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Season 7 Dev Blog #9



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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Stories. Fine. But what about putting some in game? :D
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
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    drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I don't know if we can quantify the "enormous developer resources"... I just think its a decent idea that the poster had... and think that making it specific to theplayers fleet (should they belong to one) is a pretty decent idea. Given the fact that some of the news is already captured... i don't think we are talking about a extraordinarily large amount of time. So yes, I find it desirable. It enhances game play, gives members something to shoot for, etc.

    Don't under estimate the "I want my name up in lights" as being a motivator... why else would they post the PVP results... so we can look and be proud of being number 1, killing the most people, staying alive, healing people) etc.

    Lets talk about lack of content for a second... can we all, for one moment, agree that no matter how much content is released... there will always be a "lack of content" issue. There is no way Cryptic (alone) can keep up... even with new content every week.

    We, as a player base (at least on the forums) are a pretty demanding bunch. If a new mission comes out, it will entertain us for what... a week on the outside before we are bored and demanding more content? Within days of new content being released (hell minutes here on the forums) there will already be ney-sayers, and boo-boo lips, pouting over how they finished the new content, and are already bored.... now what... Heck, I've already had my fill of Into the Hive on Tribble..

    There are two ways out of the content issue:

    1) Open ended content... which essentially translates to open pvp for territory/holding/asset control that changes with who is logged in.

    2) Take advantage of the Foundry... I know its been said many times (with both cheers and jeers)... there are some extremely talented Foundry authors out there that have come up with missions that I think are pretty darn close to being Feature Episode quality... granted no cut scene's etc... There are missiosn that fit all types of game play style (Heavy combat to heavy dialog). Give these people more assets to work with... let them assist with content, while development can then focus on mechanics.

    I'm a Software Developer and it is an enormous effort. The Dev, UI customisations, scripting, FAT, DB, etc.

    As to your other points I heartedly agree.

    I have always hoped that the really good Foundry missions could find their way into a database somewhere, and be tagged for planets and systems. Then when you travel to a planet, you can select the mission, and these are randomly generated from the Foundry.

    Open PvP + territory control - Thumbs-up! :)
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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yes, I did read the dev post and thats the part I have a problem with. Romulans are just too xenophobic. They would rather abide a tyrant than accept an olive branch. Those are resisted would have been rounded-up and slaughtered. Some real world examples "Romulan"-inspirations Gene drew from: Caesar. Nero. Napoleon. - these men would abide no equal. They would rather see they empire crumble that share power.

    Shinzon's actions against the Romula Senate is keypoint here. The Romulan military exterminated them all because they refused to join forces with him.

    Every Star Trek Romulan-archetype created plays out that "fight to the bitter end, no matter the cost."

    That was before their planet got vaporized and their Empress abducted.

    Remember, D'Tan is a Unificationist. They desire peaceful coexistence, not conquest.
    twam wrote: »
    And still...

    Vaguely, I get a creeping idea in the back of my head, reading that.

    How hilarious would it be if they dropped a playable Romulan faction on us, at S7 launch?

    Most unlikely, granted, and a great feat of secrecy, but boy, would the playerbase be caught unawares.

    I, for one, would be very happy if that happened.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    canis36 wrote: »
    So I suppose that any society which has been characterized by brutal oppressive regimes never changes? Never has any dissensters that fall through the cracks? Never has any opportunists that are willing to change their tune if it gets them out of the fire?

    You're being far to narrow in your interpretations of the Romulan peoples and subscribing to the "Molothic Society" view that while prevalent in many Sci-Fi series is subverted as often as it is upheld in Star Trek. And with Romulan society coming apart at the seams as it has been since Shinzon staged his coup - Hobus only exacerbated the problem - you're going to see more of them willing to try new ways of doing things, especially if it means their skin stays intact just one day longer.

    The core of the Romulan Star Navy were not on Romulus when the Hobus event occurred.

    The vast majority that survived were the diehard whose allegiance to what Romulus stood for were very much alive, much like the Remnant in Star Wars.

