Well, I've been away for a while, playing STO and doing other things, thought I'd come back and putter around on CO for a bit again... decided to start a new FF.
At first, I was gonna make a fairly "normal" Rimefire build, but, you know how it is, you actually get in game, and you gotta go with what feels best for the character, and the way you as an individual play. So... I've come up with a possible build for this new character... she is currently level 14, and the following is just what I project as a possible way to go. Basing her on a Night Warrior slot and rangs, with a couple of heal abilities (because lord knows, NW isn't all that tough, but is more for damage).
Anyways... was just wondering what you all might think of it, as it starts off kind of Night Warrior-ey, but then sort of abrubtly goes all Rimefirey lol.
Oh, and there's some Darkness powers in there as well, as Darkness is really a very useful set, even if it is too slow and sluggish feeling for my taste. It can hit hard, and has really good utility, but I just think it feels too slow. I play quick and frenetic like, switching targets and therefore I want attacks that are Clicks if possible, and are pretty much Fire-And-Forget. Like Flashfire for example... one of my favourites.
Anyway, I think it's a decent looking build, fairly solid, but I'm wondering if MSA is the best Energy Unlock for this weird collection of powers. I'm probly just gonna run in hybrid or ranged. Ebon Rift is there because I was thinking it might help me round up stupid mobs that are trying to rush me, or run out of the Flashfire maybe? and that might help me keep them bunched so I can hit them with other things, like Frostbreath and Rimefire.
I never have really gone out for AD's and AO's as you can tell here, as I have none. Instead, I go with heals, blocks, debuffs, and maybe a buff, like CoPD, which in the past I have found to be of great help when fighting higher tier bosses.
BTW, I've been wondering about Vindicator Mastery... How exactly does it work? It says something like "Gives bonus Ranged Damage equal to 1/3 the bonus Str gives to melee, and gives bonus Melee Damage equal to 1/3 the bonus Ego gives to Ranged Damage." So... does this mean that it would give me bonus Ranged Damage based off my Strength points? Or is it just a straight bonus being added retroactively off your Ego? It doesn't really come right out and explain or directly SAY, "based on YOUR Ego" or "based on YOUR Strength".
I'm gonna do Arms, and try to gear for Defense, and stack a little Dex where I can. I really don't wanna mess with the stats I've picked, as I think I've done well. One for ranged damage, one for blue bar, one for green. But, I'm thinking I may need to swap out Recovery for Intelligence, because unless I'm mistaken, MSA is based off Int. Durn it. And if I do that... maybe I should go ahead and put Int first and do the Int tree, instead of the Ego tree? But damn, that Ego tree is freakin' sweet lol.
So, basically, my questions here are,
1. Is MSA the best choice?
2. Is there a better toggle other than Concentration for this set up?
3. How exactly does Vindicator Mastery work?
4. Should I go with Int tree or Ego tree?
Anyways, thanks for reading all my insane rambling, and thanks in advance for any advice
PowerHouse (Link to this build)Name: Comet Fire 2Archetype: FreeformSuper Stats:Level 6: Ego (Primary)Level 10: Recovery (Secondary)Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)Talents:Level 1: The ScourgeLevel 6: Field Ops TrainingLevel 9: Survival TrainingLevel 12: Command TrainingLevel 15: Sniper TrainingLevel 18: Discipline TrainingLevel 21: Paramilitary TrainingPowers:Level 1: Boomerang TossLevel 1: Ricochet Throw (Rank 2, Microelectronic Controllers)Level 6: ConcentrationLevel 8: Night Warrior (Rank 2, Silent Running)Level 11: Empathic Healing (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 14: Lifedrain (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 17: Rimefire Burst (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 20: Frost Breath (Rank 2, Frost Bite)Level 23: Flashfire (Rank 2, Sweltering Heat)Level 26: Molecular Self-AssemblyLevel 29: Ebon Rift (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 32: Ebon Void (Voracious Darkness)Level 35: Nanobot Swarm (Rank 2, Rejuvinating Injectors)Level 38: Circle of Primal DominionTravel Powers:Level 6: Jet PackLevel 35: TeleportationSpecializations:Ego: Mental Endurance (3/3)Ego: Insight (2/3)Ego: Follow Through (2/3)Ego: Sixth Sense (3/3)Vindicator: Merciless (2/3)Vindicator: The Rush of Battle (3/3)Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)Vindicator: Mass Destruction (2/3)Overseer: Administer (3/3)Overseer: Ruthless (2/2)Overseer: Overseer Aura (3/3)Overseer: Enhanced Gear (2/3)Mastery: Ego Mastery (1/1)
It converts a third of the the passive (white text on char sheet, nothing SS-related that's in yellow text) melee dmg boost from Str to also boost ranged dmg, and vice-versa for Ego and melee dmg.
Last I checked, Vind Mastery was additive/passive dmg bonus, so its not very good even ideally w/ the odd Str + Ego SS mixes. I think the normal range for the boost optimally is ~10% (+30% dmg from the primary stat, cut to a third). Again, that's additive/passive and not final dmg (may be closer to 2-3% final dmg boost for most FF's).
Since this build doesn't really mix ranged and melee (and also doesn't gear_SS Str) I'd prob pass on Vind Mastery anyways.
You can still gear some Rec on the side for better equilibrium and not need to SS it. Rec is better when leveling, imo, but for max level builds its typically not one of my go-to SSs (depends on the build, though).
Imo, yea it is, although Thermal Reverb could also work if ur using Flashfire often enough. Then you'd want to gear more End (and Rec) than Int.
Not really. I mean, Compassion could work in any build, but then you'd prob want to get Sentinel Aura or 1 point in Quick Recovery/Healing for easy in-combat stacking, and then you'd want to gear Rec or Pres. That wouldn't be ideal for dps, but could be an option for better Support/heals.
FotT could work (would be better for melee/ranged mix), but then you'd want a Dex-focus, and even then ur still not getting as large a dmg boost to ur ranged attacks (though for tapped/instant attacks, their doesn't need to be a certain distance to proc the toggle, unlike w/ Conc).
Int PSS is the easier option w/ MSA, though Ego's PSS tree is good for Ranged builds, even if not gearing Ego heavily. Ego PSS would be higher defense (and offense) and more crit-based dps, whereas Int has better stat return form non-Int stats, and -resist.
For Ego PSS I'd go w/ EGO/Int/Con here, and INT/Dex/Con for Int PSS (either w/ an Int-focus on gear). Could also try EGO/Dex/Con w/ an Ego focus if ur energy situation is fine w/ a weaker MSA, and INT/End/Con if Thermal Reverb was the EU instead.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Yeah I probably need to go with that INT/Dex/Con option... that would probably be the safest way to go.