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Season 7 Dev Blog #8



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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    They are nerfing the Dilithium to slow your rate of Dilithium acquisition and use other methods and parts of the game.

    It's all part of the manipulation of the Dilithium economy, to in one hand squeeze the amount of Dilithium you can earn, on the other to increase the amount of Dilithium you need to spend. The result is under supply of Dilithium for newly increased demand. The Dilithium currency drop off will force conversion of Zen to Dilithium to increase the Dilithium currency. This means many players will feel obliged to convert Real Money to Zen and Zen to Dilithium... The result will also be to increase the value of Dilithium to Zen on the exchange.:o
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    purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    What an absolute disgrace.

    Cryptic should be ashamed of themselves for foisting on us this transparent currency devaluation and cash grab that treats the players like 'whales.'

    Yes, lets cut rewards in half but not touch the already insane costs on the live grind and add new costs to old grinds. Brilliant.

    Finally we have a clear picture of where their mind is at.
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Despite what some may think of our efforts, STO is growing and constantly improving as is evidenced by the fact that we're now the #1 game for PW in North America and my staff is now twice the size going into Season 8 that it was a year ago.
    ...but, you are not the number one game overall.
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    pogmahone70pogmahone70 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    This is one of the personal goals I set for myself when returning to the project and something that I'm still working towards. Season 8 is intended to get the KDF closer to this goal if not completely there.

    Despite what some may think of our efforts, STO is growing and constantly improving as is evidenced by the fact that we're now the #1 game for PW in North America and my staff is now twice the size going into Season 8 that it was a year ago.

    The game continues to do well and while not everyone agrees with our decisions, the fact that we're still here and still releasing updates several times a year with new features and new missions is a testimony to our bright future.

    The team continues to work really hard on improving this game, many of which are putting in 10-12 hours days right now trying to get all the missions and event in Season 7 ready.

    The game industry in general has taken a huge beating over the last year, yet STO continues to do well so that should be an indicator that we're making the right decisions and moving forward in a direction that will ensure this game will be around for years to come.

    Season 7 is going to be as good, if not better than Season 6, and our goal is that Season 8 will be the closest thing to a "boxed expansion" we've ever done. In order to do that, yes we're giving ourselves a little more time, but only because of the scope and manpower needed to do something of that scale. We do expect Season 8 to be out by May, but there will be other updates before then.

    So while you may feel it necessary to voice your frustration and anger at me personally, this game is being driven by a large group of very talented and very committed designers who are all Trek fans. We want to see this game succeed because we love the game and have spent years of our lives on it.

    We can take the heat and have done so since launch - by owning up to our metecritic score and continually improving. No one can say the game hasn't improved greatly in the last two years. It absolutely has and will continue to do so.

    Season 7 is another of example of us taking something that wasn't well done in the first few months after launch and making it much better and closer to what it should have been. Not only that but it is just one small part of Season 7 in general. New Romulus is the name of Season 7 because that is really what it is all about.

    The comments in this thread are what they are, but STO will continue on and will continue to succeed due to the love and dedication of the team and the support of the many many players that absolutely love what we've done with the game.

    Yes you made changes for the better in the past but with these new changes its taking 3 steps back and its gonna drive away players because of your new found love for the asian grind style.
    Divine Protectorate Gaming
    STO Beta Tester and Original Cryptic user
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    purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Despite what some may think of our efforts, STO is growing and constantly improving as is evidenced by the fact that we're now the #1 game for PW in North America and my staff is now twice the size going into Season 8 that it was a year ago.

    Being the least wart-covered frog in the pond isn't something to be proud of.
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Ok, just checked with the designers and here is what they've done for Season 7

    - Normal STFs now reward 240 Dilithium + Omega Marks
    - Elite STFs now reward 480 Dilithium + Omega Marks + Borg Commodity for MKXII Sets
    - Fleet Actions now reward 960 Dilithium (1st place Gold gets 2x this = 1920 Dilithium)

    In Season 7, Fleet Actions will now become the best source of Dilithium between the two types of Events.

