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Would you like the Lostmauth's Set being adjusted?



  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User

    It's what the dictionary say.

    Actually the term exploit, exploitation, exploiter have multiple meanings, you actually took the one you wanted to and posted it.

    verb (used with object)
    to utilize, especially for profit; turn to practical account:
    to exploit a business opportunity.
    to use selfishly for one's own ends:
    employers who exploit their workers.
    to advance or further through exploitation; promote:
    He exploited his new movie through a series of guest appearances.

    However, to claim someone is exploiting the game for a dev created item, that they have so far chosen not to adjust, is a pretty far stretch.

    Exploiters in this game were the ones using powers that could glitch in totality bosses, skip large chunks of maps (not just small mob packs.. I mean 50% of maps) and/or using items that generated tons of ill gotten AD (probably the VERY worst of the exploiters)

    This reference you are making doesn't match true exploitation of a game. This is like claiming that those using roar in the old days for pvp, or deep gash .. or HR roots or blah blah blah power was a exploiter.. it simply wasnt the case.

    Your vastly overstating the term.

  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    My only issue with Lostmauth is that it's the only set of any worth. Now levelling up a CW after running 1.5 yrs with a GF and a GWF. And the advice I get is that I need to level up a third Lostmauth set! I understand why, but jeesh.
  • luks707luks707 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    The set needs to be adjusted. It can't be that one set gives the biggest boost over everything else. However you need to make sure other sets are more attractive and existing classes remain viable.
  • drakenmonkdrakenmonk Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    This and bonding stones are hurting there bottom line:
    • Someone with 2k and Bonding Rank 12s can out dps someone with 3k and a stone, eventhough both cost about the same to get. This makes a very cheap and easy way for someone to get a huge boost. There whole free to play system is based on grinding to get more power/dps slowly. So this is counterproductive to there bottom line. Why should I grind and stay in the game when after I get Bonding 3 x12 I can pretty much solo most of the content.
    • The lost set is better then every other set for dps, so once you get one your set and there is no reason to ever change. Every bit of gear you get from them on does not really increase your damage nearly as much as the LOL set. So basically from that point on, its all just little disappointments. Not a great way to keep people, you are basically devaluing every other set/items (except maybe bonding stones).
  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User
    Its more about balance than nerf itself. What i would like to see elol set dealing only weap dmg, not scaling with buffs. Would make sense at least. Also would stop power creep we have right now, at least to an extend.

    Another thing i would like to see is Val set getting +15% dmg on CC immune targets (poor pvp gwfs, poor bosses) Imperial set getting boost (something like wheel, but less effective, for every hit here should be one additional hit for 4% of that hit, so bascily 4% boost to overall dmg) Lathander set working more like old sf, so upon dying we get auto ress with 60% hp, and 3s immune or so, also after every ress we get boost to hp like it works now) and so go on.


  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    One of the issues I have.. if they do IN FACT balance this out. is lost RP (again ARRRCGH) impacting having to switch toons around for maximum benefit.

    Im so sick and tired of this loss of RP.. when its not warranted, just give us 100% back on these items already.
  • cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    No, because it's about the way you build and play your class. Crit builds with Vorpal it benefits the most. For cookie-cutter, "follow this guide or else players", it's definitely going to be BiS. But if you are not worried about paingiver all the toher sets are viable for twhat they do.

