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Alerts are bad

jackfrostsjackfrosts Posts: 3 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Suggestions Box
I relly think that it wude be a lot beter if the alerts wher only on like one or two days of the week. The alerts being abule to be dune every day all day hase just made it wher 95% of the players just do the alerts and buy new ger frum the AH when thay need it.. I did a test run the uther day. I made a new toon and just stood in one spot in ren and just did the alerts.when I needed my stats to be beter I just gat beter items frum the AH. In one day dowing thes I had ended up weth two toons one level 40 and a level 29...
Post edited by jackfrosts on


  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Currently the Alerts are very important to the monetization of the game due to the Questionite exchange.

    They are also the only new content available. If Alerts were restricted, as you suggest, we would likely see the population drop back to pre-On Alert levels.

    If someone wants to level through Alert repetition...let them. If they are not willing to do the open world content, then restricting them to only that for most of the week might actually drive them away from the game.

    Those who want to play normal missions will.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Alerts are imperfect. They are a quick method to gain levels, but are in no way as good as actual missions and story arcs.

    The only thing truely bad here, however, is your spelling. Sorry, but that had to be said. ^^;
  • man515drakeman515drake Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    From what I understand from your post your whole point is alerts are bad because if you want to you can just do alerts and power level your toon. Can I ask why you want to stop people doing this if they want to?

    If some one wants to level their toon in this fashion that is their choice and the fact that they have to buy the gear from the auction house is great as it gives those people who do missions a place to sell the gear they pick up while levelling.

    I use Alerts and missions as I have levelled 10 40's through missions and I'm pleased to have something to break up the missions and level my toons.
  • battybattybatsbattybattybats Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Simple solution: improve missions as an alternate questionite gaining mechanism.

    The same Alerts get boring after a while. Missions are more diverse in settings, enemies, story.

    And making the missions more fun for level 40's will definately help things. Otherwise players will just leave when bored with alerts.
    While she has been rescued
    what diabolical mastermind
    was behind the devious brain-napping of
    the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
  • elfringselfrings Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    jackfrosts wrote: »
    I relly think that it wude be a lot beter if the alerts wher only on like one or two days of the week. The alerts being abule to be dune every day all day hase just made it wher 95% of the players just do the alerts and buy new ger frum the AH when thay need it.. I did a test run the uther day. I made a new toon and just stood in one spot in ren and just did the alerts.when I needed my stats to be beter I just gat beter items frum the AH. In one day dowing thes I had ended up weth two toons one level 40 and a level 29...

    I really hope English is not your native language. This took me nearly 3 minutes to decipher....

    Just because Alerts are there doesn't mean you have to do them all day every day. In fact, it's players like you who use them to level up starting at character creation who cause constant and consistent failure and ruin the fun for players trying to use them the way they're MEANT to be used. They are meant to be a momentary distraction from ordinary gameplay, and an end-game alternative. This is NOT a level-up machine. So just play the game... or play something else. (That IS a valid option for you as well, I hope you realize. Just because you have a membership does not mean you're contracted to do nothing but play this game.)

  • euthymiaeuthymia Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    From what I understand from your post your whole point is alerts are bad because if you want to you can just do alerts and power level your toon. Can I ask why you want to stop people doing this if they want to?

    If some one wants to level their toon in this fashion that is their choice and the fact that they have to buy the gear from the auction house is great as it gives those people who do missions a place to sell the gear they pick up while levelling.

    I use Alerts and missions as I have levelled 10 40's through missions and I'm pleased to have something to break up the missions and level my toons.

    I do agree with him in the sense that it also takes away from people trying to do normal missions. Who are you going to team with if most people do nothing but alerts? These people also miss out on the story and history in the game. Story telling is a big part of any video game, and shouldn't be missed out on.
  • sagewithbubblessagewithbubbles Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    euthymia wrote: »
    I do agree with him in the sense that it also takes away from people trying to do normal missions. Who are you going to team with if most people do nothing but alerts? These people also miss out on the story and history in the game. Story telling is a big part of any video game, and shouldn't be missed out on.

    Yeah, but after the...9th or 10th time through the game's story, it gets a bit stale.

    Stale and fast (Alerts) is better than stale and slow (spread-out mission content).

    The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Alerts are imperfect. They are a quick method to gain levels, but are in no way as good as actual missions and story arcs.

    The only thing truely bad here, however, is your spelling. Sorry, but that had to be said. ^^;


    No but seriously... if you like "actual missions and story arcs" so much, go do them... since the majority of the game is still made up of that stuff. If anything, doing missions is even more fun now since you rarely have to compete with another player for mission objectives anymore.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    euthymia wrote: »
    I do agree with him in the sense that it also takes away from people trying to do normal missions. Who are you going to team with if most people do nothing but alerts? These people also miss out on the story and history in the game. Story telling is a big part of any video game, and shouldn't be missed out on.

    Does it take people away from doing normal missions or does it give people who would otherwise have left the game due to having played those missions many many times a reason to stay.

    If those people were interested in playing non alert content wouldnt they be doing so ?

