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Season 7 Dev Blog #8



  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Dilithium, Fleet Marks, Omega Marks, and Romulan Marks will be available from a wide variety of missions once Season 7 launches.

    Generally speaking
    if it is missions against the Borg, it will reward Omega Marks.

    If it is missions involving New Romulus or the new Sector it will reward Omega Marks

    All Fleet Actions that previously rewarded Gear only, will now reward Gear and Dilithium at all scores with a special 2x Dilithium bonus for coming in Gold in Fleet Actions.

    Fleet Marks will be available from more PVE Queue missions.

    Dilithium Ore will be available from more missions and via the Reputation system

    where are the omega marks for karrat and otha? were are the fleet marks for pvp? were is the equivalent of these war zones in the new romulan sector that give romulan marks?

    after all this work that has gone into season 7 to reward pve, there wasn't time to hook up a small reward to game play involving plays fighting each other? STILL?

    incentivize pvp now, so it can get more popular, so then you can justify spending time working on it later.
  • viper40wattviper40watt Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I feel like the new Omega Reputation system could be the blessing that the dev post makes it out to be, but the copious amounts of dilithium required along the way to obtain gear that up until this point has been dilithium free is a bit painful. Ideally the reputation system would just require the Omega Marks/Borg Neural Parts to advance to higher tiers and to buy gear, rather than tacking on a dilithium fee to everything.

    I suspect that plea will fall on deaf ears however as the more dilithium sinks in the game the more potential money there is to be made, so instead I'll ask for something which seems quite reasonable. Make the reputation systems account wide rather than character locked. If it's geared to take the average user months to make it through the system, I'd prefer not to have to spend a year to unlock it for all my alts. For those of us that like to have a character for each faction and each career, it sounds like a nightmare if it's not an account wide system.
  • pointedearspointedears Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mewi wrote: »
    "Trying to make it easier"

    BS Stahl, all you are trying to do is build more dilithium sink holes, you aren't concerned about "how hard it is" to get a random chance item in an MMO ( HELLO? This is common sense in RPGs, rare items = rarer drop rate, = chance = not everyone is going to hit the same chance at the same time ) why do you remove the most basic concept of an RPG?

    With that said, go back to farm ville. We don't need more of this grindfest nonsense. This RPG scam machine you are building is disgusting, and this "easy mode" platform propaganda you are pedaling is nothing more than a bald faced corporate driven lie.

    With that said, this is most likely going to be the blog post that gets me to quit. Not that you care, you only care about what goes into your pockets. New players = suckers, Veteran Players = complainers and to hell with them.

    Nice business model.

    How can stahl go back to zynga ? they've just laid off staff :D
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I don't think the Devs really understand the main gripe most of the players have with the new system.

    It's not the fact it takes 2 months and x amount of dilithium to reach T5 to get to a stage where we can obtain STF equipment. Most of us have no problems with this, sure we'd like not to have to pay 160k dilithium for the privilege or whatever the number is. That's not the big issue.

    The big issue is very simple: The amount of dilithium (aka USD) it's going to take to purchase the STF equipment once we reach T5.

    Having to pay 300k dilithium to equip a ship with STF gear and weaponry which used to be dilithium free is completely unacceptable.
    Sure, getting proto drops was a pain, but getting 8 proto salvage to equip a cruiser with Mk12 purple beams wasn't. 18k dilithium each? You want us to pay 150k dilithium to equip a ship with something we used to be able to do in a few days whilst earning dilithium at the same time? That's extremely unjust.

    That's the main problem as I see it, it makes equipping ships with Mk12/11 weapons and equipment extraordinarily expensive and time consuming, and it's extremely unfair. Remove or drastically cut the dilithium costs from the T5 store and everyone will be happy


    I love this game with all my heart, I want it to succeed and I don't want to leave - but this really is a low blow and makes my heart sink. Don't kill this game, please.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mewi wrote: »
    "Trying to make it easier"

    BS Stahl, all you are trying to do is build more dilithium sink holes, you aren't concerned about "how hard it is" to get a random chance item in an MMO ( HELLO? This is common sense in RPGs, rare items = rarer drop rate, = chance = not everyone is going to hit the same chance at the same time ) why do you remove the most basic concept of an RPG?

