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elfrings Arc User



  • I haven't even bothered in ages... maybe they reduced the difficulty sometime over the last year or two? But I went at it with a level 40 and it was a stalemate. Just couldn't make a dent fast enough. It just kept healing itself. The only times I ever went all the way through and won, I was in groups of maybe 4-5? And it…
  • I'm talking about the LAIRS... not the undead heroes. The undead heroes I can solo. Their lairs - no. Not even possible. The end boss regenerates too fast for one person to beat. Maybe that's the problem? Too many new players don't realize there's more after you beat the undead hero?
  • That wasn't off-topic... was it?
  • So then why don't they put it back the way it was so we have the option of using our Cryptic accounts to login? :P Otherwise it's just f**ked up and may as well just rewrite the whole login program.
  • They ought to add a feature to Teleport powers which allow you to set "waypoints" which allow you to instantly teleport to set locations so long as you're not in combat.
  • I have a level-40 Electric hero who makes an interesting combination out of Electric Arc and Power Slide. (I think that's what they're called.) She "teleports" up high and ahead, then switches to slide and "flys" extremely fast through the sky (because she's still falling at a very slow rate) for several seconds. Just…
  • I created a Dracula clone the other day and was going to give him Bat Flight, then realized the error of my ways and gave him the Darkness Wings or whatever it's called instead. Works much better without straying very far from the image. Sad, considering that's really the only type of hero who's really likely to use Bat…
  • So... the only way to open these numerous boxes I keep finding... is to dole out a load of cash?? That's almost as aggressive as streetside beggars walking up and demanding cash because SURELY I must have some. :/ Guess I'll start selling them... or destroying them if I can't sell them. Bad move. Seriously, seriously bad…
  • Annoying: yes. Big deal: no. I'm just glad your hero name isn't restricted by names already chosen. I love that adding @<invisible username> to the hero's name allows you to have multiple players whose heroes have (technically) the same name. Could you imagine...? CO would be filled with heroes with names like SarasBoy69…
  • That's when it's time to play something else for awhile. I've been in the same situation and wound up taking nearly a year-long sabbatical from CO... cheated on the game with LOTRO. lol There are plenty more MMOs, and almost all of them are f2p these days. Don't worry. Champions Online will always forgive you and take you…
  • Exactly. I've been in the same boat many times. I have a character who's essentially a clone of Julie Powers, created shortly after beta. I was constantly changing her travel power because nothing fit 100%. Teleport. Superspeed. Flight. After the first change, I started keeping her TP at the top of the list until Rainbow…
  • ...I WANT a kangaroo!! lol
  • The option is already there. It's called RetCon. And if you're not sure about your travel power... choose it last. If, when it's time to choose a new power, rank or advantage, you're still not sure about your travel power: undo it, choose your new power, and choose your travel power last again. Problem solved.
  • I don't know. But whatever is done, it NEEDS to be done. It needs to be good. And it needs to be - hopefully... next! :) lol
  • Animal forms I would like to see - primarily - are felines and canines. But bears & dinos would be cool too, I suppose, and probably inevitable anyway. Any other animal forms...? Deer? Kangaroos? lol
  • Also, the civilian missions should adjust to level. I never even do these anymore. By the time I'm looking for something to do, they rank grey or green to my level. :P
  • A TRUE hero doesn't care for bragging rights or rewards. They just want to live in a world free of crime and robots. :)
  • I'm so used to doing the crises solo that I'm shocked (and mildly irritated lol) when suddenly there's a 2nd player jumping in and attacking targets.
  • I really hope English is not your native language. This took me nearly 3 minutes to decipher.... Just because Alerts are there doesn't mean you have to do them all day every day. In fact, it's players like you who use them to level up starting at character creation who cause constant and consistent failure and ruin the fun…
  • This is the only drastic overhaul the game needs. It would solve nearly every (valid) issue on the list: http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=2160541#
  • That only saves the interface. Not the settings. Something similar for all options is what I had in mind.
