking for 5 seconds cause it uses stamina ? and only tanking 80% with a guardmeter which goes down in a view seconds..
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ctf4void wrote: »
    You can use aggravating strike and shield slam while blocking. Both are at-wills.

    All that guarding/blocking needs is to increase its recovery speed and/or increase the amount we can block. The way block works at the live server is perfectly fine and it is fun! It just needs a buff, not an overhaul. The new guarding/block mechanics should be entirely scrapped.

    Some few skilled GFs have reasoned why this new guard mechanics is a bad idea, just like a few good GFs have vividly warned that sharing paragon paths between GF and GWF is a very bad idea. We currently see the problems regarding that with Threatening Rush, where GFs had to point out to the devs that giving it charges and a cooldown will hurt the GF class before the devs thought about changing that and now they have to build different Threatening Rushes for both classes.
    This new way to guard/block hasn't even gone live yet (and hopefully never will) and already in a poll in the preview forum double the amount of participants favor the current guard/block mechanics getting buffed opposed to the new guard/block mechanics.

    Yes you can at will, whats that going to do against any class in PVP? Your really immobile and only an idiot will sit there and beat on your shield in melee while your blocking. Everyother class hate kiting abilities. The at-wills used inside shield are pathetic compared to ourside or your encounters. For PVE it wont matter either since again your still taking damage through shield, and so not really contributing if all you do is at will spam behind block.

    Crush did already speak to the problems with the old block meter and why it wouldnt work, also I dont think many GFs understand how just doubling the old block meter would make it really OP. The issue behind block is alot of little hits destroy it while big ones do almost nothing.

    The timed block can easily work - those who say it CANT work are just being stupid TBH, now is it fine in its CURRENT form? NO! But a timed base block can easily work, its just a matter about finding the proper duration/recharge on it. To my point again, Id like to see a really large stamina pool combined with fast recovery on the PTR to test, I DONT think this would actually be OP at all... GFs still take about 10% damage while in block so even sitting behind block all day isnt going to win you a fight - itll lose you one.
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    shocking exe blocked did 20k? that's very strange, considering the skill was overly nerfed some weeks ago already.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    shocking exe blocked did 20k? that's very strange, considering the skill was overly nerfed some weeks ago already.

    Its probably because the code for this says it ignores all DR, so it probably ISNT WAI. My guess would be that would be cut by 80% if blocked.
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    lisaxxiilisaxxii Member Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    shocking exe blocked did 20k? that's very strange, considering the skill was overly nerfed some weeks ago already.

    Yeah, something is really wrong there. It's probably going through at 100% damage due to bug or lag.

    And forget it, they are changing shift for all classes, check out official feedback forum.
    Enemy Team
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    as a tank who plays since the beta, i really have to say that all the "buffs" for the tank are completly useless...
    I mean ok, for pve its cool, but DEV's and GM's, open your eyes and take a look at the PVP GF's, there is only a bunch really good ones and they get <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> by gwf and hrs.... (even more on the preview) you should really not nerf the incoming block dmg, ok the stamina thing is ok, its a balance but only tanking 80% dmg instead of 100% is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, yesterday i blocked a shocking ex. and got 20k dmg, and im one of the best pvp tanks... thats just lame, i mean there arent alot of tanks in the game, and with this nerfs you wont get more ppl to play the class, so plz really think about the blocking, cause the extra health has no sense if you get damage when blocking, this is really the first time i criticize "balances"!

    Everyone expected a tank buff, but what are you doing ? only blocking for 5 seconds cause it uses stamina ? and only tanking 80% with a guardmeter which goes down in a view seconds..

    Would you rather have a "perma" block at 80%, or a more limited duration one @ 100%?

    Again I think Shocking block is bugged atm and should be submitted to the BUG report.

    I personally think perma block @ 80% is actually fine. BTW you dont take 20% damage, some people dont know this (this isnt directed at colonel) but you first mitigate damage by 80% THEN by your DR, so most GFs have 50% DR meaning you actaully only take 10% dmg in block.

    For this reason I actually think perma block is fine with me, GFs cant do much inside of block, dont have much mobility, and if your REALLY getting pelted perma block wont save you. What I think it COULD be potentially OP is in 1v1s since youd be very very hard to kill.

    For that reason I think maybe just giving the GFs a MASSIVE stamina pool - like 10 seconds on a BASE block (which btw when feated means this will be more like 15-20 seconds) then giving it a SUPER fast recovery time of like 5-8 seconds.

    Basically close to a perma block but not quite...

    With GF CC going away - frontline. Id STILL like to see Bullcharge knockback go away, so its just a prone. This would mean that GFs have little control which would make the block feature more "fair" I think...
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    ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I want a 100% block on a Much longer duration, that has the ability with stats to regen faster! We cannot do anything but Aggrvating Strike and Shieldslam when guarding which hit for ridiculusly low damage if you stand there...