    I run every class... and the sets I run are:

    TR (Imperial, because I had the full set before Lostmauth came out, and I don't play it much anymore, but it works well in PVP, not that good in PVE)
    DC (Lathandar with Soulforge, Eye to res people if far way, tanky, and if I do go down massive group heal onres)
    GF (Seldarine and Loatmauth - use the Seldarine for the Heals... PVP, use the eLoL almost never as I'm not high crit)
    CW (Lostmauth and BlackIce - eLoL IS BiS for CW, but Arp Builds I play with seem to do more damage with BI... still in testing, I want the owlbear companion to really test)
    GWF (Lostmauth, no real other option)
    Paladin (Lathandar = super tanky.. I just out last)
    SW (Seldarine, life steal and deflect is really nice, using the Fabled set.. *grin*)
    HR (Valindra's and Lostmauth - although Lostmauth should be the best set for my HR, as trapper it is not... extra DPS is minimal)

    So there is no doubt that Lostmauth does give people more DPS... but depending on Game play.. .the other sets without buffs are still more than viable, and in my case preferred.. PVP and PVE.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited January 2016

    I hope I'm not exploiting the dictionary. :D
    Fact is if people want to glitch a boss I don't lose anything. If people use glitches for articiallly boosting their toons and the moan like babies inside the forums because the game 'it's too easy' than it directly affect me that I don't use glitches nor spend tons of money to boost the toon beyond rationality. That's what I call exploiting, make you artificially better while I pay the consequences for not following your bad behavior. And we know what has it delivered, a mass escape and the game almost dead (Mod 6). Since I like this game and I want it alive for the time being I hope everything gets a fix so people will actually be able to properly play and spend their money with confidence.
    If they win a bos through glitch why should I care?

    x Zeke: If it's all that simple I really don't understand why they haven't done it before. It's just easier to balance DPS by buffing a Capstone instead of lose every control with 'this or that' set, with some GWFs performing and some others underperforming. Some (many?) maybe don't even know the existence of a particular set or how much it can affect their DPS.

    Imperial need a 400% DPS boost, I concur about the Valindra set but 15% is too much if we consider the LM nerf. No set should buff more than 10% damage (best case) in my opinion, LM included.

    The usage of "facts" really ticks me off, so I think I'll give the dictionary a try:

    Fact (noun) - "a thing that is indisputably the case."
    o·pin·ion (noun) - "a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge."

    Fact is if people want to glitch a boss I don't lose anything.

    Lets assume some base figures for elol (they for example), lets assume horn drop rate of 0.1% and success rate for parties to complete it at 50%. And lets assume 4k runs total per day (server wide)

    Lets assume 2 scenarios, the first no exploitable bugs in elol:

    With 4k runs at 50% success and 0.1% drop rate we will get 2 drops per day, lets assume half goes to sale, so we get one listed per day, and it's a wanted artifact so it costs 1mil AD.

    The second scenario is that there is a bug that allows a player to see what loot I will get and to instantly kill the bosses and finish the dungeon:

    Lets assume 75% exploiters, in this case:

    1k runs at 50% success rate and 0.1% drop rate: 0.5 horns per day.
    3k runs at 100% sucess rate and 100% drop rate (I know before hand if it drops or not): 3k horns per day.

    Ohhh I have a feeling that the AH will be overflowed with something, 3k horns per day = 100 AD per horn (in a good case, look briar books for reference)

    So, now as a non exploiter and a heavy farmer I run 20 elols per day, I'll get 1 drop per 100 days (on avarage)
    Lets assume I'm a good player with a good premade so the success rate for me personally (without effect on global success rate) is 100%
    I'll get one on average pr 50 days. In the first example I get 1mil AD after heavy grinding per 50 days.
    In the second I get 100AD.

    I would say this affected me ' a bit'
    Hypothetical me just lost 999900AD, lets not call it "I don't loose anything"

    Completing a dungeon should merit a reward relative to it's difficulty, and not spoiled by "ahh no problem I got 100 of those by jumping here and there and pulling a door"


    In any case, this set should go away, and not all the rest buffed, reworking class balance around specific item is just wrong ( and I hope it's understood why)
    it's silly that some AoE encounters do the same or higher damage for single target than encounters that meant for it (for example smoke bomb over lashing blade) only due to elol set ticks.
    And yet, classes should be balanced at the same time and with some thought about how they scale with the gear now and future gear, and not nerf elol set now, work on the classes in 2 years, and power creep meanwhile.

