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Compiled List of Bugs, Issues and QOL Concerns (Version 2.0)

championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
edited September 2015 in Gameplay Bugs
(Updated 21 September, 2015)

This is a recreation list of bugs that I created last year, and as @ladygadfly requested so she could make sticky. This list is intended to help the devs to locate and find bugs. In order to make this list as thorough as possible, I ask that any player submitting a bug to be as clear and concise about it as possible, and to list the steps needed to recreate. Any post just saying something is broken without an explanation will basically be ignored and not added to the main list. If you are posting about a powers bug, please post them in the Known Power Bugs thread. Go to the On Alert Issues thread to post On Alert bugs. For costume bugs go to the Costume Bug List thread to post about them there. If you have a bug to report about Villain Onslaught, then report it in the Onslaught Bugs and Balance/QOL Concerns thread.

This is a recreation, as the other thread was well over a year old and I have no clue what on the list had been fixed. Though I will mostly be copying them back over, I do know a few have been fixed. I will be following that format again as well, where I have bugs for certain areas of the game such as graphical, powers, and QOL concerns.

It should also be noted that just because you think it's a bug doesn't mean that it isn't working as intended either. Be aware of that fact.

The format will be listing the bugs, and at the end will have a complete date of when they were added. Bugs that have been resolved will be moved to the resolved category with a resolved in their title. RED will be when they were added, and GREEN is if they are resolved. The name of the person who submits the issue, bug or QOL concern will be placed next to it in BLUE. My apologies to those who contributed to the original list as I don't have the names of those who created these older issues.

Do not attempt to insult, attack or otherwise start flame wars with others or the devs in this thread.

  • Graphical and Animation Bugs
  • Mission, Items and NPC Bugs
  • Quality of Life Desires
  • More QOL
  • Special Reports