    I see no reason why our block cannot be our primary ability?
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    pls crush give us a good reason why we are getting damaged while blocking. are our shields made of cardboard and duct-tape? i mean in all seriousness the word block means to stop an attack not just have your shield up at an odd angle and maybe deflect to the left for "flesh wounds" this is a horrible mechanic considering some dmg classes and bosses can dish out not to mention the thousands of adds that will be wailing away at us from our new suicide button.

    block needs a fix sure but this is not the fix that should happen by any means.

    good move with giving us threatening rush back to normal thats one positive but curious didnt block already negate almost all encounters from players with the exception of roots and freezes from CW's?

    what i would love to see happen is we get our 100% dmg reduction block back, a 15 sec duration on the drain of block and a nice boost to guarded assault something like a 10% dmg reflect which isnt all that much after taking into account other players DR might actually see some use out of briartwine too(wishful thinking).

    but really give us back our 100% there was never any reason to lower to 80% either old block or new one never lasts that long for us to be taking dmg while BLOCKING(look this word up). i dont know where or who ever said our block was like a second health pool thats laughable.

    heres some synonyms for ya
    impediment, blockade, barrier, stoppage, jam. close, blockade, impede; hinder, deter, stop.

    just hurry up and release the paladin so we can all move on from the horror that is guardian fighters atm to something more entertaining lol.
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    shamgar4shamgar4 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Another way to look at it is this. When a DC/CW/TR/Etc dodge an attack, do they take 20% of the damage? NO! And they are no longer in the problem area. We, being the "tank" take more damage, and are still stuck in the red. And no immunity like they get. And ours is directional. DC/CW/Etc can dodge any direction to avoid damage.
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    shamgar4shamgar4 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So what then? What if we get perma block, at 80% or whatever. Walking sing? Go to a group of mobs, enforced threat, turtle up and and kill the group? Why not bring a CW, who can also kill the group of mobs?

    I think its cool, I really do. I like the GF because it is a neat mechanic for a tank. But i just don't see this helping us any. We debuff, buff, and dps worse than the rest. Even with the CW and GWF nerfs (and HR buffs) there is still plenty of dps out there, and enough control with stacking wizards, that why do you need a tank?
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    We are making a change to the shift powers for all classes to make them more responsive and improve player survivability as long as you can react. Being able to shift out of encounters and dailies will make reacting a much more important factor in high end PVE and PVP combat.

    Guardian Fighter: Block: Block can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Great Weapon Fighter: Sprint: Sprint can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Devoted Cleric: Dodge: Dodge can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Trickster Rogue: Shift: Shift can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Hunter Ranger: Shift: Shift can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Control Wizard: Teleport: Teleport can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.

    This change can have some serious impacts on balance, so when it reaches Preview we would like players to test it as much as possible, but we believe that players should not be punished for attempting to cast powers before an area is threatened. This change should alleviate much of that, as well as improving interactions for all the shift mechanics.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback!

    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    so now we get animation cancelling didnt you guys have a big hullabaloo about fixing animation cancels?
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    shamgar4 wrote: »
    Another way to look at it is this. When a DC/CW/TR/Etc dodge an attack, do they take 20% of the damage? NO! And they are no longer in the problem area. We, being the "tank" take more damage, and are still stuck in the red. And no immunity like they get. And ours is directional. DC/CW/Etc can dodge any direction to avoid damage.

    lol that was what my point was it makes no sense for us the only class that cant dodge to be taking dmg while blocking.
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    of course when you dodge you don't get damage, you DODGED the attack. when blocking, you still get some of it, think of it, a huge ogre hits you with a mace, you put your shield up, sure, it covers you, but you think you won't feel any pain at all? your arm still receives part of the damage, so you would get hurt, just much less that if you didn't block.
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    packrat0packrat0 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    umm to my knowledge dodges already work in this way cause i sure have never landed a FLS on any HR CW TR DC that was properly using their shifts it negated my attack and set the cooldown for it too so bit confused on this one chris.
    Crush is not saying that block/sprint/doge/teleport/shift interrupt an assailant's powers, but that those will interrupt your own power if you are in the midst of casting/attacking/etc. E.G.: If I pop Terrifying Impact, but the target moves too fast and runs/dodges/etc out of the AoE, then I can hit block quickly to interrupt the casting, and retry TI again.
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    packrat0 wrote: »
    Crush is not saying that block/sprint/doge/teleport/shift interrupt an assailant's powers, but that those will interrupt your own power if you are in the midst of casting/attacking/etc. E.G.: If I pop Terrifying Impact, but the target moves too fast and runs/dodges/etc out of the AoE, then I can hit block quickly to interrupt the casting, and retry TI again.

    yeah i fixed it still animation cancels bleh
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    zhaofuozhaofuo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 129 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    of course when you dodge you don't get damage, you DODGED the attack. when blocking, you still get some of it, think of it, a huge ogre hits you with a mace, you put your shield up, sure, it covers you, but you think you won't feel any pain at all? your arm still receives part of the damage, so you would get hurt, just much less that if you didn't block.

