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How to survive?

radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
edited November 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Decloak for attack run, im behind enemy and try to keep away from frontal attacks, rear torp spread from enemy = dead, Brace for impact is no help.

Another case, decloak for attack run, then start firing BOOM i die for no seemingly reason?

Before i can cloak again (CD on) i have pone shield arc gone, try reroute, enemy does beam overload once and boom, seems like whole 100 hull gone.

Any tips, it irritates me when they just one shot me and i just cant do anything to stop it, quantum absorption is only thing i dind useful for this but its usage is limited.

Particularly annoying enemies that do this. Klingon Battlecruiser (Named like that), Galor class, Mogal heavt bird and some Gorn support vessels.

Enemies tractor beams are not problem here.
Captain Hunt, at your service!
Post edited by radagast75 on


  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This in PvP?
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    This in PvP?

    PVE (Elite)

    I was just wondering if these NPC ships are capable of doing criticals? That could explain some of this.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • ensignthrowawayensignthrowaway Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    PVE (Elite)

    I was just wondering if these NPC ships are capable of doing criticals? That could explain some of this.
    Yes, enemy ships can get critical hits, and yes, they can ruin your day.

    Can you offer your build, and what elite content you're experiencing trouble in?
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,671 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    PVE (Elite)

    I was just wondering if these NPC ships are capable of doing criticals? That could explain some of this.

    Elite Mogai High Yield torps are basically one-hit kills, avoid them or shoot them down before they hit you. Decloaking right behind their rear torp launcher is not a good idea on Elite, back off to at least 4km and CSV instead of CRF. Yeah, Elite regular NPCs can crit, AFAIK only the Borg are dis-allowed Crits.

    Also, what ship are you using and what gear? I've not had much trouble with BOs killing my Fleet Mogai while doing Tua Dewa on Elite, but it has Elite Fleet Resilient Shields, and is on an Engineer.
  • varnoukhvarnoukh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Depends on your ship etc. but...

    Once nasty trick with the cloak is to get within 5k, buff up, decloak, tractor beam, then blast the TRIBBLE out of them with cannons.

    Generally safest to do this from behind, so all you face is a torpedo and turrets / beams, but sometimes best to do it from the side, eg. against ships which use eject warp plasma.

    Recloak and repeat if necessary.

    Specifically re defence, the console that comes with the valdore is nice - it regenerates shields as you do energy damage.

    It can also help to equip shields and plating tailored for your current opponents' damage type (i.e. carry several with you everywhere).
  • pwetacodeathpwetacodeath Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hey there radagast75,

    So, looks like you're having a bit of trouble, so here are a few friendly thoughts:

    One, judging from your post, you are flying a tactical ship yes? Going the "Decloak, fire, recloak" route (correct me if I am mistaken)

    Second, if you're using Re-route for shields, I and pretty much everyone else that visits the Forums have this to say: INVEST in Tactical Team 1, and 2. It pretty much automatically distributes your shields to the facing that is taking damage, and at a faster pace as well.

    Third, like some have said, bad idea to fly anywhere in the enemies torpedo arc (Front, Rear). Sure, you can occasionally shoot down the high yield torpedo's they fire at you, but you can't always get them all, not to mention the cool-down factor of Beam Fire at Will, and/or Scatter Volley.

    So, here's your best and safest bet: stick to the sides (left side, right side) and make sure you have an ability to get out of tractor beams on the rare occasion that you get caught.
    That way, you don't have to worry about blowing up into teeny tiny smithereens every time you take on a Mogi, or even worse, a D'Deridex Class Warbird.

    In fact, that will help you with just about every encounter that you come across, when dealing with enemy ships (except for the Borg of course)

    So, to recap:

    Get Tactical Team 1 and 2 (if possible, even one can save your life), stay away from the front and back of the ships, stick to the sides. And try to get Polarize Hull or an ability that helps you get out of Tractor Beams, for those encounters that are closer than 5k. Oh, and try to stay more than 5k away as much as possible.

