3. Unlock the 100% Speed Bonus slot by buying four blue Artificers and doing a low-level task with all of them.
Method #3 is up, by the way. Enjoy!
Where can the blue Artificers be purchased. I didn't find them in the Zen store or as part of crafting. But I am the guy who spends an hour looking for his glasses then realizes they are on top of my head... Thank you.
I also just noted that these are not a binding item so if you have a generous and trusting friend...
"We cannna bring a troll to fire, but we can bring fire to the troll" - old dwarvish proverb
Also a big thank you for this most excellent post Trace. Not sure if I saw it mentioned; but I also use the beta gateway and can alt-tab from the game every once in awhile to update crafting on all my toons. It is a lot faster than switching toons in game.
"We cannna bring a troll to fire, but we can bring fire to the troll" - old dwarvish proverb
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Also a big thank you for this most excellent post Trace. Not sure if I saw it mentioned; but I also use the beta gateway and can alt-tab from the game every once in awhile to update crafting on all my toons. It is a lot faster than switching toons in game.
Where can the blue Artificers be purchased. I didn't find them in the Zen store or as part of crafting. But I am the guy who spends an hour looking for his glasses then realizes they are on top of my head... Thank you.
Search under professions, "Master Artificer." You'll need four to do the task. You can also buy two Hero's (around 200k each), and do a fast Leadership task (the one requiring porridge is five minutes), but it's a little more AD up front, because Leadership skills can only use two assets, where Artificing and Weaponsmithing can use four.
Apologies if this is already listed and I missed it. I've found something that works well for me personally involving Sharandar. However, this probably isn't the most efficient time/AD outcome, perhaps less so once I run out of my excess daily currencies.
Once you've finished your boons spend the sparks and daily currencies on the Lesser Fey Blessing enchants;
10 sparks each day and Arcane Reservoir once per week, 2x9 dailies, plus a 40k outlay gets you two per week. Worth noting of course the 40 hour turnaround for both.
I've just (under) sold two at 57k each, 104k profit in return. Perhaps I should bother to play the AH properly, rather than letting someone else flip them .
edit: It dawned on me that I hadn't considered refinement and factoring in coalescents and stones. Refining them into a Greater at least (I understand only 8 lessers are needed now?), profits are half of the above in the same time frame.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Apologies if this is already listed and I missed it. I've found something that works well for me personally involving Sharandar. However, this probably isn't the most efficient time/AD outcome, perhaps less so once I run out of my excess daily currencies.
Having got as far as I wanted to with the boons, I'm spending the sparks and daily currencies on the Lesser Fey Blessing enchants.
10 sparks each day, 2x9 dailies, and Arcane Reservoir once per week, plus a 40k outlay gets you two per week. Worth noting of course the 40 hour turnaround for both.
I've just sold two for a profit of 64k, I expect that would increase if I bothered to play the AH properly, rather than letting someone else flip them
Yep yep! Someone has already mentioned this, and it's going to be in one of my remaining methods I need to post (I currently have 24 total, 13 remaining to type up). You make a good point about time commitments with this one, as it does require finishing daily Sharandar quests. Perhaps I'll post that one next... hmm? *looks through list*
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited January 2014
You can link to the wiki for salvage values. http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Salvage
Knowing which things are T1 vs. T2 is up to the player. I will say that you're more likely to find (certain) T2 items for below salvage value.
It also pays to have some awareness of which items are worth trying to flip instead.
You can link to the wiki for salvage values. http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Salvage
Knowing which things are T1 vs. T2 is up to the player. I will say that you're more likely to find (certain) T2 items for below salvage value.
It also pays to have some awareness of which items are worth trying to flip instead.
The problem is, this doesn't list items such as:
Sharpened Ice axe
Armor of Insanity
Boots of Sovereignity
Lizardfolk War Visage
Cloak of the Erupting Volcano
Foul Tribal Bracers
These are a few of the items I have gained through DD on my list that I know the Salvage values for and have on an google docs excel sheet (along with my AH calculator) which is something I highly recommend people make to easily check what their break even point is (especially when it comes to Zen items). Mayhaps a more expansive data base will creep up one day.
However, you've got some great ideas here that I'll be implementing, degraafination. Thank you.
