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huh...why don't I feel the need to log on to the game?



  • bughunter357bughunter357 Member Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I don't suppose that S8 is for everyone. It certainly isn't for me, but I am glad that some people at least are liking it because I want this game to succeed.

    I really liked Sphere of Influence, but the Dyson Sphere just doesn't do anything for me. It's running around and shooting things. I much preferred New Romulus, and the way the planet was laid out. You could go explore, it felt like Star Trek, and you could take your time with New Romulus, but not with this. It seems like you just run around and shoot stuff or fly around chasing circles on your map that half the time don't trigger anything. :o

    I'm finding S8 a bit of a chore and I think I'm turning anti-Federation too, because their take on the situation is too militaristic for my tastes.

    Incase you haven't noticed but its not just the feds that are being militaristic in this, this effects all the species of the quadrant, I think you need to go watch "The Omega Directive" again and realize that this is not the feds going pew pew because they are bored with the borg, this is for survival for us all in the alpha & beta quadrant with out warp travel some planets (including the ferengi will shrivel up and die).
    Dear Cryptic.

    I don't need more grinds. I'd love it if you put your time into making sets of missions instead of a big pretty sphere that has no real purpose.

    Signed bored player (even though I don't play much now)

    why so you can be bored with those mission five minutes after you play them no thanks I prefer a lil grind over a mission that I would be done with 5 minutes after I played it.
    The lead-in episode with Michael Dorn, aside from the plot and story ripped from Stargate Universe, was excellent. The Obelisk is a good cheap ship.

    I've said this once and will say it again Star Trek came WAY before Stargate so how can it be a rip off and whats to say the inspiration was there because of Stargate so what that's what makes games, movies etc is inspiration from other ideas it's not a rip off
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I kind of get the apathy... S8 has a bunch of good, but still somehow leaves me just sort of meh.
    [Edit] WARNING, WALL-OF-OPINIONS... that you may or may not share, but this is why the meh arises for me...

    Dyson Joint Command Reputation methodology
    ...actually being able to get the big project done in one (Elite) go and free samples as we progress is great. We don't even have to go on a secondary mini fetch-quest just to go get the crud to put in the sliders. It keeps the grind feel less tiresome when we get a shot at something neat, and a look at the other stuff even if or character can't use what they find in their little crate. Can we do this with the other Reps too? Even with the...
    Sponsorship Tokens
    ...for the love of the Elements, Profits, Kahless, Q, and the Founders would you please just make the darn Reputation progress account-wide? You could've tripled the cost, allowed each character to contribute to the account's progress, and put the Mark/BNP/VCI trade-ins into the Store tab without a cooldown. I don't have a problem with claiming a Rep Tier being an individual character project as it now, though, just account-wide advancement. The overall cost would be the same, but make it less of a detriment to start new characters and maybe get folks to buy more character slots... even the Token still forces us to grind for each character slot we purchase if we buy more character slots (I recently purchased a few; the Token helps with, but does not fix, the problem) Oh, and no sliders... just let us earn a Reputation buy doing something instead of sliding around bars. Unless it's Quark's Rep, then sliding around bars should at least keep Morn amused... Anyway, the Token is included in Good mostly because it's waaay better than what we had before, even if it could have been better...
    Ground Battlezone
    ...is probably the best part of the new mission content, since the FE was added before S8 launched. I enjoy bringing a Gorn Tac boff with Lunge and seeing Gorn flying at dinosaurs... it makes me chuckle. Plus, it really does introduce a new gameplay option...
    The Breach
    ...is just plain fun. I actually like doing more than one run through... which is high praise since the Dyson Joint Command Rep could actually be done just fine once a day doing this alone...

