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Cryptic OFFICIAL Feedback Thread: Hunter Ranger



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    xushin7xushin7 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Feedback: Rain of Swords
    Its difficult to tell just what this skill will hit, and also difficult to tell what targets were hit by this skill. It would be better if the area and range of this skill was more easily seen by the user and a more apparent graphic to show what foes were hit.
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    arabaturarabatur Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Feedback: Cold Steel Hurricane

    This is the most underwhelming Daily power I have ever used. For a 50 point, full AP drain power the damage is beyond a joke. There are better encounter powers, which reliably deal 3 to 4 times the average damage that this Daily does. The vague tool tip is not much help either. With so few Dailies for the HR to choose from, I was expecting so much more than is currently offered by CSH.
    Definitely not an Arc User.
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    djaruddjarud Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 62
    edited November 2013
    Ranger class Feedback General:

    So far the Ranger class feels very good, I would have to say that up till about level 35 (PvE/Questing), the class feels more complete and thought out than any of the others. Post 35-40 it starts to become increasingly more difficult. I am not finding the boost/s in difficulty, to be with their Ranged, or Evasive capabilities, but in their Melee. Yes, it makes sense that Rangers have high offensive capacity at Range, and there they feel most competitive, but even though the Melee bonus effects of Ranger class have great synergy, and group mechanic, they are entirely lack-luster in Melee over all. Other than the added effects (DoT/Snare/Buff) and so on, it feels like you may as well have take a Wizard and given them a Dagger to be just as effective.

    Some of the ranged skills are almost as lacking, Electric Shot (seems great "on paper"), but over all it is highly lacking, in order for it to be worth slotting instead of the lower-tiered it needs either to do more damage with the same radius of effect, or to have an additional effect added, such as applying Strong Grasping Roots or another Snare, or so on.

    As for the Snaring effects of most Ranger skills... The Weak Grasping Roots effect which applies from some, is exactly that, weak... all this seems to do is apply a graphic on occasion. In general, Ranger snaring capability feels very weak at Range, and when applied in Melee, it does not last long enough in comparison to things like Entangling Force or Conduit of Ice, both of which apply from Range.

    In general... I would say a small boost to Melee dmg out-put, with more effort put into Snares from Ranged skills so that they are at least somewhat dependable, as well as either boost dmg out put on some ranged skills, or increase additional/bonus effects.

    Skill Tiers: The Ranged, and Daily skill in actual game play seem to decrease in usefulness and value as you gain levels.
    Some things are meant to remain lost.
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    fleeghopfleeghop Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Bug: Appearance of "Lion's Claws Blade"
    The Lion's Claws Blade which can be picked up from the Lion Seal Vendor doesn't have a picture in it's icon. Additionally, when equipped, the blades turn out to be shields.

    Picture #1

    Clearer Picture #2
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    arcaelusarcaelus Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Over all I love this class. It is well thought out in gameplay. You need to use strategy in order to survive and be useful and not just smash buttons like some other classes. The only things that I would add to the class is better entanglement and the ability to slot different powers in melee and a different one for ranged. That would make the class more player friendly and use more strategy depending on the situation. Thanks for making a class that is fun to play and is well rounded (after a few more tweaks)
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    matii1509matii1509 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Bug: Gear: Gemmed Hunter's Blades
    Weapon have to high damage. Fomorian weapon 411-503 dmg, weapon from craft 489-598. It's 100dmg too much.

    Feedback: Powers: Electric Shot
    Animation time is good but dmg is too low, need improvement.

    Feedback: Powers: Rain of Arrows
    Useless skill, aoe is too small.

    Feedback: Powers: Split the Sky
    I like this but, but dmg could be little bigger.

    Feedback: Powers: Cold Steel Hurricane
    Cool animation. Skill use 100% AP but dmg is really low, as compared to Seismic Shot this skill is useless.
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    iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    arabatur wrote: »
    Feedback: Cold Steel Hurricane

    This is the most underwhelming Daily power I have ever used. For a 50 point, full AP drain power the damage is beyond a joke. There are better encounter powers, which reliably deal 3 to 4 times the average damage that this Daily does. The vague tool tip is not much help either. With so few Dailies for the HR to choose from, I was expecting so much more than is currently offered by CSH.

