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  • Yup still a lagging game atm pity really, dilith and refining it is the issue and the Devs know it. They will not make it to easy to refine in the future I mean 8k a day maybe a little more but still. I mean I have a small fortune of useless dilithium but only 8 k is really worth anything in one 24 hour period. Yup you…
  • tuu:Hey bro whats up Blue:Not much bro tuu:Stf? blue:na bro cant on cool down and i cant be bothered anymore to many blummin noobs wasting my time tuu:come on blue:Na i am off larry:sup bro tuu:hey stf larry:soz 22 mins to go tuu:fed fleet action larry:And what carry a level 13 player no thanks lolz tuu:Why do you not you…
  • sigh why romulan they are boring, you people lolz why not another race instead of arrogant xeno freaks i will never understand but hey that's just Lil old me. yea new season sounds boring already tried to play the hive but no one was on the test server what the hell. Are you devs limited as to what you can achieve in the…
  • So you guys have adjusted the star base dilith requirement but i must say i have not seen the requirement reduce only noticed it increase. Does feel like a money squeeze to me and others as mentioned. But your correct we don't see what really goes on behind the scenes. So good job on the things that make this game work and…
  • Yea Thanks Mr Stahl for good responses so now you understand even if you do it on a ratio of what is said here to the general player base you will find a lot of us want more playable content. While we understand your doing new bits and pieces nothing really addresses the actual problem with STO. Dude it has no soul man no…
  • So if it turns out that the new Season is a lemon will you all uninstall this game? or will you all play on knowing its ripping your time? make it more fun. If there is no more decent space missions i am doing just that. Sad i know but what can you do i am not wasting even more time for little reward your on notice CRYPTIC…
  • Wow the hive what a load of friggen TRIBBLE i was so angry to hear of yet another boring time consuming land stf I do not like land not one bit. So what about those of us who want more space missions more real action like star trek is suppose to be. believe me when i say there is a lot of people like me who do not want to…
  • After playing many stf i am bored with them same stuff diff night. Is there going to be new stf levels? Because i am hearing this from my fleet that it wont make any difference to the game playability this new system i mean. come on I WANT NEW STF LEVELS not the same boring ones that you have to force your self to play.…