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Please Revamp Telepathy Next

elfringselfrings Posts: 53 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Suggestions Box
My character Eroika is now officially in mothballs until Telepathy gets worked over. I've tried TK and combinations of other powers, but none of it fits what I had in mind for her. She's a mentalist. Her theme is all about communication, manipulation... messing with her enemies heads, not just general psychic power.

I've submitted loads of Telepathy ideas. I know others have as well. It's a power set which players have all but given up on, but it could and should be SO viable!

I really hope something is done to fix this set soon so that it can stand on its own.

Here are names of just SOME of the Telepathy powers from just one of the Heroes/Champions source books, to give an idea of just how much more fleshed out this power set ought to be:
Misdirect Aim, Foresight, Mind Blast, Brain Drain, Psionic Assault, Psionic Palsy, Defensive Reflex, Psychic Vampirism, Mindscape, Group Hallucination, Illusionary Disguise or Psionic Invisibility, Phobic Manipulation, Mental Control, Bodyjacking, Mental Paralysis, Mental Shadow, Mind Transfer, Neural Blindness, Neural Block, Psionic Surgery, Muddle Thoughts, Iron Will, Mind Shield, Mental Bastion, Mental Invulnerability, Detect Minds, Combat Awareness, Remote Viewing, Astral Form, Knowledge Sharing, Psychomorph, Precognitive Aim, Precognitive Dodge, ...

Post edited by elfrings on


  • blkmaskblkmask Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I was thinking the same thing today. I don't think the Telepathy powerset has ever had a revamp.

    Just one of my issues with this set is that there should be more AoEs. Ego Placate and Mind Lock (which use to work on players but complaints from PvP and it was nerfed) should be AoEs. They do no damage, so why not?

    Ego Storm...nerfed to the ground. Players use to build telepathic heroes around this power. As a incapaciate it's completely useless. Any damage or death breaks it and the damage stops. Another power nerfed due to PvP complaints.

    Please fix this powerset and create a decent passive for the set. But I imagine the devs avoid it because it's difficult.
  • sagewithbubblessagewithbubbles Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    blkmask wrote: »

    ...Ego Placate and Mind Lock (which use to work on players but complaints from PvP and it was nerfed)...

    While I agree with most of your points, you're spreading disinformation here. (I know "blame it on PvP" is the go-to, all the time, for everything, but that's really not the case here).

    Ego Placate was nerfed because you could have a team of people spamming it with the debuff advantage on Cosmics and send their damage resistance into the ground.

    Mind Lock was nerfed because it was possible to use it on Pets and have them kill NPCs (like, say, the Tailor).

    Neither of those were PvP complaints. They require (and required) too much setup and coordination to ever actually be useful in PvP.

    The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
  • blkmaskblkmask Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Sorry, but I got a little offended with the comment that I am "spreading disinformation". Disinformation is providing false information with the intent to mislead or deceive. I was not trying to do either.

    But there were many complaints about Mind Lock in the old forums from the PvP side. Just like there were many complaints about Ego Storm from the PvP side. I do agree with what you said about Ego Placate it was spammed on bosses so they reduced it to only 2 stacks.

    Overall, I do think we want the same thing and that's a viable powerset and that means the devs need to work on it.
  • sagewithbubblessagewithbubbles Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    blkmask wrote: »
    Sorry, but I got a little offended with the comment that I am "spreading disinformation". Disinformation is providing false information with the intent to mislead or deceive. I was not trying to do either.

    But there were many complaints about Mind Lock in the old forums from the PvP side. Just like there were many complaints about Ego Storm from the PvP side. I do agree with what you said about Ego Placate it was spammed on bosses so they reduced it to only 2 stacks.

    Overall, I do think we want the same thing and that's a viable powerset and that means the devs need to work on it.

    My apologies. Most people who blame everything on PvP (even when PvP isn't the cause of whatever they're complaining against) do it as part of an agenda.

    Ego Storm was complained about heavily in PvP, but I don't ever recall anyone complaining about Mind Lock. I may have missed those threads, though. I do specifically recall several someones going around slaughtering NPCs with confused pets, however.