    Are you using CSH from close in melee range ? if so then that could be why you are finding it underwhelming , I find that if you make some space between yourself and the enemy and only use it on groups of mobs that are closely packed together it is more effective , at melee range really close to enemies it seems to completely miss . But yeah I also agree that both the tool tip and the damage it gives need to be worked on.
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    obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Feedback:Aimed Shot
    So I dropped a pip in this today and boy was I disappointed. Another long wait power on a supposedly highly mobile class..which is it; stand around to attack or move around nimbly? This should be much faster, the fact that leveling it up speeds it up speaks volumes to how slow it is. If anything now it is slower than the other wait and shoot at-will; at least it can be clicked and fired shooting a wide scatter of shots for lower damage. This on the other hand is useless. you can squeeze of a lot more by using either of the first tier at-wills.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
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    draczondraczon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Feedback:Aimed Shot
    So I dropped a pip in this today and boy was I disappointed. Another long wait power on a supposedly highly mobile class..which is it; stand around to attack or move around nimbly? This should be much faster, the fact that leveling it up speeds it up speaks volumes to how slow it is. If anything now it is slower than the other wait and shoot at-will; at least it can be clicked and fired shooting a wide scatter of shots for lower damage. This on the other hand is useless. you can squeeze of a lot more by using either of the first tier at-wills.

    I have 3 points in this ability, It is a great opener and can be used during the fight if you use the snare of binding arrow or constricting arrow. You can also use Marauders escape to gain a brief moments of lost aggro and if you have the room to move back the full distance and have plenty of time to land the shot. I find it works well with Hawk shot for doing very good damage. Just my opinion as I have it more affective than Split shot or Electric shot and i keep Rapid fire as my primary.
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    warzogwarzog Member Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Feedback:Aimed Shot
    So I dropped a pip in this today and boy was I disappointed. Another long wait power on a supposedly highly mobile class..which is it; stand around to attack or move around nimbly? This should be much faster, the fact that leveling it up speeds it up speaks volumes to how slow it is. If anything now it is slower than the other wait and shoot at-will; at least it can be clicked and fired shooting a wide scatter of shots for lower damage. This on the other hand is useless. you can squeeze of a lot more by using either of the first tier at-wills.

    I totally agree, if anything, this should be an encounter, not an At-Will.
    draczon wrote: »
    I have 3 points in this ability, It is a great opener and can be used during the fight if you use the snare of binding arrow or constricting arrow. You can also use Marauders escape to gain a brief moments of lost aggro and if you have the room to move back the full distance and have plenty of time to land the shot. I find it works well with Hawk shot for doing very good damage. Just my opinion as I have it more affective than Split shot or Electric shot and i keep Rapid fire as my primary.

    The fact that "It is a great opener" points to the fact that it should be an encounter, not an "AT-WILL" power. The term At-Will indicates that it can be used AT WILL, not JUST when the circumstances are just right.
    If anything, make "Aimed Shot" more like the TR's "Lashing Strike" encounter, with no timed delay.

    For that same reason, I think that the "Split Shot" At-Will should have it's holding to strengthen it, and thereby decreasing the number hit, should be changed to an instant fire, with damage increased based on the distance to the target, and the number hit (up to 4 more) should be based on their distance from the main target.

    Might I add, that I am confused by the HR's powers not conforming to the standards set forth by the other classes:

    1). The CW, DC, and TR get an interruptiing ENCOUNTER at level 3, the GF gets an interrupting ENCOUNTER at level 5, the GWF gets an interrupting ENCOUNTER at level 20, but the HR gets an interrupting DAILY!?!! at level 40!?!!
    (It sure makes stopping boss' from summoning ads soooo much easier.)
    (Yeah, that was sarcasm.)
    (People who hate going against rangers in PvP have got to love this one. They can interrupt the rangers all day long, but the rangers can only interrupt them once in a great while.)