    Anything else? Be sure to ask. As one of my old teachers used to say: "The dumbest question, is the one that isn't asked"
    I am not a Mod. I am just a player. You have been informed :cool:
  • pokersmith1pokersmith1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Tacofangs v2.0 gave u some solid advice. If you want specific advice, please post your build in detail, preferably with a stoacedemy build link.
    Elite Defense Starfleet
    Elite Defense Stovokor
  • kozar2kozar2 Member Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    A borg hit me for 86,000 damage the other day in a single hit. So yes PVE can kill. 30-40,000 crits happen regular enough in elite stfs.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kozar2 wrote: »
    A borg hit me for 86,000 damage the other day in a single hit. So yes PVE can kill. 30-40,000 crits happen regular enough in elite stfs.

    Thats only if they get through to your hull though. Against shields, the damage of those kinetic hits is quartered, and if you have a good resistance rating, reduced even more than that. A truly tanky ship will even take the High Yield torps without dropping a facing. Never let them touch your bare hull in the first place if you can help it, no matter how good your armor is. To paraphrase the Jem'Hadar, "Shields are LIFE!!!"
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thank you for helpful replies especially to Taco. I try to adjust my tactics a bit, side could really be better than behind and yes, i am captain of tactical warbird.

    I often get too close and this i realize. The reason for this is the tactic i use and love. Fly behind enemy, decloak relatively close, drop tractor mines plus hi-yield Tricobalt torp, then move further and use beam overload 2, hi-yield 3 and Rapid fire 4, then while they cool, i use Beam at will 1, scatter volley 2 and spread 3. This work on most ships. I also have Val'dore console, tactical team 1, i also use tachyon beam 2 on first frontal salvo, when i get too low health before singularity is full, i recloak, heal further away and repeat.

    I would be glad to post my build to get more specific advice on that area, could you please give that link where to do it? I have forgotten it.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    And when you post the link, list your doffs as well since those don't have a spot in the planner.
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    And when you post the link, list your doffs as well since those don't have a spot in the planner.

    Roger that.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,671 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    High yield Trics can damage and give the disable effect to you if you're too close when one of yours goes off.
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    tom61sto wrote: »
    High yield Trics can damage and give the disable effect to you if you're too close when one of yours goes off.

    Indeed theyt can. I learned this quite early when i was fond of hi-yield plasma torp, often burniing my own ship and dooming my devoted crew :/

    Currently trying to make my build at academy but it is lacking most of stuff i have, kind of irritating.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Allrighty, here is my build. Besides few differencies like Sing being Dual injection and it being VII like Impulse and shields it is all there.



    20% chance to reduce torp recharde

    3 sec reduced Evasive maneuvers CF10% chance to set 80% of normal for def disc abilities

    Ramming speed/Brace for impact 15% damage res for 10 sec

    I dont have fifth doff used as i fdont have anything but useless and going to get some sort of flight deck doff for time when i get to use tactical Scimitar.

    It is only couple of grades away and this is also reason for some of my equipment being outdated as i tend to update them at that time.

    I would be glad if any advice is pointed to tactical Scimitar instead of my current ship.

    I am Reman as species so traits from that are to be counted as well. I also have singularity specialist and crippling fire as space traits, have not decided of third yet, was considering elusive for defense.

    I am not in a fleet so i dont have access to fleet stuff, only exchange, missions, drops and Dilithium stuff.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • pokersmith1pokersmith1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    So lets see.

    On survivability front: I see you got 1 copy of TT1 (tactical team1). You need to make it two copies, then chain them so that you can use them back to back (get rid of bfaw1 - beam fire at will). Also, I see on engineering front, you got 1 copy of ET1 (engineering team) and one copy of epts1 (emergency power to shields). I suggest for now you replace that ET with another epts. Now that you have two copies of epts1, I suggest you chain them back to back as well. The high uptimes on TT1 and epts1 will increase your survivability greatly. You also have eptw2 (emergency power to weapon) in your lt. engineering slot. Let us replace that with a rsp1 (reverse shield polarity) for now.
    In you sci stations, you should carry either a HE1 (hazard emitters) and TSS2(transfer shield strength), or tss1 and he2.

    Lets see you change this for now and see how you like the survivability. You should not lose your dps over what you currently have because of the suggested change. However, make no mistake. Your current build is horrible for dps as well, but let us take one step at a time.

    Do you have a knowledge about keybinds?

    What kind of doffs do you have for active space duty?
    Elite Defense Starfleet
    Elite Defense Stovokor
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I have knownledge of bindinding keys via console and in the menus. I also use nostromo controller for all the abilities and shield reroutes so everything is at hand.