Edit: Also, something worth mentioning for the ZAX: this is now available via the Gateway, meaning that even if you can't get to it in-game you can now continually flip for small profits so long as you have an internet connection. Slow day at work? Why not play the market a bit? It's head over tails better than doing surveys, which I'll note, was also left out of your guide. Yes, they are stupidly time consuming at times, but for F2P, time is the trade off sometimes until you can get yourself established.
contents to be decided
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited January 2014
Hint: Look at the inventory icon. They're different for T1 and T2 items. Took me a silly long time to realize that even though I knew there are very few different icons, and I forgot about it when I made my above post (because I mostly just go by skimming for certain item names that I know get sold cheaply all the time).
Hint: Look at the inventory icon. They're different for T1 and T2 items. Took me a silly long time to realize that even though I knew there are very few different icons, and I forgot about it when I made my above post (because I mostly just go by skimming for certain item names that I know get sold cheaply all the time).
I think I see it, but I'm not sure. Work monitors aren't the best. But if I do see it, then that'll make compiling a list a bit easier so i dont have to stare at the possible minor difference between the two to determine it. lol
contents to be decided
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You can link to the wiki for salvage values. http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Salvage
Knowing which things are T1 vs. T2 is up to the player. I will say that you're more likely to find (certain) T2 items for below salvage value.
It also pays to have some awareness of which items are worth trying to flip instead.
Thanks for the link, Becky. Method #13 is updated.
Also, something worth mentioning for the ZAX: this is now available via the Gateway, meaning that even if you can't get to it in-game you can now continually flip for small profits so long as you have an internet connection. Slow day at work? Why not play the market a bit? It's head over tails better than doing surveys, which I'll note, was also left out of your guide. Yes, they are stupidly time consuming at times, but for F2P, time is the trade off sometimes until you can get yourself established.
Good point about the ZAX on Gateway. I went ahead and made the change. Thanks for mentioning Peanut Labs. I'll put that on my additions list. Know I'm sitting on about 13-15 other methods I need to add to this thread.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited January 2014
If you look at something like shields, the two icons are completely different shapes. Once you see, you should not be able to unsee, but it's a good thing in this case.
Some solid ideas posted here. Some of which I've used to gear up my toon.
Other options / modifications / things to consider:
Diversify your investments (multiple strategies)
Pick a few markets. Know them very well. Keep an eye out for new markets.
Pay attention to new events. example: was easy to make millions of AD during Waukeen event.
Monitor low supply, high cost, high demand markets. Option to 'Reset' these markets offers huge returns
If you want to enter the enchantment market, study it. Know the costs. Know the math. Can be very profitable.
Monitor trade-chat sales. May find great deals, ways to avoid 10% AH cost, or new in-demand markets.
Coal Ward <--> key exchange on trade chat
Controversial but true: bank for your guild's farming runs. Limits undercutting. Also, some people leave the game and never collect.
Don't be afraid to over-cut. Sorting system in AH sometimes confuses buyers. Also, see Trace's #8: Range Trading.
Solid comments, Josiah. You actually touched on a few topics I'm going to post in the near future. As of now, I have about a dozen more methods I need to add to this guide.
I used to be a trader on my former MMOs. Accumulated so much wealth that playing the game had no interest at all. The last one: After one year I could afford all the cash shop items and just buy when it's cheap and available then sell 3-6 months later with a 100 to 200% ROI to keep making more than i was spending. This is the laziest method but when you have an enormous amount of money then it's more than enough. The amount of resources at stake were so problematic i had to pay attention not to hit the cap. I also had to keep a crapton of highly valuable items to keep getting richer.
Well that was boring after some time. When you can afford all you want instantly, there's no pleasure playing the game anymore. Good old farming is probably the funniest way to enjoy the game on the long run. You can afford nice shinies but you have to be efficient and/or the best.
I sold my first fawn for ~700k just doing the daily quests and running events talking to new guildies, helping them with their builds, and so on. These events are pretty easy, being first takes no effort since most people have poor builds or don't understand basic rules of geometry or maths. But at least when you farm you're actually enjoying the game instead of trying to rob the bank (which is here the cash-shop user).
I could have sold the fawn for 500k but decided it wasn't enough, so I guess i'm not completely cured and still have some speculation in my DNA. But now I know farming is far more interesting than monitoring markets; i've been doing that for too long and the fun you have when you can buy what you want without wondering how you could get that is close to 0. Speculation is a game-killer. I've stopped playing too many MMOs because it was boring to have no challenge to overcome.