    2). The TR gets "one massive attack" (Lashing Blade Encounter) at level 5, the DC gets the Sun Burst ENCOUNTER at level 5, but the HR gets the TIME DELAYED Aimed Shot AT-WILL at level 21!?!!
    (People complain about the perma stealth TR's in PvP, they'll massacre HR's with no trouble at all.)

    3). The CW gets the Repel ENCOUNTER, but the HR gets the Seismic Shot DAILY!?!!

    (I'm sure there are more examples, I just can't remember them all.)
    Go for the eyes, Boo! GO FOR THE EYES!!!
    (Where's a Miniature Giant Space Hamster when you need one?)
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    djaruddjarud Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 62
    edited November 2013
    I agree on some points. The ranger path seems really well thought out at first, till around 35, then till around 50 you get to notice that your skills/damages and so on are not really scaling well as you level, nor are they scaling as you increase Skill tiers. While I appreciate, and understand the, plink, dart in, apply an effect, dart out mentality of this class... Their abilities could really use a good remapping, and re-balancing to make this feel more apt as you level.

    Some skills are so weak as to feel like complete after-thoughts... (case in-point Electric Shot). Snaring effects need to be revamped so that things like Weak Grasping roots is more than just a catch phrase, which is what it feels like right now.

    Hindering Shot? Tell me, how does this attack "Hinder" the target at all?

    I would like to see some of the melee skills which have a bonus effect, get boosted damage, and their Ranged counterparts have effects that are of actual merit.

    Mobility is good, but the class lacks evasiveness, darting in to get those few value-able melee after effects can quickly be futile if you don't have your tab skill up, even then it can be. I'm not saying the class needs replica Smoke Bomb, Shield, Sun Burst, and so on, but they class coule really use something to assist them a tad more while they are in the melee rang for the time they are there.

    As for At-Wills, there is really no reason to use anything other than Speed Shot , and Spread Shot, this is not indicating they are over the top, in fact it is a glaring indicator that the higher Tier skills lack enough to make the beginning level skills out-shine them.
    Some things are meant to remain lost.
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If you look at your target that you used Hindering shot on, you will see the vines slowing your target down and pulling him backwards.
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    abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    warzog wrote: »
    2). The TR gets "one massive attack" (Lashing Blade Encounter) at level 5, the DC gets the Sun Burst ENCOUNTER at level 5, but the HR gets the TIME DELAYED Aimed Shot AT-WILL at level 21!?!!

    You really can't call Sunburst a "massive attack"; it's not a damage move, it's a heal/hurt a little/knockback if used in divinity under "OHCRAP GET THE ADDS OFF ME" circumstances. The only real "massive damage" move DCs get is Daunting Light, which is targeted and requires a much higher level. Unless you're thinking of Searing Light, which is a damage-focused move but nowhere near the damage of Daunting Light and certainly nowhere near Lashing Blade IIRC.

    Feedback: Aimed Shot
    The name bugs me because it implies all other attacks are just fired off willy-nilly without actually aiming the bow. Can we call it something else? >.>

    Not sure if Bug: Encounter: Marauder's Escape
    Used this on Sleeping Dragon Bridge and Marauder's Escape'd myself into a barricade that I didn't see behind me. The skill kept wanting me to move backward, though, so I ended up ricocheting/rubberbanding back to my original position, back to the barricade, then back to my original position again. I don't think this is intended behavior, but then again I can't think of what else the skill should do if you use it and hit a wall with it.

    Bug: Item: Poacher's Longbow
    Confirmed that this item also has a strange flickery texture like the previously mentioned Notched Longbow does. This may be an issue with all bows that currently lack item icons. Again, I can't supply a screenshot because you can't see the flickery/glitchy effect in a static image.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
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    warzogwarzog Member Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    abell39 wrote: »
    You really can't call Sunburst a "massive attack"; it's not a damage move, it's a heal/hurt a little/knockback if used in divinity under "OHCRAP GET THE ADDS OFF ME" circumstances.