    Since Scimitar has only 1 engineering slot, i was going to change ensing engineering to Sci engineering with Hazard emitters, he is already trained for that, i was planning to get hull heal and plasma burn etc removal from this. Also Emergency to weapons was to become Eng team 2.

    I have couple of other crewmembers as well to test out your suggestions but for the feel, i am not going to get another tac team as i must have that beam fire at will to have feel of real Scimitar with multiple weapons :)

    I am not much for DPS, i can live with it if only i can surtvive my attack runs between decloack->recloak and Sci has that cloaked barrage which gives me one attack run on cloak.

    Duty officer bonuses were listed in my previous post under DOFF

    I will try your suggestions today, thank you.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • pwetacodeathpwetacodeath Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    Thank you for helpful replies especially to Taco. I try to adjust my tactics a bit, side could really be better than behind and yes, i am captain of tactical warbird.

    I often get too close and this i realize. The reason for this is the tactic i use and love. Fly behind enemy, decloak relatively close, drop tractor mines plus hi-yield Tricobalt torp, then move further and use beam overload 2, hi-yield 3 and Rapid fire 4, then while they cool, i use Beam at will 1, scatter volley 2 and spread 3. This work on most ships. I also have Val'dore console, tactical team 1, i also use tachyon beam 2 on first frontal salvo, when i get too low health before singularity is full, i recloak, heal further away and repeat.

    I would be glad to post my build to get more specific advice on that area, could you please give that link where to do it? I have forgotten it.

    Hello again,

    I see a few issues (personal opinion),

    Lets start: Beam-Overload 2, Cannon Rapid Fire...I think you mean 3 (Don't think there's Rapid Fire 4), Beam Fire at Will, and Scatter Volley.

    Now the really REALLY big issue here, is you're using Beam's AND Cannons. Which, turns into a bit of a nightmare.

    Its best to stick with either Cannons, OR Beams, but never both.
    And here's why:

    With a pure Cannon set-up, you can run Scatter-volley/Rapid Fire 2 & 3 and still have room for Tactical Team 1 & 2

    OR you can run Beam Fire at will/ Beam Over-load, and still have room for Tactial Team 1 & 2

    Remember, Tactical Team is a life-saver for a Tactical Captain.

    From there you can do your Torpedo Spread/High Yield Torpedo

    I would also have to voice my opinion on the Tric Torpedo: While it does a nice bit of damage, the down-side is, its Slow, Cool-down takes forever, and they can potentially be shot down.

    Anyway, back to your build:
    Emergency Power to Weapons (EPtW for short) you can lose, for the most part.
    You can also lose Eng Team.

    While this does tend to be a bit of a hot issue with Tac Captains, I personally perfer Emergency Power to Shields for Engineer Boff Skills,
    And Polarize Hull and Hazard Emitters for Science Boff Skills

    Now, another thing to think about is your Engineering Console Slots.
    Again, there are varying opinions on this but:

    Your best bet would to go with a Console that helps resist against Specific Energy Types (For PVE Play anyway)
    Such as: Electroceramic Hull Plating for example. +40 Resistance to Plasma/Tetryon Weapons (If you get the MK XII Purple anyay) again, just an example.

    You can always swap them out based on your current needs. Or you can go with the generic Ablative type Hull Plating which covers all Energy Types, but with Less Resistance Values.

    Just some things to think about.

    Rememer, keep asking questions :D
    I am not a Mod. I am just a player. You have been informed :cool:
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I know i would be better with just cannons or beams, but the feel of the ship and its systems is important to me and the way hpw it looks in battle. This is really the only reason why i have both weapons and so on. And yeas i meant rapid fire 3.

    I was going to use disruptors on scimitar, any suggestion on this? This was because their good availability and personal preference.

    For the engineers, i am going to change that EPtW to EPtS as soon as i can get to trainer or buy a boff with that one.

    Science, Hazard emitters i allready have on another boff so thats easy to just swap it. Polarize hull was something that i never even thinked about, i need to get on that.

    I am propably going for ablative, been searching reasonably priced one for quite some time. How doies it work by the way? If i put two ablative consoles, does the other add res to firts (Stack) or is it just a useless extra that does nothing and if it really helps, how does it work?