  • Running/travel is a very simple animation. All creature models have it or they wouldn't even be in the game. If you'll notice the title and content of the suggestion, at no point is it being suggested that players morph and then be able to use their powers. It's suggested they morph and move, and then forced morph back to…
  • True. More likely you'd have to pay CP for each animal form. lol But you never know. Sometimes developers can be unusually kind... #sweet-talking lol _
  • /signed Like all the Doctor Who & Hulk clones could be addressed as Doctor, or Hulk, but you see their names as The Doctor or The Hulk. I believe this option was available in CoX. Also being able to use Dr, Mr, Ms, etc without necessarily having it as part of your name. Maybe suffixes too (Jr, Sr, III, IX, etc). Also, I'd…
    in Titles Comment by elfrings July 2012
  • While I'm all for seeing more ethereal pets, I'm with Blkmask on this one. Pets do not a Telepath make. We need some powers of foresight, boosting attack & defense. And maybe using this foreknowledge to buff allies. We need minor abilities of mind control increasing the chances of opponents missing their targets. And then…
  • Yeah, Ego Storm was the best. Now it's nerfed to nothing. :/ I mean if they'd have nerfed ONE aspect of it - okay. But ALL aspects? It's weaker. Easier to disrupt. Has a cooldown. May as well add a side effect of dealing 25% health DoT after using it. :P I mean seriously.... What were they thinking? There is literally NO…
  • I was thinking about that the other day. I vaguely remember rolling up some characters decades ago using the Heroes (later to be called Champions) roleplaying system, and seem to recall part of the process included choosing or rolling for weaknesses and the effects they cause. This seems to be omitted from the MMO... but…
  • Why? Most of them don't even make sense. Like I illustrated, Ice Form provides additional protection against fire (which is traditionally the greatest weakness of ice....) But... I suppose I have a tendency to think of passive powers as being natural extensions of the character rather than tools. Ice DOES soothe burns.…
  • You've apparently never tried an archetype. Or did you misread my post? You don't get to choose your powers when you take that route. The only effective arguments I'm seeing is it works great with *this* power or *that* power... that's great... for freeform. And it would serve better if it were an offensive passive. Which…
  • Now... ...I'm sorry some of you are taking such great offense to this particular power being called out. But aside from Seraphim being mislabeled as a support passive, I had other points regarding other passives. Let's please move on and read the entire post rather than just focusing on the first sentence or two, spamming…
  • A healing bonus that small is not enough to call it a support power. If the healing bonus increased and damage bonus decreased while in the support role rather than hybrid role, okay. I could see that being more of a support passive. But as it is, it's almost entirely a damage role passive which can only be used in hybrid…
  • Bear in mind also, Celestial is a support role set. Players who can't do freeform can't choose from other powersets.
  • None of these are high damage based. Darkness has one or two attacks which can dish out some damage, but why make a character so stale & limited as to revolve around one or two moves? These are all primarily secondary effects based power sets (fear, stun, etc.) A damage buff is largely wasted here. The point still stands.…
  • No, it's a very specific damage bonus. Not a general damage bonus. An offensive passive sized bonus added to attacks not meant to do much damage is not a very effective bonus. Celestial attacks are not made to be heavy-hitters by any stretch - you have to be freeform and use attacks outside of the powerset if you plan on…
  • True. But all the same it still is little more than a collection of very minor buffs, none of which (in my opinion or experience) add up to enough to be a significant benefit. My biggest gripe however is that I like aura effects when I have element-based heroes, but really don't like the passives which provide them. There…
  • Or perhaps there could be a custom alert for the holiday week (rather than two custom missions which involve completing the recurring alert). Something like a villain is threatening a terrorist-style attack on civilians celebrating the holiday and you have to prevent that from happening. *shrugs* I mean I'm cool without…
  • For the briefest moment it looked as though this said Hex of Smurfing. lol I must need sleep..... :D
  • Yeah. This didn't work. It just resets my avatar back to default. :/ Oh wait... what? It shows Defender at the top of the page, but my custom avatar by my post. Ugh. Inconsistency.
  • I miss being able to use my characters for my avatar. :/ And I lost my signature. I can upload my own profile pic for my PWE account... but not on the forums?! Cheap....