This thread is not for venting your personal grievances, issues or start discussions. If there is a topic in this thread you are wanting to discuss, start a new thread on it in the proper section. This is here to post general bugs, graphical and mission errors and QOL concerns. At the end of the day the devs have the right to claim what is what, and I reserve the right if something actually belongs on this list. Any debates started in this thread about any of this list I will ask the moderators to remove from this point forward. Any attempt to disrupt this thread will summarily result in me ignoring you on these forums. This is the WARNING.​​
Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    • Dx11 mode for Champions many of the city based textures have black void splotches in them. This can appear in other "artificial" building structures but is the most prevalent in Millennium City and Vibora Bay.
    • Dx11 mode appears to have a memory leak that will result in an eventual crash to desktop of the game.
    • Beast run animation for females the left arm wobbles comically when it makes contact with the ground just before the animation recycles and loops.
    • When changing zones, the zone selection will always report double the amount of friends, SG mates or team members in a zone than there actually are. EG 1 = 2, 2 = 4, 3 = 6, etc ]
    • Bow strings have a tendency not to leave the hand of the character when the character was attacking while running with a travel power, such as mach speed.
    • Storm of Arrows animation continuously starts and stops during the entirety of the maintain effect.
    • Sometimes in combat your travel power animation will stop leaving you with the default run animation.
    • Emote animations are not active when another player who had an emote on loads into your view leaving them in their default stance. Leaving the area and coming back will also load them up in their default stance as well instead of the emote they were using when last seen.
    • Cars and trolleys get stuck at points creating weird traffic jam chains.
    • Some non-combat NPCs seem to rapid fire through emotes while idling or walking, often creating some very "spastic" walking animations as they go from a normal walk, to crossed arms to waving all within a few seconds.
    • The Alert bar will open momentarily when a new alert cycles, regardless if it is closed or not.
    • The sun and the moon are behind the stars instead of in front of them.
    • The "raid" UI is currently not working properly in Rampages. When opened it will either repeat the main party list or repeat the same people multiple times instead of showing who is apart of the actual Rampage. This does not seem to affect the Team Up option with Open Missions.
    • Shadows will flicker on medium or high with SSAO enabled on certain video cards.
    • Walk animation when walking side ways (strafing) the walk animation will not play and instead the character will do a super slow standard jog animation instead. (Silverspar) (Added 1 August, 2015)
    • Several fountains in MC have invisible water. You get wet and play splash fx when leaving and entering them. (Brou) (Added 7 August, 2015)
    • Buildings in Downtown and City Center: Buildings are mashed at strange locations together, alleyways are too narrow for enemies and players to navigate through, and many of them are sunken into the ground or halfway into the freeway up north. The western portion of MC overlooking Westside is bereft of roads, and everything looks piled up. We can still SEE these things. Come on, this is the ritzy part of town. Westside is actually better organized and more believable than the other neighborhoods because of this. (Brou) (Added 7 August, 2015)
    • The villain art for Hrodgeir's Dockside Dust-up (and Trainspotting?) is missing. (stellariodragon) (Updated 11 September, 2015)
    • There's an archway that was over the docks at this location. It's been shifted out of position and now the top beam is laid over the bridge, you used to be able to walk under that thing straight to clayton. Canadian wilderness: 865 3 320 (celizic) (Added 9 January, 2016)
    • Using Epidemic, and possibly some other powers, on certain lab maps seems to create very weird geometry effects. This extra geometry doesn't cause collision or anything but is very noticeable. (Silverspar) (Added 21 February, 2016)
    • Junkbot and Mechanon Spider Action Figures both have the same figure number of 139. In addition, Teleiosarus Hatchling is shown as #132, but appears in the AF list as only Teleiosarus Hatchling. (Silverspar) (Added 24 February, 2016)
    • Ice materials used on costumes become completely transparent in Pyramid Power when you have the Pyramid Buff. (Silverspar) (Added 20 March, 2016)
    • When using a tunneling power that plays above ground animation, like Ooze or Scarab, character wings will appear and flap when you "jump" while tunneling. (roughbearmattach) (Added 21 March, 2016)
    Post edited by championshewolf on
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    • "Enter UNITY HQ" is still an option at the Blimp door. UNITY was moved a long time ago to the UNTIL building when it was added and this option on the Blimp should be removed completely now.
    • Several perks are not under their right heading.
      - Ironclad Offensive should be moved from Exploration to Heroic tab.
      - Voodoo Child should be moved from Exploration to the Collection tab.
      - The Gift of Winter should be moved from Character to the Events tab.
      - Above and Beyond, Army of One, Bunker Buster, Close Encounter, Cold and Calculating, Extraterrestrial Investigator, Extreme Spelunker, High Stakes and Adders, King for a Day, Malleus Maleficarum, No Sunglasses Required, Number Six, Qliphothic Warrior, Resistance Fighter, Snowcrash, Terminus, Touched by an Avatar, Veteran of the Qliphothic Wars, and Who Goes There? should all be moved from Heroic to Adventure Packs tab.
      - Vanguard should be moved from Heroic to the Character tab.
      - The Chapter 5 of Chapter and Verse tablets for Therakiel's lore do not seem to be properly spawning resulting in this Perk being uncompleted.
      - Daikaiju is listed in the Rogue's Gallery when it should be listed in Adventure Packs.
      - Ravenswood Academy should be moved from Exploration to the Heroic tab. (Silverspar) (Added 31 July, 2015)
      - Admired, Adored, Appreciated, Icon, The Avenger, The Brawler, The Protector, The Sentinel, Venerated and Worshiped should be moved from the Character tab to the Heroic tab. (Silverspar) (Added 31 July, 2015)
      - Fire Fighter perk should be moved from Rogues Gallery to Signature Villains and its point value upped to 50 to be in line with other signature villain perks. (Silverspar) (Added 30 March, 2016)
    • Apocalypse Aversion is only able to be granted once a day, which is the only way to enter Therakiel's Temple, unlike other instanced dungeons. Players should be able to enter Therakiel's Temple without the need for this mission.
    • Only two of the bosses in Therakiel's Temple give Questionite reward boxes. They should all give Questionite reward boxes.
    • Hostile NPC grenades and shotguns have a very high knock rating to them, almost always being able to knock a high strength player that is blocking. This should be toned down.
    • NPCs tend to be way too chatty. Every now and then is fine but not every 3 seconds.
    • NPCs in Ren Center are too quick to congratulate people for their missions. This should be toned down as well.
    • The option "Always let me pick which instance I go to" is not working! It will only show you the instance you were in before without giving option to chose other instances.
    • Energy Builders do not generate energy against firewalls in Cybermind due to them being classified as objects instead of enemies.
    • If you are in a team of less than five people and try to enter into a Rampage or PvP map with a group larger than five, you will automatically be kicked from the team and the map.
    • The Nemesis mission, Bunker Buster, sometimes fails to activate properly at the ending resulting in the Nemesis just standing there, unable to complete said mission.
    • If a player dies after using Servitor Serum but before the device induced animation finishes (which has the player laying on the ground and reaching up) , the next time that player is revived (via a power or device) they will appear to everyone else in the area to be laying on the ground as if still dead. To other players, their movement will be seen as them sliding around on the floor. (xrazamax) (Added 3 August, 2015)
