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Guardian Fighter Feedback - Discussions



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    shamgar4shamgar4 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The thing people are missing is this makes a GF a lot like a DC. They dont bring a lot of personal damage, but they buff and protect the party. A buff/debuff DC does very comparable numbers to ITF+KV buffing/debuffing... are they OP? LOL
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    ayroux wrote: »
    Your in luck - I asked this and he said it WILL proc weapon enchants! Read the thread just a few pages back, around where the changes were made!!!!

    i know i can't wait for these changes woot build will finally be complete. glad i brought it up it was always strange to me that it never procced weapon enchants when SoS does also it never did proc the protectors capstone so these changes were very good indeed and needed as before there was no use in putting points into the skill.
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    ladysylvia wrote: »
    Protector reduce the damage an ally receive by 60% not 70%(100%-20% = 80%*.5 = 40% received).
    Out of that: I never had a situation, where it was really need to reduce the damage of mobs by ~60%. If you blame this situation, then the DC with its OP AS(and other DR buffs) should get nerfed, because even the fragile CW/HR/TR(as it was ever that HR and TR will in any way fragile) will get up to %DR like GF and above. So this point is only a facepalm.
    And bringing the GF in a position, that is next to immortal with a DC is what the GF - the defensive ones - MUST be. And for your defensive ability, you lack the offensive ones. That, was bringing the party dps down. And now your point about ItF come into play:

    And ItF will buff the party dps, which is needed. Some complain, that an Protector will benefit the party more as an Tactician, but that's a joke aren't it?

    Protector has.... Fufu this! NOTHING as additional DR values!
    Okay Shield Defense. +5 AC. That's a huge impact of 2.5%!!!!! more DR. Not that this point isn't available to Tactician too...
    AND Browling Warrior +5% DR for toggled KV - but that cost a encounter slot.
    Other +% DR values I missed??? What not? Poor Protector.

    The Tactician get +5% for ItF. This should work with the damage buff so the 5% increase by x% too. So the Tactician benefit more as the Protector and a way more as a Conqueror.

    @gentlemancrush: Do the DoT resistance from STR and AoE resistance from DEX affect ItF damage bonus as well?

    actually tactician will benefit more in party play considering the new capstone also applies to your group so they gain a % of action points when you take damage.
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    squeaksunesqueaksune Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    panderus wrote: »
    Classes and Balance

    [*]Guardian Fighter
    • Aggravating Strike: This power now only build AP once, rather than for each target hit.
    • Anvil of Doom: Base damage increased by ~20%.
    • Anvil of Doom: Bonus damage is now dealt to targets below 40% HP (up from 25%).
    • Anvil of Doom: Now activates ~15% faster.
    • Block: Now correctly absorbs the listed amount of damage. Additionally, the Combat Log will report the amount of damage absorbed in each hit.
    • Block: The Block UI should no longer randomly appear broken when fighting.
    • Block: Move speed while blocking now correctly sets you to 85% move speed (down from 100% move speed). This is an increase from the 50% move speed penalty applied by old block.
    • Crushing Surge: Damage and Healing from this power have been increased by roughly 66%.
    • Frontline Surge: Now correctly benefits from Pin Down and Reinforced Surge in PVP.
    • Griffon's Wrath: Now activates ~15% faster.
    • Griffon's Wrath: Now stuns targets for 1.5 seconds (up from .75).
    • Guarded Assault: Now properly reflects damage from secondary sources such as Shard of the Eternal Avalanche and Daunting Light.
    • Guarded Assault: This class feature now reflects 5% of incoming damage per rank (up from 1%). This effect is still only active while blocking. It does now apply Iron Guard correctly.
    • Into the Fray: Into the Fray now also increases the damage of affected players by 50% of the Guardian Fighter's base Damage Resistance.
    • Into the Fray: Ranking this power up now also grants +25% of your DR as damage bonus.
    • Iron Guard: Now stacks 4 times, reducing enemy damage by 5% per stack (Maximum reduction of 20%, up from 10%).
    • Knee Breaker: Base duration increased to 8 seconds (up from 6 seconds).
    • Knee Breaker: Now activates ~15% faster.
    • Knee Breaker: Rank up bonus increased to +2 seconds (up from +1 second).
    • Knight's Challenge: This power can now be toggled off if the Guardian Figther presses the button again. You must wait 1 second after activating the power to do this.
    • Knight's Challenge: This power should no longer be cancelled accidentally when casting powers rapidly.
    • Knight's Valor: Base cooldown reduced to 10 seconds (down from 12).
    • Knight's Valor: Damage from Knight's Valor can be properly reflected by Guarded Assault again. These reflections can also apply Iron Guard.
    • Knight's Valor: Ranking the power up no longer increases the duration of Knight's Valor. Additional ranks in the power reduce the damage you take from intercepted damage. Allies still transfer 50% damage regardless of rank.
    • Knight's Valor: This power no longer has a maximum duration. Once it is toggled on it must be manually toggled off. While in combat it will generate AP only while in combat and will generate every 10 seconds while in combat.
    • Martial Mastery: This feat now generates AP for allies within 50' any time you take damage. You no longer have to not be blocking for this effect to work."
    • Supremacy of Steel: Now properly reflects damage from secondary sources such as Shard of the Eternal Avalanche and Daunting Light.
    Posting this here just to let people know of what has been changed on the newest patch. That anvil change is huge. I cant wait to try it out.
    Maid ClariS lvl 60 GF
    ClariS lvl 60 DC
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    evaliraevalira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Yes, I'm just in the process of finalizing my SITTING DUCK SPEC. It goes something like this: Lunging Strike > Enforced Threat > Put up shield > Wait 2 seconds > Die.
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    stagger38stagger38 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Was doing some testing. FYI, I'm not very good at, or have any gear for pvp:

    - The 80% block is perfectly fine now that it's fixed. You basically have ~90% DR while blocking, and it seems to last much longer than before. Also much more responsive. Just be careful interrupting your attacks. Took a while to get out of the habit of holding block immediately after attacking.

    - Infinite block is real :D. Iron Warrior / Enforced Threat / Shield Slam / Shield Talent / Protector Feats. Throw in Guarded Assault and Into the Fray, and bam, super party GF go. Might even be able to drop Iron Warrior for Knight's Valor, I was always hitting 100% stamina spamming Slam. That 50% stamina regen is awesome though, and Iron Warrior is a party skill too.

    - Into the Fray / Lunging Strike / Anvil of Doom. Feat for LS stun and just block in the downtime. Once they drop below 40%, they're dead. Or just go conq feats and kill them anyway. ItF is so good, omg.

    - ItF + anything = melt. Just pretend you now only have 2 encounter slots and have a rocket on your back. So much fun.

    - Every tree is viable for everything. Just decide how you want to play and do it. Won a 1v1 match with every tree against another GF (tbf, enemy may have also been testing unconventional things). Also did several encounters with every build.

    - Both paragon paths are totally viable. Choose which you prefer. With the Itf buff basically a permanent slot, you may find that you don't have space for the paragon powers. Personally I like the concept of Weaponmaster and steel blitz.

    - Crushing surge does a lot of damage. Log was too hard to read, but using weaponmaster / ItF / mark first put a HR down to 50% after the combo finished. Heals for ~1k or so, log was moving too fast for me to read it closely. May be more.

    - Lunge / Flourish / ItF, feat for stuns or damage. Didn't test this much, but the 2 lunges and short cooldowns could be very effective.

    Overall... omg. It's like a whole new class better in every way.
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    ctf4voidctf4void Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    stagger38 wrote: »
    Overall... omg. It's like a whole new class
    Yeah, but many of us would have prefered to keep playing GF. If we had wanted a new class, we would have used another character slot and rolled one. Our class could have simply been buffed without making it work differently by introducing the stamina-guard and also changing how other GF things work to attune to that horrible new guard mechanic.

    GF class has been in need for improvements for over a year, and it could have been easily and fast done by simply increasing some numbers shortly after or during open beta. Instead we had to wait for more than one year during which many have already left, and now that we could hope to get buffs, cryptic rolls instead another class for us, because that is what this stamina-guard basically is.
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    stagger38stagger38 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ctf4void wrote: »
    ...because that is what this stamina-guard basically is
    Block may only reduce damage by ~90% (...that's still excellent), but the increased move speed, longer duration, greater HP, increased responsiveness, ability to interrupt, and faster regen make up for it several times over.

    If you're unhappy with it, I suggest doing more testing on preview. I love it. Now you have a lot more freedom to choose what you want now that it's all much more effective. I was using weaponmaster and surge for at-wills, and still doing great. In mod3 that isn't possible.
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Not with all enchants with vorpal worked fine.

    what that doesnt make seance you cant crit on guarded assault so vorpal would do nothing anyway, no guarded assault is not procing weapon enchantments at all was stated it should
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Done some test i was happy to see the results .
    In dungeons GF is super awesome must have in all pt i enoyed all time of my dung run i wish we have this on live this makes this class realy fun to pay and feel usefull agan.