    The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
  • elfringselfrings Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    blkmask wrote: »
    I was thinking the same thing today. I don't think the Telepathy powerset has ever had a revamp.

    Just one of my issues with this set is that there should be more AoEs. Ego Placate and Mind Lock (which use to work on players but complaints from PvP and it was nerfed) should be AoEs. They do no damage, so why not?

    Ego Storm...nerfed to the ground. Players use to build telepathic heroes around this power. As a incapaciate it's completely useless. Any damage or death breaks it and the damage stops. Another power nerfed due to PvP complaints.

    Please fix this powerset and create a decent passive for the set. But I imagine the devs avoid it because it's difficult.

    Yeah, Ego Storm was the best. Now it's nerfed to nothing. :/ I mean if they'd have nerfed ONE aspect of it - okay. But ALL aspects? It's weaker. Easier to disrupt. Has a cooldown. May as well add a side effect of dealing 25% health DoT after using it. :P I mean seriously.... What were they thinking?
    There is literally NO reason to be a Telepath at the moment.

  • blkmaskblkmask Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I still have and use my telepath but she has been through so many retcons it's crazy. My other characters have 6 or 7 retcons they can use, she has 1. And I'm trying to save it.

    This set really needs work. The game does not use crowd control like it should especially with the new mod system it should be perfect. The entire hold and immunity mechanics of the game should be looked at.

    Maybe one day they will get to it. With CO damage is king. You really don't get rewarded for any other play style.
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Here is my idea how to improve Telepathy: Splitting Summon Nightmare into a handful of new summon powers that give Telepathy a sub-framework (like Telekinesis has with Ego Blades). This could then be used for a new (premium) pet master archetype.

    Mindworm (Tier 1)
    Animation: Larval Horrors/Mindworms.
    Type: Summon
    Method: Charge

    Pet Properties:
    + Fully Charge to summon an uncontrollable Larval Horror next to the target.
    + Rank 1: Your pet's attacks generate additional threat and have a chance to Disorient to their targets.

    Pet Abilities:
    Mindworm Bite - Melee Ego Damage
    Mindworm Spit - Ranged Ego Damage

    Rank 2 (2 AP): Now summons 2 Larval Horrors.
    Rank 3 (2 AP): Now summons 3 Larval Horrors.
    Night Terror (2 AP) - Psionic entities have their life span increased. They will now attack the target until it is defeated instead of disappearing partway through the fight.

    Etherhounds (Tier 1)
    Animation: Two Etherhounds, just like the current Summon Nightmares at rank 2/full charage at rank 1.
    Type: Controllable Pets
    Method: Charge

    Pet Properties:
    + Fully charge to summon a pair of controllable Etherhounds.
    + Maintaining control of your pets reduces your Energy Recovery and Energy Gain, and increases the Energy Cost of your powers.
    + Rank 1: Your pet's keen senses can pierce most forms of stealth. In addition their bite generates additional threat and has a chance of applying Fear to their targets.
    Custom Ability
    + Nightmare Attack - Activating this ability reduces the attack damage of your ego pets, but allows them to attack sleeping targets without waking them up.

    Pet Abilities:
    Ego Bite: Melee Ego Damage, 30% chance to Fear
    Teleport Lunge: Melee Ego Damage, Snare

    Rank 2 (2 AP)
    Rank 3 (2 AP)

    Stalking Horrors (Tier 2)
    Animation: Uses the normal Stakling Horror model and works like Summon Shadows.
    Type: Summon
    Method: Charge

    Pet Properties:
    + Fully Charge to summon an uncontrollable Stalking Horror.

    Pet Abilities:
    Ego Claw Fighting: Melee Ego Damage
    Teleport Lunge: Melee Ego Damage, Snare

    Rank 2 (2 AP): Now summons 2 Stalking Horrors.
    Rank 3 (2 AP): Now summons 3 Stalking Horrors.
    Night Terror (2 AP) - Psionic entities have their life span increased. They will now attack the target until it is defeated instead of disappearing partway through the fight.