    • Converting ATs back to silver from gold while keeping same AT: Entire spec tree just completely breaks; and the only way to fix it, is to shell out 50g/character to reset it. If you have quite a lot of characters; this can get very expensive, very quickly. If you don't have the money on hand to fix at least one character; it's going to be very difficult to do any battle without your specs on an AT to get the money to fix it, so you can get the money to fix the others. (riverocean) (nbkxs) (Updated 6 August, 2015)
    • When creating a character and selecting Endurance as your Primary Super Stat, the Gear Up mission's Equipment Crate supplies the character with Constitution-based Equipment instead of Endurance-based Equipment. (deadman20) (Updated 31 August, 2015)
    • In alerts featuring Destroids, the Shock Trooper Lemurian appears. (stellariodragon) (Updated 1 September, 2015)
    • The Steel Crusade mini-arc has no Background Music in any of its instances. (deadman20) (Updated 3 September, 2015)
    • Many, if not all "Objects" have abnormal hitbox locations/sizes and selection boundaries and can be targeted or damaged without intention, or even become unable to be attacked. Clicking in the sky results in selecting Trash Cans, Chairs, and the like that are potentially on the other side of RenCen, or Attacking a group of enemies in front of you with an AoE results in destroying the Debris pinning down a civilian behind or beside you in the Canadian Crisis. Many hitboxes can also hide within the objects themselves, forcing the player to move to a new location to find the invisible hitbox for the powers to "see" in order to attack or destroy it, such as attacking Ammo Crates or important objective-tagged Objects such as those found in Steel Crusade: Brain Wave or in the UNITY Special Mission: Ignaetium Immensity. Harming Objects that have these issues without destroying them can also potentially cause Pet AI to stop working. (deadman20) (Updated 3 September, 2015)
    • The Nemesis missions "Hot Off The Wire" and "Doomsday Device!" are currently lvl 25 and 28 respectively instead of scaling up per level like other Nemesis missions. (zamuelpwe) (Updated 21 September, 2015)
    • After doing a Rampage, Team Up and Team messages can still be seen by other players even though you are no longer a part of the team, resulting in seeing a lot of weird conversations. This can only be fixed by logging fully out of the game and back in. (Silverspar) (Updated 25 September, 2015)
    • Addendum to Abnormal Object Hitboxes: The sides of Freight Containers are sticky. Targets walking into the sides of these Freight Containers may slide around on them, but If a target is knocked into the sides of these containers, they will remain in the falling state, stuck on the container and unable to act. Sometimes using the /stuck command during this situation will not free the player. (deadman20) (Updated 9 October, 2015)
    • The Mission, Gear Up, can not be done while in a team. If you try to watch the videos the parts of the mission refuse to complete no matter how many times you do the mission. You can only do this mission when not in a team. (Silverspar) (Added 12 October, 2015)
    • If you enter the Canadian Wilderness Powerhouse and then enter the Arena, once you exit, you will be in the Canada Crisis instead of the main Canada zone. (zamuelpwe) (Added 7 January, 2016)
    • Demonflame Issues; (celizic) (Updated 6 February, 2016)
      - Demon Key Revival: Demon key gets ambushed when he hits the road with a ton of ambushes all at once. This can be a good challenge with a properly built character, it can be overwhelming, particularly for someone in an AT, for a decently built char this isn't too much of an issue.
      - First tower: There was initial dialog from demon key in a cut scene in this tower. It started to bug out, solution was to remove the cut scene altogether. it was never restored. It makes demon key's reappearance at the end rather nonsensical.
      - Second Tower: Demon key trigger a lot of ambushes all at once when entering the first chamber with the children. You will get get swarmed with a WALL of enemies.
      - Third Tower: Winds of Lethe no longer trigger slowdown events with their AOE.
      - Luther Black: He cycles through his combat script too fast. Originally he would be that big funky thing for about 3 chests worth of combat. He'd summon adds occasionally you had to keep him away from demon key as he did his work, "killing" him would stun him. About 2 chests in he would grow larger, get a ball around his avatar and he'd become invulnerable to attack and he'd grow a summon larger out of the group. After the final chest he'd get cutscened back to his original form. Now he just cycles through the whole sequence in a matter of seconds. Summons adds rather quickly and turbo charges them until theyr heads are scraping the ceiling. He needs is script slowed down so he completes a cycle in about the amount of time it takes for the clock to expire. If you don't have a crazily tanky character in this current state the only way to win is to force the AI to bug out by tricking it into trying to chase you into the air and throwing rocks occasionally to keep them distracted from demon key.
    • This item I am pretty sure was a lore item, but it no longer interact-able in game. I can't remember which lore and/or perk it belongs to those. It is found around coordinates -2311 40 -945 on Monster Island, near the ARGENT Reserve. (Silverspar) (Added 21 February, 2016)
    • Minions that use Supernatural Power will not count towards the kill count for Nemesis perks. (seeker1235) (Added 8 March, 2016)
    Post edited by championshewolf on
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    • The 3 level split for resources is a weird choice thing. The Global, National and Local tags should be removed and just left as Resources with comas appropriately placed between 0s. Especially considering when you earn resources the game reports it to you in total Resources, not whether if it was Local, National or Global amounts.
    • The Theater in the powerhouse was a great idea, but it kind of sucks you have to zone twice to reach it through the powerhouse. Can an option be added at the powerhouse entrance to go straight there, or barring that, maybe create another door in Millennium City that leads to the Costume Contest Theater and divorce it from the powerhouse?
    • An option to draw weapons or pose in a "combat" stance without the need of having to use a reset bug to maintain said poses.
    • The ability to have a second chat box if you choose for additional chat conversations that you might be interested in.
    • The UI streamlined and updated. Currently, the game has two separate UIs now... the original UI we currently use as well as the alerts and pop up UI that has the comic book flair. Maybe update the UI to the more comic book look. Personal opinion, the current Champions UI is too bulky and not very user friendly. As a suggestion try a more modern UI design, with a futuristic design with the cloud look that would add a lot to the feel. (Updated 6 August, 2015)
    • An actual raid UI removing the excess from current party UIs (such as their pictures) which are unnecessary.
    • Target nearest to ONLY target the nearest opponent. Currently Target Nearest will cycle to targets which seem to be near the center of my screen, not the actual mob that is nearest to my character. There should be an option that also makes it target only that nearest and will not leave that target even if tabbed multiple times until that target is no longer the nearest. This option existed this way in CoH, for example.
    • Chat bubbles for emotes in the thought bubble style. Again, using CoH, it existed. Also a chat bubble for zone chat as well with the yell style look. This provides both a visual signal to players when someone is chatting and in which channel they might be chatting in.
    • Tone down the graphical effect of Millennial Flight, please.
    • Combine all bags into one bag please. having to open multiple bags is kind of annoying and I would personally just prefer one GUI.
    • Loot all or auto loot feature that automatically lets us just pick up things as we run by it. Have it as an option for those that just want to farm without the hassle of junk.
    • Animation overrides tend to be too prevailent for several powers, making it difficult to impossible to tell if you did a previous action or not. Powers like dodging, certain heals, and a few other powers, the animation will override any other animation which tends to get confusing leaving you wondering if you actually performed the action.
    • Auras should go back to aura storage (or where ever they were before being slotted) when being removed via changing builds.
    • Pet AI needs to be looked at, Pets sometimes stop attacking opponents, or lack the ability to start attacking obvious targets.
