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Do you want Strongholds to receive a 5th Boon Structure slot?

kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
edited April 2017 in Player Feedback (PC)

In the middle of Page 2 of this thread HERE, good sir @lazaroth666 says the following:

Is there any chance to add another plot in the stronghold that allow us to build a 5th boon structure?

Look, we have a problem. Our stronghold is already maxed in the whole PvE part and a couple of PvP structures, the rest are completely useless for us (PvP towers i.e). Is it possible to use any of these plots for anything non-PvP? We need a currency sink for shards since we have too many of them, almost in the maximum possible even with 2 warehouses. (Knowing this community... Yes, we are already sending some resources that we don't longer need to other guilds in our alliance).

Which, I personally, think is a phenomenal idea and one in which would be awesome for all Guilds in NW! :wink:

The response was as follows:
asterdahl said:

I can say that the current arrangement wherein you must choose a limited number of structures compared to the available slots was the intent of the original design as some have pointed out. It was intended to create some friction, deliberation and community back-and-forth. I can also say that we will not be adding additional boon structure slots in this module. The future is not set in stone though, so please continue to make your voices heard if this is something you feel strongly about.

If you were counting the fact that level 20 guilds no longer have any structures to upgrade as the second point, I would say that we are aware of this. Certainly temporary structures and guild alliances are intended to alleviate the issue so that your members can continue to earn guild marks. We do evaluate the possibility of adding new ranks against the number of guilds who have reached rank 20. However, there are other areas of concern such as the strength of guild boons and expectations surrounding those if new ranks were to be added, etc. Similarly to the first point, if you would really like to see new stronghold ranks be added, please continue to make your voice heard. We do hear you and your feedback is appreciated.

So, the point of this post is to make our all our voices heard, loud and clear... We want a 5th Boon Plot! At least I do, so I voted...


Do you want Strongholds to receive a 5th Boon Structure slot? 172 votes

hmdq#4491rlima18kacezetvasiamen1mich4malakut#1916sorce#8115checkmatein3santralafaxsilverkelturabasksyxooookolatmasterbeckylunaticthestiasobacelvira111cust0mxnymerosvalsmigera 120 votes
Meh. Doeasn't really matter to me...
panteleeleezebularlordseth1985arabatursmulchskuggros1nocnykevinblu3armyxxxhansolxxxelmoregemstonechemjeffhammbo1969pandoratanakapredador94sigillmacfinntheovercharged94 16 votes
Not at all, we're good with what we got.
nisckismynaamniteingaledefiantone99kozi001tripsofthrymrregenerdepteriaskalindramamalion1234oria1gangrulhadestemplar#9918vida44fontanaelunaeszejhuludpuchaczlitaaerstenetombdread4moortntslayer1 36 votes


  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    @nitocris83 @asterdahl @mimicking#6533 : Ya'll might want to pay attention to this thread! ;)

    @lazaroth666 @thefabricant @niadan : Ya'll may want spread the word far and wide to vote! ;)

  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    PS - Yes I know I added an "A" to "Doesn't" in the 2nd vote option, but I can't figure out how to edit the Poll answers so...

  • twitchdigit1twitchdigit1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 62 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    The Starks are finishing our last boon to 10 finally, and my guild wants another boon after that, but we'd have to destroy one to get another...so yes please, another boon structure!
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    Additional boon plot? Can I vote twice?
    Hell damn HAMSTER YEssssssss!
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    For those voting 'Not at all...', would you mind explaining why you voted 'Not at all...'? Just curious, thanks! :)
    Post edited by kolatmaster on
  • edited April 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    Another boon plot would only increase diversity and options (that is a good thing), and I honestly have a hard time seeing any negative aspects at all, besides adding a little work for the Cryptic coders...
  • sobacsobac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 453 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    As i said in other thread, can't see any CON why not to add one slot more. Devs lately love see us grind, so, why not? HAMSTER, we are not asking for free boon.
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    To be VERY CLEAR about what the true issue here is:

    We need more boon plots (at least one more) so that hard grinding dedicated guildies can have the boon choice that fits their individual characters.

    For example, there are several members of my most totally awesome guild that would like to have access to the HP boon. But since we have no more plots, that cannot happen. Giving us a new plot will not change game balance. Giving us a new plot does not take away the grind that we all sooo love. Giving us a new plot quite frankly is the sensible thing to do. Voting no without sound arguments why, in my opinion is just trolling.
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    I have no issues with them adding another boon slot, not that my guild is going to be anywhere near it anytime soon. We just got to level 12, so.... But I have no issues with other guilds having the slot available.
  • vida44vida44 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 667 Arc User
    Not at all, we're good with what we got.
    All of those that chose the Temple and now don't have Explorer's boon and vice versa will probably vote YES on this. I'm fine with the choices we have and I don't think all of the options should be unlocked. And besides there are 5 boon buildings in total that are worth building.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    I would question the logic of exactly why they want some friction with boon choices. What it actually does is separate people into guilds of different focus rather than allowing a pve focused guild to cater for the needs of those who like to pvp and vice versa.