    With that said, go back to farm ville. We don't need more of this grindfest nonsense. This RPG scam machine you are building is disgusting, and this "easy mode" platform propaganda you are pedaling is nothing more than a bald faced corporate driven lie.

    With that said, this is most likely going to be the blog post that gets me to quit. Not that you care, you only care about what goes into your pockets. New players = suckers, Veteran Players = complainers and to hell with them.

    Nice business model.

    Im starting to think the same.

    but what makes me most pissed is the FORCED wait of 60 days in the real world before you can do anything. thats pure bad.

    tottaly makeing the game go straight to hell.

    10 days i would accept but 60 days uhh noo not a fat chance.

    anyways im going to bed.

    im quite impressed about the lack of information regarding this new system and the utterly vague answers.

    and the whole thing about playing against the clock is pure bad.

    I dont want to be Gated by a bloody project telling me in 60 days you get 1 item of gear.

    i want my bloody item when i bloody earn it.

    If i kill a big bad Borg boss 30 times i want a bloody Mk XII item.

    but the way you are telling uss dstahl is " sry but you need to kill the Borg 500 times and then wait 60 days and then need to play 4 hours here and there doing nothing while you wait for the 60 days timer to tick down " <--- THAT pissses me off to no end.

    FIX the bloody mess you have just created please.

    60 days is not acceptable.

    10 days Maybe but more than 15 days dont even go there please.

    Fix this problem now please.
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think they have not said yet - which makes many of these hourly calculations useless.

    They have no intention of adding a "salvage for dilithium" style exchange, so reason would suggest that the dilithium rewards will be down to 480 by the time it is released.
    How can stahl go back to zynga ? they've just laid off staff :D

    Well you learn something new everyday I suppose.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    so far im happy with what changes i have seen except the fact that the rep system will have to unlocked again and again and again and again there needs to be some kind of discount for people who have already unlocked the full rep system on one or more toons.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    topset wrote: »
    I don't think the Devs really understand the main gripe most of the players have with the new system.

    It's not the fact it takes 2 months and x amount of dilithium to reach T5 to get to a stage where we can obtain STF equipment. Most of us have no problems with this, sure we'd like not to have to pay 160k dilithium for the privilege or whatever the number is. That's not the big issue.

    The big issue is very simple: The amount of dilithium (aka USD) it's going to take to purchase the STF equipment once we reach T5.

    Having to pay 300k dilithium to equip a ship with STF gear and weaponry which used to be dilithium free is completely unacceptable.
    Sure, getting proto drops was a pain, but getting 8 proto salvage to equip a cruiser with Mk12 purple beams wasn't. 18k dilithium each? You want us to pay 150k dilithium to equip a ship with something we used to be able to do in a few days whilst earning dilithium at the same time? That's extremely unjust.

    That's the main problem as I see it, it makes equipping ships with Mk12/11 weapons and equipment extraordinarily expensive and time consuming, and it's extremely unfair. Remove or drastically cut the dilithium costs from the T5 store and everyone will be happy


    I love this game with all my heart, I want it to succeed and I don't want to leave - but this really is a low blow and makes my heart sink. Don't kill this game, please.

    the dilithium cost and the time is connected sadly.

    the reason im pissed is just that. it costs dilithium and you can only refine 8.000.
    wich means ur gated to 8.000 per day for 60 days- 90 days
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    as a side note, i did have a few questions that i was hoping could be answered.

    1)will the new borg set of console+torp+cutting beam add visual effects to compliment the existing set's visuals?

    2)Will this set also have a set bonus to it?

    3)Would it be possible to add a system to let us trade in outdated MK XI gear to put towards the MK XII gear to help ease the excessive dilithium costs?

    4)as mentioned previously, the new conversion is technically making the mentioned "leg up" a kick in the teeth. What types of bonuses or extra incentives will people get if they allow their items to be converted rather than cashing out now?
  • tuu1tuu1 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2012
    After playing many stf i am bored with them same stuff diff night. Is there going to be new stf levels? Because i am hearing this from my fleet that it wont make any difference to the game playability this new system i mean. come on I WANT NEW STF LEVELS not the same boring ones that you have to force your self to play. Granted i dont have to play sto but i like it and am drawn back to it. PLZ for the love of god make new content and stop trying to fobb off improvements as new content. I play this game to kill and maim lol not to get bored in the first 20 mins then switch it off. Its not just me who feels this way many others do. SO MORE STF OR NEW CONTENT PLZ. And cheers for all you have done peace.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    as a side note, i did have a few questions that i was hoping could be answered.