    In addition Fleet Actions will now have better rewards in general
    Gold = Purple + 1920 Dilithium
    Silver = Purple + 960 Dilithium
    Bronze = Blue + 960 Dilithium
    All others = Green + 960 Dilithium

    In addition, at max level in the Omega Fleet a repetable project unlocks that converts Omega Marks to Dilithium at a rate of 50 marks to 500 dilithium or thereabouts.

    The new Red Alert daily in the New Romulus Sector also rewards 480 Dilithium in addition to Rom marks.

    All of this could change before Season 7 hits, but that is what the current plan is.

    It sounds even better than the info you gave the first time LOL. I think one thing that might be good to go in right before season 7 is one of those blogs that explains to players about the game mechanics behind ground combat. Some players have a very small understanding how it works and is my experience doing the ground combat before season 4 and after on how it gradually has become easier. This also might get a bigger boost into the KDF being that a majority of the special passives or skills for ground combat with the KDF are more so setup than the federation side to benefit ground combat. In which I believe when this game was first establishing the KDF as a PvP faction that it gave the KDF a superior edge in ground combat which is been shown time and time again when the cross faction allowed for the combinations for example the human and nausicaan collaboration in ground combat if I am correct in thinking the teamwork buff could or can stack and then stack upon the nausicaan player giving a lot more exploit damage than a player could normally achieve.

    I just figured especially being Mine Trap and Into the Hive are both ground/away team exclusive to help people better understand and enjoy the new content that those that aren't very knowledgeable can read it and allow themselves to enjoy part of the game that is often not played by the large part of the player base.

    I'm hoping some of those kits that are being talked about allow the KDF to be able to be a targ handler for combat... :D
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    jam062307jam062307 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Ok, just checked with the designers and here is what they've done for Season 7

    - Normal STFs now reward 240 Dilithium + Omega Marks
    - Elite STFs now reward 480 Dilithium + Omega Marks + Borg Commodity for MKXII Sets
    - Fleet Actions now reward 960 Dilithium (1st place Gold gets 2x this = 1920 Dilithium)

    In Season 7, Fleet Actions will now become the best source of Dilithium between the two types of Events.

    In addition Fleet Actions will now have better rewards in general
    Gold = Purple + 1920 Dilithium
    Silver = Purple + 960 Dilithium
    Bronze = Blue + 960 Dilithium
    All others = Green + 960 Dilithium

    In addition, at max level in the Omega Fleet a repetable project unlocks that converts Omega Marks to Dilithium at a rate of 50 marks to 500 dilithium or thereabouts.

    The new Red Alert daily in the New Romulus Sector also rewards 480 Dilithium in addition to Rom marks.

    All of this could change before Season 7 hits, but that is what the current plan is.

    Stahl I must say I dislike this idea. right now the biggest reason I play STF's is for dilithium, taking that away will make STF's ghost towns. Also, in fleet actions dps is key. So unless you're a tac in an escort you have no chance of earning gold of silver. It severely hinders those of us who play support roles such as tanks and healers. I don't mind the Fleet action changes, but I think that STF dilithium needs to stay where it is.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    We planned on doing it next weekend, but then we saw your post and were like, "Dude, we should totally move that up a week! Tee Hee!"
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    tuu1tuu1 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2012
    Yea Thanks Mr Stahl for good responses so now you understand even if you do it on a ratio of what is said here to the general player base you will find a lot of us want more playable content. While we understand your doing new bits and pieces nothing really addresses the actual problem with STO. Dude it has no soul man no real stat page to compare with other players (This in its self may make it more fun with bragging rites lolz)
    The constant ruining of the level by under skilled players (I am sure you know what i mean) not to mention the players that sit around and do nothing. Maybe a vote system to kik useless players from the match that other games have. The little things can make a difference. Bring back the soul or at least give it one. Thanks devs
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    meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Ok, just checked with the designers and here is what they've done for Season 7

    - Normal STFs now reward 240 Dilithium + Omega Marks
    - Elite STFs now reward 480 Dilithium + Omega Marks + Borg Commodity for MKXII Sets
    - Fleet Actions now reward 960 Dilithium (1st place Gold gets 2x this = 1920 Dilithium)

    Just as an addendum to this.