    If i get Falchion with secondary shields, does that help much or is it just miniscule addition? Does shield healing abilities work on secondary and primary shields?

    Any advice on my skill build?
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • zordar01zordar01 Member Posts: 318
    edited November 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    I know i would be better with just cannons or beams, but the feel of the ship and its systems is important to me and the way hpw it looks in battle. This is really the only reason why i have both weapons and so on. And yeas i meant rapid fire 3.

    The biggest issue is that you're using different energy types - plasma and tetryon. Stick with one and use the tac consoles that boost the damage of that energy type. That way, even if you use beams and cannons, they all benefit.
    radagast75 wrote: »
    I was going to use disruptors on scimitar, any suggestion on this? This was because their good availability and personal preference.

    Disruptors are a good all-around choice. You'll have a lot of options (vanilla disruptors, polarized disruptors, plasma-disruptor hybrids) and the proc is very useful when it triggers.
    radagast75 wrote: »
    I am propably going for ablative, been searching reasonably priced one for quite some time. How doies it work by the way? If i put two ablative consoles, does the other add res to firts (Stack) or is it just a useless extra that does nothing and if it really helps, how does it work?

    Same resistance consoles do stack but with diminishing returns (so the second console won't give as much resistance as the first). Arguably, you should run with Neutronium armor consoles, as they resist all energy and kinetic, albeit at lower levels. I've tried using a Monotanium console as a base and swapping out another specific energy type resist console (like ablative) depending on the encounter, but it was a hassle. Now I just run 1 or 2 Neutroniums.

    For your engineering consoles, I'd run 2 Neutronium armors and put one of the universal consoles there.

    For your science consoles, I'd run a Field Generator (the one that boosts shield capacity) and use the other slot for another universal console.

    Tac consoles should generally be all energy type damage boosters (so, all disruptor induction coils when you get disruptor weapons).
    radagast75 wrote: »
    If i get Falchion with secondary shields, does that help much or is it just miniscule addition? Does shield healing abilities work on secondary and primary shields?

    Secondary shields are a good Oh-TRIBBLE button. Using them with either of the other two Scimitar consoles gives a good maneuverability boost while cloaked, too.
    radagast75 wrote: »
    Any advice on my skill build?

    Use this website to determine how many skill points to put in various things. Generally speaking, going into the red on skills is not cost effective as it provides such a limited benefit. Having said that, however, as a tactical captain your job is to kill stuff. So I'd max out at least Starship Weapons Training (T1), Starship Energy Weapons (T2), and put at least 6 into Energy Weapons Specialization (T5). Energy weapons are the bread-and-butter of most ships, so maxing out their damage potential is a wise thing to do.

    Also, Subsystem Repair generally isn't that useful for anyone, and Grav Generators isn't helping your current build at all.

    For Doffs, I'd get 3 of the ones that reduce Tac Team cooldowns (at the highest rarity you can afford). That, combined with running EPtS & RSP will help a lot with survivability.

    Keep on Trekking. :)
    Star Trek: Online - Now with 100% more dinosaurs!!
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thanks, good advices. I was wonderin whether to go Antiproton as it seems Exchange is full of voth cannons at fairly low price at moment, they have added crit chance.. Which one should i go? AP or Dis?

    Also, what kind of torpedoes? Currently i use those modified photons from mission #Mind game" named "Bio-Molecular warhead" They disable crew over time.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • varnoukhvarnoukh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    I often get too close and this i realize. The reason for this is the tactic i use and love. Fly behind enemy, decloak relatively close, drop tractor mines plus hi-yield Tricobalt torp, then move further and use beam overload 2, hi-yield 3 and Rapid fire 4, then while they cool, i use Beam at will 1, scatter volley 2 and spread 3. This work on most ships. I also have Val'dore console, tactical team 1, i also use tachyon beam 2 on first frontal salvo, when i get too low health before singularity is full, i recloak, heal further away and repeat.

    I would be glad to post my build to get more specific advice on that area, could you please give that link where to do it? I have forgotten it.

    Others have already given good advice re your build. I just want to make a few general comments.

    Tactical ships - especially if you're using cannons - work well with your idea of getting close. Cannons have higher DPS than beams but aren't instant hit, so can be dodged, but that's less likely if you're in close. So closer = you do more damage.

