Yeah... I wasn't trying to imply otherwise. Just kind of venting... and remembering another game where the dev's attacked the soloers by acting as if the creation of soloable content somehow took away content. Sorry if you felt I was attacking you. I'm just dealing with being frustrated and feeling as if stuff I enjoy is…
I'm not opposed to groupers getting more content, in fact just the opposite keep them happy and away from me, but this feels like soloers are being told "Group up or get out." which is bullshit.
Goes to launch game see's it's updating... gets excited for the continuation of the solo storyline... reads notes... continues reading... heart drops... gets depressed and stops the launcher. Well looks like the groupers got their way. Just another bullshit forced grouping mission in an otherwise fun solo storyline. This…
Wasn't the cyber-katana one of those multiple sources pieces? I've had mine for too long to remember where I got it... but I do remember it wasn't from the NightHawk vender. Maybe the collector or nemesis vendor?
That's likely a graphical fix. I'm not certain what specifically the problem was as I don't have an PA based toons... or any ranged toons for that matter. If the weapon is scaling to the target you can end up with some comically large weapon fx. This shouldn't affect the damage in anyway. It'll just stop the power fx from…
I remember doing this a year or two ago and only being able to succeed by getting a string of lucky crits against witchcraft as well as somehow baiting her out of Defender's engagement range. I ended up dying as well but she remained defeated so I proceeded to grind down Defender and never bothered running that mission…
Educate me... what is a pvp build? What are the bare essentials for one? No that's not a jab. I'm curious. I've seen a lot of duals and some idea of the builds used can be inferred, but I can't say I've seen someone really lay it out. Oh and just checked... no private ques, meaning we'd have to gather and coordinate to que…
Trading card... found it! Start at the dumpster pearl on the waterfront and head to the east, right hand side of the map, there is a pier on it is a pair of benches one is knocked over the other in off kilter but upright and on the upright one is the card... Hope that's understandable.
I know, but if you make it easier to get the "recognition" I need for gear doing PvP instead of PvE then you'll have people like me doing the above for the simple reason of time management. Even if we start just doing this in between Cosmics to speed up the harvesting of the Rec we need, you'll still have the same problem…
Regarding the Trading card... It seems to be one per mission... which likely means hunting down each of the possible pearl locations and searching them... which is complicated by the fact that not all pearls are entirely within the mission zone.
To my knowledge there is exactly one weapon aura and it specifically only effects the right hand weapon, ie the one your toon uses for single weapon sets, and it doesn't work on the laser sword. Edit: you get it from one of the serial missions they've been doing lately... I believe it is the first mission you do for the…
> @scytheuserpw said: > (Quote) > > -Losefarming (Make it so you dont give points if you die too many times to the same person or something) > -collusion (you can not queue with people and you dont get points for killing the same person over and over) So... If I were to participate... Which is unlikely as I want nothing to…
> @jarenkincaid said: > I just do not get this game. How do I upgrade my character? If it means buying slottable ear like SWTOR, then how do I do that? If not, how TF do I upgrade? I simply cannot advance as this game stands. It's nonsense. Hello SWToR kin! So in this game you get gear and you can train at anytime that you…
Technically only a handful of things are locked behind the lTS paygate... Exclusive costumes and unlimited, in that you are only limited by the number of unlocked spots, Free Form characters. In game you can aquire questionite and that not only is a currency unto itself but it can be exchanged for zen which can be used in…
I can say for a fact, I was on Discord at the time when Ambassador Kael posted to the Discord that this was a thing. Sadly the way that service works would require a rather frequent post to be made.
Personally I'd think a pointer mission that pops up like those used to direct new toons to the new location of LadyHawke and for the onslaught vender would work well.
Yeah especially when you ignore the bit where I specified that I wait for them to stop or die before I get back to work. Seems real hard to misunderstand what work I'd be referring to in this game.
Well this is amusing... they get on my case for admitting that I'd just wait for the tank to stop wasting our time and then they tell us to wait for the tank to stop wasting our time...
Honestly I don't see much point in having even r2 resurgence. The regen even at r1 levels is impressive. Though perhaps that's because I play defensive builds? More importantly if you are using a travel power device, in the case electric speed, why are you even putting any points into a travel power? In this case it's over…
You can 'que' upto 10 (iirc) that all characters on your account can use at a time. These must be activated/used ala costume unlock devices, which for me is right clicking with my mouse.
Would have been nice if these worked on the teleportation powers... making that set even faster would be awesome and I'd gladly look into farming for the bloody things.
Wonderful... that bit wasn't saved and I failed to notice before hitting submit... glorious. More importantly... I learned long ago that there was no point to asking people that were engaging in this behavior to stop or modify their behavior because of the 'just shut up and let me do me' mind set most of them have. Rarely…
Way I see it is fairly simple. If the player who is bouncing around gathering all the mobs or knockbacking all the groups I'm hitting really wanted my help they'd stop bouncing around and stop sending my targets flying.
Yeah... when someone is doing this I generally just give up trying to contribute and wait for them to stop hopping around or die... then I get to work.
Good to know, but that still seems like a lot of wasted time for those of us that don't even have eight characters... I can barely find the time to juggle three of them... lately not even one...
Some of the items have a tooltip that updates to indicate if the power/emote/transformation is unlocked however I know a lot of the older power unlocks don't do this. I'm not that into emotes and transformations to know if they also have this trait.
Works just fine on my machine... didn't you test the free games before you decided to become a lifetime subscriber? Hype and pomp is not a measure of a games worth.
I actually missed the night sky... if I could I'd lock Millenium City into it's night cycle. Much more enjoyable than that glaring sun and gaudy blue...
Alerts... kind of... Vigilance... sort of... Missions... yep... Cosmics... if I'm on at the time and playing a character of the correct level. I don't even know what TA is and I've never bothered with the Q-Zone... Just remembered the cloner gets a god complex...
Gear Sets: Armadillo, Samurai These are no longer working on the Test Server... they both work on live. Gear Set: Intriguing Has not worked for some time. No set bonus is being applied... either of them.
I'm curious about the AI they use on LadyHawke... she seems capable of navigating some rather cluttered environments... at least I've never ran into a situation where she seems to lock up... unlike blaze and that pistol girl.
This is not a bad idea and it could be made to fit into the current design by having the player need to actually collect the other teleportation devices and actually combine them, perhaps with the aid of a new device, into a new superior teleportation system.
Got a new hate... I hate how some in the player base thinks that because they have the best gear or the most personal time to burn that they are somehow representative of the majority.
Actually I believe that was an attempt to minimise the number of stacks of any one debuff on a cosmic at a time. Some of the talk I've seen on Discord suggests that the engine doesn't like it when high numbers, no idea what that amounts to, of debuffs are affecting a target.