There are great opportunities with events, sales, and modules (modules have by far the biggest potential), and yet, I haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities. Release > Mod 1 had storing dirt cheap purple T2 sets ; mod 1 > mod 2 had the refinment update/ripoff. I could have made at least 20-30M ADs in the first case and probably 5M with mod 2 with the resources I had at that time. I made the math (and i've been wrong, purple items have been more expensive than i anticipated). And didn't do this, because wtf would i do with 25M ADs? I could just stop playing the game. I'm sticking to 1M per module not to get crazy and just spend it on crappy fashion items.
Well this post is a bit long, but the TL;DR is don't do that too much, or you'll stop playing the game very soon.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
I'm very glad you found a way to enjoy Neverwinter by playing PVE content. You make some good points in your post. After reading it, I can say this: I still have a long way to go, especially with my enchantments, artifacts, and pets. I'm definitely not insanely wealthy by any means, but I'm finally to a point where I have a comfortable amount of AD. My next big purchase is to upgrade my Greater Vorpal to a Perfect. It's going to set me back some, so I'm trying to build up my trading capital.
Now, I actually created this guide to help others, because I know many players who struggle having enough AD.
That's one of the ways I enjoy playing this game, Trace
Everyone should take advantage of this right when a new lockbox is released, especially in the case of new types of items being released such as all of the artifact refining items.
When the Rusted Iron Lockbox released, I bought 20 keys. From those 20 keys, selling the stuff I recieved, buying more keys, racking up trade bars, I was able to open over 300 lockboxes. Total profits included enough to refine all three of my artifacts to epics, get about 3-4k tradebars worth of coal wards, AND millions of AD.
Timing is a big part of profiting off of a lot of these things.
Cons: Must invoke daily or Celestial Coins are lost.
the invoke time frame is 30 hours, so a little bit more than a day and you can see and extend it via the gateway by playing the short sword coast adventures quest "the temple of reflection".
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
the invoke time frame is 30 hours, so a little bit more than a day and you can see and extend it via the gateway by playing the short sword coast adventures quest "the temple of reflection".
So, LP Daily only works for Fardelver then?
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
You're very welcome. "Lazy" is such a harsh word. I like the phrase "being efficient with my time and resources."
Method #10 posted. Remember, poverty is just a mindset.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Where can the blue Artificers be purchased. I didn't find them in the Zen store or as part of crafting. But I am the guy who spends an hour looking for his glasses then realizes they are on top of my head... Thank you.
I also just noted that these are not a binding item so if you have a generous and trusting friend...
Excellent point. I sometimes forget that people don't know about NW Gateway. https://gateway.playneverwinter.com/
Search under professions, "Master Artificer." You'll need four to do the task. You can also buy two Hero's (around 200k each), and do a fast Leadership task (the one requiring porridge is five minutes), but it's a little more AD up front, because Leadership skills can only use two assets, where Artificing and Weaponsmithing can use four.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Once you've finished your boons spend the sparks and daily currencies on the Lesser Fey Blessing enchants;
10 sparks each day and Arcane Reservoir once per week, 2x9 dailies, plus a 40k outlay gets you two per week. Worth noting of course the 40 hour turnaround for both.
I've just (under) sold two at 57k each, 104k profit in return. Perhaps I should bother to play the AH properly, rather than letting someone else flip them
edit: It dawned on me that I hadn't considered refinement and factoring in coalescents and stones. Refining them into a Greater at least (I understand only 8 lessers are needed now?), profits are half of the above in the same time frame.
Yep yep! Someone has already mentioned this, and it's going to be in one of my remaining methods I need to post (I currently have 24 total, 13 remaining to type up). You make a good point about time commitments with this one, as it does require finishing daily Sharandar quests. Perhaps I'll post that one next... hmm? *looks through list*
Method #11 is up, by the way. Enjoy!
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Well then, Trace
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Knowing which things are T1 vs. T2 is up to the player. I will say that you're more likely to find (certain) T2 items for below salvage value.
It also pays to have some awareness of which items are worth trying to flip instead.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
The problem is, this doesn't list items such as:
Sharpened Ice axe
Armor of Insanity
Boots of Sovereignity
Lizardfolk War Visage
Cloak of the Erupting Volcano
Foul Tribal Bracers
These are a few of the items I have gained through DD on my list that I know the Salvage values for and have on an google docs excel sheet (along with my AH calculator) which is something I highly recommend people make to easily check what their break even point is (especially when it comes to Zen items). Mayhaps a more expansive data base will creep up one day.
