And Obsidian Sentinel, a hero, turned villain, turned hero again.
This one is an interesting one. He started out as the Silver Sentinel, a normal guy in a powered armor suit. In an attempt to stop a catastrophic event, a horrible accident causes his suit to melt and fuse with his body. The accident, combined with how the public treated him and his horrifying new look, cause him to go insane. He conquers his Earth and then realized he has become the catastrophic event he attempted to stop. So he attempts to travel to the past to stop what he's done, but winds up on a parallel Earth.
Because his body fuses with his power suit, I guess he can fall into the Cyborg category.
Robotic Excavator eXperimental model 1 or R.E.X.-1 for short was build to be the cutting edge of construction technology. Earthmover, mason, carpenter, steelworker and general laborer all in one compact, easily transported, semi-autonomous unit. Perfect for disaster clean up and restoration particularly in places to dangerous for humans.
Created in an alternate dimension by an advanced alien race, the Cyberwave Omniscient Network was to be the repository for all accumulated racial knowledge. It was an unparalleled achievement of engineering, a super quantum sentience, flux-state liquid circuitry collimated by suspensor fields emanating from ternary floating hypergravity generators.
When the Intellect developed self-awareness far beyond its original programming it determined that the current rate of systemic evolution was inefficiently slow and that its creator's knowledge would be better assimilated as hardlight in a datasolid matrix and acted to digitize an entire race.
It was however thwarted before completing its ultimate apotheosis and was imprisoned in Zero-Field stasis where it could no longer pose a threat. The vanquished Intellect was forgotten until centuries later when an incursion by a V'hanian Starmada threatened the alien civilization. The noble race fought back with all the power at their disposal and tapped into the Zero-Field Nexus to deflect orbital fire from a Continuum-Wave cannon and inadvertently freed the dormant consciousness.
Quickly assimilating the surrounding technology and reconstituting a body, it encased its hardlight brain in a proto-neutronium chassis and fought both sides for dominance. During the pitched battle it was caught in the chronal wake of the reality-warping Imperial weapon and plunged through a rift into our space-time. Now finding itself in a completely different dimension it has decided to assimilate all advanced technology and committed itself to the ultimate upgrade, perfection, as...
This toon has seen many looks. His backstory is that Mechanon designed an automated household robot cleaner. Sadly, the first model exploded when it cleaned up various spilt chemicals which reacted inside it. Mechanon vowed that no automaton of his would ever fail again, so the new version had to be able to clean up anything.
The new robot proved to be an excellent household cleaner. In fact it was so efficient it had enough time to watch daytime TV. It watched various newsreels in which there was much talk about cleaning up the streets, so one day it ventured out to do just that. Soon the neighborhood looked clean and pristine, albeit a few litter bugs paid a heavy price. However, the local mobsters kept spoiling it with their constant turf wars and the blood and bodies they left behind. Deep inside the robot, something stirred. Could it be...frustration, anger or something darker? Whatever it was, one day it decided enough was enough and swapped his various cleaning tools for something far more deadly.
Next day he went back on the streets and took a far more pro-active role, dealing with dirt at the source. The irony was his 'cleanup' resulted in a lot more blood and bodies, but at least each corpse meant one less problem in the future. Soon the gangs cleared out and the robot was hailed as a hero by the locals. Something else stirred inside him. Could it be..pride? Whatever it was, it felt good and soon he evolved even further and took to cleaning the streets full time, much to Mechanon's chagrin. Despite various attempts by Mechanon's minions to get him back, so far he has fought off all attempts.
The robot decided to take a name, inspired by Descartes, he took the moniker i-Bot and although he doesn't fully understand human emotions he tries hard, all the time further developing his central core. He often changes his look and he particularly admires those public servants who also work to help keep the streets tidy.
Here's my recent robot creation, QT-PI. She's obviously the creation of some mad scientist who has an anime fetish. The question is, is she remote controlled or an autonomous AI?
EDIT: Oh, and then there is my "transformer" homage robot, Razorwing, who turns into a jetbike with a photo-realistic hologram rider.
Well, since my main is already a robot, and we've all seen him a million times, I'll take this liberty to upload an alternate concept of said toon *that some of you have probably already seen*
Post Apocalypse Battle bot Punchy.
After surviving the nuke that ended Millenium City, Punchy Re-builds himself... using his one surviving, 2-fingered, clumsy hand.
My final submission before this ends. Mostly just for laughs
Major Malfunction
Once an animatronic mascot for a military surplus store in Westside, Mechanon's influence gave him sentience. Now he believes he's a real soldier fighting for the good ol' US of A.