    • The water levels of the Lemurian Invasion map makes the Short and Small characters... Swimming (this also happens in UNITY missions and whenever the map is flooded)
    • Team/Raid leaders should have a ready-check feature that allows them to know all team members' status (Ready/Not Ready)
    • A visible exit door behind start point in alerts. This will allow those that get stuck in an alert the ability to get out without having to wait on a timer or in the very rare cases, unable to exit at all. (Nextnametaken) (Added 1 August, 2015)
    • Active DoT effects keep you from being able to use items in game that require an activation time. This is annoyingly frustrating when trying to open doors or time sensitive check points. (aiqa) (Added 1 August, 2015)
    • Drop rate of Therakiel swords or his blade in Tehrakiel's Temple is ridiculously low or non-existent making it impossible to reasonably attempt to get these items. This needs to be reviewed so it drops again. (xrazamax) (Added 1 August, 2015)
    • Upgrade the chat box to have the color of the chat you are talking in appear in the chat line as you are typing, as that gives a good visual queue if you are typing in the right channel, instead of the chat line always being white. Also, instant channel swap by using the channel code followed by a space. For instance if I type "/p " I would love to instantly be swapped to team chat or "/sg " to supergroup chat. These are both features that exist in Neverwinter, and both would go a very long way in streamlining Champions chat interface, which is a tad clunky at this point. (Silverspar) (Added 5 August, 2015)
    • The remote contacts feature is in terrible shape. I recommend that contacts show and not show with level appropriateness in mind and with a cellphone-like interface (headshots, contact name, zone) . Let us phone contacts from the mission journal or tracker to turn in our mission and accept the next one. If possible, let the interface be sensitive to mission completion so that we may select "Exit Instance" just like with alerts. (Brou) (Added 6 August, 2015)
    • Advanced Mars Stim & Advanced Mars Shield heailing devices that are sold at the easily accessible vendors can only be used at level 31. Due to Alerts, this would be much more useful at level 30. (zamuelpwe) (Added 6 August, 2015)
    • An entire chunk of the map near Argent HQ is blocked off for no real reason. It's within the map, not along the real border. (Brou) (Added 7 August, 2015)
    • We had presets for body and face in the tailor. The return of those settings would be valuable. (Brou) (Added 7 August, 2015)
    • Add a sort button to bank and guild bank tabs. (chaelk) (Added 7 August, 2015)
    • Add a fuse all button for mods when doing fusion to reduce click times. (chaelk) (Added 7 August, 2015)
    • Diseases of the Foot - It's one of those missions where you got to knock specific enemies over and inject them with thingy to cure them. Except USUALLY with such missions specific enemies hare coded to last longer when knocked over, so you got more time to cure them, this is not one of those cases. It makes the mission more difficult in not-fun ways. (Also could we get the cure re-use timer sped up without breaking anything?) (celizic) (Added 21 December, 2015)
    • Using pet commands in the pet status window (not the pet tray) to give individual pets commands does not work. All commands (including dismissing them) just produce the following error message: [System] Unknown command "Petcommands_Setspecificpetstate". (seeker1235) (Added 23 January, 2015)
    • QOL concern, but could we please have something done about the bug where your mouse pointer becomes stuck at the center of the screen while a cutscene is playing when using right-click camera? Also, could it be possible to keep the chat UI up during a cutscene while it plays? (bluhman) (Added 21 September, 2015)
    • Vehicle Weapon Powers randomly assigned position on Powertray meaning that between each time you mount your vehicle the powers could be in a different position. (eiledon) (Added 21 September, 2015)
    • The planes going from the Desert, Canada, and Monster Island need to be connected to each other and Vibora Bay. They have omissions among each other that require you to go back to Millennium City instead of directly to each other. (zamuelpwe) (Added 21 September, 2015)
    • Add a bank and auction house to the Desert, Canada, Monster Island, and Lemuria. There are ways to redress them to fit the zone (such as making them military instead of civilian) and would make the zones themselves more usable by allowing players to utilize those amenities instead of only going to Millennium City and Vibora Bay. (zamuelpwe) (Added 21 September, 2015)
    • UNITY and UNTIL should be straight up combined instead of being separated like they currently are. The teleporter system can be moved into the main UNTIL area and the old UNITY base can be dismantled. Most of the vendor items are sold in the Q store now and this can be made way for new endgame style content in the future. (Silverspar) (Added 24 September, 2015)
    • Some of the tips on loading screens are (grossly) outdated. While it would be difficult to compile a comprehensive list since they show up randomly, at bare minimum, role info should be updated. The tips still mention the old role names (Avenger, Protector, etc) as opposed to Tank/Melee/Support/Range/Hybrid. (zamuelpwe) (Added 1 October, 2015)
    • Zone Level Gating - I think the time has come to consider dropping the level gating from zones. Players don't even know these zones exist and they are rarely used. Allow all Zones to be accessed by players lvl 10 and up. Encouragement for more teaming and opens these Zones to host future events. So all events don't need to take place in Millennium City to be accessible. (riverocean) (Added 15 October, 2015) (Thread owner doesn't agree personally, and evidence points to otherwise)
    • The ability to skip cut scenes in instances and avoid them as they are time consuming and annoying seeing them on repeat viewings. (glortor) (Added 27 October, 2015)
    • Nemesis Alerts attempt to load a Nemesis and its minions based off of the first player to load and if they don't have a Nemesis, it will load a prefabricated Nemesis from a group. Many of these are garish in design and don't present the system in a good light. Instead, the system should search to see if any of the players has a Nemesis instead of just the first player to load. If it finds one, it should load one of those. If the system is incapable of doing this (or if it can but no one on the team has a Nemesis), giving the defaults newer outfits or perhaps using currently existing villains would be far better. (zamuelpwe) (Added 8 August, 2015)
    • As an aside, default Nemeses in the Nemesis Alerts only use Infernal Supernatural instead of drawing from the pool of various super powers they can possibly use. This should probably also be updated to help create a more dynamic pool for the default Nemesis system. (Silverspar) (Added 8 August, 2015)
    • A 'convert all' button for converting/downgrading recognition tokens. Wife wanted to convert 1000 of one type of recognition to another the other day, and (apparently) had to do so one token at a time. (thecegorach) (Added 3 March, 2016)
    • a price filter on the AH, so I can set a price range. (thecegorach) (Added 3 March, 2016)
    • a preview button in-game for costume pieces, as most other MMOs have by now. (thecegorach) (Added 3 March, 2016)
    • a filter on AH to show only costume pieces not already unlocked (thecegorach) (Added 3 March, 2016)
    • When sending SG mail, you get one mail per character you have in the SG making this very tedious. Can this be changed that it only sends to one account not every character in the SG because if you have a lot of characters, your mail gets bloated real fast on a guild wide mail. (Silverspar) (Added 21 March, 2016)
    • Delivery of the Dead (Vibora Bay, Queen City, Acquired from Black Mask) You need to destroy 15 zombies to complete the mission. "Specious Crates" are supposed to spawn these zombies when you destroy them. However, the crates rarely spawn these zombies when destroyed. You can destroy sometimes 20 crates without a single zombie appearing. (xrazamax) (Added 13 April, 2016)
    Post edited by championshewolf on
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Consolidated the lists for now and reserving for new stuff. (February 6th, 2016)​​
    Post edited by championshewolf on
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Reserved list for additional issues.​​
    Post edited by championshewolf on
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • nbkxsnbkxs Posts: 777 Arc User
    You forgot to list the issues with overdrive.​​
  • chimerafreekchimerafreek Posts: 412 Arc User
    nbkxs wrote: »
    You forgot to list the issues with overdrive.​​