    The (Episodes') Story
    ...episodes are not exactly the most engaging. Other than the FE, but that had Michael Dorn and came out before the actual "Episodes" of S8; why wasn't there more Michael Dorn? Anyway, the S8 episodes point you in the direction of where to wander, and pick up pieces of...
    Story Delivered by Doffing
    ...which gives me pause... you mean we're actually supposed to read the outcomes from those things? Oh, and the doffs are the stars of that, since they actually get to participate... unlike out captains. At least there is some...
    Story Delivered by Consoles
    ...that aren't always powered, and usually have Voth Bio-Engineered Dinos waiting to chew on your backside while you stand there reading a console... in a Battlezone... where you, you know, battle...
    Space Battlezone
    ...maybe it's the fact that it's hard to smile and shout "Grove Street!" as you take over regions that don't actually show who controls them on the map, but I just don't find the Space Battlezone all that compelling. I can shoot at Voth ships, and have fun doing it, but... that's much more interesting in The Breach, and usually far more rewarding for your time...
    ...is not exciting... travelling from the Iconian Gateway to the Solanae Dyson Sphere is nice and quick... then you have to fly through two separate Space maps every time you bother to go back to the Ground Battlezone. The only travel I was interested in was an occasional Tour, trying to see how many full circuits I could run back when you could actually challenge yourself by doing more than one circuit...

    At this point, I play the Breach, hate flying out to the Ground Battlezone that I love, and am still grinding Rep... I think the biggest apathy inducer is that last bit. The Tokens are a nice idea, but they still leave you grinding like Hassan's dancers if you bother to purchase more character slots. After hitting T5 in a Reputation tree once, I got a sense of accomplishment; after hitting T5 a second time, I kind of sighed and was content to be done; after fleshing out T5 for 3+ characters, I really stopped giving that much of a rat's aft... Well, that was my experience anyway; at least the Dyson one gives you a little grab-bag crate with each project, but the others still just... account-wide progress please :P
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    Yeah.....or perhaps a true warrior wants to participate in the storyline and not read about them as if he was reading a book. :rolleyes:
    Oh this quest will require much participation in the war with the Voth.... most of the data can only be acquired by locating objects found in Voth territory. The only way to complete this quest is to wade through a sea of Voth corpses to find the information you seek. :D
    hate flying out to the Ground Battlezone that I love,
    If you fly your ship to the Iconian gateway that is near the taskforce HQ you'll see an option to take a shuttle to the battlezone, but this might require you to have completed the mission Kaol gives you to fly there manually.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oh this quest will require much participation in the war with the Voth.... most of the data can only be acquired by locating objects found in Voth territory. The only way to complete this quest is to wade through a sea of Voth corpses to find the information you seek. :DIf you fly your ship to the Iconian gateway that is near the taskforce HQ you'll see an option to take a shuttle to the battlezone, but this might require you to have completed the mission Kaol gives you to fly there manually.

    Riiiighht.....so this is what is suposed to pass as story content in STO these days? :rolleyes:
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I like how the KDF supposedly have an Omega directive all of a sudden.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    Riiiighht.....so this is what is suposed to pass as story content in STO these days? :rolleyes:

    Yep. You get to fight your way to the "Lost Tomes Of Lore" then read the story "content" before going back to grinding reps. :cool:
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yep. You get to fight your way to the "Lost Tomes Of Lore" then read the story "content" before going back to grinding reps. :cool:
    Honestly the only real difference is that the consoles aren't marked on the map and you have to actually find them yourself.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • halcyon3halcyon3 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I get the apathy i really do, i've been there and suffered that with this game so I get where you are coming from OP and i empathize.

    However, I disagree that there is no reason for you to log in at the moment, what about the 15 free lobi everyday until dec 5th for doing a featured episode - cold comfort or spin the wheel will take you no more than 10 minutes, add up how much 15 lobi a day for 5-6 weeks accumulates and you will find you are missing out on a free currency. If anything a lot of days i am just logging on for this coz even if i take a break again (which is likely) that 500+lobi will still be there for me :D
  • zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited November 2013
    halcyon3 wrote: »
    what about the 15 free lobi everyday until dec 5th for doing a featured episode

    That's the only reason I'm logging in lately. Six minutes for 15 lobi, then I'm out. I made rep tokens for the three previous reps for all my alts but I'm totally not motivated to advance any of them. I have thousands of zen and nothing to buy, with nothing on the horizon to get excited over (KDF-side).

    I'm glad some folks like S8, as that helps STO, but I was never really jazzed about it. Once the lobi promo is over I might take another 6-8 month hiatus from STO. Or maybe I'll do the winter event. Meh. Who knows.
    Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    To the OP and everyone else that doesnt feel like logging in...