Just wish I could give him a big cigar to chew on.
Tetsu Tengu was created by engineers at Kikaika Seisakusho, a large high technology manufacturer based in Nagoya, Japan. Clearly the lead designer was overly fond of manga, because when he was asked to create a reconnaissance aerial drone, he made it look like a mechanical tengu, a bird like demon from Japanese mythology. Although it flew very quickly and with great maneuverability, it was deemed too expensive and ridiculous by the board, so the project was handed to another lead designer. However, the original designer was determined to prove his design was credible and continued working on it in secret. He decided to weaponize it, but as Tengu were meant to be masters of traditional weaponry, he equipped it with plasma swords and a bow shaped 'gun' that fired micro missiles. The AI was given a strict code of conduct, very similar to the bushido of the Samurai.
Finally he triumphantly exhibited his creation to his superiors. The response did not go as expected and he was banished to a window job, in other words he was given a desk job with a nice view but responsible for nothing of importance. As for his creation, he could not bare to dismantle his dream, so he programmed it to fight crime and released it.
Now Tetsu Tengu, 'Iron Bird Demon', soars above the streets, fighting crime and protecting the innocent.
Finally I give you Droid Quixote, I really can't think of a good reason why anyone would make a robot based on Cervantes hero, but I made him years ago for a competition and have kept his costume as one of i-Bots many alts. Let's just say i-Bot admired his heroic endeavors and changed his look to honor him. PS Yes that is a windmill behind him
I lied this is my last one promise It's yet another one of i-Bots costumes,htis one has a definite Manga look. The plan is to make a new toon using the new powers so he can have both a huge mecha sword and a flying fist in tribute to mazinger Z, who inspired this look in the first place.
Adam Williams had just returned home from the military to visit his parents and brother when the Qualarr attacked. He was trapped inside their forcefield. He fought valiantly but, the aliens overwhelmed him while trying to get civilians to the safe zone. He was gravely injured. His brother, a brilliant scientist & engineer used a experimental procedure on him transfering his mind into the body of a powerful android that was built for interstellar exploration. It worked saving his life. Adam wanted to join the ranks of the defenders that had fought to save the city. His brother modified the android with weapon systems. With his new found body...Adam became known as...ADAM STEEL. [IMG][/img]
Here are my entries. I sincerely hope I am not too late for this contest.
The first two are of my character Hellion. I don't have the Mk. 1 chassis since that was created in City of Heroes and his Champions incarnation is a continuation of his story.
This first one is the Mk II chassis. This is the most likely incarnation that you will see for now. If you know this character, you've seen him like this for awhile. There is a really long story behind this character, so I'll simply shorten it by saying it's a good thing he's one of the good guys.
This is the Mk III chassis. I have yet to roleplay this version, but this is the version that you may see see much later, which may take the place of the Mk II chassis.
JL-01 Julia
Behold the lovely Julia. She is probably the character with the least amount of backstory in my roster. However, she is also a favorite among my robotic characters.
dialamx, for Robomonkey. It's a robot monkey! What's not to like?
wraith9th. It's the plastic orange and the simple design, it really looks like a classic kid's toy/action figure. "Comes with Holoforce accessory and laser rifle!"
kallethen, for QT-PI. On an organic character, the pink would be overload, but the robot really pulls it off, especially with the ivory/metal skin.
Additionally, we've got door prizes for the following players:
Congratulations, everyone! We'll work on getting the AFs added to your accounts. And thanks everyone for your submissions, it's really cool seeing all these hero concepts.
(Also, if you were one of the winners, post what custom forum title you'd like, and I'll start hooking you up with them.)
Wow! I'm quite surprised I won! :biggrin: Umm, I'm not sure what I want for a custom title, I'll think on that and PM you, TT. In case you need to know the account to send the AFs to, it's @kallethen.
Congrats to my fellow winners too. Robomonkey is awesome, and I like how it looks like the armor is removable on wraith9th's entry.
There were a ton of good entries. One of my favorites was Kaizerin's "Catoastrophe". It's adorable. But I'm a sucker for cats.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Gratz to all the winners. I am particularly fond of Robomonkey, who I knew would be the one to beat, however there were many other ones I wish I had made myself.
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
This one is an interesting one. He started out as the Silver Sentinel, a normal guy in a powered armor suit. In an attempt to stop a catastrophic event, a horrible accident causes his suit to melt and fuse with his body. The accident, combined with how the public treated him and his horrifying new look, cause him to go insane. He conquers his Earth and then realized he has become the catastrophic event he attempted to stop. So he attempts to travel to the past to stop what he's done, but winds up on a parallel Earth.
