I went ahead and went down to Powerhouse and Ret-Conned my stats and stuff, so now I have CON like you said (INT,CON,REC). I didn't really notice much difference at all with damage output, but it does seem like I have more "toughness", like you said. And yes I picked up 3/3 Enlightened (which I had before, but just wanted…
Yeah, that's what I meant, just swap after using NW, and go back to Regen after my luscious, juicy Shadow Strike, Then I could switch and go to town with Power Armor AoEs to mop up weaker trash mobs. (Also, Sneak comes in handy for lurking to the glowies or bosses, and making the mission go faster) I'm just now toying…
Ooooh good point, pantagruel01. Thanks :) As you all can see, I'm an idea person... constantly looking at different possibilities. Just the way I am. At this point, I'm actually thinking about not only doing the support drone thing like you said... but... check this out... Not long ago I was messing around with a Night…
OMG, sorry Flow... forgot about that. Me and my stupid brain tumors, plus all my meds makes me forget stuff a lot lol. You are right. I would like to keep that too. So, I went back to your first build idea, and sort of moved things around a bit... PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Elise 3.2 Archetype: Freeform Super…
Thanks Flow and Bael for your help. So far it is a fun toon to play. Tried to get on this morning but was getting pretty bad lag and SNR's, so... gonna wait a bit and try again. Right now she's at PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Elise 3.1 Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Intelligence (Primary) Level 10: Ego…
Just an update... here's where I am right now... http://powerhouse.nullware.com/powerhouse.html?v=11&n=Elise%203.1&d=1450GTRW000M17091009B0D9F00Q8019I00370400000000000000000000000000000000003h00000000 Just went with Force Shield for now, since Phalanx costs 3 points... I might go back to it later, but for now it should…
The more I practice with PA, the easier it gets.... lining the mobs up and letting loose can have very good results. I've always liked passive stuff instead of clicky stuff, so I'll give Phalanx a try. i can always re-spec out of it. At the moment I'm thinking of going Int, Ego and Rec for SS's, and going OD. A good…
I appreciate all the advice guys ^_^ I'm not giving up on it just yet... still gonna give it a try. But one more question... How does Force with Force Sheath stack up against Energy Shield with Phalanx? If I'm already gonna be busy managing all these toggles, maybe I should go with a more hands-free shield. But, Force…
So I'm starting to notice... even blocking seems to shut it all off, and then there's like a little half second delay before I can crank up my Mini-Gun again. It certainly seems to be the most challenging (or at least one of the more challenging sets) to play. I wonder if using Reconstructive Circuits will toggle off any…
Thanks Flowcyto :D I like those builds, that second one looks pretty sick lol. The only reason I picked up Tactical Missiles is because of the wonkyness of character generation... not many choices. What do you think about Reconstruction Circuits? I noticed you put Resurgence in there. Also, would there really be enough…
Yeah I stopped off at that dude in Ren Cen and picked up some of those healy things he's got. Too bad he doesn't sell any Hostess Twinkies Cakes.... I could simply toss a handful of those in there, and ALL the baddies would give up... tender flakey crust, real fruit filling! http://www.toplessrobot.com/v2thor02.jpg…
Thanks for all the great help Flowcyto! Now I'm off to give it a try and see if I can smack Hi Pan all up in the face with a sword (or I might switch to a hammer) so that he can't say... Hi-Pan: "AT RAST!! My Red Banner army is victorious! Now all Westside will have to eat at my chity wok!!" Kevin Poe: "Wait... you mean to…
Some interesting choices there, Flowcyto! :) I wouldn't have expected INT to be put in there. Maybe DEX but not INT. (My reasoning there is because some of the attacks say Melee and some say Ranged) Also now I know that MSA will help. I had no idea whether to add an energy unlock or not lol. I also noticed you didn't rank…
If I run into any problems, or see anything confusing I'll post something on here and let ya know. And on a totally different subject, something I was wondering about several days ago... also I did something very much like this on CoH just for giggles... How would you go about making a toon that has as much knockback as…
Yes, the reason I thought the drones might be a better choice is because they can heal while I do other things. The reason I wanted Defiant is because I wanted tank-type toughness, but with ranged abilities instead of melee. And those ranged abilities, instead of the usual, would be Telepathy (mostly). That way I would…