    No, I do not believe that they would just sue for peace.

    The Romulan society was an oppressive regime before the Hobus event. They blamed the Federation for Spock's actions. The Path to 2409 further goes to show that the Federation's allies knew beforehand of the Hobus star ("On Stardate 65776.64, the Federation News Network reports that the Vulcan Science Academy knew of the threat of the Hobus supernova, but refused to assist the Romulans in preventing the destruction of Romulus. The news causes an immediate outcry, with the Vulcans condemned by politicians and analysts and seventeen independent planets, plus the Federation members Pacifica and Zaran II, recalling their ambassadors to Vulcan.").

    And after the event the Romulans that remained in power held considerably more power than ever before, as they now faced unarmed refugees as opposed to any organised, armed dissidents.
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    canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The core of the Romulan Star Navy were not on Romulus when the Hobus event occurred. The vast majority that survived were the diehard whose allegiance to what Romulus stood for were very much alive, much like the Remnant in Star Wars. No, I do not believe that they would just sued for peace. The Romulan society was an oppressive regime before the Hobus event. They blamed the Federation for Spock's actions. And after the event they wielded considerably more power as they now had unarmed refugees as opposed to any organised, and armed dissidents.

    And you're completely missing my point and the point made by the Dev Blogs. The people on New Romulus are not representative of the entirety of the Romulan Star Empire. They are a small subset of the people. The Romulan Star Empire and the Romulan Star Navy are currently gearing up to kill the f*** out of each other as the various power blocs try to step into the power vaccuum left by Sela's disappearance.

    The people of New Romulus are from the fringes of Romulan society, the people that would in more "stable" times be hunted and persecuted, but currently make up such a small percentage of the population that they are virtually ignored by the Tal'Shiar and other factions because they (or at leas their leadership) proscribe to a peaceful way of doing things and therefore aren't going to be lending their support to any of the other factions or be trying to take power themselves.

    This has given them a rare window of opportunity to gtfo and try do their own thing without the interference of the Romulan Star Empire's leadership...for now. The reaching out to the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Reman Resistance/Rebellion is as much motivated by a pragmatic desire to have somebody with a big stick in their corner when the Romulan civil war is over with and the winners come looking for the "renegades."
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    drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    canis36 wrote: »
    And you're completely missing my point and the point made by the Dev Blogs. The people on New Romulus are not representative of the entirety of the Romulan Star Empire. They are a small subset of the people. The Romulan Star Empire and the Romulan Star Navy are currently gearing up to kill the f*** out of each other as the various power blocs try to step into the power vaccuum left by Sela's disappearance.

    The people of New Romulus are from the fringes of Romulan society, the people that would in more "stable" times be hunted and persecuted, but currently make up such a small percentage of the population that they are virtually ignored by the Tal'Shiar and other factions because they (or at leas their leadership) proscribe to a peaceful way of doing things and therefore aren't going to be lending their support to any of the other factions or be trying to take power themselves.

    This has given them a rare window of opportunity to gtfo and try do their own thing without the interference of the Romulan Star Empire's leadership...for now. The reaching out to the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Reman Resistance/Rebellion is as much motivated by a pragmatic desire to have somebody with a big stick in their corner when the Romulan civil war is over with and the winners come looking for the "renegades."

    Sure. Its great. But, I suspect this IS the new Romulan faction. That is my point. The really Romulan faction, is a backdrop to this one, just like the ship that got magically dragged off by the Iconians never to be heard from again...


    "D'Tan, for his part, is calling for a complete reorganization of Romulan society."

    "My people must reject their past. Secrecy and deceit can no longer be a way of life for us

    "The plan for a new Romulan homeworld targets several uninhabited planets in Tau Dewa space."

    Now does that really convince you that they are a small subset of the people. Small subsets of people don't just wander off into the wilderness to build a new homeworld.