    we understand the logic but if you start inserting logic in this game, then i am pretty sure a lot would be broken down, so lets keep thing simple and compare apples to apples not apples to oranges
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    still havent had a chance to test out how bleed and other dot's interacts with the dmg taken while blocking.
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    ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Like you I pvp, I actually don't care about tanking... I want to be able to do my quests without taking 5 times the time for each group of mobs! I want to be competitive in pVP and be able to tactfully negate damage and counter, I do not want to be an idiot running around looking for damage to then have to stop and raise my shield, because I can't hold my guard up preemptively to defend against an HR in Ghost Wolf or a T stealthed or maybe a CW snuck up behind me on a bridge...

    Having Guard diminish this fast will kill the GF in pvp!
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I've never heard of a MMO where blocking makes you mitigate 100% of the damage. I think that 80% is nice, IF and only if it actually lasted longer, much longer. Maybe the devs idea is that GFs should get the threat of a entire enemy groups and then resist while other classes nuke them and the cleric heals the tank, like in other games. If the GF receives no damage at all where's the difficult part? just generate threat and then turtle up and receive no damage at all? It doesn't sound right.
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    mircalla83mircalla83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 36
    edited June 2014
    so now we get animation cancelling didnt you guys have a big hullabaloo about fixing animation cancels?

    It refers to the fact that now, if you are in a 'Slow swing is Slow' animation, and the red telegraphed attack of doom is incoming, you can sprint out and the act of sprinting breaks YOU from your animation lock, meaning you can use sprint to avoid the red.
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    zhaofuozhaofuo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 129 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    I've never heard of a MMO where blocking makes you mitigate 100% of the damage. I think that 80% is nice, IF and only if it actually lasted longer, much longer. Maybe the devs idea is that GFs should get the threat of a entire enemy groups and then resist while other classes nuke them and the cleric heals the tank, like in other games. If the GF receives no damage at all where's the difficult part? just generate threat and then turtle up and receive no damage at all? It doesn't sound right.

    There are a lot of MMO and even single player sandbox games that blocking mitigates all damage - Skyrim MMO - Dragonest MMO -Ragnarok and a lot more if you think about it

    The point in blocking is - even if blocking alone we can stilll be killed (have you tried using the new block system?) let me give you an example

    old system i can definetely survive an HE beholder attack (1hit dead) if you block that now in the preview server - it still gives me about 15k+ points of damage this doesn't include the other wights that are hitting you so

    I will say this again - any seasoned GF know that blocking usesless trash mobs attack are a waste ( you have DR for that ) the only way we would raise our shield is to prevent CC and Big hitting attacks like the beholders

    Old Block is better than the new block due to the damage mitigation.
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    shamgar4shamgar4 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I do both PVP and PVE. Made a CW for PVE, and then made a GWF for both because I was too impatient to wait for the changes. In these changes, I am looking for something worth going back for. I see argument after argument about the shield, which is valid in and of itself, but we are KILLING ourselves if we limit that as the focus of the mod4 changes to GF. Give us and OP shield, and we are still not useful in PVE or PVP. You can get behind us/grab us in PVP. And you can't agro the red circles. Party members don't die because they have agro, they die from standing in the red. How is block going to help in VT? You cant block getting grabbed, you can't taunt the hand off. You have to damage it. Are you going to make us strong (tanky) enough to grab agro from all the unhallowed during the final phase? Same in MC. You can't taunt that portal away. Maybe you can just let portals spawn and grab the adds and sit there immortal, but then you are 1 short on dragon and Valindra hands. Is enforced threat going to make us the only target of the hands at draco?

    Tanking is not needed in mods 1-3. If your idea is to make us a counterpoint to singularity, we also have to do as much damage as CW's, or we aren't balanced, we are just a single daily of that class.
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    colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    herundrion wrote: »
    So then do you mean that high Constitution makes the person bigger and rounder - and round things are harder to hit straight on?

    You didn't explain what deflection is at all, you just said what you think it is - and that seems to overshadow whatever the reality of this game is for you.

    No, i explained it to you and you cannot seem to understand it, just like i said. Deflection has nothing to do, with being nimble. All it takes to deflect is a solid surface colliding with another solid object. If the edge of a weapon collides with a sloped surface/object (1/2 triangle) it gets off track and is DEFLECTED away from said surface. (this is 5th grade physics stuff, really.)

    Deflection also represents dodging. Hence the deflect bonus from dex.
    - B

    No, it doesn't. HR's/TR's dodge does that. Deflection on a TR means they're using the tiny little parrying blade to deflect incoming attacks. Another questionable aspect of this game's balance would be the fact, that a TR has a deflection severity of 75%, even though their tool for deflecting is 20 times smaller than the shield of a GF.


    Take care.

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