    Sadly i find out somthing is wrong with my shild its broken realy fast and i dont know why. If i got much hit in one time he reacted same like in live mili sec broken and i still got the dmg cuz its block only 80% idk why but this happened to me a lot (but i need lot more testing to figure it out why i cant always reproduce this effect).

    Feedback :
    1 vs 1 VS CW i was dead no matter what i used or whar gear or build -
    1 vs 1 VS HR i was dead no matter what i used or whar gear or build (ps and the HR was alway full hp & i dont have dot dps)-
    1 vs 1 VS TR i have a little chance but still bad from 5 try i killed it twice(ofc perma) -
    1 vs 1 VS GWF finaly i killed it any time no matter what he have done-
    1 vs 1 VS DC he dont even have a chance-
    1 vs 1 VS SW joke he can do nothing to avoid her death he was faster dead then any other char-

    All in one i am realy happy :).

    Since your reporting a block bug, and then losing in 1v1s we rely alot of block so did that affect your 1v1s? Are you PVP geared, as in 40k+ HP/regen/tenacity stacking?

    I know there is some questionable stuff with CWs right now (like GPF proccing a feat that maybe its not supposed to). From what I can tell though, GFs will really shine in tandem with another person. While they may be decent 1v1, they really shine in a group.

    What build were you, what encounters, what gear etc. There are SO many crazy synergies you can play, unless your really slotted for 1v1 node play I could see how a HR could win pretty easily, same with a TR or CW.

    Also if Guarded Assault is not working properly - that is a HUGE deterrant in beating TRs. I can easily see how a SM/SOS/Guarded Assault build with even a GPF or Bile would just wreck TRs. If you build for AP gain etc.

    5 seconds immunity, anytime he attacks you block flurry use SOS when up for 5 sec immunity and he cant do alot. But if this wasnt working - I mean thats really our only 1v1 hope.

    One thing that would be intersting to know from Crush is this:
    If a TR flurries us in block now, we take his Bilethorn procs, well if we let go of block, do we take full damage or reduced damage since it was applied during block. Also I have heard Bile ignores DR? - All of these things could basically mean that ANY damage coming through block may either not be working as intended or maybe Crush needs to revisit how these things work against eachother - I.E. Enchants still proccing for full strength on us.

    Again though, the direction things are going is really encouraging (much more than I can say for GWF) and most people are saying (including me) GFs will definitely play a strong roll in premades in PVP. Maybe not a node holder, but definitely a good roll.
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    aethanasaethanas Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ctf4void wrote: »
    Yeah, but many of us would have prefered to keep playing GF. If we had wanted a new class, we would have used another character slot and rolled one. Our class could have simply been buffed without making it work differently by introducing the stamina-guard and also changing how other GF things work to attune to that horrible new guard mechanic.

    GF class has been in need for improvements for over a year, and it could have been easily and fast done by simply increasing some numbers shortly after or during open beta. Instead we had to wait for more than one year during which many have already left, and now that we could hope to get buffs, cryptic rolls instead another class for us, because that is what this stamina-guard basically is.

    They have not changed everything, they changed some parts of the mechanic. You know, you can change a class with other means than just give more damage, give more resistance, give more speed; the old mechanics had no place anymore in this game and the developers have acknowledged it now.

    The Guardian Fighter is not totally changed just because the old block mechanic have changed; what are you talking about? Is your old shield parade the only thing that concerns you? Arguments based on such reasons are very narrow-minded and solely centred around your liking. And that after all this time: a shame.

    But now I am happy to be able to make some tests on my own again; and I will see if this class is so "new" like some here pretend it to be.
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    hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    " I've put a link to a youtube video of me at the bottom fighting some stuff and I almost never run out of guard meter"

    I am a Conq even now in live against adds outside DDs i never drop my guard below 80%.But in FH my guard runs dry in 2-3 secs.Same in IWD area.You just faced easy opponents that hit low and with no AoE.
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    ctf4voidctf4void Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    stagger38 wrote: »
    Block may only reduce damage by ~90% (...that's still excellent), but the increased move speed, longer duration, greater HP, increased responsiveness, ability to interrupt, and faster regen make up for it several times over.

