in before we're stupid noobs that paid 200 dollars for a game... 3.2.1....
furushuMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Please ban people not wanting the wipe.
marksteeleMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
personally I think the game will loose a lot of players. If you don't wipe you loose the hardcore highspender players who put a lot of money into the game and will prolly keep doing so. If you do wipe, you loose the casual hoard, sure they might only put $10 on but there's a lot of em. It's loose loose for PW.
am I being trolled? or are you serious... hard to tell with the kind of people I have been up against...
Serious this time. To many good threads disappearing due to all the moaning about the same thing..
But fret not young one! One day you will be trolled by Nepht, one day everyone gets trolled by Nepht...well except those that play LOL...hates that game I do it smells of cabbage U_U"
Serious this time. To many good threads disappearing due to all the moaning about the same thing..
But fret not young one! One day you will be trolled by Nepht, one day everyone gets trolled by Nepht...well except those that play LOL...hates that game I do it smells of cabbage U_U"
I quit LoL one day when my friend says to me on skype with "Why do we login to this stressful game?" and I couldn't answer.
If they said they are not going to wipe then what is your problem? Seriously just stop reading the forums then. They are entitled to their opinion just as anyone. Can it get annoying? maybe so from both sides but you have the choice to read forum threads or not.
Absolutely, anyone not wanting a wipe probably made nice gains from the AD exploit.
All The Best
I don't want a wipe because I hate grinding to level 60 all over again. Everyone has the thing they care about, and mine was the hours I invested in that. I can always pour more money into AD or whatever, but there's no Chinese offering to level me while I'm at work -_-
in before we're stupid noobs that paid 200 dollars for a game... 3.2.1....
You should have started counting 3 second before you hit the purchase are waaay late to count now
I say the amount of money, or when you purchased the game has no bearing on your being a silly whiny teen with an opinion, and the will to want it enforced by others.
There are those that pre-ordered I know and spend hundreds of dollars, and they aren't 'stupid noobs' you act as if that is what makes you are one for VARIOUS other reasons, but not that one.
I don't want a wipe because I hate grinding to level 60 all over again. Everyone has the thing they care about, and mine was the hours I invested in that. I can always pour more money into AD or whatever, but there's no Chinese offering to level me while I'm at work -_-
Come on man, you know those people don't know what work is. It's all done on mommy's credit card. One day she'll cut the chord, and they'll be forced to evaluate whether their time is worth anything or not. In the mean time, nobody's time means anything.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
If they said they are not going to wipe then what is your problem? Seriously just stop reading the forums then. They are entitled to their opinion just as anyone. Can it get annoying? maybe so from both sides but you have the choice to read forum threads or not.
I quit LoL one day when my friend says to me on skype with "Why do we login to this stressful game?" and I couldn't answer.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. This is the core issue, often, and it would be worth remembering.
That said, it's a separate issue from the fact that when a game is dying, the official forums often become a metagame that is more fun than the game itself, and often considerably cheaper. It happened to SWTOR, and maybe it's happening to NW already. Watching the idiot pollyannas (it's not just a river in Egypt, kids) versus the kneejerk prophets of doom is quite good theatre on occasion
I am speechless at some people who are still fans. Exploits after exploits after exploits (more coming maybe?). Class balancing is a joke for pvp and pve. All this and people are very "happy" with Cryptic and making "Thank you" threads and finding them meaningful?
I admit gameplay is good but seriously you guys are a little too easily pleased. At this rate, the next game Cryptic makes wont even have any Quality control because "majority" of us will be so grateful and thankful. Let us all be the guinea pigs that test it for them and pays them for it too.
Watching the idiot pollyannas (it's not just a river in Egypt, kids) versus the kneejerk prophets of doom is quite good theatre on occasion
Why do you think I'm on the forums right now? It beats compiling my source code here Maybe I'll leave out a signed integer check on some part of the software just to see if QA here picks it up, then open a forum for our software, lol.
That's why my bf hates playing a healer for me. He knows if he keeps letting me die I'm gonna smack him inna dingding.
I was the healer..he was the rogue. He failed to stunlock so many times I refused to make him dinner for a few nights. Wife powa <o>
I am speechless at some people who are still fans. Exploits after exploits after exploits (more coming maybe?). Class balancing is a joke for pvp and pve. All this and people are very "happy" with Cryptic and making "Thank you" threads and finding them meaningful?