    Since you are cutting our acquisition rate in HALF, might we get a 50% reduction on the "cooldown" before being able to run the same STF? Khitomer Accord [Space] is tedious but doable, Cure [Space] is bugged but doable. I tend to play Infected [Space], since it's both fun (for me), and relatively straight-forward. Also, I don't get hit by the "invisible torpedoes" as often as I do when playing Cure.

    And yes, as jam062307 pointed out, the Fleet Action (Gold/Silver/Bronze) system HAS to go. Not all players play the game in Escorts. I myself tend to focus on science ships, despite the trashing they've gotten over the past year BY CRYPTIC.
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    raythilo2345raythilo2345 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yes you made changes for the better in the past but with these new changes its taking 3 steps back and its gonna drive away players because of your new found love for the asian grind style.

    ya nobody likes CONSTANTLY grind content.
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    fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Bite that hand that feeds you too many times and a certain ship could sink, just remember that.

    As someone said, Grind twice as much for something that will have less buying power than it did before, come on Cryptic listen to yourselfs.
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    BNP is a political party in the uk that openly flaunts racism

    BNP also stands for:

    The Bangladesh Nationalist Party
    Brain Natriuretic Peptide
    Biscayne National Park
    Banque Nationale de Paris
    Business News Publishing
    Buy Now Price
    Breeder, Not Parent
    Broadband Network Premises

    and now it also stands for: Borg Neural Processors

    Not everybody who plays the game lives in the UK.
    (or particularly cares about a minor political party there, that has questionable membership requirements and right-wing idealogical leanings.)
    dastahl wrote: »
    This seems pretty pessimistic considering everything that is in Season 7. Yes, this season is an extension of our end game systems and the introduction of a new max level captain progression system (Reputation).

    But there's a lot of stuff to do in Season 7, and more than was in Season 6.

    New Romulus Adventure Zone
    Our largest and most involved ground zone ever. Plenty of repeatable missions for you and a bridge officer in multiple different areas of the map, including open mission events.

    Reputation System
    A new personal advancement system for level 50 captains. Select new Captain powers at each tier to help specialize your skills. Unlock new themed reward stores and special sets. Each Reputation will be geared toward a specific theme of content such as Omega Fleet and the Romulans. We plan to add more Reps in future Seasons.

    Romulan (Reputation)
    Help the Romulans rebuild a homeworld by running missions on New Romulus, new Sector Map, or new Events. As you level up this system you will unlock new cutscenes and new away team repeatable instances that tell the story and help set the stage for future Seasons. This also includes new Captain power, plus new rewards including Romulan gear sets and Romulan officers.

    Omega Fleet (Reputation System)
    Help fight the Borg and earn new Captain powers as well as the original MACO/Honor Guard/Omega sets along with new variants. Unlock new stores that offer new Borg related gear.

    The Vault: Ensnared
    Help Obisek defend the Vault from a Tholian attack to earn Rom and Fleet marks

    Azure Nebula
    Rescue captured Romulan ships from a secret Tholian base within the Azure nebula in this 5-man space event and earn Rom and Fleet marks.

    Mine Trap
    Save a Romulan colony from a crazed salt vampire attack in this 20-man ground Fleet Action to earn Rom and Fleet marks.

    Into the Hive
    Face off against the Borg Queen's forces in this space and ground STF to earn Omega and Fleet marks.

    Fleet Embassy
    This new Fleet Holding supplements the Fleet Starbase and opens up the opportunity to earn favor with the Romulans in order to unlock a foothold on New Romulus as well as a direct line to special Romulan rewards.

    Foundry Spotlight
    This new feature will put Foundry Spotlight missions front and center in the Mission Journal and allow Cryptic to hook up better rewards for these select missions.

    Improved Queue and Ship Selection UI
    Now with the ability to set a default small craft so you no longer have to swap back and forth between ship types when queuing or entering maps that require a small craft - it will automatically put you in your "default"

    That is a decent amount of new stuff to do and we are just getting started.

    We have the winter event coming up, the 3 year anniversary event in February as well as all the awesomeness that is going to be Season 8 (which will be our biggest update thus far) in the first half of 2013.

    So Season 7 is more than just a systems update. It is a good addition to end game and a stage setter for the upcoming events and missions that will take us up to Season 8.