    There are already choices in which boons to go for first and guilds are usually limited to those for many months. I have no issue with guilds eventually opening up all of the boons, not doing so does not add anything to the guild experience.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

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    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • fizgigtiznalkie#4436 fizgigtiznalkie Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    I get the fact you have to choose is a good discussion point and limiting makes you make sacrifices, but in reality you're choosing which players to screw and some things change end game. I'd say that you can only use 1 at a time is a good enough limiter.

    Either the mastercrafters get left out, the pvp-ers get left out, certain classes are favored, etc.

    We've already had a bit of friction where we did the defense boon before HP because slightly more people wanted it, and now pretty much everyone doesn't need the defense boon... all the tanks have plenty of defense and some are actually trying to dump some, and it doesn't make sense with enemies with armor pen to add 10% defense to a squishy DPS if it's all ignored due to 15% armor pen on some end game enemies, the HP was the way to go.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited April 2017

    I get the fact you have to choose is a good discussion point and limiting makes you make sacrifices, but in reality you're choosing which players to screw and some things change end game. I'd say that you can only use 1 at a time is a good enough limiter.

    Either the mastercrafters get left out, the pvp-ers get left out, certain classes are favored, etc.

    We've already had a bit of friction where we did the defense boon before HP because slightly more people wanted it, and now pretty much everyone doesn't need the defense boon... all the tanks have plenty of defense and some are actually trying to dump some, and it doesn't make sense with enemies with armor pen to add 10% defense to a squishy DPS if it's all ignored due to 15% armor pen on some end game enemies, the HP was the way to go.

    Assassin's Covenant - For PvE, for DPS, defense is better just because of the "MOAR POWA" aspect.
    Tell them that.
  • safespacecadet#3341 safespacecadet Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    Don't you get enough extra power from guilds already? I want all boons to be reflected in item level like they were in gear score. Augment companions should also figure into item level. Basically, everything that makes you more powerful should be reflected in Item Level. Maybe have to change the name, but that's okay too.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited April 2017

    micky1p00 said:

    I get the fact you have to choose is a good discussion point and limiting makes you make sacrifices, but in reality you're choosing which players to screw and some things change end game. I'd say that you can only use 1 at a time is a good enough limiter.

    Either the mastercrafters get left out, the pvp-ers get left out, certain classes are favored, etc.

    We've already had a bit of friction where we did the defense boon before HP because slightly more people wanted it, and now pretty much everyone doesn't need the defense boon... all the tanks have plenty of defense and some are actually trying to dump some, and it doesn't make sense with enemies with armor pen to add 10% defense to a squishy DPS if it's all ignored due to 15% armor pen on some end game enemies, the HP was the way to go.

    Assassin's Covenant - For PvE, for DPS, defense is better just because of the "MOAR POWA" aspect.
    Tell them that.
    @micky1p00 what about those of us who want HP for Aura of Courage rather than defense for Covenant?

    Defense boon gives 800 power, in a party with a good cleric I have more than 160k power, defense boon is marginal, where as hp boon is a significant increase to my hp and thus a significant boost to AoC damage. In my opinion, in my specific circumstances, the HP boon is a greater dps increase then defense boon. Furthermore, those dps could use lifesteal instead of defense to get covenant as well, it isn't limited to just the defense boon.

    For dps, arguments can be made for both boons.
    Well, they have the defense and not the HP. No idea about LS. Just provided the half full glass aspect for what they have.

    Luckily for me personally, our great, just, and benevolent guild leader made all the options, HP, defense and LS.
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Reporting results to date on community report :)
  • nisckisnisckis Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 655 Arc User
    Not at all, we're good with what we got.
    Personally I'm with @asterdahl , having to choose as a guild which boons to get because you can't get them all is cool.

    Of course I'm not against the possibility of being able to buy all boons, but... yes, I don't want to farm any more...
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!

    Reporting results to date on community report :)

  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    Yes, Yes, Yes Thank You!
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    YES! YES!! YES!!!

    The reason I could vote no is basically in asterdahl's reply: You shouldn't be able to get everything possible. Making choices is part of living. I haven't voted, cuz your poll lacks the option "Other, please specify".