    Also lets not pretend the classes are balanced, and in the same breath rate them by damage and utility. Classes are not balanced, when one dps class can decisively outdps properly specced another dps class with at least 10 mil more AD investment in gear (+- 3k to 4k), something is not balanced.
  • cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    micky1p00 said:

    Also lets not pretend the classes are balanced, and in the same breath rate them by damage and utility. Classes are not balanced, when one dps class can decisively outdps properly specced another dps class with at least 10 mil more AD investment in gear (+- 3k to 4k), something is not balanced.

    So what you are saying is that different classes should all be the same, but different?

    Class balance has nothing to do with item level.

    A CW should not be a tank. A GWF should not be a healer. etc, etc.
    Or to simplfiy... because one DPS can out DPS another DPS class with inferior item level, does not mean there is imbalance. It means they are doing what their class is supposed to do. The statement about lack of class balance based on item levels, would be suggesting that all classes do the same based on item level.

    This may not be what you wanted to say... or maybe it is... but if it is... then what's the point of having different classes?

    Here is how I see them:

    Control Wizards have with High burst and sustained DPS, with moderate Control.
    Great Weapon Fighters have Critical sustained and burst DPS.
    Trickster Rouges have Critcal Evasion and moderate-to-high DPS.
    Paladins have Critical Heals, High-to-Critical-tankiness with low-to-moderate burst DPS.
    Guardian Fighters have Moderate Buffs/Debuffs and Moderate tankiness with moderate burst DPS.
    Hunter Rangers have High Control with Moderate-to-high DPS
    Devoted Clerics have High Heals to High Buffs/Debuffs
    Scourge Warlocks have High-to-critical Brokeness with Critical glitch damage

    When you look at them for what they are... The way this set works makes sense.

  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User

    A farming approach to the game isn't something healthy from my POV, but let's not talk about 'personal interests' (you farm to sell) but what it's good for everyone.

    Start is always tough. We farm what we can to progress, we progress to farm faster, farm faster and to progress even faster. So we can take on next challenge.

    All about MMORPG games r... is CONSTANT PROGRESSION, endless grind (just new lvles added on top of old ones, sometimes covered with nice storyline, sometimes with reactive challenge system, sometimes not covered at all). If u play game for a year and u cant even get to newest content, coz "too hard", while others, with same experience, in time of ur failed attept can finish it 5 times (without exploits, i mean those true exploits like glitching boss to fail) U r the one who is doing horrible bad, its not they fault that u r stubborn in ur choices.

    Problem is, MMORPG is all about farming, go kill 100 gobins for next lvl, go kill 200 goblins, maybe one will drop nice sword. Go kill that bigass boss, he will drop one weap for whole 30-man raid, do it 150 times, still no weap for u? oh look u have that weap on AH. If u have problem with this "non-healthy approach"... drop MMO.

    So yes, we want progressing faster, we want to see results, thats the whole point of MMORPG


  • rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User

    So to get back the developers freedom to make new sets, the Lostmauth set needs to be brought back in line.

    I do agree with this. For the progression model in this game to work properly it would be wise. Or you'll find bored players in MoD9 with nothing to work for still wearing the the lostmauth set and still wearing lvl 60 sets.

    We can pretend.
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    - Dylan Thomas
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User

    x silverkelt: They aren't supposed to make it trash, just fix it. If you gain 10% more DPS it will be still your top choice so you don't lose anyhing. No one is asking to make it trash.

    x micky1p00: If they drop more pieces, those will lower in price. Not bad for players (until Cryptic will tune it to drop less, in that case I agree with you but that move would be a bit evil). Glitches and exploits are always bad in the end, I agree.
    A farming approach to the game isn't something healthy from my POV, but let's not talk about 'personal interests' (you farm to sell) but what it's good for everyone.
    It's explicit from devs that they don't want you to 'farm for selling' (T2 stuff bind to account, low drop rates, etc. their message seems pretty clear to me).