    The carrot on a stick for season 8 just isnt juicy enough for you...Its all about another grind for what? Slightly better consoles and gear that may be new, but certainly isn't exciting.

    Season 8 is more of the grind that the past few have been pushing...it really couldve used some sort of BLAM content
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Dude, some people played for 10 minutes and found themselves uninstalling the game.

    These are clearly not those people. They are bad people! :P
    Just...this enormous Apathy.

    Can I have your stuff?
    You should go console collecting in the ground battlezone. not only do you get an accolade for finding them all, but you learn a bunch of things about the guys who built the Solanae Dyson Sphere.

    But it's not an easy task, only a true warrior has the strength, courage, and tenacity to find them all.

    This. I just saw the new cutscenes for Dyson rep tier 1 and I'm back in for lore loving. It makes sense that Cryptic would save the story stuff for people who play the game rather than loading it up front for the casuals who only log in when it's spoonfed to them in feature episodes.
    You should go console collecting in the ground battlezone. not only do you get an accolade for finding them all, but you learn a bunch of things about the guys who built the Solanae Dyson Sphere.

    But it's not an easy task, only a true warrior has the strength, courage, and tenacity to find them all.

    This. Grinds are the way Cryptic supports the game, so they've merged the story missions with the parts of the game that actually make money.

    Sad to say for story buffs, but Feature Episodes do NOT make money with STO's business model, which is why they stopped making them in series (which again, players burned through like a lightsaber through butter) and melded them with stuff that actually supports the game long term.

    Don't like it? Hope for a single-player trek game. Chances are it'll be Abramsverse though :rolleyes:
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm only staying logged in long enough to do spin the wheel and the contested zone daily, it takes about 5 min for each one, the daily is easy with a FAW boat, just FAW spam on a Voth Fleet, get commendation.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • mvp333mvp333 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Fed here with the same issue. Played through Sphere of Influence, which was freaking awesome, then just... left. There's really nothing left in the game as of now that is of any interest. All I see is yet more grinding, for the sake of what... grinding faster? I simply cease to see the point after a short while. If I ever log in, it will be to do patrol/enter-system missions that I have never done, or play with the new grind-toys for free on Tribble once in a while.

    Hopefully Season 9 will come with more quality updates and upgrades for existing content, ships, and mechanics, (Perhaps giving me a real reason to get a D'kyr, and thus actually spend money on the game for once?) as well as INTERESTING content for both sides, but I somehow doubt it.
  • howtorhowtor Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    feiqa wrote: »
    What is this 'outside' you speak of? Is it a new zone?

    I tried this "outside zone" you speak of I ended up getting agro from a bright light in the sky and ran back inside before it killed me
  • zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited November 2013
    howtor wrote: »
    I tried this "outside zone" you speak of I ended up getting agro from a bright light in the sky and ran back inside before it killed me

    Outside is totally jacked up. The UI doesn't work at all, my keybinds don't work, my sprint CD is astronomically high...the list goes on and on.

    And that bright light? Really weird. It follows a slow but predictable patrol path and can easily be avoided, but has a very low DoT that can be fatal if your build doesn't include counters. There may be a wiki with more info on the web.

    I hope Cryptic listens to our feedback this time. No one will like Outside the way it is now.
    Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Game burnout happens. I checked the forums daily a few months back, but played Saints Row 4 for several weeks.
    Sometimes you just have to step back, and take a vacation from the game when it stops feeling fun, and begins to feel like a second job.
    We all have been there.Try something else for awhile, we will be here when you get back.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This. I just saw the new cutscenes for Dyson rep tier 1 and I'm back in for lore loving. It makes sense that Cryptic would save the story stuff for people who play the game rather than loading it up front for the casuals who only log in when it's spoonfed to them in feature episodes.

    This. Grinds are the way Cryptic supports the game, so they've merged the story missions with the parts of the game that actually make money.

    Sad to say for story buffs, but Feature Episodes do NOT make money with STO's business model, which is why they stopped making them in series (which again, players burned through like a lightsaber through butter) and melded them with stuff that actually supports the game long term.