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • supercollider75supercollider75 Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I powerlevel toons via alerts while I wait for new content, I've taken two toons through all but one mission (sammy's lost dollies) If I didn't have Alerts then I guess I'd be playing a lot less. I'm having a blast bringing a lot of toon concepts to life and I wouldn't have been able to do that via standard questing with the amount of play time I have.
    Hungry for new missions though.

    I'd love to see new players being appropriately 'steered' to doing missions rather than doing the power thru to endlevel, as we all know there ain't much 'endlevel' as players from other MMOs like WoW would understand it.
    But I couldn't support having that content taken away.

    I think the game could use a little 'steering' in places as long as it doesn't stop players from accessing the content.
    Brand new player enters a SMASH alert for the first time - to get a popup on clicking to join advising that they might prefer to level using missions.
    Players about to enter a Lockout area - Get a "Warning this is a lockout area." popup
    Players under level 15 entering alerts get a popup on clicking to join advising "WARNING - you may find this mission challenging at your current level.
    In a former life I was known as Supercollide
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    We know that the game is capable of telling whether or not a character qualifies for a certain mission (due to the mission share function), so:

    What if a new reward was added to Alert completion where a character received a bounty which offered them a resource, XP, or Questionite reward for completing (insert mission name of appropriate level for the character here).

    Not every time, think of it as something added to the drop tables so that it comes up occasionally.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • elfringselfrings Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yeah, but after the...9th or 10th time through the game's story, it gets a bit stale.

    That's when it's time to play something else for awhile. I've been in the same situation and wound up taking nearly a year-long sabbatical from CO... cheated on the game with LOTRO. lol There are plenty more MMOs, and almost all of them are f2p these days. Don't worry. Champions Online will always forgive you and take you back. :D

  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    And before this, it was colossus grinding. There's always going to be something to exploit for a quick level boost. I say, more power to em. If getting a 40 is that vital that you have to keep grinding the same few missions? Go for it, it's your sanity to abuse. Hell, I did the colossus thing myself, because I completely ran out of slots and couldn't make a new character until I capped.

    I haven't, however, noticed any lack of players randomly running around questing.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • lotar295lotar295 Posts: 903 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Simple solution: improve missions as an alternate questionite gaining mechanism.

    The same Alerts get boring after a while. Missions are more diverse in settings, enemies, story.

    And making the missions more fun for level 40's will definately help things. Otherwise players will just leave when bored with alerts.

    Yea if they just gave missions Q rewards then every single person in CO wouldnt be doing alerts EVERY SINGLE SECOND.Just make missions give 500 to 1000K Q so we dont have to farm alerts for it.Alerts DO tend to get boring after the 5th-10th time.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    On Alert is the dumbest NON-content ever.

    How PWE got away with selling this crock of crap to players is a miracle of marketing
  • smuggl3rsmuggl3r Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    lotar295 wrote: »
    Yea if they just gave missions Q rewards then every single person in CO wouldnt be doing alerts EVERY SINGLE SECOND.Just make missions give 500 to 1000K Q so we dont have to farm alerts for it.Alerts DO tend to get boring after the 5th-10th time.

    Give out questionite in every mission--assuming meangful amounts--and it becomes almost worthless. Order for it to serve its purpose theyd have to raise prices in the q store, and youd see minimum rates on the exchange.
  • xaogarrentxaogarrent Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The problem with Alerts is basically the issue with Radio Missions in CoX, except it ends up being drastically worse due to the fact certain things are reversed and there's lots of little factors that pan out horribly.

    Namely that Alerts are harder than normal content and teaming is balls in this game, which combined with the bunch of various factors like a lack of XP bonus for completing story arc based missions and the generally low skill level (and by that I mean bad builds and ATs for the most part) of the game's players you don't get something similar to people forming PUGs and running arcs once the team cuts their teeth on a couple radio missions.

    It just gets worse and more convoluted when you start piling on other factors, such as the vicious cycle of trinity, which CoX didn't suffer from due to abundant self heals and hybrid class setups that functioned properly through most of the levels and either could do both of their roles well out of the box or could be easily buffed to the point where they could. These sorts of things do exist in CO, but they only really start to come together at or near the level cap, especially since On Alert.

    Essentially, the vicious cycle of trinity is why trinity shouldn't exist in the first place: The basic gist of it is people solo because they don't want to depend heavily on other people in a group, and because so many people solo there's a lack of supports and even true tanks. The way you generally get around this is create forced teaming that's so hard it absolutely requires trinity, or make the game so hard pretty much everything is stupidly painful to solo. CO ends up being wedged in this really weird place where you still see a lack of supports despite alerts because people can always just fall back on the easy ones or solo content.

    In other words, if you expect to do anything other than easy alerts and aren't premading with a long standing group of vets, expect have trouble getting a team for it, or wiping/failing repeatedly. For those of us that feverishly hate cliques and/or prefer pugging it and playing with different people often, yeah it can seem like Alerts ruined the game sometimes.

    ...I just recently realized something really disturbing. We're all eating Sodapop3's "humble pie."
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    xaogarrent wrote: »
    The problem with Alerts...
    I don't know why, but i particuarly liked this post.
    It's simple, to the point, concise, and reads easily...

    ...And i usually avoid xao's posts like the plague :redface:


    GJ sir!
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
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