Can you please take a look at the Odyssey excursion pants, they have been moved out of the tight pants category and into another. The Oddyssey excursion and dress belt only show up when selecting tight pants on male characters.
With the moving of the Odyssey Excursion pants to a different category the Odyssey Excursion belt can no longer be used with the pants. The same goes for the Odyssey Dress belt.
My hope is that these Command ships will be like the Intel ships with both a Command commander and lieutenant and we get a T6 Galaxy/D'Deridex/Negh'Var that will be like the Guardian/Pathfinder with just a lieutenant Command.
If they give it the same treatment they gave the T6 Intrepid, it would probably look something like this... Command Galaxy T6 Cmdr Eng LtCmdr Eng Lt Sci/Cmd Lt Tac Lt Uni 5/2/3
The Hyper Dual Refracting Tetryon Beam Bank from the Tholian rep does not receive the [Ac/Dm] mod when upgraded to epic quality, It receive a [Dmg] mod at Ultra Violet but thats it. Disappointed as i was looking forward to it having +30 Acc