    And Plasma Burn
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    There is someone else doing power bugs. Post in there thread as linked in the OP. :p ​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    QOL_ not a bug-
    Visible exit door behind start point in alerts, for those who get stuck in them for one reason or another. as suggested by Nextnametaken, in another thread.​​
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    QOL: Active DoT effects stop you from activating doors (the activation bar gets interrupted).
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    Not to mention randomly falling through the floor when loading into zones U_U
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Did some looking and udpated the list and moved out some other things that were strictly powers related.
    nepht wrote: »
    Not to mention randomly falling through the floor when loading into zones U_U

    That's probably related to your connection since you have a habit of having constant SnR's due to your bad connection Nepht. I don't think they can do much with that.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    IT hits me at log on too. but

    grandfather winter gear(Finkle foundry- winter event ) drop. is supposed to scale with level, like questionite and Heirloom gear. It doesn't, it's locked at whatever level you get it.
    It has never scaled.​​
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    Updated the thread.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    Easily reproduced bug (although it takes two people): If a player dies after using Servitor Serum but before the device induced animation finishes (which has the player laying on the ground and reaching up) , the next time that player is revived (via a power or device) they will appear to everyone else in the area to be laying on the ground as if still dead. To other players, their movement will be seen as them sliding around on the floor.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    Updated the threads. If you have pics I will put them in the bullet point description as a link.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • ladygadflyladygadfly Posts: 279 Cryptic Developer
    Stickied to keep it visible. Thanks for putting this together!
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    I didn't see this anywhere but.. here goes. If a player downgrades from Gold to Silver his/her playable characters have their spec trees locked out. The only way to fix the broken spec tree is to do a full retcon. Either by spending resources or using a retcon token. This is easily reproducible if a dev want's to verify. ​​
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    riverocean wrote: »
    I didn't see this anywhere but.. here goes. If a player downgrades from Gold to Silver his/her playable characters have their spec trees locked out. The only way to fix the broken spec tree is to do a full retcon. Either by spending resources or using a retcon token. This is easily reproducible if a dev want's to verify.