    Other than the mix of beams and cannons which others have already pointed out isn't ideal, the main issue I see is you're not taking full advantage of the strength of warbirds, which is burst DPS.

    As a reman captain, you have at least 15 seconds (more with the right reman boffs) of +25% damage after you decloak. So you want to make the most of that. Get in close while cloaked. Target your opponent and start firing (though you won't actually fire, unless you're in the T'varo). Buff yourself like crazy (tac team, rapid fire etc.). Then decloak. You'll be firing at your opponent as soon as its possible. Tractor beam them (if you have it) or do other stuff like that.

    The key is to unload buttloads of damage very quickly. That's what warbirds are good at.

    While tachyon beam is a nice ability - I generally have it equipped on my sci ships - if you're having trouble with defence I'd drop it in favour of something defensive, eg. polarize hull. The thing you have to factor in is that like many sci abilities it's effectiveness scales with aux power. Depending on how much extra defence you want you may want to max aux power (while cloaked), polarize your hull, then pump power back into weapons before decloaking.

    Finally, torpedos should generally only be fired off when your opponent's shield is down (because they do much less damage against shields), unless you're using transphasics (especially the rapid fire one).
  • pwetacodeathpwetacodeath Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    radagast75 wrote: »
    I know i would be better with just cannons or beams, but the feel of the ship and its systems is important to me and the way hpw it looks in battle. This is really the only reason why i have both weapons and so on. And yeas i meant rapid fire 3.

    I was going to use disruptors on scimitar, any suggestion on this? This was because their good availability and personal preference.

    For the engineers, i am going to change that EPtW to EPtS as soon as i can get to trainer or buy a boff with that one.

    Science, Hazard emitters i allready have on another boff so thats easy to just swap it. Polarize hull was something that i never even thinked about, i need to get on that.

    I am propably going for ablative, been searching reasonably priced one for quite some time. How doies it work by the way? If i put two ablative consoles, does the other add res to firts (Stack) or is it just a useless extra that does nothing and if it really helps, how does it work?

    If i get Falchion with secondary shields, does that help much or is it just miniscule addition? Does shield healing abilities work on secondary and primary shields?

    Any advice on my skill build?

    Its me again :D

    Using the Beam and Cannon set-up you have now, for the moment shouldn't be too big of a problem.
    Just wanted to point out the benefits of using only one or the other.

    So, anyways, on to your weapon type Question, which, can get a little tricky.

    Anti-proton Weapons are great over-all.

    Disruptor Weapons are great as well.

    It will pretty much come down to your own personal preference.

    As long as you stick to one type Disruptor OR Anti-Proton, and then get to corresponding Tac Consoles to match the Specific Weapon Type and you'll be set.

    Now, there IS a Third Weapon type that you can use, since you are flying a Romulan Ship.
    BUUUT there is a catch, and a big one at that.

    Plasma Weapons.

    If I remember correctly, (and please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken) Romulan Ships get a bit of a bonus with Plasma Weapons (Not to mention the Fleet Embassy Console Bonus's)

    Now, the catch to that, is if you ever plan on doing PvP.

    The vast Majority of Players start getting their M.A.C.O. OMEGA, and Klingon Honor Guard Space Sets, with have an inherent +20% Plasma Resist, which essentially make Plasma Weapons close to useless (But that is another topic altogether)

    So, I'd have to say: Go with Disruptor OR Anti-Proton, since you can't really go wrong with either one.

    As for your last question, yes the Secondary Shields are very much worth it.
    Saved my hide a few dozen times.
    I am not a Mod. I am just a player. You have been informed :cool:
  • varnoukhvarnoukh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If I remember correctly, (and please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken) Romulan Ships get a bit of a bonus with Plasma Weapons (Not to mention the Fleet Embassy Console Bonus's)

    I've not personally tested different weapon types on warbirds so I couldn't correct you but.... this is the first time I've read this particular claim.

    I think you might have your wires crossed. There's a bonus to plasma torpedoes with the reman and romulan space sets (obtainable by anyone with high enough rep). Romulans (race not faction) can select a trait which boosts plasma weapon damage but that's ground only, not space.