    They should nerf this to balance things out, I don't want the set to be trash nor people get burned, just balance. Still benefit with balance. This will directly affect class balance and then they can work on issues on solid ground.

    1. Devs are irrelevant you said it wont affect you, I pointed that it will.
    2. MMOs are based on farming something:

  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited January 2016

    Trickster Rouges have Critcal Evasion and moderate-to-high DPS.

    Critical evasion... Sounds like something to write over a tombstone: "A nice class, critically evaded properly scaling class mechanic, RIP"
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User

    micky1p00 said:

    Also lets not pretend the classes are balanced, and in the same breath rate them by damage and utility. Classes are not balanced, when one dps class can decisively outdps properly specced another dps class with at least 10 mil more AD investment in gear (+- 3k to 4k), something is not balanced.

    So what you are saying is that different classes should all be the same, but different?

    Class balance has nothing to do with item level.

    This may not be what you wanted to say... or maybe it is... but if it is... then what's the point of having different classes?

    What she is saying is that Lostmauth makes one DPS class at 3k out-damage another at 4k not using the set. And that's quite severely unbalanced.
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  • grabmooregrabmoore Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    I voted no. I spent a large amount of AD getting this set and upgrading it, so that I could do a ton of damage. I would like other sets to be buffed, or new sets added that are on-par with what the Lostmauth set can do.

    Yeah, right. Buffing your ego is surely the best reason for this set to stay...

    It's not working correctly, you know this.

    That means you like to play imbalanced stuff just to feel superior to people not able to afford it.
    You farmed your stuff, so you can be proud now? No, you used leadership or any other cheap method to gain an amount of AD new players can only dream of. These times are over and no one deserves to get +25% damage sets anymore.
    (I did not use curse words, disregarding someones achievements should be allowed, right?)
    john6522 said:

    If you don't like grinding.. Why play an MMO?

    The whole point is to better your character for higher content.. Which NWO severely lacks. I can see the reasoning for not grinding in its current state where no content requires 2500+ besides PvP.

    People do not complain about the set being grindy to get. The devs wanted to remove "big set boni" back in Mod 6. Lostmauth-Set is the complete opposite. Buffing the other sets isn't an option for the reason you mentioned. It would further trivialize the current content.

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  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    grabmoore said:

    kreatyve said:

    I voted no. I spent a large amount of AD getting this set and upgrading it, so that I could do a ton of damage. I would like other sets to be buffed, or new sets added that are on-par with what the Lostmauth set can do.

    Yeah, right. Buffing your ego is surely the best reason for this set to stay...

    It's not working correctly, you know this.

    That means you like to play imbalanced stuff just to feel superior to people not able to afford it.

    You farmed your stuff, so you can be proud now? No, you used leadership or any other cheap method to gain an amount of AD new players can only dream of. These times are over and no one deserves to get +25% damage sets anymore.
    (I did not use curse words, disregarding someones achievements should be allowed, right?)
    john6522 said:

    If you don't like grinding.. Why play an MMO?

    The whole point is to better your character for higher content.. Which NWO severely lacks. I can see the reasoning for not grinding in its current state where no content requires 2500+ besides PvP.

    People do not complain about the set being grindy to get. The devs wanted to remove "big set boni" back in Mod 6. Lostmauth-Set is the complete opposite. Buffing the other sets isn't an option for the reason you mentioned. It would further trivialize the current content.
    Elol set is dirt cheap now. 450k for the horn, 35k for the neck, 8k for the belt. Having something that effective at that price is more helpful for newer players than anything in the game.
  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    That comics is why I think isn't worthed to grind. Better play an let the things come when it is time.
    I never farmed except long ago with Dragons in the Well. That was a big waste of time, definitely.
    Better start another toon if you completed all campaigns.