    I don't know if that is a bug or not, as I believe that's working as designed. I did put it in the QOL list, though.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • nbkxsnbkxs Posts: 777 Arc User
    I wasn't sure where to post this, but it's pretty serious for some folks.

    Converting ATs back to silver from gold while keeping same AT: Entire spec tree just completely breaks; and the only way to fix it, is to shell out 50g/character to reset it. If you have quite a lot of characters; this can get very expensive, very quickly. If you don't have the money on hand to fix at least one character; it's going to be very difficult to do any battle without your specs on an AT to get the money to fix it, so you can get the money to fix the others.

    This happens on every, single AT; every, single time you convert it back from gold. I've experienced it many times. And without fail, it happens every time.​​
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    Farlong Device and Spatial Manipulator are unavailable in the game. I recommend they return with a removed or drastically reduced cooldown.

    VIP transport card(veteran) is not an attractive enough device. Please reduce the cooldown drastically.

    The remote contacts feature is in terrible shape.

    I recommend that contacts show and not show with level appropriateness in mind and with a cellphone-like interface (headshots, contact name, zone) . Let us phone contacts from the mission journal or tracker to turn in our mission and accept the next one.

    If possible, let the interface be sensitive to mission completion so that we may select "Exit Instance" just like with alerts.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    Those are some interesting ideas Brou. I like the idea a lot of the contacts list actually looking maybe somewhat like a phone or something similar interface instead of the clunky UI we got. That would actually add some immersive quality to our UI.

    Thread is updated. I am moving the having to respec thing to powers section since it seems to be an issue.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • zamuelpwezamuelpwe Posts: 667 Arc User
    The fourth default color for the the default male/female outfit should be grey or some other color instead of white. The reason why is because the third color is white which makes quickly cycling through outfits easier to determine color channels when previewing outfits. The fourth default color also has an actual bug but that I'll need to report elsewhere.
    "Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."