    Oops I haven't played a DC in a very, very long time.
    abell39 wrote: »
    Feedback: Aimed Shot
    The name bugs me because it implies all other attacks are just fired off willy-nilly without actually aiming the bow. Can we call it something else? >.>

    You're "willy-nilly" statement hit a chord! THAT's how the Hunter Ranger feels to me, as if it were put together all "willy-nilly". It feels like they decided to give us a preview, but wanted to only show some of it, then realized they didn't have enough At-wills, they didn't have a massive strike, they didn't have an interrupt, they didn't have enough Dailies, they needed 21 powers in order for a character to level up.

    The lack of a second Paragon for the HR, the lack of access to our Zen Store mounts (I hate the slow horses my TR can outrun), leads me to hope that they gave us the bare minimum to test, (a beta version, if you will.)
    Go for the eyes, Boo! GO FOR THE EYES!!!
    (Where's a Miniature Giant Space Hamster when you need one?)
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    thraexisthraexis Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Twin blade storm class feature
    reduces all damage by %4
    instead of increasing it.
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    indevaindeva Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Bug: Oak Skin
    Dmg description says X-XDamageSETAllINTERNAL

    Bug: Throw Caution
    The risk of lowering defence seems close to 0 (or the effect dosen't show on character sheet

    Bug: Aspect of Serpent
    Another ranger used it and I got the effect symbole under my picture - thou no actual effect
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    abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Feedback: Dailies and AP
    I really don't like the fact that some HR dailies don't deplete the entire AP meter. It completely changes the precedent of how dailies are supposed to work in this game. Why don't any of the other classes get dailies that only partially deplete the AP meter? What makes the HR so special aside from the fact that it's new? It sets a bad precedent for consistency across classes when something as basic and universal as this can be changed for just one class. Differing sources of AP gain make sense; I would expect a DC to gain AP from healing and a tank to gain AP from defending, since they will be playing the roles of healer and tank as often -- if not more often -- than the role of damage-dealer. But differing rates of AP depletion do not make sense to me. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree, but I think the AP depletion for all HR dailies needs to be all or nothing, like it is for all other classes. Buff their dailies if needed to make up for it.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
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    twinxblade12twinxblade12 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    abell39 wrote: »
    Feedback: Dailies and AP
    I really don't like the fact that some HR dailies don't deplete the entire AP meter. It completely changes the precedent of how dailies are supposed to work in this game. Why don't any of the other classes get dailies that only partially deplete the AP meter? What makes the HR so special aside from the fact that it's new? It sets a bad precedent for consistency across classes when something as basic and universal as this can be changed for just one class. Differing sources of AP gain make sense; I would expect a DC to gain AP from healing and a tank to gain AP from defending, since they will be playing the roles of healer and tank as often -- if not more often -- than the role of damage-dealer. But differing rates of AP depletion do not make sense to me. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree, but I think the AP depletion for all HR dailies needs to be all or nothing, like it is for all other classes. Buff their dailies if needed to make up for it.

    Well some if not all dailies are really weak and there's also a cool-down for it. So you can't really spam it anyways. The one that takes only 25% has maybe 10 sec CD and the other one that has 75% AP cost has around 20-30 secs
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    werealchemistwerealchemist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    FEEDBACK: Aimed Shot
    Okay so i just got this ability to rank 3 and I have to say it is absolute GARBAGE. even with all 3 ranks in it still takes longer to fire off than two fully charged Split shots. The fact that it is interrupted by any sort of damage makes it totally useless, the damage does not warrant its cast time or its ability to be interrupted. it's not even useful in a party because you still have to cancel it every time to move out of a red circle. I thought the theme behind this class was MOBILITY yet this is the most contrasting ability to that theme yet.
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    abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well some if not all dailies are really weak and there's also a cool-down for it. So you can't really spam it anyways. The one that takes only 25% has maybe 10 sec CD and the other one that has 75% AP cost has around 20-30 secs