I admit gameplay is good but seriously you guys are a little too easily pleased. At this rate, the next game Cryptic makes wont even have any Quality control because "majority" of us will be so grateful and thankful. Let us all be the guinea pigs that test it for them and pays them for it too.
I think it is because many of us have either dealt with this type of thing before due to past mmos or we are just patient. As you can see by the forum, many people are not. Also..class balancing will happen. Each patch that has come out has dealt with critical fixes. I bet you there will be a LARGE class balance patch coming out. However, it takes patience to wait for it. Which, once more..several people on this forum do not have.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
voqarMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
People are entitled to opinions even if you don't agree with them.
IMO this game needs/needed a real open beta with a trial on cash shop and a full wipe.
There have been several major exploits so far, there are still features that aren't implemented or that are very buggy, and new issues are getting introduced regularly with patches.
This game is basically live and a mess - if there is no wipe and cash shop charges are final you are live. The "open beta" tag is just a joke they use as an excuse for the issues this live game is having.
The biggest issue to me is that it shows that the company doesn't really care about players or the quality of their game. All they care about is money.
The fact that people exploited to 60 and never got punished, or the economy exploits, and all the bugs and issues - they don't care. Just buy zen. It'll all be ok - for PWI.
This game has enough serious issues that it should've had a real open beta and none of the problems would've matter.
I'm not sure they matter anyways. This is a mediocre at best game that most of the people, like this OP, won't be playing in 3 months.
Look at the number of people that are level 60 and pushing 2nd tier endgame within a week of release. What kind of MMO is going to keep people for more than a couple of months where you can beat it within one week. It's a joke.
Update 5:15 PM Pacific: We have most of the information in-hand, but are waiting on a few final details to determine our plan of action. To clarify one thing I've seen around on Twitter, whatever we ultimately decide to do, a full character wipe will not happen. We're doing everything we can to minimize the impact of this fix, so that it changes what must change, but not much else. Thank you all for your patience, we appreciate it and will have you back in-game as soon as possible
To clarify: A full character wipe, from the dawn of time, is not on the table. There'd be no reason to go that far back.
That won't happen. We understand players have invested time in their characters, and we'll work to minimize the impact.
Whatever ends up happening, complete wipes are off the table, and we'll work to minimize the impact while fixing the issue.
We eventually intend to merge the shards into one, so we have to deal with the issue, unfortunately. Not a bad idea, though.
I am speechless at some people who are still fans. Exploits after exploits after exploits (more coming maybe?). Class balancing is a joke for pvp and pve. All this and people are very "happy" with Cryptic and making "Thank you" threads and finding them meaningful?
I admit gameplay is good but seriously you guys are a little too easily pleased. At this rate, the next game Cryptic makes wont even have any Quality control because "majority" of us will be so grateful and thankful. Let us all be the guinea pigs that test it for them and pays them for it too.
You know why I'm so 'easily pleased' as you put it? Because its a game.
Not my car, or my house, or my plumbing, or machines I need to work..its a recreational game that is non essential to my life.
I enjoy a game, I play it...I don't I log out..and find another one.
Am I thankful or grateful for the game? not really..again, its a game.
But am I outraged about anything the devs do? not really..again, its a game. I can choose to go "Im tired of this..hit uninstall"
Wait closed? how so? because you quoted things about no wipe? thats was already established before you posted.
The topic at hand about banning people you didn't want to see posts from, and the reason you posted still isn't resolved.
Or did you just hope to sweep that topic under the rug with a smug hope no one remembers the actual subject matter of the post?
I was the healer..he was the rogue. He failed to stunlock so many times I refused to make him dinner for a few nights. Wife powa <o>
He usually plays support characters of one form or another, and is USUALLY pretty good at it. At least up until it's me being a character that needs healing and him being a healer. Then I end up dying and just staring at him, and he kind of sheepishly shifts around in his chair and mumbles an apology.
He's trying to get better though, so I don't smack him TOO much...
Serious this time. To many good threads disappearing due to all the moaning about the same thing..