    Summon Nightmare (Tier 2)
    Animation: A currently NPC-exclusive pet, commonly summoned by VIPER Psionik Adepts.
    Type: Controllable Pets
    Method: Charge

    Pet Properties:
    + Fully charge to summon a controllable Nightmare.
    + Maintaining control of your pets reduces your Energy Recovery and Energy Gain, and increases the Energy Cost of your powers.
    + Rank 1: Your pet's attacks have a chance of applying Fear to their targets.
    Custom Ability
    + Nightmare Attack - Activating this ability reduces the attack damage of your ego pets, but allows them to attack sleeping targets without waking them up.

    Pet Abilities:
    Ego Blade
    Ego Lash

    Rank 2 (2 AP) - Learns Ego Blade Frenzy.
    Rank 3 (2 AP) - Learns Mind Eater, a Devour Essence-like power that drains HP and deals Ego Damage.

    Mealstrom Horror (Tier 3)
    Animation: A Mealstrom Horror, just like the current Summon Nightmare at Rank 3. A pet version of Psimon's energy armor and a fourarmed energy creature could be optional skins.
    Type: Controllable Pets
    Method: Charge

    Pet Properties
    + Fully Charge to summon a controllable Mealstrom Horror.
    + Maintaining control of your pets reduces your Energy Recovery and Energy Gain, and increases the Energy Cost of your powers.
    Custom Ability
    + Nightmare Attack - Activating this ability reduces the attack damage of your ego pets, but allows them to attack sleeping targets without waking them up.

    Pet Abilities:
    Ego Fist Fighting: Melee Ego Damage

    Rank 2 (2 AP) - Learns Terror Cry, an AoE power that looks like Howl (except with a purple FX). It has a chance to apply Fear to enemies within range and generates Threat as if it had the Challenging Strikes advantage.
    Rank 3 (2 AP) - Learns Telekinetic Eruption.

    Archetype: The Summoner
    You have the power to manifest thoughts and emotions into semi-sentients constructs of psychic energy, creating nightmarish creatures to unleash at your enemies.
    You may not be able to deal or resist much damage on your own, so you let your pets attack while you stay back and support them.

    Role: Supporter

    Primary Super Stat: Intelligence
    Secondary Super Stats: Presence/Ego

    1 Psi Lash
    1 Telekinetic Assault
    6 Mindworms (stationary turret/distraction/light-tank)
    8 Aura of Ebon Destruction
    or Aura of Radiant Protection
    11 Etherhounds (two attack pets)
    14 Psionic Healing
    17 Stalking Horrors (like Shadows)
    or Ego Sleep
    22 Psychic Vortex
    27 Summon Nightmare (like Void Horror)
    or Ego Placate
    32 Maelstrom Horror (complete tank)
    40 Collective Will

    With Telekinetic Assault as the second power, this archetype feels more like a glass cannon than like a supporter at first, put you would see quickly that killing the enemy before he kills you won't work so well with this archetype. TK Assault is in act it's only direct damage power! The key to victory is letting the pets tank and deal damage for you, while you keep them alive and occassionally fire at enemies. But most of all, you have to avoid aggro.
    You could see The Summoner as a more offensive and less supportive version of The Mind: While The Mind usually requires a team to play at his best, The Summoner IS a one man team. Of course, that doesn't mean you and your pets couldn't support other characters. It's just that The Summoner is better at supporting his pets. This archetype is also different from The Inventor, in whiches case the pets support the player rather than the other way around.

    The powers you can chose compliment different playing styles: You can just overwhelm your enemies with as many pets as possible while you heal them and debuff the enemies, or let them be your personal tanks and attack the enemies while they are distracting them. With the Supporter role, the later option might be less effective, of course, but that doesn't mean it won't work.
  • blkmaskblkmask Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'm sorry, I really don't think more pets is what is needed to improve this powerset. I'm not saying it's a bad idea just not what's needed.
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    From how I see it, Telepathy is a difficult powerset to work with from both the developer and player standpoint. Within it's own powerset having all those lockdowns and control abilities worked out, since well, thats what Telepaths typically do... but when you add in the freeform aspect these abilities that were perfectly balanced within their own powerset become vastly overpowered at what they do.