    1)will the new borg set of console+torp+cutting beam add visual effects to compliment the existing set's visuals?

    2)Will this set also have a set bonus to it?

    3)Would it be possible to add a system to let us trade in outdated MK XI gear to put towards the MK XII gear to help ease the excessive dilithium costs?

    4)as mentioned previously, the new conversion is technically making the mentioned "leg up" a kick in the teeth. What types of bonuses or extra incentives will people get if they allow their items to be converted rather than cashing out now?

    1: proboly no

    2: proboly yes

    3: defenitly a no since they are greedy

    4: no incetives defently remember the dilithium conversion thats right we got pwned
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    STFs will still reward Dilithium and there will be an Omega Rep project that converts marks into Dilithium, so we're replacing it, not taking it away.

    In addition, we're adding Dilithium drops to all Fleet Actions as well as some other new Events.

    All of this in Season 7

    The problem here is refined dilithium is not a flat rate measure of time spent playing the game. A player can spend 8 hours on STO playing STFs, but it still doesn't change the fact that they can only refine 8,000 dilithium.

    While the old system was random and unpredictable, players were still rewarded for their efforts. Every run gave out EDCs for their efforts. These EDCs could be turned in for gear, set gear, duty officers, energy credits (buying borg tech and selling it to vendors), or more unrefined dilithium.

    With this new system we get marks and unrefined dilithium, nothing more. No "real" rewards here; no chance at obtaining decent gear, nothing. In order to get our rewards, we are now forced to invest into a reputation system, which exhausts almost everything we just earned from doing the STF. After doing this long enough, we finally unlock the ability to purchase the gear for marks (reasonable), energy credit resources(not too bad), and...more dilithium :(, a resource that is needed in many other areas. Fleet Starbase projects coming to mind first. The dilithium cap essentially limits the amount of rewards a player can obtain from doing STFs. On top of that we have a 1 hour cooldown per STF and a 1 day 16 hour project countdown in order to obtain gear.

    How is it reasonable to not only require players to perform a time based grind, and then pay a second time with a second time based currency. Take the borg set for example. Right now all we need to do is 8 runs on elite to get it, or 15 on normal to get 15 EDCs. Picking up other gear and possibly borg tech along the way. A casual player can have this within a week. Under the new system we need 750 Omega Marks (13 elite runs on elite or 37 on normal), 60,000 dilithium (8 days refinement), 180 Industrial Energy Cells (72,000 Energy Credits), and 30,000 Expertise for the set. We are paying for the same gear with a price that takes at least ten times the current effort to obtain. This is what we are distressed about. Please reconsider these prices before pushing this upon the player base. Our main concern is the dilithium cost on gear. If that is removed from the gear prices, much of the concerns here will be resolved.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tuu1 wrote: »
    After playing many stf i am bored with them same stuff diff night. Is there going to be new stf levels? Because i am hearing this from my fleet that it wont make any difference to the game playability this new system i mean. come on I WANT NEW STF LEVELS not the same boring ones that you have to force your self to play. Granted i dont have to play sto but i like it and am drawn back to it. PLZ for the love of god make new content and stop trying to fobb off improvements as new content. I play this game to kill and maim lol not to get bored in the first 20 mins then switch it off. Its not just me who feels this way many others do. SO MORE STF OR NEW CONTENT PLZ. And cheers for all you have done peace.

    1 new stf will be presetn "THE HIVE"

    other than that romulan colony but not really a stf.
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    As part of these store changes, the existing ?Anti-Borg? weaponry will be phased out, but will be replaced by newly upgraded weaponry that utilizes unique high-quality weapon models, and employs an improved anti-Borg damage proc that scales based on weapon firing speeds (slow weapons will deliver large bursts of kinetic damage, while fast weapons will deliver smaller hits on each pulse).