    If you're unhappy with it, I suggest doing more testing on preview. I love it. Now you have a lot more freedom to choose what you want now that it's all much more effective. I was using weaponmaster and surge for at-wills, and still doing great. In mod3 that isn't possible.
    I didn't say that what is at the preview server is ineffective, what I am saying is that it is no fun. These are two different pairs of shoes, please don't confuse them. Best would have been to simply improve the GF class instead of overhauling it, then we would have effectivity AND a class mechanic that is fun.

    I don't know about you, but this fabled fomorian shield my GF has looks pretty sturdy, and it is fun to hear the metallic clashing sound, to see the character getting pushed back, and to keep in mind that there is an effect on my guard meter due to the cause which is the impacting attack. This feel and connection between attack and block was transported by the old guard mechanism really well. With the stamina-guard all this will be gone. Someone hit the nail on the head when he called it "butter guard", because that's what the new guard feels like.
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    dreamhuntressxdreamhuntressx Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback: Guardian Fighter
    I have 96% damage resist with block up almost permanently.


    U were using 2 powers that increase Stamina regen at the same time, specced (I believe) to stamina regen and sometimes using Shield Slam. Do u really think ur Stamina shouldnt regen this fast, to the point it almost doesnt depletes? IMO, its working as it should be, IF ure specced to.

    Just saying. :o
    Leanan Sidhe (not "The Dresde Files" fairy!) - NW Legit Channel Moderator
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    lisaxxiilisaxxii Member Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014

    U were using 2 powers that increase Stamina regen at the same time, specced (I believe) to stamina regen and sometimes using Shield Slam. Do u really think ur Stamina shouldnt regen this fast, to the point it almost doesnt depletes? IMO, its working as it should be, IF ure specced to.

    Just saying. :o

    Yeah, you are speced specifically for this, and you are sacrificing alot to do it so, seems pretty balanced to me *shrug*
    Enemy Team
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    macaran5123macaran5123 Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    lisaxxii wrote: »
    Yeah, you are speced specifically for this, and you are sacrificing alot to do it so, seems pretty balanced to me *shrug*

    ya, but consider I'm almost perma buffing my group by 50% damage and doing non-trivial damage myself... seems slightly... I agree that it could all work out in a group. but it really seems to give the solo GF too much power if you ask me.

    Even if I did 0 damage 3 dps classes doing 50% more makes WAY up for me, let alone if we used a warlock for heals instead of a DC.

    None the less, I completely agree with you, it needs more testing. I just wanted to point it out as a possible non-optimal situation that someone might want to run some dungeons runs and check out how it works out in the end.

    And regardless, I think that ability to reach 96% damage abs is WAY too high. Again, that's just a thought, it might all work out with testing. And also I wasn't using pots or dailies. Some sort of spec in-between mine might prove far more... unbalanced.
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    macaran5123macaran5123 Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    As a side note, if anyone wants to set up a time to dungeon run with me as this spec, I'm interested if I can hold agro or not. Because if I can keep a 96% damage abs up and hold agro on dungeon pulls I really don't think it's right.

    Though I fully admit I might _not_ be able to hold agro. I just feel it warrants further testing. PM me.
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    macaran5123macaran5123 Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Iron Warrior is also not recommended to slot in PVE as you need Enforced Threat, Knight's Valor and Into the Fray to be of use, post-Mod 4.

    You'll note I was using Into the Fray as well as Knight's Valor. Just swapping out enforced threat for Iron Warrior. With Iron Warrior giving +200% threat I'm interested to know if such a spec can hold agro. Because if it can, a perma 96% reduction of all mob damage sort of trivializes all content well simultaneously buffing group damage output by 50%+. (if 2 dps + 50% = GF slot, 3rd dps+50% + GF damage his/herself).
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    stagger38stagger38 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ctf4void wrote: »
    I didn't say that what is at the preview server is ineffective, what I am saying is that it is no fun. These are two different pairs of shoes, please don't confuse them. Best would have been to simply improve the GF class instead of overhauling it, then we would have effectivity AND a class mechanic that is fun.

    I don't know about you, but this fabled fomorian shield my GF has looks pretty sturdy, and it is fun to hear the metallic clashing sound, to see the character getting pushed back, and to keep in mind that there is an effect on my guard meter due to the cause which is the impacting attack. This feel and connection between attack and block was transported by the old guard mechanism really well. With the stamina-guard all this will be gone. Someone hit the nail on the head when he called it "butter guard", because that's what the new guard feels like.
    So the reason you don't like the new guard is... it doesn't clang? Sound and knockback aren't important to performance. I agree they should be added, but I have been discussing the performance of the GF.