    Then they're not dailies and they need to be changed to encounters instead. Or they need to be buffed and cooldowns removed. Why are we changing the definition of a daily power for just one class? That's what bothers me.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Pfft. They did say there are dailies that cost less than full AP for the HR hence the part that goes thru the middle of the AP. They did say it was a change to the daily function. So trying to change the HR dailies to conform to the other class dailies is not going to work. They also said the HR is for skilled players. If you are not able to play the HR like it is set up to be played then the class is not for you and you should stick to GWF, GF, DC, TR or CW
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    abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    rhoric wrote: »
    Pfft. They did say there are dailies that cost less than full AP for the HR hence the part that goes thru the middle of the AP. They did say it was a change to the daily function. So trying to change the HR dailies to conform to the other class dailies is not going to work. They also said the HR is for skilled players. If you are not able to play the HR like it is set up to be played then the class is not for you and you should stick to GWF, GF, DC, TR or CW

    You misunderstand; I'm not having any trouble playing my ranger. This isn't a problem of skill. My problem is that the change to the daily function seems arbitrary and unbalanced since it's only for the HR.

    Take a hypothetical example: What if all the HR's at-wills had a 15-second cooldown?
    "But then those aren't at-wills -- they have a cooldown!"
    Well yes, but they deal a lot more damage compared to other classes' at-wills to make up for the cooldown. So they're at-wills and they're balanced.
    "But they don't behave like at-wills. That's not how an at-will works."
    Well, it's how at-wills are going to work for this class.
    "But why? That's not how they work for any other class."
    That's just how it's going to be.

    Do you see where I'm going with this? It doesn't make sense to make so radical of a change to the system and only make it for one class.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It is only for the HR for now. They did say they are working on changes for the dailies and it is starting for HRs first to see how it goes.
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    lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    abell39 wrote: »
    You misunderstand; I'm not having any trouble playing my ranger. This isn't a problem of skill. My problem is that the change to the daily function seems arbitrary and unbalanced since it's only for the HR.

    Take a hypothetical example: What if all the HR's at-wills had a 15-second cooldown?
    "But then those aren't at-wills -- they have a cooldown!"
    Well yes, but they deal a lot more damage compared to other classes' at-wills to make up for the cooldown. So they're at-wills and they're balanced.
    "But they don't behave like at-wills. That's not how an at-will works."
    Well, it's how at-wills are going to work for this class.
    "But why? That's not how they work for any other class."
    That's just how it's going to be.

    Do you see where I'm going with this? It doesn't make sense to make so radical of a change to the system and only make it for one class.

    You have a definition of a daily that includes it being of far larger damage than it's encounter counterparts. This doesn't apply to all classes, as many GWF dailies don't do that much more damage at all.

    A daily by my definition is a power which uses the limited AP pool to fire. By all intents and purposes, the HR still have dailies, it's just they use less of the AP pool than the other classes.

    Hopefully, some of my poor GWF dailies will get this treatment.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
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    abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lobo0084 wrote: »
    You have a definition of a daily that includes it being of far larger damage than it's encounter counterparts. This doesn't apply to all classes, as many GWF dailies don't do that much more damage at all.

    A daily by my definition is a power which uses the limited AP pool to fire. By all intents and purposes, the HR still have dailies, it's just they use less of the AP pool than the other classes.

    Hopefully, some of my poor GWF dailies will get this treatment.

    Sort of; my definition of a daily is a power that takes some time to use and thus has to be "earned" (by actively regaining AP--not by passively waiting for a cooldown), but it's a power can be a game-changer because it (1) does a metric ton of damage, (2) does a metric ton of healing, (3) does a metric ton of buffing, or (4) any combination of the first three. It's more powerful than any encounter that would otherwise have a similar effect and therefore does not behave like an encounter (i.e. can only be unlocked for use by gaining AP, has no cooldown, drains AP meter upon use so that it's not being fired off constantly). My GWF is still a baby so I can't talk about GWF dailies, but hey, if they're weak then let's buff them while we're at it.

