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vallden1 Arc User



  • I tried to read through this post to determine if the clipping issues with skirts has been addressed. I did not see a post for it and I do not want to start a new thread. I hope this is the right place. I see clipping with every skirt available, and clipping on the neck of the Terran uniform top. The following are just…
  • You are right. That is my point. Based on the ship description it should not come with the cannons, yet it does. The question is, how do I know the ship has cannons? http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s571/vallden/dyson2_zps04d5f7d2.png I know there are four pieces to the Solanae Hybrid Technologies because the other…
  • What about the players post the event, who knew nothing about the anniversary ship. I looked at the home page. The latest information I could find on the ships is here: http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/star-trek-online/detail/3034643-advanced-dyson-ships-live%21 There is no mention of an anniversary ship or extra…
  • Thanks for the advice. I looked but it is not there either. I just got to break the bad news to another proud owner of the Dyson Science Destroyer bundle. He was asking how to get the Warp Core and upgrade the Secondary Deflector. I told him those parts are on the ship in the Lobi Store. His response, “but I bought all…
  • Thanks for jump starting my brain about the Lobi store. Duh, the other dystroyer is in there. -slap slap- I am awake now. I knew I was holding on to those for a good reason.
  • First thing I did was look in the tailor shop when I no longer had the visual. Good to know it is being worked on. Thought it might have been overlooked. The set has always shown correctly as (3/3). The armor is not MKI and MKII, it is duplicated. This is the original set. The one I am talking about is the upgraded set. I…
  • Missing consoles? Yep. Transmuted consoles? Yep. Transmuted weapons? Yep. I had a Rapid Fire Missile Launcher turn into a Disrupter Turret after a battle. Wish I had a video of that. As for the other two issues, take a look. Pay attention to the Tactical Console slots.…
  • This problem is starting to spread to all my characters. Was just my Eng at first, now any of them I use gets cursed. Add this on top of the Doff not saving and it just keeps getting better every time I play.
  • I am having the same problem with one of my characters. Beam down, “Unable to equip some items from the loadout.” Then, “Unable to assign some duty officers to the active roster.” When my roster changes all my Doffs are removed but one. I tried to delete the remaining Doff, but it did not work. I have an additional…
  • I am having the same problem with one of my characters. Beam down, "Unable to equip some items from the loadout." Then, "Unable to assign some duty officers to the active roster." When my roster changes all my Doffs are removed but one. I tried to delete the remaining Doff, but it did not work. I have an additional…
  • Thanks for the welcome. It is good to find a nice game community after more than two years of not playing STO. So much has changed since I last logged on. You guys have been very helpful in teaching me about the new content and features. More than I would have ever found on my own. Thanks again.
  • I made a post before this one on a quick fix for your ship not banking. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1090231
  • Ok this should show the arm supports better.
  • It's hard to tell form the pictures. Imagine it is designed like an umbrella. Pushing the runner towards the top of the umbrella spreads it open. If you could do the same to the center of the Recluse, it would spread open. I will try to get an image that better shows the arm support rods like an umbrella has.
  • Changing the direction of travel, this is how I imagine deploying fighters. While buttoned up the Recluse closes within fighter deployment range, or closer. Being a high value target the enemy focuses their fire on the Recluse. It is taking a beating but the fighters are protected. Shields down she starts rolling to…
  • Hello I am interested in joining your Fleet/game community. I played STO about 2 and a half years ago. I stopped just as the foundry was entering beta. A lot has changed since then. Fleets were just people playing together. Now there are Star Bases, Embassies and other facilities that I am not familiar with. I have been…
  • I feel your pain. Have not played for more than two years and this is what I come back to.
  • If only there was a message board topic that could tell us what is going on. They could call is somthing like this: Galactic News Network - This section is for the discussion of announcements, news and events related