    If we didn't get improvements in nearly every other aspect of the GF, yes I would complain about the new block. With these awesome changes though, I can certainly deal with only having an 80% DR multiplier.

    I'm very surprised anyone can complain given how many buffs the GF is getting. The changes to other classes are far less favorable.

    Also, I find the new GF much more fun to play. Faster, does more damage, has more HP, gives better buffs, has a better variety of powers to use, capstones are worth getting and building for, and people want you in parties. We must have vastly different opinions of fun, since mod4 GF looks amazing.
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    aethanasaethanas Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    stagger38 wrote: »
    So the reason you don't like the new guard is... it doesn't clang? Sound and knockback aren't important to performance. I agree they should be added, but I have been discussing the performance of the GF.

    If we didn't get improvements in nearly every other aspect of the GF, yes I would complain about the new block. With these awesome changes though, I can certainly deal with only having an 80% DR multiplier.

    I'm very surprised anyone can complain given how many buffs the GF is getting. The changes to other classes are far less favorable.

    Also, I find the new GF much more fun to play. Faster, does more damage, has more HP, gives better buffs, has a better variety of powers to use, capstones are worth getting and building for, and people want you in parties. We must have vastly different opinions of fun, since mod4 GF looks amazing.

    You should not take the posts too serious; if you had searched for his other posts you would have seen that he simply dislikes the new block mechanics for being based on stamina and now for not having the appropriate sounds (which should be fixed), and funnily often these small bugs get used in his posts to draw the conclusion: go back to the old block mechanics.
    Really, I tried it and wasted only time on fruitless discussion against such biased exaggerations.
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    klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    nwnghost wrote: »
    Here's a list of stuff that bypasses control immunities on Live - they probably bypass it in the new block system that is based on basic CC immunity rather than block

    Hellthorn Golem Explode
    Totemist Voodoo Disable
    Plaguechanged Maw ranged attack
    Plague Reaver charge attack
    Karrundax' fireball attack
    Kalos Tam AoE stun/daze
    Tal'gath the Watcher's red circle AoE (the throwback one)
    All of Rhazzad's attacks
    Ethraniev Marrowslake sword attack
    Chartilifax' circle AoE breath attack
    Obsidian Golem's Self-Destruct
    Knight Commander's Prone attack
    Remorhaz burrow attack
    GF's Terrifying Impact
    TR's Dazing Strike (momentarily interrupts target)
    GF's Lunging Strike (feated, momentarily interrupts target)

    panderus stated last year that certain attacks were supposed to ignore Control Immunity to some extent (Dragon Wing Buffet)

    Great Post.
    Let's make sure this reaches the devs and that the CC immunity from old block is implemented back in the new block as well. Certain of this maneuvers are really troublesome for Guardian Fighters as they don't have the tools to avoid them without a proper CC immunity from block.
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    anyone care to eleborate with the new mark im getting -20% damage resistance and with dex i have 10% so i would be getting 30%, should this free up some space to slot something else other than ARpen? cause as a pvp prot spec i could def use more power
    if not ill keep the darks but really 30% is pretty decent for most other classes.
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    midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    anyone care to eleborate with the new mark im getting -20% damage resistance and with dex i have 10% so i would be getting 30%, should this free up some space to slot something else other than ARpen? cause as a pvp prot spec i could def use more power
    if not ill keep the darks but really 30% is pretty decent for most other classes.

    The general idea is that ArP works first, but cannot go further than 0% DR and then everything else is bonus damage on top of that.
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    The general idea is that ArP works first, but cannot go further than 0% DR and then everything else is bonus damage on top of that.

    so i could in theory replace arpen with something else
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    ladysylvialadysylvia Member Posts: 946 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    anyone care to eleborate with the new mark im getting -20% damage resistance and with dex i have 10% so i would be getting 30%, should this free up some space to slot something else other than ARpen? cause as a pvp prot spec i could def use more power
    if not ill keep the darks but really 30% is pretty decent for most other classes.