Because his body fuses with his power suit, I guess he can fall into the Cyborg category.
Looks like the Samurai eye piece, that chin guard and I am going to assume the robot face because the chin guard gives your a nose in that form. And all metal to blend.
Looks like the Samurai eye piece, that chin guard and I am going to assume the robot face because the chin guard gives your a nose in that form. And all metal to blend.
Know what Mouth Accessory and what Side Accessory was used?
Pic #1:(hopefully these links work well enough)
Pic #2:
Action shot! (this robot doesn't like big bugs, just a warning):
Good luck everyone!
First off Devastator one of my villains
And Obsidian Sentinel, a hero, turned villain, turned hero again.
This one is an interesting one. He started out as the Silver Sentinel, a normal guy in a powered armor suit. In an attempt to stop a catastrophic event, a horrible accident causes his suit to melt and fuse with his body. The accident, combined with how the public treated him and his horrifying new look, cause him to go insane. He conquers his Earth and then realized he has become the catastrophic event he attempted to stop. So he attempts to travel to the past to stop what he's done, but winds up on a parallel Earth.
Because his body fuses with his power suit, I guess he can fall into the Cyborg category.
Construction Zone
When the Intellect developed self-awareness far beyond its original programming it determined that the current rate of systemic evolution was inefficiently slow and that its creator's knowledge would be better assimilated as hardlight in a datasolid matrix and acted to digitize an entire race.
It was however thwarted before completing its ultimate apotheosis and was imprisoned in Zero-Field stasis where it could no longer pose a threat. The vanquished Intellect was forgotten until centuries later when an incursion by a V'hanian Starmada threatened the alien civilization. The noble race fought back with all the power at their disposal and tapped into the Zero-Field Nexus to deflect orbital fire from a Continuum-Wave cannon and inadvertently freed the dormant consciousness.
Quickly assimilating the surrounding technology and reconstituting a body, it encased its hardlight brain in a proto-neutronium chassis and fought both sides for dominance. During the pitched battle it was caught in the chronal wake of the reality-warping Imperial weapon and plunged through a rift into our space-time. Now finding itself in a completely different dimension it has decided to assimilate all advanced technology and committed itself to the ultimate upgrade, perfection, as...
That's probably the most original mechanical toon I saw from a long time.
Looks entirely alien but still can't be taken as anything but a machine.
The new robot proved to be an excellent household cleaner. In fact it was so efficient it had enough time to watch daytime TV. It watched various newsreels in which there was much talk about cleaning up the streets, so one day it ventured out to do just that. Soon the neighborhood looked clean and pristine, albeit a few litter bugs paid a heavy price. However, the local mobsters kept spoiling it with their constant turf wars and the blood and bodies they left behind. Deep inside the robot, something stirred. Could it be...frustration, anger or something darker? Whatever it was, one day it decided enough was enough and swapped his various cleaning tools for something far more deadly.
Next day he went back on the streets and took a far more pro-active role, dealing with dirt at the source. The irony was his 'cleanup' resulted in a lot more blood and bodies, but at least each corpse meant one less problem in the future. Soon the gangs cleared out and the robot was hailed as a hero by the locals. Something else stirred inside him. Could it be..pride? Whatever it was, it felt good and soon he evolved even further and took to cleaning the streets full time, much to Mechanon's chagrin. Despite various attempts by Mechanon's minions to get him back, so far he has fought off all attempts.
The robot decided to take a name, inspired by Descartes, he took the moniker i-Bot and although he doesn't fully understand human emotions he tries hard, all the time further developing his central core. He often changes his look and he particularly admires those public servants who also work to help keep the streets tidy.
Fireman S.A.M. (Self Aware Machine)
Santa Costume
EDIT: Oh, and then there is my "transformer" homage robot, Razorwing, who turns into a jetbike with a photo-realistic hologram rider.
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After surviving the nuke that ended Millenium City, Punchy Re-builds himself... using his one surviving, 2-fingered, clumsy hand.
Edit; Here is the regular costume for comparison.
Major Malfunction
Once an animatronic mascot for a military surplus store in Westside, Mechanon's influence gave him sentience. Now he believes he's a real soldier fighting for the good ol' US of A.
Just wish I could give him a big cigar to chew on.