    That's a lot of stuff...

    I guess I'd Better Not Protest too much, about being bored anytime soon after Season 7 hits.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    synthscanner#2101 synthscanner Member Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Now that all the STFs will reward Omega Marks, we are concerned that players will gravitate towards specific STFs, but we no longer want to require players to play specific STFs over and over just to get a specific reward. The hope is that by making them all equal, players will play them not because they have to, but because they want to. If some of the STFs dry up, then those STFs probably need love to make them more appealing. At least now we'll have an accurate view of which STFs players like most.

    We are also making it so that Elite STFs reward more Omega Marks as well as making them the only source of the commodity needed for the Elite Mk XII gear sets - so this way, players must still play Elite STFs in order to get the best gear.

    Thanks for the replay, that sounds perfectly reasonable. :)


    It may not be that the one's that are played teh least need some love in days to come, but the ones that are played the most may need to be brought in line with the mission's that aren't, in other words the easier STFs should probably be made a little more difficult, but by adding a little more complexity to the missions, not by simply making the Borg ships or Drones harder to kill, you know.
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    brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    So while you may feel it necessary to voice your frustration and anger at me personally, this game is being driven by a large group of very talented and very committed designers who are all Trek fans. We want to see this game succeed because we love the game and have spent years of our lives on it.
    I doubt the comments are aimed at you personally, but at Cryptic as a whole and the peculiar approach taken to evolving this game seemingly at times in direct spite of many players providing feedback that gets ignored or constantly avoided.
    dastahl wrote: »
    The comments in this thread are what they are, but STO will continue on and will continue to succeed due to the love and dedication of the team and the support of the many many players that absolutely love what we've done with the game.

    So ignore the concerns and pleas for action to be taken regarding our feedback, and drink the koolaid? Wow.
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    dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jam062307 wrote: »
    Stahl I must say I dislike this idea. right now the biggest reason I play STF's is for dilithium, taking that away will make STF's ghost towns. Also, in fleet actions dps is key. So unless you're a tac in an escort you have no chance of earning gold of silver. It severely hinders those of us who play support roles such as tanks and healers. I don't mind the Fleet action changes, but I think that STF dilithium needs to stay where it is.

    Understood and we'll evaluate this once all of Season 7 is on TRIBBLE and we have the TRIBBLE stress test weekend and evaluate the final feedback once everyone can play all the systems at once.
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    dwhornetdwhornet Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ok I'm a F2Per, I love this game, even with it's quirks. However I have seen this mantra already, THE NEXT SEASON IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!. We are basically forced to reuse our discard toilet paper.

    GG Cryptic GG
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    meurik wrote: »
    Just as an addendum to this.

    Since you are cutting our acquisition rate in HALF, might we get a 50% reduction on the "cooldown" before being able to run the same STF? Khitomer Accord [Space] is tedious but doable, Cure [Space] is bugged but doable. I tend to play Infected [Space], since it's both fun (for me), and relatively straight-forward. Also, I don't get hit by the "invisible torpedoes" as often as I do when playing Cure.

    Don't be silly the idea is to slow your rate of acquisition. That is part of the new Dilithium economy... less supply, more demand, solved with Zen.

    If STO is now PW's flagship product and has become so over the past year one can only assume that the reason why the staff has doubled is because of the Lockbox economy as there has been very little other content than that since what February afaik?
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    theparanoidtheparanoid Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Ok, just checked with the designers and here is what they've done for Season 7

    - Normal STFs now reward 240 Dilithium + Omega Marks
    - Elite STFs now reward 480 Dilithium + Omega Marks + Borg Commodity for MKXII Sets
    - Fleet Actions now reward 960 Dilithium (1st place Gold gets 2x this = 1920 Dilithium)

    In Season 7, Fleet Actions will now become the best source of Dilithium between the two types of Events.

    In addition Fleet Actions will now have better rewards in general
    Gold = Purple + 1920 Dilithium
    Silver = Purple + 960 Dilithium
    Bronze = Blue + 960 Dilithium
    All others = Green + 960 Dilithium

    In addition, at max level in the Omega Fleet a repetable project unlocks that converts Omega Marks to Dilithium at a rate of 50 marks to 500 dilithium or thereabouts.