  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    zamuelpwe wrote: »
    The fourth default color for the the default male/female outfit should be grey or some other color instead of white. The reason why is because the third color is white which makes quickly cycling through outfits easier to determine color channels when previewing outfits. The fourth default color also has an actual bug but that I'll need to report elsewhere.

    I added this to the Graphics and Animation section @zamuelpwe, but is this the color bleed bug everyone talks about? Because if it is, this is supposedly being worked on PTS now. You may want to check that out.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • zamuelpwezamuelpwe Posts: 667 Arc User

    No, I mean the Base colors. It's mostly QoL since a player can easily change it but the fourth base color does have an actual bug by not updating the preview when you hover over it.


    Advanced Mars Stim & Advanced Mars Shield heailing devices that are sold at the easily accessible vendors can only be used at level 31. Due to Alerts, this would be much more useful at level 30.
    "Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."

  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    Alright, added those additions and a link to your picture.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    Minor visual issues:

    Several fountains in MC have invisible water. You get wet and play splash fx when leaving and entering them.

    Buildings in Downtown and City Center: Buildings are mashed at strange locations together, alleyways are too narrow for enemies and players to navigate through, and many of them are sunken into the ground or halfway into the freeway up north. The western portion of MC overlooking Westside is bereft of roads, and everything looks piled up. We can still SEE these things. Come on, this is the ritzy part of town. Westside is actually better organized and more believable than the other neighborhoods because of this.

    An entire chunk of the map near Argent HQ is blocked off for no real reason. It's within the map, not along the real border.

    UI suggestions:

    We had presets for body and face in the tailor. The return of those settings would be valuable.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • zamuelpwezamuelpwe Posts: 667 Arc User
    In the Tailor, rename the female's "Waist" slider to the more accurate "Hip" slider.
    "Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."

  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    QOL issue, Fusing and hideout banks/carry bags.
    could we please,have a Fuse ALL button.
    where you put a stack of mods in and it continues fusing until it can't anymore.
    Why:Fusing takes a VERY long time to do any stacks.
    For example; here's my vehicle mod collection.

    The only time I have sat down and done more than 2 stacks of 250 was during a Hide and seek game.

    HIdeout bank/carry bags- two things.
    1.have the separate tabs on main bags like STO and NW have e.g. gear , mods, other(being the main section).

    2. the sort button on each tab.

    here's my hideout bank. and the Traders' banks will be a lot worse.
    http://i1315.photobucket.com/albums/t589/BarbaravdB/sort button_zpsrovoqy6r.png
    http://i1315.photobucket.com/albums/t589/BarbaravdB/sort button 2_zpsvll04dot.png
    http://i1315.photobucket.com/albums/t589/BarbaravdB/sort button 3_zpsonmkzv6f.png
    http://i1315.photobucket.com/albums/t589/BarbaravdB/sort button 4_zpsotb12cij.png
    http://i1315.photobucket.com/albums/t589/BarbaravdB/sort button 5_zpspuzmmr7x.png
    http://i1315.photobucket.com/albums/t589/BarbaravdB/sort button 6_zpseogqgqyj.png

    This is why it takes so long for me to find anything for someone.

    That's not excess pictures, that's how many fullscreen length pictures it takes to show my unsorted hideout bank. Over 70 lines of unsorted junk.
    Post edited by chaelk on
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    Added, but @chaelk, remove the excess pictures from your post. I almost ignored it because your message was buried by your over abundance of pictures that don't tell me jack squat without the words.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • zamuelpwezamuelpwe Posts: 667 Arc User
    Nemesis Alerts attempt to load a Nemesis and its minions based off of the first player to load and if they don't have a Nemesis, it will load a prefabricated Nemesis from a group. Many of these are garish in design and don't present the system in a good light. Instead, the system should search to see if any of the players has a Nemesis instead of just the first player to load. If it finds one, it should load one of those. If the system is incapable of doing this (or if it can but no one on the team has a Nemesis), giving the defaults newer outfits or perhaps using currently existing villains would be far better.
    "Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."

  • thebuckeyethebuckeye Posts: 818 Arc User
    QoL Costume Set Completion. The Become: Cyber Ninja devices use all of the Cyberpunk Costume pieces in some form or another. However it also has two pieces that are not available in the Q-Store like the rest of the pieces. I am requesting the Cyber Katana back piece and the weapon skin be made available in the Q-Store with the rest of the Cyberpunk costume.
  • zamuelpwezamuelpwe Posts: 667 Arc User
    The auction needs to limit onscreen entries to 8 or 10. Currently, the number of entries per page forces a player to have to scroll down to see everything. If you attempt to resize the auction window so you can see everything, it adds more entries to the page instead of sticking with the number it previously had.
    "Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."