    The only advantage by way of plasma weapons for Romulans that I can recall is the ability to purchase elite plasma fleet weapons, where feds get elite phaser and kdf elite disruptor.
  • thegalaxy31thegalaxy31 Member Posts: 1,211 Arc User
    edited November 2013
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    By the way, when you talk of "Chaining" abilities.. Does that mean you can create actual wow styled macro two have more of same ability under 1 button like EPtS->EMtS II and back to beginning?
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • pokersmith1pokersmith1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I see that you need to learn keybinds.

    Please go to this link and read the keybind section, it is good for starting out.
    Elite Defense Starfleet
    Elite Defense Stovokor
  • pwetacodeathpwetacodeath Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    varnoukh wrote: »
    I've not personally tested different weapon types on warbirds so I couldn't correct you but.... this is the first time I've read this particular claim.

    I think you might have your wires crossed. There's a bonus to plasma torpedoes with the reman and romulan space sets (obtainable by anyone with high enough rep). Romulans (race not faction) can select a trait which boosts plasma weapon damage but that's ground only, not space.

    The only advantage by way of plasma weapons for Romulans that I can recall is the ability to purchase elite plasma fleet weapons, where feds get elite phaser and kdf elite disruptor.

    I stand corrected :P

    You are correct, I checked with some Fleet Mates as well, just to make sure, and they said the same thing you did, so thanks for the correction :D

    EDIT: Just a tiny tid-bit: I haven't spent too much time on my Romulan Toon lately, so if anyone that DOES spend a lot of time on a Romulan Toon, please chime in.
    I am not a Mod. I am just a player. You have been informed :cool:
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thank you for suggestion :)

    I replaced EPtW 2 with EPtS 2 and got rid of science team for transfer shield stregth. Got Hazard emitters too. This alone helped much.

    Then i got 2 rare doff for tac team recharge and 1 team is enouh know with fast cooldown. Used Law for torpedo reload plus another rare quality. Last spot for Flight deck intercept accuracy.

    Have AP weapons in all slots, still beams and cannons but it works well enough and i still have the feel i wanted for the ship :)

    Next to get some rapid reload Transphasics from Breen episodes to get better torpedoes. Oh and i dropped TCD for uncoommon Transphasic torp with DMG.

    Now i stay alive and after i carried out respec on skills i also improved crits and damahge overall.

    And lastly got 2 rare AP damage buff consoles, Rare prefire chamber and Transphasic damage console.

    Good and affordable eng and sci consoles are yet to be found but i guess i can live without them until i get what i want.
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • azmodeasazmodeas Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This is to help answer the Plasma question with Romulans ( faction ) . Warbirds gain no benefit from having plasma weapons equiped. The caveat to this is through equipping an embassy science console(s) , which are +plasma on them which add a % chance on weapons damage to add the plasma proc effect, And add a small boost to plasma weapons damage .

    Elite fleet weapons alas are still set specfic to which faction you align to as a Romulan .

    Ie If your Romulan is fed aligned then you only get Elite Phasers as an Option .

    If your romulan is KDF aligned , then you get Elite Disruptors .

    Romulans do not have access to elite Plasma , I wish we did but we do not .

    Now if you want a weapon that does plasma an makes great use of the plasma embassy sci consoles , then grind the new romulan rep to Tier 4 , an unlock the Romulan Plasma space weapons MK 12 . As well as the Romulan plasma Hyper torp. then at tier 5 grab the experimental plasma array , an use that with the torp an the zero point universal console from romulan rep . the three set is nice . As the OP has mentioned the end goal is a Scimitar , also at Tier 5 new romulan rep , you may want to grab the elite scorpian fighters to use in the hanger bay on a Scimitar . Or if you have access to a fleet with a tier 5 I think it is , Starbase then nab elite Drones instead.

    The Romulan Plasma space weapons are a double proc weapon that procs both plasma and disruptor . each has a 2.5% proc chance :) . Damage type is still Plasma . for tac console requirements .

    As for overall Survival , I have to agree with the previously posted advice by others Much Earlier in the thread.

    An again as others have pointed out there is no bad choice in going with anti proton or disruptors . With Disruptors there are alot of nice choices available .

    Anyways , good luck an have fun. After all if were not having fun then why are we in an mmo right ? :-) .

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