    I say it so: 1% ArPen is more worth as 1% damage bonus through Power.
    Even on weak targets ArPen work wonder due the -%DR from Mark increase in the end your damage too.
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    midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    so i could in theory replace arpen with something else

    Since ArP is applied first, it still matters. Sure, you can use Mark and Constitution to remove all PvE resistance, but, at the same time, you can get a little more ArP to reach the PvE cap or at least some ArP (its only 14% more for PvE cap) and get even more damage through it.
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    iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Since ArP is applied first, it still matters. Sure, you can use Mark and Constitution to remove all PvE resistance, but, at the same time, you can get a little more ArP to reach the PvE cap or at least some ArP (its only 14% more for PvE cap) and get even more damage through it.

    so if im getting this right if i hit 24% arpen then with mark and stats applied i would hit an extra 30% dmg a bit confused on how mark may work
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    midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    so if im getting this right if i hit 24% arpen then with mark and stats applied i would hit an extra 30% dmg a bit confused on how mark may work

    Mark is bonus damage that is applied AFTER ArP and it has no limitation on how much damage it can give. ArP is applied before other bonus damage, but it has a limitation (it can't remove more than their DR, 0%). Dex is essentially a straight ArP bonus (10% more) that applies to ArP. So, since 24% is the general agreed upon PvE limit, you only need to get 14% more from the ArP stat to reach the PvE cap. Anything after that is essentially useless since it cannot go lower than 0%. After ArP is calculated, then all of the other bonus damage is applied and it can ALWAYS increase your damage (it has no 0% limitation). So, if you ArP is capped and the enemy has 0% DR, then everything else is essentially more damage.

    For a practical example, attack a dummy and pretend that your ArP is capped (they have 0% DR) and then apply a mark to them and hit them some more. You will see that you gained 20% bonus damage even though that already reached 0%; that is what I meant.
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    todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    oicidraz wrote: »
    I) If Guarded Assault is gonna activate our Weapon Enchantments... I can't even imagine that, and if it's going to benefit from the buffs/debuffs it need a nerf, I mean, if we consider Weapon Enchantments and Buffs/Debuffs I can only imagine a 2/4/6% Damage Reflected (from a 1/2/3%).

    Hopefully it doesn't get nerfed like that. :\ 15% damage reflection is reasonable for us tanks who play in the riskiest manner possible, and it's probably the only reliable method that tanks will be able to contribute in terms of party DPS. Also, since we rarely get to attack as tanks, the effects our weapon enchants provide for the party is practically the only time we'll get to use the effects of our weapon enchantments, unlike the DPS classes.

    We still don't know how Weapon Enchantments will truly interact with Guarded Assault as Crush mentioned that it's still set for a later patch, so we can't really say if it's OP or not from speculation. But what we can say for sure is that it sounds like a whole lot of fun. :) Just thinking about the many possible ways we can play with Guarded Assault tickles the mind!

    I'm down for a fix for Guarded Assault's damage, as I'm guessing it's having a strange interaction with the powers and debuffs of other classes. But a non-bugged Guarded Assault, properly reflecting 15% of the enemy's damage is something we've been needing for so long as tanks. So please, devs, if by any chance you will be taking a look at Guarded Assault's damage interactions, please retain its current state. Fix the bugs, but it feels perfect as it is.
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    oicidrazoicidraz Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hopefully it doesn't get nerfed like that. :\ 15% damage reflection is reasonable for us tanks who play in the riskiest manner possible, and it's probably the only reliable method that tanks will be able to contribute in terms of party DPS. Also, since we rarely get to attack as tanks, the effects our weapon enchants provide for the party is practically the only time we'll get to use the effects of our weapon enchantments, unlike the DPS classes.

    We still don't know how Weapon Enchantments will truly interact with Guarded Assault as Crush mentioned that it's still set for a later patch, so we can't really say if it's OP or not from speculation. But what we can say for sure is that it sounds like a whole lot of fun. :) Just thinking about the many possible ways we can play with Guarded Assault tickles the mind!

    I'm down for a fix for Guarded Assault's damage, as I'm guessing it's having a strange interaction with the powers and debuffs of other classes. But a non-bugged Guarded Assault, properly reflecting 15% of the enemy's damage is something we've been needing for so long as tanks. So please, devs, if by any chance you will be taking a look at Guarded Assault's damage interactions, please retain its current state. Fix the bugs, but it feels perfect as it is.

    Well yeah, I was saying a 2/4/6% with the weird buff/debuff and KC interaction that Guarded Assault is having right now in Preview (+ Weapon Enchanmtents that is not implemented yet), if we are talking about a flat % not affected by Buff/Debuff and KC, a 15% seems reasonable.
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