    Well of Dragons happens to be one of the most effective places to grind AD atm. If you keep starting toons, and don't grind for them at all, they'll always be weak, especially with builds not properly tailored for damage. Grinding has always been a key principle for MMOs. If you don't like grinding, you're playing the wrong game, go play a single player RPG, same style of play without the grinding.​​
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  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    john6522 said:

    @grabmoore my last post was towards @arcofortep12, mobile doesn't allow quoting.

    That's the problem, the players want things handed to them rather than going and farming to obtain the gear and things that top players have. If you want something expensive farm and grind towards that goal, that's the whole point of an MMO.

    Arcotep and his ilk want us to farm for rank 12s to get that super awesome 1.75% crit chance or whatever.

    God forbid there's something for 1/3 the price that lets newer players deal some damage in dungeons.
  • whyratwhyrat Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    I vote yes. When over 95% all high DPS players are using the same thing, it's clear you have imbalance.

    I hear the comments to improve the other sets, and yes that's likely needed. But it just further removes the stat only belts from ever being viable. But that is A LOT more work. It's easier just to scale this set down, as it's clearly performing beyond their expectations.

    Yes, every player hates the nerf bat. But, sometimes it is the appropriate tool to use. But given the last livestream with the devs, and the comment "we don't want portions of the game to become unplayable" when discussing the paladin bubble, it's clear balance is NOT a main factor in their design. So I chalk this thread up to a pointless community outreach to placate people who want to be heard.
  • oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I don't think elol set is the problem. The other sets need to have better set bonuses.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
  • herpnderp2herpnderp2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 74 Arc User
    Nerf GWF first there base damages and buffs from feats are rediculous
  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User

    Nerf GWF first there base damages and buffs from feats are rediculous

    Well, definiately a derp...

    U cant balance class around one specific set/item...

    brainzz...brainzzz,,,,brainzzzz... uhuho? no brainzzz? immm moving outzzz....


  • sanatorysanatory Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 21 Arc User
    Ridiculous keeping a known bugged set in the game for over a year now. As a CW I went with the Valindra set because according to the tool tip it would be BiS for my class. I stuck with my choice when I read the Dev's where going to fix the Lostmauth set and been waiting patently ever since... pipe dream.
    For those complaining about how hard it was to obtain their Lostmauth set forget or have no idea that the shard of Valindra's crown is also hard to get.
    To further the ridiculousness a GWF with half of my stat's does much more damage than I do. I would be fine with it if I could CC the way a "CONTROL" WIZARD should.
    Now I find myself in a position that I'll have to change my set because the one I have is useless, along with 3 artifact to fix my stats. If I can't control properly I might as well go for a full out DPS configuration.
    People complaining that the game will be to hard if they fix the set is hilarious, it's not meant to be easy, next off you guy's want the command /kill target and end attacking... why not.
    It is obvious the dev's are going to keep their bugged set, because they can't fix it even if they wanted to.
  • sher0013sher0013 Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    Nobody says you need to balance classes around eLoL set. Somebody wrote it is a stupid idea... well, you are stupid if you think this is what people want when they ask to nerf GWFs. If cryptics fix eLoL, then almost all DDs will have their damage reduced and damage gap between GWF and other classes will still be too big. I am not against nefing eLoL actually. I just think this is not a solution for the whole GWF situation since there are other things that make them too powerful. Fix the set if you want, but it won't improve balance as 80% of DD players already use it and it's quite easy to get. The idea to remove personal buffs from the set's damage was nice though... I think.

    And why do you keep asking to fix Shocking Execution and Divine Protector then? Following your logic it would be more fair if cryptics nerf sigil of the devoted and flail snail because these allow TR and OP to use powerful dailies more often.

    I could have suggested buffing other classes instead of nerfing GWF... but the endgame content is already too easy and more overpowered classes will make it even easier.
  • nealbeatnealbeat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 41 Arc User
    So what you are saying is that different classes should all be the same, but different?

    Class balance has nothing to do with item level.