    My biggest problem though is, like I said, the HR dailies don't behave like other classes' dailies, in a way that breaks what I feel like a daily should be and do. If other classes' dailies are going to change to be like the HR's, then I guess I can live with it. I still wouldn't like it (I'd rather have a big KABOOM all at once when I need it than have to wait 15 sec to fire off two smaller kabooms, during which time I can easily die), but it would stop violating my sense of class consistency at least.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
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    lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    abell39 wrote: »
    Sort of; my definition of a daily is a power that takes some time to use and thus has to be "earned" (by actively regaining AP--not by passively waiting for a cooldown), but it's a power can be a game-changer because it (1) does a metric ton of damage, (2) does a metric ton of healing, (3) does a metric ton of buffing, or (4) any combination of the first three. It's more powerful than any encounter that would otherwise have a similar effect and therefore does not behave like an encounter (i.e. can only be unlocked for use by gaining AP, has no cooldown, drains AP meter upon use so that it's not being fired off constantly). My GWF is still a baby so I can't talk about GWF dailies, but hey, if they're weak then let's buff them while we're at it.

    My biggest problem though is, like I said, the HR dailies don't behave like other classes' dailies, in a way that breaks what I feel like a daily should be and do. If other classes' dailies are going to change to be like the HR's, then I guess I can live with it. I still wouldn't like it (I'd rather have a big KABOOM all at once when I need it than have to wait 15 sec to fire off two smaller kabooms, during which time I can easily die), but it would stop violating my sense of class consistency at least.

    I get your sentiment. I would also prefer if my GWF dailies felt like a massive burst of power, especially for how few and far between our dailies can be.

    That said, HR isn't completely unique. I believe there is a CW daily which only uses partial AP. And as I've pointed out, many GWF dailies are just slightly more powerful than our encounters.

    I think it is nice that HR doesn't really have an 'omg one shot' move. I don't think it's so out of place to lower their damage so that it's more of a constant application, than large spikes. In the end, I think it'll pan out and balance well with the other classes, even if it's harder for those who are used to other mechanics.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
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    cheesegromitcheesegromit Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If that's the primary sticking point, you might need to change or at least broaden your definition of a daily then ;).

    If it was a more complex game mechanic I could understand that changing the rules could be problematic after players have learnt one way. I think there are enough other clues to a daily becoming available to use beyond filling up the bar to 100%. Still something for the devs to consider though.
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    obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Feedback: Aimed Shot
    Ok not only does it have a slow animation (and huge VFX for an at-will) but it is interrupted by taking damage. Making it an opening power only and essentially useless as an at-will which need to be reliable powers.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
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    xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Feedback: Aimed Shot
    Ok not only does it have a slow animation (and huge VFX for an at-will) but it is interrupted by taking damage. Making it an opening power only and essentially useless as an at-will which need to be reliable powers.

    I disagree. Aimed shot as it is mechanic wise is fine. Any Adjustment to it would break PvP at level 60. Why? Why would I bother to use anything else when I have an At will that can crit for 16-17k with a perfect vorpal. At 93feet range.

    The way it is right now puts it on the player to understand when and when to not use the skill. The key to the HR will always be positioning, More so than any other class.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
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    warzogwarzog Member Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    I disagree. Aimed shot as it is mechanic wise is fine. Any Adjustment to it would break PvP at level 60. Why? Why would I bother to use anything else when I have an At will that can crit for 16-17k with a perfect vorpal. At 93feet range.

    The way it is right now puts it on the player to understand when and when to not use the skill. The key to the HR will always be positioning, More so than any other class.

    Sounds like something a developer might say.
    An AT-WILL by it's name means you can use it AT-WILL!!!
    There's no knowing when and when not to about using an AT-WILL, you use it AT-WILL!!!
    Knowing when and when not to use a skill is what DAILIES and ENCOUNTERS are for.
    Go for the eyes, Boo! GO FOR THE EYES!!!
    (Where's a Miniature Giant Space Hamster when you need one?)
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