    Just to clarify, if we already have [Borg] weapons (standard issue, non-sets), will they be automatically replaced, or we'll be stuck with old versions? It was already asked previously, and the post got a response, but not to this specific point.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
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  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mewi wrote: »
    They have no intention of adding a "salvage for dilithium" style exchange, so reason would suggest that the dilithium rewards will be down to 480 by the time it is released.

    Well you learn something new everyday I suppose.

    See this is the ELEPHANT in this forum that everyone is over-looking: people are assuming the dilth rewards won't go down?

    Who says Elite stf will still pay 1100 dilth? No-one that I have heard.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The problem here is refined dilithium is not a flat rate measure of time spent playing the game. A player can spend 8 hours on STO playing STFs, but it still doesn't change the fact that they can only refine 8,000 dilithium.

    While the old system was random and unpredictable, players were still rewarded for their efforts. Every run gave out EDCs for their efforts. These EDCs could be turned in for gear, set gear, duty officers, energy credits (buying borg tech and selling it to vendors), or more unrefined dilithium.

    With this new system we get marks and unrefined dilithium, nothing more. No "real" rewards here; no chance at obtaining decent gear, nothing. In order to get our rewards, we are now forced to invest into a reputation system, which exhausts almost everything we just earned from doing the STF. After doing this long enough, we finally unlock the ability to purchase the gear for marks (reasonable), energy credit resources(not too bad), and...more dilithium :(, a resource that is needed in many other areas. Fleet Starbase projects coming to mind first. The dilithium cap essentially limits the amount of rewards a player can obtain from doing STFs. On top of that we have a 1 hour cooldown per STF and a 1 day 16 hour project countdown in order to obtain gear.

    How is it reasonable to not only require players to perform a time based grind, and then pay a second time with a second time based currency. Take the borg set for example. Right now all we need to do is 8 runs on elite to get it, or 15 on normal to get 15 EDCs. Picking up other gear and possibly borg tech along the way. A casual player can have this within a week. Under the new system we need 750 Omega Marks (13 elite runs on elite or 37 on normal), 60,000 dilithium (8 days refinement), 180 Industrial Energy Cells (72,000 Energy Credits), and 30,000 Expertise for the set. We are paying for the same gear with a price that takes at least ten times the current effort to obtain. This is what we are distressed about. Please reconsider these prices before pushing this upon the player base. Our main concern is the dilithium cost on gear. If that is removed from the gear prices, much of the concerns here will be resolved.

    what you say is not bad at all. im all for the "remove the Dilithium cost" of the gear then most of my issues will be gone as well.
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Technically season 7 is a system update (once again). The new missions are just some honey to hide the bitter pill we all have to swallow.

    They're converting a free endgame reward system to give us the ability to pay for shortcuts. But these shortcuts are going to be really expensive and now i really feel undervalued for the time i've invested in STFs since people paying for stuff will have to run a handful of STFs and a lot of real money to get their endgame prestige set (no one will ever need any set anyway, considering the easiness of the current pve content).

    It's not a season but it's a transition to a fully F2P game: play a lot and wait a lot of time or pay for your stuff. And I guess my LTS stipend will have almost no value after season 7 since the price of dil will hit the roof.

    This seems pretty pessimistic considering everything that is in Season 7. Yes, this season is an extension of our end game systems and the introduction of a new max level captain progression system (Reputation).

    But there's a lot of stuff to do in Season 7, and more than was in Season 6.

    New Romulus Adventure Zone
    Our largest and most involved ground zone ever. Plenty of repeatable missions for you and a bridge officer in multiple different areas of the map, including open mission events.

    Reputation System
    A new personal advancement system for level 50 captains. Select new Captain powers at each tier to help specialize your skills. Unlock new themed reward stores and special sets. Each Reputation will be geared toward a specific theme of content such as Omega Fleet and the Romulans. We plan to add more Reps in future Seasons.

    Romulan (Reputation)
    Help the Romulans rebuild a homeworld by running missions on New Romulus, new Sector Map, or new Events. As you level up this system you will unlock new cutscenes and new away team repeatable instances that tell the story and help set the stage for future Seasons. This also includes new Captain power, plus new rewards including Romulan gear sets and Romulan officers.