    A CW should not be a tank. A GWF should not be a healer. etc, etc.
    Or to simplfiy... because one DPS can out DPS another DPS class with inferior item level, does not mean there is imbalance. It means they are doing what their class is supposed to do. The statement about lack of class balance based on item levels, would be suggesting that all classes do the same based on item level.

    This may not be what you wanted to say... or maybe it is... but if it is... then what's the point of having different classes?

    Here is how I see them:

    Control Wizards have with High burst and sustained DPS, with moderate Control.
    Great Weapon Fighters have Critical sustained and burst DPS.
    Trickster Rouges have Critcal Evasion and moderate-to-high DPS.
    Paladins have Critical Heals, High-to-Critical-tankiness with low-to-moderate burst DPS.
    Guardian Fighters have Moderate Buffs/Debuffs and Moderate tankiness with moderate burst DPS.
    Hunter Rangers have High Control with Moderate-to-high DPS
    Devoted Clerics have High Heals to High Buffs/Debuffs
    Scourge Warlocks have High-to-critical Brokeness with Critical glitch damage

    When you look at them for what they are... The way this set works makes sense.
    Totally agree with you, I couldn't be any more clear than this.

  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    Remember, if they decide to fix this set they can always allow for a temporary or one time 100% RP to another set. Alternately they could allow for a similar free transmute to any other set (to preserve the investment cost in the items themselves as well as the RP). If any complain about the cost or rp that would be nullified.

    The only thing left one might complain about is specifically working a build (chants/feats/etc) around high crit to fully exploit the bonuses offered by lostmauth.

  • harumenharumen Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 19 Arc User
    By now, 65% of people in here are selfish subjective glitch lovers. See how Black Ice set works and laugh. Same for Valindra's, the other 2 sets stablished in that module. There is no sense in the effective dmg for certain classes, there are a few reasons to keep that set working as it does, but none of them are in the way of a balanced game with more than one gear build option.
    Be serious, dex and str in CW, SW, DC, and users of LMset don't need to worry about that lost stats with perfect synergy for their class, race, feats, etc. Nah... the have their 1st to 3rd source of dmg in that set, so what about 2 or 4 points more in their main characteristic?
    Keep that lovely selfish work, community, so u can keep seeing yourself up in first position in paingiver list, wich is a very nice self-esteem food..
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    harumen said:

    By now, 65% of people in here are selfish subjective glitch lovers. See how Black Ice set works and laugh. Same for Valindra's, the other 2 sets stablished in that module. There is no sense in the effective dmg for certain classes, there are a few reasons to keep that set working as it does, but none of them are in the way of a balanced game with more than one gear build option.
    Be serious, dex and str in CW, SW, DC, and users of LMset don't need to worry about that lost stats with perfect synergy for their class, race, feats, etc. Nah... the have their 1st to 3rd source of dmg in that set, so what about 2 or 4 points more in their main characteristic?
    Keep that lovely selfish work, community, so u can keep seeing yourself up in first position in paingiver list, wich is a very nice self-esteem food..

    Attributes on the set are arbitrary. Even if the set was working like it's supposed it would still be better than Valindra's for CWs.
  • sher0013sher0013 Member Posts: 76 Arc User

    I'm for balancing anything out of balance.

    I'm sure every player wants everything to be fixed, not just you. But sadly this is impossible because there are too many things destroying the balance and fixing some of them with cryptics' accuracy will lead to even more imbalance. I just pointed out that imho there are bigger problems in this sphere and devs can't just nerf eLoL and forget about DD balance, thinking everything is alright now.

    Don't hide the head under the sand.

    Were you talking to me? Because if you did, I'm really confused about the meaning of this.

  • harumenharumen Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 19 Arc User
    urabask said:

    Even if the set was working like it's supposed it would still be better than Valindra's for CWs.

    That is something not showed or tested yet. But the thing is that you say that...

    And you voted no.
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