    Perhaps we could have an ability similar to Heatwave added to Telepathy... a Telepath's power is over the mind, so it stands to reason that attacking the mind can cause great pain and immobilize the target at the same time. Some sort of illusionary stealth... i mean really, a telepath should be able to obstruct their targets vision and make it hard to see them.

    would love to see like a barrier skill that can be put up to shield allies behind it as well...
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    raighn wrote: »
    Perhaps we could have an ability similar to Heatwave added to Telepathy... a Telepath's power is over the mind, so it stands to reason that attacking the mind can cause great pain and immobilize the target at the same time. Some sort of illusionary stealth... i mean really, a telepath should be able to obstruct their targets vision and make it hard to see them.

    would love to see like a barrier skill that can be put up to shield allies behind it as well...

    These are called Ego Choke (a Telekinesis power), Ego Placate and Mindful Reinforcement.
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    These are called Ego Choke (a Telekinesis power), Ego Placate and Mindful Reinforcement.

    I kinda forgot that Ego Choke opertated similarly to Heatwave, though more skills of this type couldn't hurt... however the other two don't quite fit the bill for what I was thinking... Mindful Reinforcement, while it is a shielding ability is a target specific shield, what I was thinking was a more iconic psionic barrier infront of the telepath that helps deflect attacks from those behind the barrier effectively shielding the whole team at once, possibly as a maintain with an escalating power cost as it takes damage.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • elfringselfrings Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    While I'm all for seeing more ethereal pets, I'm with Blkmask on this one. Pets do not a Telepath make.

    We need some powers of foresight, boosting attack & defense. And maybe using this foreknowledge to buff allies. We need minor abilities of mind control increasing the chances of opponents missing their targets.
    And then the TRUE Telepath attacks - mental assaults. The problem is these could easily become OP, since the brain is such an sensitive instrument. Brainjacking. The more traditional pets of a Telepath would be their opponents, either through lowering inhibitions and dominating, or through direct control & "puppetry" if not flat-out corporeal possession. Assaults on pain receptors. Fear responses. Shock. Trauma. There's a reason why my Telepath's alter ego is a Psychology student. lol

    Telepaths should be DEADLY.


  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    whiel telepathy need shelp, so does sorcery, in additon, Celestial, dual blades, and claws have not had their reviews yet.
    now while i dissagree with the motion made in the thread topic, i say several good points are raised here, i personally feel its really difficult to portray the full ability of a telepath
  • akirasanbeerakirasanbeer Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Blasted Nighthawk/COV Stalkers delaying our reviews!

    Seriously though, Telepathy is probably after...... WAIT A MINUTE THERE'S A CLAW FRAMEWORK?
  • dikawolfdikawolf Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Here is my idea how to improve Telepathy: Splitting Summon Nightmare into a handful of new summon powers that give Telepathy a sub-framework (like Telekinesis has with Ego Blades). This could then be used for a new (premium) pet master archetype.

    You will not suggest turning Summon Nightmares into controllable pets. Telepathy users fought hard to keep it as it is, and we don't want that to happen.
    Be sure to check out my DeviantArt page!
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    dikawolf wrote: »
    You will not suggest turning Summon Nightmares into controllable pets. Telepathy users fought hard to keep it as it is, and we don't want that to happen.

    I just did. And I wonder why I shouldn't. Summon Nightmares is the least useful of all summon powers, the way it is now. Why whould anyone want to keep it like that?
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I just did. And I wonder why I shouldn't. Summon Nightmares is the least useful of all summon powers, the way it is now. Why whould anyone want to keep it like that?

    Clearly you haven't actually put the power to use. With the advantage Night Terror, extending the life span persist till target is dead, you can actually summon one per NPC in a mob and often times they will all focus on and attack your primary target. While they may be perceived as weak, they can inflict a large amount of damage very fast when you have large groups of enemies to work off of. Also, if you're a healer, they provide a great source of aggro mitigation as they often pull the aggro off of you while supplying additional damage for your allies freeing you up to focus more on keeping them alive.