    Omega Fleet (Reputation System)
    Help fight the Borg and earn new Captain powers as well as the original MACO/Honor Guard/Omega sets along with new variants. Unlock new stores that offer new Borg related gear.

    The Vault: Ensnared
    Help Obisek defend the Vault from a Tholian attack to earn Rom and Fleet marks

    Azure Nebula
    Rescue captured Romulan ships from a secret Tholian base within the Azure nebula in this 5-man space event and earn Rom and Fleet marks.

    Mine Trap
    Save a Romulan colony from a crazed salt vampire attack in this 20-man ground Fleet Action to earn Rom and Fleet marks.

    Into the Hive
    Face off against the Borg Queen's forces in this space and ground STF to earn Omega and Fleet marks.

    Fleet Embassy
    This new Fleet Holding supplements the Fleet Starbase and opens up the opportunity to earn favor with the Romulans in order to unlock a foothold on New Romulus as well as a direct line to special Romulan rewards.

    Foundry Spotlight
    This new feature will put Foundry Spotlight missions front and center in the Mission Journal and allow Cryptic to hook up better rewards for these select missions.

    Improved Queue and Ship Selection UI
    Now with the ability to set a default small craft so you no longer have to swap back and forth between ship types when queuing or entering maps that require a small craft - it will automatically put you in your "default"

    That is a decent amount of new stuff to do and we are just getting started.

    We have the winter event coming up, the 3 year anniversary event in February as well as all the awesomeness that is going to be Season 8 (which will be our biggest update thus far) in the first half of 2013.

    So Season 7 is more than just a systems update. It is a good addition to end game and a stage setter for the upcoming events and missions that will take us up to Season 8.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    This seems pretty pessimistic considering everything that is in Season 7. Yes, this season is an extension of our end game systems and the introduction of a new max level captain progression system (Reputation).

    But there's a lot of stuff to do in Season 7, and more than was in Season 6.

    New Romulus Adventure Zone
    Our largest and most involved ground zone ever. Plenty of repeatable missions for you and a bridge officer in multiple different areas of the map, including open mission events.

    Reputation System
    A new personal advancement system for level 50 captains. Select new Captain powers at each tier to help specialize your skills. Unlock new themed reward stores and special sets. Each Reputation will be geared toward a specific theme of content such as Omega Fleet and the Romulans. We plan to add more Reps in future Seasons.

    Romulan (Reputation)
    Help the Romulans rebuild a homeworld by running missions on New Romulus, new Sector Map, or new Events. As you level up this system you will unlock new cutscenes and new away team repeatable instances that tell the story and help set the stage for future Seasons. This also includes new Captain power, plus new rewards including Romulan gear sets and Romulan officers.

    Omega Fleet (Reputation System)
    Help fight the Borg and earn new Captain powers as well as the original MACO/Honor Guard/Omega sets along with new variants. Unlock new stores that offer new Borg related gear.

    The Vault: Ensnared
    Help Obisek defend the Vault from a Tholian attack to earn Rom and Fleet marks

    Azure Nebula
    Rescue captured Romulan ships from a secret Tholian base within the Azure nebula in this 5-man space event and earn Rom and Fleet marks.

    Mine Trap
    Save a Romulan colony from a crazed salt vampire attack in this 20-man ground Fleet Action to earn Rom and Fleet marks.

    Into the Hive
    Face off against the Borg Queen's forces in this space and ground STF to earn Omega and Fleet marks.

    Fleet Embassy
    This new Fleet Holding supplements the Fleet Starbase and opens up the opportunity to earn favor with the Romulans in order to unlock a foothold on New Romulus as well as a direct line to special Romulan rewards.

    Foundry Spotlight
    This new feature will put Foundry Spotlight missions front and center in the Mission Journal and allow Cryptic to hook up better rewards for these select missions.

    Improved Queue and Ship Selection UI
    Now with the ability to set a default small craft so you no longer have to swap back and forth between ship types when queuing or entering maps that require a small craft - it will automatically put you in your "default"

    That is a decent amount of new stuff to do and we are just getting started.

    We have the winter event coming up, the 3 year anniversary event in February as well as all the awesomeness that is going to be Season 8 (which will be our biggest update thus far) in the first half of 2013.