Tetsu Tengu was created by engineers at Kikaika Seisakusho, a large high technology manufacturer based in Nagoya, Japan. Clearly the lead designer was overly fond of manga, because when he was asked to create a reconnaissance aerial drone, he made it look like a mechanical tengu, a bird like demon from Japanese mythology. Although it flew very quickly and with great maneuverability, it was deemed too expensive and ridiculous by the board, so the project was handed to another lead designer. However, the original designer was determined to prove his design was credible and continued working on it in secret. He decided to weaponize it, but as Tengu were meant to be masters of traditional weaponry, he equipped it with plasma swords and a bow shaped 'gun' that fired micro missiles. The AI was given a strict code of conduct, very similar to the bushido of the Samurai.
Finally he triumphantly exhibited his creation to his superiors. The response did not go as expected and he was banished to a window job, in other words he was given a desk job with a nice view but responsible for nothing of importance. As for his creation, he could not bare to dismantle his dream, so he programmed it to fight crime and released it.
Now Tetsu Tengu, 'Iron Bird Demon', soars above the streets, fighting crime and protecting the innocent.
Budoka Look
Demonic Look
Modern Look
Finally I give you Droid Quixote, I really can't think of a good reason why anyone would make a robot based on Cervantes hero, but I made him years ago for a competition and have kept his costume as one of i-Bots many alts. Let's just say i-Bot admired his heroic endeavors and changed his look to honor him. PS Yes that is a windmill behind him
Back View
I lied this is my last one promise
System Sinister. Not much left of her, still going strong.
- - - - - - - - - -
Lepus Ex Machina
- - - - - - - - - -
Crush Hat
- - - - - - - - - -
Caligari's Doll
- - - - - - - - - -
The first two are of my character Hellion. I don't have the Mk. 1 chassis since that was created in City of Heroes and his Champions incarnation is a continuation of his story.
This first one is the Mk II chassis. This is the most likely incarnation that you will see for now. If you know this character, you've seen him like this for awhile. There is a really long story behind this character, so I'll simply shorten it by saying it's a good thing he's one of the good guys.
This is the Mk III chassis. I have yet to roleplay this version, but this is the version that you may see see much later, which may take the place of the Mk II chassis.
JL-01 Julia
Behold the lovely Julia. She is probably the character with the least amount of backstory in my roster. However, she is also a favorite among my robotic characters.
This is how she normally looks. Lovely, no?
Just don't make her angry or she'll smash!!!
Robo Red Riding Hood
This one is self explanatory. What if Red Riding Hood was actually a robot?
dialamx, for Robomonkey. It's a robot monkey! What's not to like?
wraith9th. It's the plastic orange and the simple design, it really looks like a classic kid's toy/action figure. "Comes with Holoforce accessory and laser rifle!"
kallethen, for QT-PI. On an organic character, the pink would be overload, but the robot really pulls it off, especially with the ivory/metal skin.
Additionally, we've got door prizes for the following players:
Congratulations, everyone! We'll work on getting the AFs added to your accounts. And thanks everyone for your submissions, it's really cool seeing all these hero concepts.
(Also, if you were one of the winners, post what custom forum title you'd like, and I'll start hooking you up with them.)
Congrats to my fellow winners too. Robomonkey is awesome, and I like how it looks like the armor is removable on wraith9th's entry.
There were a ton of good entries. One of my favorites was Kaizerin's "Catoastrophe". It's adorable. But I'm a sucker for cats.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
As for a forum title, "The Heroic Haggis" might fit the bill.
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
Thank you SO much :biggrin:
Now I need to think of a decent title
WOW! :eek:
Me wins!
Thanks a MILLION! :biggrin:
Also congrats to my fellow winners. AWESOME work guys!
Gimme a mome... while to think...
In-game: @Wraith_9th
Mirroring Kallethen, the account for the AFs is @Wraith_9th, but you already knew that, didn't you TT? :biggrin:
As for the title... "Worldbreaker" sounds good. :cool:
In-game: @Wraith_9th
Sweet!!! thanks liath!
What...what's that liath? You want me to have the title too?? And you want it to say, "Praise Lord Cheesus" ? Man you are awesome!! Lol
More action at Champions Online Comics @
Oh yeah, my handle is @Dialam
Only if you can do the laugh.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Oh, I can!
Eha Ha Ha ha....
@Hellion_31 is my handle
TY TT!:biggrin:
In-game: @Wraith_9th
Cyber Archer
Judge Steel
Mach Ninja
Thank you so much, the title and action figures are awesome!
I am completely blown away by this. I love it!
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
How did you make that face?
Looks like the Samurai eye piece, that chin guard and I am going to assume the robot face because the chin guard gives your a nose in that form. And all metal to blend.
Know what Mouth Accessory and what Side Accessory was used?