    The new Red Alert daily in the New Romulus Sector also rewards 480 Dilithium in addition to Rom marks.

    All of this could change before Season 7 hits, but that is what the current plan is.

    So instead of 1440 for elite know and 480 for normal. we get right know. We get half the dilthium.

    I guess you realy want me to stop playing STO and move on to play GW2 more and maybe SWTOR. Cause everything about season 7 says. More grind. hard grind. And that my last 10 month of doing stf where a total waste of time.
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    meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Don't be silly the idea is to slow your rate of acquisition. That is part of the new Dilithium economy... less supply, more demand, solved with Zen.

    If STO is now PW's flagship product and has become so over the past year one can only assume that the reason why the staff has doubled is because of the Lockbox economy as there has been very little other content than that since what February afaik?

    As a F2P game, players should be given the OPTION to either play entirely 100% for free, or spend money on it. Since the current Season 7 changes are likely to crash the Dilithium->Zen conversion market, players will be forced to add real life cash to purchase Zen directly, or else risk falling behind the rest.
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    maxxinamaxxina Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Thanks Dan for information. Its lot of them. Biggest issue what holds with me with S7 . Is Crazy ammount of dilithium needed for Upgrading doffs on SB . Thats me only issue. But its frakking huge issue .
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    fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Understood and we'll evaluate this once all of Season 7 is on TRIBBLE and we have the TRIBBLE stress test weekend and evaluate the final feedback once everyone can play all the systems at once.

    Thing is you never do anything or change anything after you get the feedback?

    Fleet Actions as mentioned are all about DPS to be first place etc, it is wrongplain and simple yet you didnt even think about this or mention it as your changing the rewards, come off it!

    1st, 2nd , doesnt matter, soon as you have positions like this in a event that is aimed at team work and even has a name that signifys team work you go and do 1st place etc, seriously wow, dont you guys ever ever play your own game or talk to each other anymore?
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    dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    brigadooom wrote: »
    So ignore the concerns and pleas for action to be taken regarding our feedback, and drink the koolaid? Wow.

    No one is ignoring feedback. Season 7 isn't fully on TRIBBLE yet - we are letting you know ahead of time about changes coming so that we can gather feedback.

    But I would hardly call some of the comments in this thread as feedback, it is more like personal threats or bashing me - to which I say - ok I get it - there is frustration - but the game will go on and we will continue to improve.

    That does not rule out changes that might be made based on feedback, it just says hate me all you want. I can take it. I have the benefit of seeing the reality behind the scenes to know the truth that the game is doing really well.

    At the end of the day, this team cares about STO and still spend many hours a day working to make it better and more fun for everyone. Not everyone has the same play style or the same feedback. We have to weigh everything and make a measure and calculated decision. So far we've done pretty good if you go by the success of the game versus how some would like to portray our efforts.
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    sriley77sriley77 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I haven't seen these answered yet, so here goes:

    1. What will happen to the Borg Doffs currently available through Roxy
    2. Will the current accolades for number of runs, gear acquired, and completed optionals still be available?
    12th Fleet - Starbase Operations - Beta Squad
    Former 12th Legion Sub Admiral
    Former MACO Echo Squad Colonel
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    dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    maxxina wrote: »
    Thanks Dan for information. Its lot of them. Biggest issue what holds with me with S7 . Is Crazy ammount of dilithium needed for Upgrading doffs on SB . Thats me only issue. But its frakking huge issue .

    All of the Dilithium inputs for Starbases are being evaluated and scrutinized so that we make the right balance change for Season 7. We agree that Dilithium costs for higher tiers of Starbases are too high and we will adjust them, just like we have done previously.
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    badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Stahl ~

    I have been playing since beta. But I must say, these changes are simply TOO much, TOO quickly. We are losing TOO much just to get the certainty of STF gear. Add to that we wont have access to our pre-earned stuff intil T-5, which is the end of the road anyways? This is too much. It NEEDS to be toned sown. A lot.

    There are too many changes you are adding to the soup at one time. You run the risk of cooking a mess.