    So Season 7 is more than just a systems update. It is a good addition to end game and a stage setter for the upcoming events and missions that will take us up to Season 8.

    this content sadly is long overdue.

    and it still dont explain the reason for Dilithium being needed for everything in the bloody game we do.

    and now you asking us to pay dilithium for our stfs as well ?

    where does it end ?

    we can only do 8.000 per day and it takes 60 bloody days not matter how much we grind no matter how much we play still 60 blooody days ?

    10 days okey fine but 60 and up to 90 ???
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • l3dz3p85l3dz3p85 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Foundry Spotlight
    This new feature will put Foundry Spotlight missions front and center in the Mission Journal and allow Cryptic to hook up better rewards for these select missions.

    Is this actually going live with S7 launch or is this something we're going to have to keep waiting on?
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    See this is the ELEPHANT in this forum that everyone is over-looking: people are assuming the dilth rewards won't go down?

    Who says Elite stf will still pay 1100 dilth? No-one that I have heard.

    But of course, but sadly Dilithium rewards are already down, they removed the "salvage for dilithium" exchange, because they removed the salvage... Which was a huge part of dilithium gathering for small and large fleets alike.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tk79 wrote: »
    Just to clarify, if we already have [Borg] weapons (standard issue, non-sets), will they be automatically replaced, or we'll be stuck with old versions? It was already asked previously, and the post got a response, but not to this specific point.

    As far as I've heard, anything you currently have, you will still have. It is not being "removed" or changed other than the Omega Set which is having the 4 set bonus applied to having only 3 items equipped. (meaning that previously you need 4 items to get the set bonus, now you can have the 4 set bonus for just having 3 pieces equipped). The console from that set is also getting included in an additional set (weapons+console) that can be equipped with the old Omega set.

    There will be a new type of Borg weapon available in the store that will be different than the current ones, so we do not plan to update your existing one to the new type.
  • supergaminggeeksupergaminggeek Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Facility 4028 costume??
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    l3dz3p85 wrote: »
    Is this actually going live with S7 launch or is this something we're going to have to keep waiting on?

    defently keep waiting.

    you know what they told us 2 years go ? klingons will get content.

    did it happen ? nope nothing nada
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »

    It's a bit early, but Colour Me impressed. That is quite a bit.
  • dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    l3dz3p85 wrote: »
    Is this actually going live with S7 launch or is this something we're going to have to keep waiting on?

    Yes, it will release with Season 7. It was intended to go out earlier, but we hit a snag and are just now getting the UI time we needed to implement the final elements of it.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    See this is the ELEPHANT in this forum that everyone is over-looking: people are assuming the dilth rewards won't go down?

    Who says Elite stf will still pay 1100 dilth? No-one that I have heard.

    It's shocking that this Elephant is being overlooked by almost everyone. People keep talking about the 8000k per day - but not how MANY missions it will soon take to get that.

    I can't understand why this is seen as a non-issue.
  • raythilo2345raythilo2345 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »

    We have the winter event coming up, the 3 year anniversary event in February as well as all the awesomeness that is going to be Season 8 (which will be our biggest update thus far) in the first half of 2013.

    So Season 7 is more than just a systems update. It is a good addition to end game and a stage setter for the upcoming events and missions that will take us up to Season 8.

    haven't you said that bolded line for about every season so far??
  • dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    defently keep waiting.

    you know what they told us 2 years go ? klingons will get content.

    did it happen ? nope nothing nada

    There will be new Klingon specific content in Season 8 along with a bunch of other stuff.
    haven't you said that bolded line for about every season so far??

    Yes because my team has been growing with nearly every update. My team size for Season 7 was bigger than Season 6. My team size for Season 8 is bigger than for Season 7.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    No criticism here, just setting the record straight.

    There is no Into The Hive space STF, just ground.

    And the Retro Borg set is being changed not the Omega... ;)
  • seekerkorhilseekerkorhil Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012
    Adapted Honor Guard Gear.

    So the KDF will now be able to get the MACO shield AND Plasmonic Leech console.

    Funny, 2 weeks ago they were all in an uproar over a rumor the feds were going to get this combo. Where are they now?

    This will bust pvp even more than it already is lol.
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