    Would I object to higher ranking buildings, as asterdahl's presents as an alternative? Not really, but we must be careful not to make these boons too powerful, as asterdahl rightfully fears. The problem with this suggestion is that you'll end up with the same issue all over again at a later time. It's not a permanent solution, unless you want a boon that gives 20k power eventually. Bit overkill in my opinion. And it seems that asterdahl agrees with that. Temporary buildings would help, but they have to be worth it in order to be built.

    Nor is another boon plot the only solution to this issue. For example; you could put in a store for the mimic's currency. Add a couple of nice items like mounts, special fashion, enchantments and whatnot. Have a lottery, or in-game event to give them away. Or perhaps a seal discount if you spent certain currency. You could also consider allowing donations from one mimic to another one within your alliance. There's more than 1 way that leads to Rome.

    All this really boils down to is forcing guilds that want the more effective boons to not take the explorer's guild. So instead of building it themselves they just have their members temporarily join another guild in their alliance (on alts) that has it during 2x professions events. That means that you can really can have everything that matters already you just have to jump through some hoops every few months.

    micky1p00 said:

    I get the fact you have to choose is a good discussion point and limiting makes you make sacrifices, but in reality you're choosing which players to screw and some things change end game. I'd say that you can only use 1 at a time is a good enough limiter.

    Either the mastercrafters get left out, the pvp-ers get left out, certain classes are favored, etc.

    We've already had a bit of friction where we did the defense boon before HP because slightly more people wanted it, and now pretty much everyone doesn't need the defense boon... all the tanks have plenty of defense and some are actually trying to dump some, and it doesn't make sense with enemies with armor pen to add 10% defense to a squishy DPS if it's all ignored due to 15% armor pen on some end game enemies, the HP was the way to go.

    Assassin's Covenant - For PvE, for DPS, defense is better just because of the "MOAR POWA" aspect.
    Tell them that.
    @micky1p00 what about those of us who want HP for Aura of Courage rather than defense for Covenant?

    Defense boon gives 800 power, in a party with a good cleric I have more than 160k power, defense boon is marginal, where as hp boon is a significant increase to my hp and thus a significant boost to AoC damage. In my opinion, in my specific circumstances, the HP boon is a greater dps increase then defense boon. Furthermore, those dps could use lifesteal instead of defense to get covenant as well, it isn't limited to just the defense boon.

    For dps, arguments can be made for both boons.
    Assassin's covenant also counts towards power sharing on DC so you could make that argument too. Although even that is so small it's kind of pointless.
    Post edited by urabask on
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    Thanks for the yes vote @urabask
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    I suppose my answer would be more of a soft "well, why not?" than an emphatic "yes!"

    I gave my reasons why I don't think this is in the devs' plans before (forcing the choice). If you can convince them that it's good idea, more power to you. I don't have any objections to it whatsoever, only think you've got your work cut out for you getting them to consider it.
    urabask said:

    All this really boils down to is forcing guilds that want the more effective boons to not take the explorer's guild. So instead of building it themselves they just have their members temporarily join another guild in their alliance (on alts) that has it during 2x professions events. That means that you can really can have everything that matters already you just have to jump through some hoops every few months.

    Pretty much this, though the guild with Explorer boon will now require substantially more investment for it to work. But it's already possible for individuals to "have it all" as often as it really matters. Provided they're willing to cooperate to that degree, anyway. Alliances served to make it far easier to collaborate on a project like that regardless.

    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    The issue becomes an issue when you are in the guild that has the Explorer's Boon. Great for the Alliance, and I would not want it not to be great for those alliance or guild members that need the benefits of the structure.
  • lazaroth666lazaroth666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    Some guilds are having a lot of issues when trying to build their barracks due to the lack of conqueror's shards. It is a bottleneck since the stronghold requires a certain number of structures before you are able to upgrade the guild hall to the next level. By adding a 5th slot, you can build every other structure and meet the requirements, allowing you to build the whole stronghold faster and leaving Barracks as the last structure so you can build it when you want, not when you have to.
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  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!

    Another fine example of why adding a 5th Boon plot makes perfect sense.
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    YES! YES!! YES!!!
    niadan said:

    To be VERY CLEAR about what the true issue here is:

    We need more boon plots (at least one more) so that hard grinding dedicated guildies can have the boon choice that fits their individual characters.

    For example, there are several members of my most totally awesome guild that would like to have access to the HP boon. But since we have no more plots, that cannot happen. Giving us a new plot will not change game balance. Giving us a new plot does not take away the grind that we all sooo love. Giving us a new plot quite frankly is the sensible thing to do. Voting no without sound arguments why, in my opinion is just trolling.

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