    If I didn't knwo any better, I would assume there are some internal metrics going on that is pushing you guys to shove all these changes down our collective throats too quick. I mean, in the history of ST:O, have you see such collective anger? I haven't. Is someone at Cryptic concerend that they won't get a bonus if they don't hit projected revenue?

    Please. Tone it down. You can't give candy to a baby and take it away.

    Don't make the players pull a Khan and DY-100 away from the game.

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    defalusdefalus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Understood and we'll evaluate this once all of Season 7 is on TRIBBLE and we have the TRIBBLE stress test weekend and evaluate the final feedback once everyone can play all the systems at once.

    Please please evaluate it. I too like the player you quoted mainly play STFs, it's mostly how I spend my time on STO now and this reduced rewards for my time with more sinks for that reward which is being reduced will make it harder to play.

    I enjoy the time I spend with my friends, I enjoy playing the STFs, please please don't ruin that for me and others who feel the same.

    One weekend is not enough to stress test this, especially if the incentive to log on to tribble is only to play for 2 hours and achieve some small milestone like previous season testing weekends.
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    maxxinamaxxina Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    All of the Dilithium inputs for Starbases are being evaluated and scrutinized so that we make the right balance change for Season 7. We agree that Dilithium costs for higher tiers of Starbases are too high and we will adjust them, just like we have done previously.

    No dan, im talking about doff upgrader - Changing white to green . Etc etc

    Increasing cost 50 , 50 , 20 times is huge. Like for purple required more then half the resources you can get. 5000 Dilithium for changing 5 blues to one Random purple. Is HUGE ammount of dilithium for people, who got 1 Character only like me
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    But I would hardly call some of the comments in this thread as feedback, it is more like personal threats or bashing me - to which I say - ok I get it - there is frustration - but the game will go on and we will continue to improve.
    No one is bashing you.

    We are upset about the changes.

    Don't put words in anyone's mouth please.

    You got yourself into trouble by attacking the feedback.

    Remember, many of us are 'customers'. We are concerned about the product we have come to love, and we are hoping your bosses will change their minds with certain updates.
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sriley77 wrote: »
    I haven't seen these answered yet, so here goes:

    1. What will happen to the Borg Doffs currently available through Roxy
    2. Will the current accolades for number of runs, gear acquired, and completed optionals still be available?

    Haven't seen anything yet about the DOffs...

    But it was said that the Accolades aren't being taken away.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    But I would hardly call some of the comments in this thread as feedback, it is more like personal threats or bashing me - to which I say - ok I get it - there is frustration - but the game will go on and we will continue to improve.

    That does not rule out changes that might be made based on feedback, it just says hate me all you want. I can take it. I have the benefit of seeing the reality behind the scenes to know the truth that the game is doing really well.

    At the end of the day, this team cares about STO and still spend many hours a day working to make it better and more fun for everyone. Not everyone has the same play style or the same feedback. We have to weigh everything and make a measure and calculated decision. So far we've done pretty good if you go by the success of the game versus how some would like to portray our efforts.

    If I hated you, Cryptic or the game, I would have left looooong ago. I've spent more money on this game, than ANY other game, and i've been playing games for 20 or so years now. Including for the past 8 years, MMOs which are generally on a monthly-subscription system.

    I have plenty of concerns about changes going into Season 7, and I believe I have voiced them quite well in this thread. But I also have the benefit of hindsight and past history, in knowing how things have progressed in regards to things landing on Tribble -> Player feedback -> Patch going to Holodeck. And in more cases than not, content on Tribble tends to go to Holodeck regardless of player feedback. It was a slippery slope back when the first "+1" ship was launched (Rhode Island), and that slope has only gotten worse since F2P.

    I remember vividly the massive negative feedback about adding the +1 Rhode Island, and yet the Rhode Island went to Holodeck in pretty much the same state as it once was on Tribble. Now you've got plenty of threads on the forum at this very moment, with a lot of negative feedback on various Dilithium changes coming to Season 7 (including the DOff "up grind", of converting 5 lower DOffs into 1 higher). I suspect despite the massive negative feedback, DOffs will still cost alot more in Season 7 than they do now.
This discussion has been closed.