    And to answer your question of why, it's that very aspect of summoning multiple instances of them. You can't do that with other summons, it's a unique feature to Summon Nightmares that makes it a rather handy ability to have.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • dikawolfdikawolf Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    raighn wrote: »
    Clearly you haven't actually put the power to use. With the advantage Night Terror, extending the life span persist till target is dead, you can actually summon one per NPC in a mob and often times they will all focus on and attack your primary target. While they may be perceived as weak, they can inflict a large amount of damage very fast when you have large groups of enemies to work off of. Also, if you're a healer, they provide a great source of aggro mitigation as they often pull the aggro off of you while supplying additional damage for your allies freeing you up to focus more on keeping them alive.

    And to answer your question of why, it's that very aspect of summoning multiple instances of them. You can't do that with other summons, it's a unique feature to Summon Nightmares that makes it a rather handy ability to have.

    And when you get it to rank 2 with Night Terror, it's 2 pets per enemy NPC. Back when the devs made all the pets controllable including Nightmares the forum rang so loud with screams the devs were forced to change it back. If they change it again to a controllable pet, you can bet that the forums will bleed the next time.
    Be sure to check out my DeviantArt page!
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    dikawolf wrote: »
    And when you get it to rank 2 with Night Terror, it's 2 pets per enemy NPC. Back when the devs made all the pets controllable including Nightmares the forum rang so loud with screams the devs were forced to change it back. If they change it again to a controllable pet, you can bet that the forums will bleed the next time.

    If you read through my power suggestions, you will notice that Mind Worms and Stalking Horrors are still uncontrolable pets. I also intended them to work as Summon Nightmares currently does: Pets are summoned on targets, not on the player. And at rank 3, you could summon 3 at once.
  • lotar295lotar295 Posts: 903 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Telepathy should be reworked,theres more they can do with it that hasnt been done yet,for example they have a support and Melee AT,but the framework for mentalist has a fair amount of Ranged powers in it,aswell as an energy form.This could be useful for a ranged DPS mentalist AT.And for new powers theres several classic things that haven't been implemented.Such as a mind control type power in which the enemy turns into an uncontrollable pet for a short time and attacks other enemies.If the enemy is a super villain or higher it just hurts itself and or incapacitates itself,A stealth power is also a classic mentalist power,which we don't have yet,or a straight out telekinesis power in which the player "flings" an enemy back or hurls it at another enemy.
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    raighn wrote: »
    Mindful Reinforcement, while it is a shielding ability is a target specific shield, what I was thinking was a more iconic psionic barrier infront of the telepath that helps deflect attacks from those behind the barrier effectively shielding the whole team at once, possibly as a maintain with an escalating power cost as it takes damage.

    Something like the skill that Psionic Directors use would be nice. Or does a Player version
    of the power exist ?
  • elfringselfrings Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I don't know. But whatever is done, it NEEDS to be done. It needs to be good. And it needs to be - hopefully... next! :) lol

  • thedantonthedanton Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    raighn wrote: »
    From how I see it, Telepathy is a difficult powerset to work with from both the developer and player standpoint. Within it's own powerset having all those lockdowns and control abilities worked out, since well, thats what Telepaths typically do... but when you add in the freeform aspect these abilities that were perfectly balanced within their own powerset become vastly overpowered at what they do.

    The solution to that is for intra-set synergy.

    For example, give TP a form/toggle that has four different types of 'stacks' associated with it. One for Sleep, one for Confuse, one for Placate, and one for Holds/incapacitates. Each of these stacks can stack up to three times. They each grant a +1% bonus to damage, as well as a bonus that benefits the character for crowd control. For example, each Confuse stack could provide a +1 sec bonus to hold duration. I imagine ranking this form up would give a bonus to the extra crowd control benefit, but not to the damage (damage isn't the point of this toggle).

    This all put together means that when a TP character works within their set and uses all the tools at their disposal, they become exceptionally better at crowd control. Simultaneously it means other characters can dip into TP for control goodness, but won't be the equal of a dedicated TP character.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I also want a Crowd Control/ Telepathy review
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Here are a few powers I came up with while looking into the Manipulator form:

    Panic Attack (Tier 2)
    You tap into your enemies' minds and expose them to their deepest fears.