  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    As of this moment I can't update my list. I know I was looking at the error on number count of friends and saw that it appears to be fixed and was going to try and move that to the Resolved section. I am hoping they remove this editing limitation because I do not want to constantly bug the moderators to have to come fix these posts regularly.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User

    When creating a character and selecting Endurance as your Primary Superstat, the Gear Up mission's Equipment Crate supplies the character with Constitution-based Equipment instead of Endurance-based Equipment.​​
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,337 Arc User
    Graphical & Animation

    Most travel powers will cause the players neck to elongate to 2-3x the normal length while in motion. Ground based travel powers will apply this affect while in their ready stance as well.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    If and when I am able to actually edit my posts I will add those to the main posts somewhere.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    This thread has been updated now that I can edit it. Hoorah!
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • ladygadflyladygadfly Posts: 279 Cryptic Developer

    This thread has been updated now that I can edit it. Hoorah!

    Yay! I just wandered over here to make sure you knew that. Keep up the good work!
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User

    This thread has been updated now that I can edit it. Hoorah!

    Yay! I just wandered over here to make sure you knew that. Keep up the good work!
    Yea, I got told by a friend earlier cause I hadn't visited the forums today. On that note, could I ask for a small itsy favor @ladygadfly :) Is it potentially possible that in your notes you might include some of the fixes to issues or bugs on the list, the ones on my resolve list I just happened to stumble on and I don't see any notes for would help with the keeping track thing :)
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • stellariodragonstellariodragon Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    In alerts featuring Destroids, the Shock Trooper Lemurian appears.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    Thread has been updated as of September 1.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    QOL concern, but could we please have something done about the bug where your mouse pointer becomes stuck at the center of the screen while a cutscene is playing when using right-click camera? Also, could it be possible to keep the chat UI up during a cutscene while it plays?

    How to block a user with μblock:
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    Well someone tweaked the character count on posts. Even though my edit last night was fine, I am being told that my posts are too long now and I can't add anymore to them. So I can't edit them anymore, again, at this point. On the other point, @bluhman I want to kindly ask you to change your sig. It's seizure inducing and very distracting and honestly makes me not want to read your posts. Not to mention I believe it violates the size for forum signatures.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    Ok I did, also:


    • The Armor Mech Leg Accessories mesh has a point on both legs where the vector doesn't appear to be connected right to the animation resulting in two very pronounced points appearing between the female legs when the avatar is in a motion other than idle. (Resolved)
    I took this picture today.

    Dunno if it's addressed on the PTS or anything like that, but just in case that message has been up for a while.
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    Alright, re-added that and put everything in the resolved list back in the graphical list, cause I checked again seems these issues popped back up. I still can't edit my QOL post, it keeps informing me that the original post is over the limit, which now seems to be less than 3000 characters. Whoever is on the back end making these decisions is completely ruining these forums and making them impossible for proper feedback. Just and FYI.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Removed Due To Wrong Spot
    Post edited by circleofpsi#4619 on
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    cryneting wrote: »
    QOL: New Telepathic powers are bugged heavily and have no SFX and really needs a fix

    1.Mental Leech
    2. Shadow of Doubt
    3. Mental Storm
    4. Mind Break
    5. Telekinetic Assault (The Effect, don't always show up)


    These belong in the Powers thread.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User

    Vehicle Weapon Powers randomly assigned position on Powertray meaning that between each time you mount your vehicle the powers could be in a different position.

    Powertray position should be fixed, a solution would be to have the position tied to the weapon slot on the vehicle, e.g Built in Weapon always in Powertray 0 (First Position), Slot 1 always in PowerTray 1 (Second Position), Slot 2 in Powertray 2 (3rd Postion) etc.​​
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Missions, Items, NPCs

    The Steel Crusade mini-arc has no Background Music in any of its instances.
    Missions, Items, NPCs

    Many, if not all "Objects" have abnormal hitbox locations/sizes and selection boundaries and can be targeted or damaged without intention, or even become unable to be attacked. Clicking in the sky results in selecting Trash Cans, Chairs, and the like that are potentially on the other side of RenCen, or Attacking a group of enemies in front of you with an AoE results in destroying the Debris pinning down a civilian behind or beside you in the Canadian Crisis. Many hitboxes can also hide within the objects themselves, forcing the player to move to a new location to find the invisible hitbox for the powers to "see" in order to attack or destroy it, such as attacking Ammo Crates or important objective-tagged Objects such as those found in Steel Crusade: Brain Wave or in the UNITY Special Mission: Ignaetium Immensity. Harming Objects that have these issues without destroying them can also potentially cause Pet AI to stop working.​​
    Post edited by deadman20 on
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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