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  • At least we don't need sackfuls of sleigh bells or prayer beads to get it, just zen/FSM's. :)
  • So I ran a bunch of the Gingerbread missions, a bunch of pie eating contests, killed rampaging snowmen, and doffed on my eight alts. I put the spoils of said activity in my account bank and here's what I've got: Roughly 34 each of the candles, ornaments and incense, 25 earmuffs, 0 sleigh bells, 1 gratitude bead, and 0…
  • Sounds like the WW could use a dash of 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' and a pinch of 'if we don't have the time to do it right, when will we have the time to do it over?'
  • RD-4Mn Tranquility Enhancement Module Developed by the Vulcan scientist Buz T'kyl, this device can be activated to emit anti-humeron particles in non-lethal doses, nullifying the active effects of various party/social devices and promoting a sense of calmness and order. Just possessing this device grants the owner with an…
  • I'm SO trying this out tonight. Thanks man!
  • I think the weapons that come with C-Store ships should be available in various energy types (Gal-X lance, Bortas cannon console) and possibly weapon episode rewards, as well (Piercing Polaron?). At the very least, we should have a crafting option to reverse engineer existing weapons to make the energy types we want. And…
  • You're getting bogged down in semantics. Call the device whatever you want (transwarp coil, slipstream geometry modulator, etc). In Voyager, they actually used a transwarp coil to get through a good portion of their journey. They just added it to their ship (kinda like a device). No reason we can't do that now.
  • I think the warp 9.97+ aspect should be removed from engines and made into a ship device instead. Then we could mount whatever engines we wanted while not doing the space-age-Amish thing in sector space. Besides, we need more ship devices worth slotting anyway.
  • BBC Radio 1's Essential Mix. I record the streams if they're worth it. At two hours each, they're some of the best house/trance on the planet.
  • Even KDF-aligned Roms can't show armor or kit visuals, while Fed-aligned Roms can. My poor KDF engineer can't look like a Ghostbuster. :( 'Tis unfair, I say!!!
  • Usually 2x EPtS is a good enough shield booster/hardener that TSS isn't needed (EPtS hardens shields twice - once with the ability itself and again by boosting shield power). I typically run Polarize Hull and Hazard Emitters, but TSS is high on the list of abilities to slot into an extra sci slot, if I have one available,…
  • Running two copies of both Tactical Team (to distribute shields to the facing under attack) and Emergency Power to Shields (to boost shield power and resistance) will help with survivability quite a bit. Reverse Shield Polarity is also good when you're under heavy fire and Tac Team/EPtS isn't cutting it (like when a Tac…
  • The biggest issue is that you're using different energy types - plasma and tetryon. Stick with one and use the tac consoles that boost the damage of that energy type. That way, even if you use beams and cannons, they all benefit. Disruptors are a good all-around choice. You'll have a lot of options (vanilla disruptors,…
  • Hinted at, maybe. If it helps... QFT.
  • As free-willed consumers, we do have an option - tell them no, and if words aren't enough, then tell them no with action. If ARC affects the bottom line it will get pulled very quickly. But as (free-willed) consumers, it's up to each of us to decide if we're willing to put up with ARC, and all it entails, just to log into…
  • Myth: Star Trek Continues is Trek canon. Definitely a job for Mythbusters. ;)
  • Pretty sure you can talk to Worf in the First City and do the tournament part that way. I haven't gotten around to doing the new KDF tutorial yet, but when my KDF main spoke to the recently-revamped Worf that was the option I got, even though I'd already done the tournament back in the day.
  • Fixed and QFT. The moment ARC becomes mandatory is the moment STO permanently loses me as a player - as in STO-is-uninstalled-and-my-LTS-is-written-off-as-a-complete-loss. No check backs, no eighth chances. Just done and done.
  • So much this. I'm not sure how the new mission window defaulting to show-as-little-info-as-possible is an improvement. What would have been an improvement is a mission window that auto-scrolled down as new objectives are added while staying the size we set it using F12. Let us decide how big it should be since, y'know,…
  • Not tribbles. Gagh. We will learn (through Doff crits on select days and C-store episode packs) of the great gagh/tribble wars that made both species (and the galaxy) what they are today. We will also discover the humble beginnings of the Iconians and how they rose to fill the power vacuum created by the fall of both the…
  • Outside is totally jacked up. The UI doesn't work at all, my keybinds don't work, my sprint CD is astronomically high...the list goes on and on. And that bright light? Really weird. It follows a slow but predictable patrol path and can easily be avoided, but has a very low DoT that can be fatal if your build doesn't…
  • That's the only reason I'm logging in lately. Six minutes for 15 lobi, then I'm out. I made rep tokens for the three previous reps for all my alts but I'm totally not motivated to advance any of them. I have thousands of zen and nothing to buy, with nothing on the horizon to get excited over (KDF-side). I'm glad some folks…
  • Much of that trailer looks like it's comprised of scenes made specifically for that (i.e., not actual gameplay). It's basically a commercial.
  • A little more granularity in the Boff controls interface would go a long way. Right now we have: * Attack Normally * Do Not Attack * Attack Target X * Rally Point We need: * Behavior - Aggressive (equal to current Attack Normally) * Behavior - Passive (equal to current Do Not Attack) * Behavior - Guarded (Do Not Attack…
  • Also, if you don't wear Polyalloy normally then make sure you bring a suit for Coliseum. It helps a lot.
  • Actually, aimless is a very good description for the new zone. As in, there is no aim or direction once you get there. You just fly around randomly and pick up missions that pop up with no overarching goal provided by the game. I'm not doing the new rep so I'm solely there to check out the new content. So far, it has been…
  • I get that. This season seems more, I don't know, aimless(?) than the others? I guess I'm missing large parts of the how's/why's/where's by not doffing or repping. Oh well.
  • No, you're not the only one. I spoke to the NPC's I when I got to the dyson sphere, then beamed to my ship and did a couple missions. Killed lots of Voth, ran Breach, killed lots more Voth. Still have no direction or clue what we're supposed to be doing. Everything looks good, though. I'm not running the rep, so maybe…
  • Whatever the next fleet update is it should include a fleet sponsorship project that large fleets (T4+?) can complete to generate a token that reduces fleet project requirements of any one starbase/holding in perpetuity, with the amount of the discount dependent on fleet membership. The more members the fleet has the lower…
  • The best part of S8 is the rep sponsorship token. That it actually works is a bonus. The new season looks fantastic, though. Props to the environment guys for that.