    Animation: The animation of either Ego Lash/Ego Choke or Ego Blast (uses the charge animation while maintaining) for the user and the "on fire" animation you can see on Heat Wave's Paralyze effect for the target. No idea for the FX yet, but the mechanics are quite similar to Heat Wave.
    Type: Single Target Ranged
    Method: Maintain
    Range: 50 ft range

    + Deals Ego Damage.
    + Chance to apply Fear.
    + After maintaining for 1 second, Paralyzes the target.
    + The duration and durability of the Paralyze increases each second maintained.

    Rank 2 (2 AP)
    Rank 3 (2 AP)
    Nightmare Fuel (2 AP) - Every tick of this power hitting a target affected by Fear causes it to arc over to up to 5 other targets within 10 ft range of it, dealing Ego damage and possibly applying Fear to them.
    Crippling Challenge (3 AP) It seems more than appropriate for a power like this to lower the target's guard and draw attention to the user.
    Accelerated Metabolism (1 AP)

    Agony (Tier 3)
    You make your enemy squirm in phantom pain.

    Animation: The same animation of either Ego Lash/Ego Choke for the user and the "pain" emote sometimes seen on NPCs.
    Type: Single Target Ranged
    Method: Maintain
    Range: 50 ft range

    + Deals Ego Damage.
    + Damage increases each period.
    + After maintaining for 1 second, Paralyzes the target.
    + The duration and durability of the Paralyze increases each second maintained.

    Rank 2 (2 AP)
    Rank 3 (2 AP)
    There is no Cure (2 AP) - Agony now applies the Trauma debuff to the target. The duration of the Trauma increases each second maintained. (Note: This advantage would be a nightmare for self-healing targets.)
    Crippling Challenge (3 AP)
    Empathic Attack (1 AP) - Agony gains twice the damage buff from Empathic Amplification.

    Brainstorm (Tier 2)
    You use your telepathic powers to twist, mix up, scatter and scramble the thoughts of your enemies, making their movements, attacks and defenses clumsy and inefficient.

    Animation: Uses the charge animation of Ego Blast while maintaining ("The Stance" should really see more use in this set). No idea for the FX yet. Maybe a concentric wave.
    Type: Crowd Control
    Method: Maintain
    Range: 100 ft range, 10 ft sphere around the primary target.

    + High chance to apply either Disorient, Stagger or Snare randomly to each target within range.
    + Has a small chance to apply Fear, Stun, Placate, Confusion or Knock Down (stumble) randomly to each target within range.
    + Ranking this power up increases the duration of the debuffs it applies.

    Rank 2 (2 AP)
    Rank 3 (2 AP)
    Becon of Madness (1 AP) - Allows Brainstorm to be centered on friendly targets and even the user himself (like a Celestial damage/heal power), but also adds a small chance per tick to apply one of the common debuffs (Disorient, Stagger or Snare) to the main target if it is a friendly one.

    Mental Barrier (Tier 1)
    Animation: "The Stance" of Ego Blast, with a shield projected in front of the user.
    Typ: Block
    Method: Maintain

    + Self damage reduction with better Crowd Control Resistance than other Block powers.

    + Rank 2 (2 AP)
    + Rank 3 (2 AP)
    + Empathic Feedback (1 AP): Your shield now has a chance to strike back at attackers with Ego damage. This chance is much higher if you are affected by Empathic Amplification and counts as redirected damage for it. (Note: This should help against users of Empathic Amplification being forced to go all offensive after every use of Empathic Healing.)
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'm still trying to figure out why telepaths are healers. You ever see professor X or Jean heal anyone with their minds? (the latter not counting in phoenix form, because god)

    Telepaths should be the KING of cc. Also, I feel like telepathy woulda been golden if they just renamed a few of the ranged tk powers and dropped em directly in that set. Ego lance seems like something a telepath would do, blowing your mind apart with a directed thrust of pure thought.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • spordeliaspordelia Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    beldin wrote: »
    Something like the skill that Psionic Directors use would be nice. Or does a Player version
    of the power exist ?

    This!!! I'd love it sooo much! :biggrin:
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    spordelia wrote: »
    This!!! I'd love it sooo much! :biggrin:

    That is the FX of Ego Hold, used for a shield bubble.
    I wan't their version of Summon Nightmare, btw.
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