But fret not young one! One day you will be trolled by Nepht, one day everyone gets trolled by Nepht...well except those that play LOL...hates that game I do it smells of cabbage U_U"
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
"Man". Heh.
Absolutely, anyone not wanting a wipe probably made nice gains from the AD exploit.
All The Best
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I quit LoL one day when my friend says to me on skype with "Why do we login to this stressful game?" and I couldn't answer.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
One thing though it is couldn't care could care less implies you still have a little bit of caring for the situation
I don't want a wipe because I hate grinding to level 60 all over again. Everyone has the thing they care about, and mine was the hours I invested in that. I can always pour more money into AD or whatever, but there's no Chinese offering to level me while I'm at work -_-
I say the amount of money, or when you purchased the game has no bearing on your being a silly whiny teen with an opinion, and the will to want it enforced by others.
There are those that pre-ordered I know and spend hundreds of dollars, and they aren't 'stupid noobs' you act as if that is what makes you are one for VARIOUS other reasons, but not that one.
It is stressful. Played LoL for like 3 hours and when my husband came into my "lair of nerdness" I rage kicked him in the bawls .
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
Sounds like when I tried doing Arena in WoW with my husband as my partner. He let me die..alot.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
Come on man, you know those people don't know what work is. It's all done on mommy's credit card. One day she'll cut the chord, and they'll be forced to evaluate whether their time is worth anything or not. In the mean time, nobody's time means anything.
because...he's following this rule
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. This is the core issue, often, and it would be worth remembering.
That said, it's a separate issue from the fact that when a game is dying, the official forums often become a metagame that is more fun than the game itself, and often considerably cheaper. It happened to SWTOR, and maybe it's happening to NW already. Watching the idiot pollyannas (it's not just a river in Egypt, kids) versus the kneejerk prophets of doom is quite good theatre on occasion
I admit gameplay is good but seriously you guys are a little too easily pleased. At this rate, the next game Cryptic makes wont even have any Quality control because "majority" of us will be so grateful and thankful. Let us all be the guinea pigs that test it for them and pays them for it too.
Why do you think I'm on the forums right now? It beats compiling my source code here
That's why my bf hates playing a healer for me. He knows if he keeps letting me die I'm gonna smack him inna dingding.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
IMO this game needs/needed a real open beta with a trial on cash shop and a full wipe.
There have been several major exploits so far, there are still features that aren't implemented or that are very buggy, and new issues are getting introduced regularly with patches.
This game is basically live and a mess - if there is no wipe and cash shop charges are final you are live. The "open beta" tag is just a joke they use as an excuse for the issues this live game is having.
The biggest issue to me is that it shows that the company doesn't really care about players or the quality of their game. All they care about is money.
The fact that people exploited to 60 and never got punished, or the economy exploits, and all the bugs and issues - they don't care. Just buy zen. It'll all be ok - for PWI.
This game has enough serious issues that it should've had a real open beta and none of the problems would've matter.
I'm not sure they matter anyways. This is a mediocre at best game that most of the people, like this OP, won't be playing in 3 months.
Look at the number of people that are level 60 and pushing 2nd tier endgame within a week of release. What kind of MMO is going to keep people for more than a couple of months where you can beat it within one week. It's a joke.
/closed thread
You know why I'm so 'easily pleased' as you put it? Because its a game.
Not my car, or my house, or my plumbing, or machines I need to work..its a recreational game that is non essential to my life.
I enjoy a game, I play it...I don't I log out..and find another one.
Am I thankful or grateful for the game? not really..again, its a game.
But am I outraged about anything the devs do? not really..again, its a game. I can choose to go "Im tired of this..hit uninstall"
Wait closed? how so? because you quoted things about no wipe? thats was already established before you posted.
The topic at hand about banning people you didn't want to see posts from, and the reason you posted still isn't resolved.
Or did you just hope to sweep that topic under the rug with a smug hope no one remembers the actual subject matter of the post?
He usually plays support characters of one form or another, and is USUALLY pretty good at it. At least up until it's me being a character that needs healing and him being a healer. Then I end up dying and just staring at him, and he kind of sheepishly shifts around in his chair and mumbles an apology.
He's trying to get better though, so I don't smack him TOO much...
I'm not paying attention to what you're arguing about, but I love that youtube video and have now bookmarked it.