However, you've got some great ideas here that I'll be implementing, degraafination. Thank you.
Edit: Also, something worth mentioning for the ZAX: this is now available via the Gateway, meaning that even if you can't get to it in-game you can now continually flip for small profits so long as you have an internet connection. Slow day at work? Why not play the market a bit? It's head over tails better than doing surveys, which I'll note, was also left out of your guide. Yes, they are stupidly time consuming at times, but for F2P, time is the trade off sometimes until you can get yourself established.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I think I see it, but I'm not sure. Work monitors aren't the best. But if I do see it, then that'll make compiling a list a bit easier so i dont have to stare at the possible minor difference between the two to determine it. lol
Thanks for the link, Becky. Method #13 is updated.
Good point about the ZAX on Gateway. I went ahead and made the change. Thanks for mentioning Peanut Labs. I'll put that on my additions list. Know I'm sitting on about 13-15 other methods I need to add to this thread.
Just takes time to type up.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
As of this post, it's a great time to sell Radiant Rank 7s. Not many on the AH atm.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Other options / modifications / things to consider:
Iyon the Dark
Solid comments, Josiah. You actually touched on a few topics I'm going to post in the near future. As of now, I have about a dozen more methods I need to add to this guide.
Peace, -Trace
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Well that was boring after some time. When you can afford all you want instantly, there's no pleasure playing the game anymore. Good old farming is probably the funniest way to enjoy the game on the long run. You can afford nice shinies but you have to be efficient and/or the best.
I sold my first fawn for ~700k just doing the daily quests and running events talking to new guildies, helping them with their builds, and so on. These events are pretty easy, being first takes no effort since most people have poor builds or don't understand basic rules of geometry or maths. But at least when you farm you're actually enjoying the game instead of trying to rob the bank (which is here the cash-shop user).
I could have sold the fawn for 500k but decided it wasn't enough, so I guess i'm not completely cured and still have some speculation in my DNA. But now I know farming is far more interesting than monitoring markets; i've been doing that for too long and the fun you have when you can buy what you want without wondering how you could get that is close to 0. Speculation is a game-killer. I've stopped playing too many MMOs because it was boring to have no challenge to overcome.
There are great opportunities with events, sales, and modules (modules have by far the biggest potential), and yet, I haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities. Release > Mod 1 had storing dirt cheap purple T2 sets ; mod 1 > mod 2 had the refinment update/ripoff. I could have made at least 20-30M ADs in the first case and probably 5M with mod 2 with the resources I had at that time. I made the math (and i've been wrong, purple items have been more expensive than i anticipated). And didn't do this, because wtf would i do with 25M ADs? I could just stop playing the game. I'm sticking to 1M per module not to get crazy and just spend it on crappy fashion items.
Well this post is a bit long, but the TL;DR is don't do that too much, or you'll stop playing the game very soon.
I'm very glad you found a way to enjoy Neverwinter by playing PVE content. You make some good points in your post. After reading it, I can say this: I still have a long way to go, especially with my enchantments, artifacts, and pets. I'm definitely not insanely wealthy by any means, but I'm finally to a point where I have a comfortable amount of AD. My next big purchase is to upgrade my Greater Vorpal to a Perfect. It's going to set me back some, so I'm trying to build up my trading capital.
Now, I actually created this guide to help others, because I know many players who struggle having enough AD.
That's one of the ways I enjoy playing this game, Trace
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Everyone should take advantage of this right when a new lockbox is released, especially in the case of new types of items being released such as all of the artifact refining items.
When the Rusted Iron Lockbox released, I bought 20 keys. From those 20 keys, selling the stuff I recieved, buying more keys, racking up trade bars, I was able to open over 300 lockboxes. Total profits included enough to refine all three of my artifacts to epics, get about 3-4k tradebars worth of coal wards, AND millions of AD.
Timing is a big part of profiting off of a lot of these things.
Hyenas@zokir - Essence of Aggression
the invoke time frame is 30 hours, so a little bit more than a day and you can see and extend it via the gateway by playing the short sword coast adventures quest "the temple of reflection".
Thanks for this. Going to adjust that post.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
For some reason people enjoy gambling (and overpaying) with the extra box.