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What is the Arc Client?
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vrtesseract Arc User



  • Its really a cool feature I use the out of game chat all the time on my Iphone though on iphone you cannot access guild channals. It sometimes freaks people out whe I use pidgin on my laptop cause I can chait on guild and officer chat and not show up as in game. over in CO they are talking abut the out of game chat being…
  • Not sure if this is related to the gateway or not, but I had been unable to access my fleets via pidgin/xmpp starting around the time the gateway stuff started. All my fleets are back ! Good work guys!
  • Me and my hubby are hoping for another lifetime "sale" we joined less than a month after the last one but noticed they seem to have them every 3-6 months. we accually are kinda hoping for a twofer combo package with Champions Online get both save a bit of money. I think this would be really smart because it would function…
  • True Considering more often then not my offdut and formal outfits semi bug and try to go back to uniform every time i change something it may just be easier to just have one category. I suppose they just dont want people dressing thier duty officers in formal dresses and long robes. After all its not like you cant just…
  • I just randomly got access to my most recent joined fleet channal.:cool: the one that got cut off last week.. however the other two still arent connectable. :confused:as always normal global channals and champion online global channals work fine.:rolleyes: I am very happy there is improvment but as a programmer in rl i am…
  • It would have been nice if the ship was bind to account so you could hand it to an alt. however judging by the Q&A they may be coding up a use for old ships in your hanger that has your bridge officers piloting them so if your out in your science vestle you can stick an extra tack officer in the breen ship to dps with you.…
  • I am not a dev but i thought i would point out if you scroll to the very bottom of the forums there are links such as contact us ..about us... and career most mmo websites have links like these so while you are waiting for an official responce you can probibly start there. Also on a less specific note Linked IN is a good…
  • So far people seem to have covered the basics so ill go for a different aspect chat colors and chat tabs. if you right click on the chat window you can go to you chat set up where you can by clicking on the little boxes change the colours of different channals so when you see them you can tell what they are. or add new tab…
  • well i mainly loged into CO for helmet thingy and i had to patch. so im mistaken about that, and yes it is back up all hair the quick programing squad. the fleet thing has been happening for me for a long time if i join a new fleet i seem to be able to access it fine at first but often after a downtime ill lose access. CO…
  • yes i just wnt down a bit ago. it looks like champ online had a big patch I believe they also fixed some major bugs with the gateway. whenever they patch the XXmp connection seems to go a bit iffy id relog your games make sure you have all your PW games patched up. Im sure it will be back up soon. oh looks like bran beat…
  • yes, it went down about an hour ago, there seems to also be a new patch for CO not sure if its related though ive noticed that xmpp goes a bit wonky around patches, if its not back up by tomarrow ill be conserned. never good to patch on a friday it could ruin your whole weekend.
  • Hi I am here from city of heroes the mmo that spontaniously got shut down after 8 years of play with a 2 month warning, (and we lost any thing we may have spent) prior to the closing the devs were releasing screenshots of new packs and they had thier own form of drop boxes...but youd buy the box in the cstore it had a…
  • Escorts are ment to be over gunned little bundles of DPS. crusers are much more balanced, next time you team with one watch them die over and over as you hardly lose one shield. each type has its own best cruisers are the best tanks science vessles are best heal/buffers and and escorts are dps. now cruisers can heal/buff…
  • I do agree it would be nice maybe when we get the option to get new ships we could use option to "Jurry rig" maybe even for a zen cost this this will combine the two vessiles into a Jurryrigged "name of higher vessle" a jurry rigged vessle will have the upper vesstle's stats,hp,stations ect so it would never be consider…
  • i think 2 things need to happen for dilith to be worth more 1...more accual things to buy for example. as nice as lockboxes are .... I see them as a trap more than anything so if i buy keys its to trade for box items i want not to open boxes. I will pay for bundles and cool pets, probibly not ships since i seem to go…
  • i think most browser pop up software and cookie handling is messing it up it works on my iphone fine but not on my browser(i posted browser info previously). and the gateway testing is messing up my ability to connect to fleet chat via xmpp. (global and CO guild channals work fine and i am gold on both sto and co)
  • I am getting down for maintenence error. I log in it does the accessing personal info screen for a really long time then Bamf out. no Character screen no options. just log in....error using explorer 9.0.8112.16421 I also use pidgin to access in game chats im gold on BOTH CO and STO have anivertery box on sto. ( pidgin over…
  • Short term: 1 Fix the pidgin/jabber/XMPP client so i can chat to my fleets I am gold in CO and STO. 2 add an option to not gain leveling XP when sending out duty officers. I Absolutly love the Doff system id love to see something like it in CO and NWO its so unique and awsome however. Im almost level 40 and ive left earth…