Ha ha sorry about the typo @_@ Anyways... I am starting to like that 2nd one, the Int based build. I'm looking at it real hard right now... hmmm. But a question about Sonic Device... I'm wondering if I should add a pretty hard hitting attack to use with that? I have no experience with Sonic Device... but I'm assuming from…
I certainly remember on CoH / CoV running TONS of those radio scanner and paper missions. Some of them actually led you to NPC contacts and started you on a whole mission arc. Also, I believe, after every 3 radio / paper missions, you got to do a (what me and my pals called) "Bank Busts", or heists or whatever they were…
Thanks for the reply, markhawkman! I will give it look. I ended up re-making my FF toon. This time with more of a Gadgets, robots, Boomerangs theme lol. It's whacky, and might not be very strong, but it might be fun hehe. Maybe the devs will see this post, and give us a new Socrates system that can give you level…
Yes, you're right about that... okay, making adjustments to the build now... You know... they really should have more of a tutorial thing in the Powerhouse or something, when it comes to FF's, because... dang man, I was almost totally at a loss for where to look to choose the powers that become available, and then how you…
Hi again Flowcyto! :D Well, I did it! I have made Saryn... based on your ideas http://powerhouse.nullware.com/powerhouse.html?v=9&n=Scourge%20FF%20Build%204&d=1583TNQXPWaM070Q000Q203Q3049C03Q60DQH01J5032C002800QG01K7052D013E03EI050ckt3SXU2swX Which I Oh So Creatively named the build Scourge FF Build #4 lol Anyways... I…
Thanks for the tip Flowcyto... I think I'll just stick with your original build suggestion. It does seem to be the most versatile. The reason I tinkered with it was because I didn't quite get what Thermal Reverberation was all about. If it boosts everything, and not just fire-based powers, then I really don't need to add…
Now that's a very nice build... the more I look at it the more I like it. It fits my usual playstyle, which is... I usually try to stay flying and just blast away. I got into that habit back on CoH, when I made a Energy / Energy blaster named Spree, her backstory was, she lived in Skyway City and was always fighting the…
Jimhsua, thanks again for responding, I really appreciate your advice. On that build flowcyto created... http://powerhouse.nullware.com/powerhouse.html?v=9&n=&d=1583TNQXPWa63F0Q000Q203B1059C03Q60DQH00J5032C002800QG01K705P8003E03EI050ckt3SXU2swX ... is there anyway to replace the melee attacks with something ranged?…
Thanks for the reply Jimhsua :D Yeah, I was looking around in the Powerhouse Builder thingy and noticed that some of the powers (usually listed last) say "You may only own 1 Ultimate Power". "Ultimate Power?" Hmmm. <_< >_> "Ultimate Power"? I kinda like the sound of that. And which power set has this Sonic Device? I'm sort…
Thanks Flowcyto :) The reason I was thinking about mixing fire and toxic was because (like most of the things I have been wrong about so far in this game) I was assuming that the DoTs would stack somehow? Like... you know, if something is already ,melting with toxic stuff AND on fire, it should melt even faster? But yeah…
Oh boy... this game is a lot more complicated than I thought it was. Anyone got any uber scourge based builds I could look at? And thanks for the quick reply :D
The Bank Robberies stop at lvl 18?? Awww man... all my hopes and dreams are dashed. :( Maybe we could start a campaign to have them do random bank robbery prevention type missions once in a while, that are based on your level? And thanks again for the responses! You guys are the best :)
I wish they would give us a better world map with categories of stuff we want to look for, and a Waypoint system, like on SWG. Sure would come in handy @_@
Thanks again for the advice... I think they were called "Safeguard" missions on CoH, and "Mayhem" if you were red side. I think? With CoH / CoV gone, I don't see any reason why they couldn't start using some similar methods..... you now, with the police radio / newspaper, so we don't have to keep running back and forth to…
I was in the Tutorial not three days ago and saw a level 25 toon flying around in there. Should have got a screenie, I know, but I didn't think it was a big deal.
Wow Flowcyto, thanks for the advice there. A lot of info condensed into a small area there lol. But I am gonna take it to heart. I agree with you... I'm never a gambler really. Seriously thinking about replacing AM with Recovery Mastery instead, because? Well because AM has to proc off, and RM is always on. That's the way…
Thanks for the great advice morigosa! That sounds like it will work better. I asked around in zone chat, and 3/4 of the people said go with breath over cyclone, so I did. However, I'm going to follow up with what you said....…