    Don't like it? Hope for a single-player trek game. Chances are it'll be Abramsverse though :rolleyes:

    10 out of 10 on missing the point. You win!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    10 out of 10 on missing the point. You win!
    Please do enlighten us....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Please do enlighten us....

    Oh c'mon, don't tell me that you really don't get it.

    When I think about story/lore related content, I'm thinking of having my char. actively participating in that content. Me being the center of the mission, something like that awesome and very Trek mission in LoR when you discover New Romulus.

    People here on the forum are very opinionated and they usually have vastly different opinions on what is what, what should be done, etc., but one thing I believe all of us posting here (and dare I say even people that don't come to the forum, for what I know from my fleets) agreed that one of Cryptic's strongest assets and STO selling points, especially to the Trek crowd was their story content. The famous FEs that made one feel like living through a Star Trek episode. I find it a big shame that S8 is lacking in this department, especially with so many S8 related gaps left to fill.

    The S8 cutscenes is not this content. If I want to passively watch something, I'll load a ST episode in my DVD. Reading lore from consoles in a battlezone with dinosaurs of all places is not this content. If I want to read about somthing, I'll pick up a ST book in which the quality of writing is uncomparable to STO. And doff missions.....just lol :D I'd never in a milion years think that we'd end up having the doff missions as actual story content.

    When I log in STO, given the tradition, I expect to be able to go through a new season with a feeling of actively participating in it. I don't mind the rep.grinds, I don't mind the fleet facilities as some people. But I also want to experience and participate in somekind of a coherent storyline with my chars, you know being immersed in the content. That's why I play STO. Take that away and we're left with your regular run of the mill grindy MMO shooter.
  • shinzonisbackshinzonisback Member Posts: 330
    edited November 2013
    Well, I don't like S8 very much, particularly, I don't like this new rep:

    its easy to complete ok, but I don't like its powers and gears.
    they are quite useless and ... senseless.

    It seems they could be useful only against voth.
    While Omega Rep gears are good in any situation.

    also, S8 did not introduced many changes, like the S7 did.
    Ok, its too early for a new faction, (I think we will have to wait until S10 for that).

    but devs should use this seasons to rebalance the game.

    I'm romulan, but I have to admit that roms are OP:
    not for the battle cloak, but for Romulan and Reman BOffs.

    FED and KDF should have their own OP boffs.

    not to talk about gears: since S7, the only thing FED and KDF did was to assimilate their enemies technology ... just like the borg.

    they didn't developed a their own new set ...

    However, i appreciate that we have a new season every 3-4 months, this keeps the game interesting :D
    Italian Player - Forgive my bad English

  • atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    cptjhunter wrote: »
    Game burnout happens. I checked the forums daily a few months back, but played Saints Row 4 for several weeks.
    Sometimes you just have to step back, and take a vacation from the game when it stops feeling fun, and begins to feel like a second job.
    We all have been there.Try something else for awhile, we will be here when you get back.

    True, that's why I've been playing some new MMO's I just downloaded. I check in now twice a week just because I'm a fleet leader. If it wasn't for my small fleet,...I wouldn't touch the game until season 9 comes around (which should be around April-May if they don't fall behind schedule).
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    howtor wrote: »
    I tried this "outside zone" you speak of I ended up getting agro from a bright light in the sky and ran back inside before it killed me

    That lights only dangerous if a huge disembodied hand is holding a giant magnifying glass...
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    That lights only dangerous if a huge disembodied hand is holding a giant magnifying glass...

    Or if its a group of musically-minded dolphins singing "Thanks for all the fish!"
  • philipclaybergphilipclayberg Member Posts: 1,680
    edited November 2013
    feiqa wrote: »
    What is this 'outside' you speak of? Is it a new zone?

    Yep. It's F2P. Free lighting (no lens flares). But if you're anything like Gollum, you might want to try dawn or dusk at first, and then slowly get used to full daylight or night-time. Be careful of hooded men on horseback. They're looking for a ring, from what I hear, and they have a terrible cold when they think someone is hiding nearby.
  • philipclaybergphilipclayberg Member Posts: 1,680
    edited November 2013
    zordar01 wrote: »
    Outside is totally jacked up. The UI doesn't work at all, my keybinds don't work, my sprint CD is astronomically high...the list goes on and on.

    And that bright light? Really weird. It follows a slow but predictable patrol path and can easily be avoided, but has a very low DoT that can be fatal if your build doesn't include counters. There may be a wiki with more info on the web.

    I hope Cryptic listens to our feedback this time. No one will like Outside the way it is now.

    The bright light, when it reaches zenith, is actually a huge 1960s TV. Sold by a company called Belmont. You can watch ST:TOS on it, but you can't copy the episodes onto VHS or Betamax tapes, and TiVo doesn't work at all. "And stay away from the brown acid. It's baaad acid."
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    Oh c'mon, don't tell me that you really don't get it.

    When I think about story/lore related content, I'm thinking of having my char. actively participating in that content. Me being the center of the mission, something like that awesome and very Trek mission in LoR when you discover New Romulus.

    People here on the forum are very opinionated and they usually have vastly different opinions on what is what, what should be done, etc., but one thing I believe all of us posting here (and dare I say even people that don't come to the forum, for what I know from my fleets) agreed that one of Cryptic's strongest assets and STO selling points, especially to the Trek crowd was their story content. The famous FEs that made one feel like living through a Star Trek episode. I find it a big shame that S8 is lacking in this department, especially with so many S8 related gaps left to fill.

    The S8 cutscenes is not this content. If I want to passively watch something, I'll load a ST episode in my DVD. Reading lore from consoles in a battlezone with dinosaurs of all places is not this content. If I want to read about somthing, I'll pick up a ST book in which the quality of writing is uncomparable to STO. And doff missions.....just lol :D I'd never in a milion years think that we'd end up having the doff missions as actual story content.

    When I log in STO, given the tradition, I expect to be able to go through a new season with a feeling of actively participating in it. I don't mind the rep.grinds, I don't mind the fleet facilities as some people. But I also want to experience and participate in somekind of a coherent storyline with my chars, you know being immersed in the content. That's why I play STO. Take that away and we're left with your regular run of the mill grindy MMO shooter.
    Which translates into a single, possibly short mission where your character gets to be part of the task force that does the initial investigation of the Dyson sphere and gets the TRIBBLE kicked out of them by the Voth..... Ok then...
    My character Tsin'xing
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Which translates into a single, possibly short mission where your character gets to be part of the task force that does the initial investigation of the Dyson sphere and gets the TRIBBLE kicked out of them by the Voth..... Ok then...

    That's all that you managed to get out of that? That's the best you can do? :D

    *slow dramatic clap*

    Whatever helps you sleep better at night I guess.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    That's all that you managed to get out of that? That's the best you can do? :D

    *slow dramatic clap*

    Whatever helps you sleep better at night I guess.

    Fixed it for you :)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    That's all that you managed to get out of that? That's the best you can do? :D

    *slow dramatic clap*

    Whatever helps you sleep better at night I guess.
    Well what were you expecting? a 12 episode FE series? we already know they're not doing that....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I see most people are "ho hum" about Season 8. That is to be expected when it is "more of the same" but with different artwork, story, aliens, consoles, ships, etc... I mean, PWE's revenue model can only work for so long before everyone loses interest. I almost dread new seasons being released because it means I'll have to stop my only love in this game, PvP, and go grind to get gear, doffs, etc.. to remain competitive in PvP

    Sure, it is great artwork, extension of the storyline that answers some questions about the Voyager episodes, etc.. but once you complete the quests a few times, then it is repetitive, routine, and monotonous.

    What cryptic really needs to do is incorporate a PvP aspect into all this PvE boredom. Make it so that the results can change each time you play the adventure by allowing the outcome to vary.. by pitting real brains against each other to achieve a common goal.

    Suppose you had fed, fed-roms, against kdf, kdf-roms, and mirror universe feds (to even up the numbers for the KDF) all competing against each other for control of the dysonsphere. The Voth would be against both teams, but both teams would be against the Voth and the other team.

    You don't get the "rewards" until you defeat both the Voth and the other team. Wouldn't that liven it all up a bit?

    Competing against real brains is the ultimate interactive adventure. The sooner Cryptic realizes this, the better off they will be in increasing the longevity of this game.

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