    And in terms of STO, and the new sector, are there going to be any other Romulans?
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    lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Now does that really convince you that they are a small subset of the people. Small subsets of people don't just wander off into the wilderness to build a new homeworld.

    not to nitpick but considering the entire history of the united states is essentially a result of a few small subsets of people wandering off to build a new country. its the same idea. certainly it could happen
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    qutothqutoth Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    See... This strikes me as the sort of thinking that creeps in from reading the books.

    Going by the shows, the Romulans were and remained allies with a lot of powerful Klingons. It was people like Worf, Martok, and Gowron who were anti-Romulan.

    But I don't think you can take them as wholly representative any more than you can take J'Dan and Duras as wholly representative.

    I don't know anyone but the Duras who were pro-Romulan going from the TV shows. The STO backstory, Path to 2409 shows the klingons at war with the Romulans. Here are a few points from the STO lore (http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=6192641&postcount=119).

    S7 story does not make sense for the KDF. I can't even see the Chewbacca defense working on this one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clKi92j6eLE)

    Path to 2409: Martok made the definitive statement of the Klingon Empire's view of the Romulan Star Empire in 2388. "
    The Klingons will offer no treaty, no aid, and no hand that is not holding a blade"
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    themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    A Klingon-Romulan alliance was floated in some of the earliest fan-fictions (I mean back in the day pre-internet) to explain why Romulans were flying Klingon ships in a TOS episode.

    It was later picked up by the many numbered novels.

    Finally it was given "canon" in TNG first with the hate between the powers and later the two-part episode where the Romulans attempt to interfere.
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    tuu1tuu1 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2012
    The Federation News Service report contained in this entry of the Season 7 News Dev Blog series reveals information about the Romulans search for a new homeworld.

    Link to the blog.

    sigh why romulan they are boring, you people lolz why not another race instead of arrogant xeno freaks i will never understand but hey that's just Lil old me. yea new season sounds boring already tried to play the hive but no one was on the test server what the hell. Are you devs limited as to what you can achieve in the game? ie coding the game or is a money thing that you have to make the game even more hard wtf come on. The VET thing really f@#ks me off you people put up life time membership and totally disrespect the vets who friggen actually played the game is this how loyal you are? well i hope that season 7 is good i may stay with the game if it is but if it bores me i am gone. Sick of being ripped off by companies i would have happily paid the sub before f2p. Now whats the friggen point pay to win is where it is going. Still credit where credit is due without you devs we wouldn't have a game i thank you for that with respect. Peace brothers
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    sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 900 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The obvious conclusion is that Romulan/Reman faction will be a subset of the FEDs and KDFs. The logical solution is to develop three Rom/Rem groups. The FED allies will be those seeking a new relationship withe Vulcans and are willing to abide by FED laws. The KDF side will be those seeking new weapons to fight Sela and her alien supporters. The relationship with KDF is an accepted evil in order to rebuild the old Romulus. Finally, the NPC group is Sela's faction that will use Thalaron weapons. FED and KDF will not have Thalaron since the FEDS consider them to be inhuman and the KDF would not allow a Rom fleet to possess such a weapon (nor would the Roms share such tech with KDF). A variation of a weapon could be installed on the VA version of a Scimitar (combination Shield impairment, crew disabling and Aux impacting).

    Personally, I just want a decent Mogai. :D
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    dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sentinel64 wrote: »
    The obvious conclusion is that Romulan/Reman faction will be a subset of the FEDs and KDFs. The logical solution is to develop three Rom/Rem groups. The FED allies will be those seeking a new relationship withe Vulcans and are willing to abide by FED laws. The KDF side will be those seeking new weapons to fight Sela and her alien supporters. The relationship with KDF is an accepted evil in order to rebuild the old Romulus. Finally, the NPC group is Sela's faction that will use Thalaron weapons. FED and KDF will not have Thalaron since the FEDS consider them to be inhuman and the KDF would not allow a Rom fleet to possess such a weapon (nor would the Roms share such tech with KDF). A variation of a weapon could be installed on the VA version of a Scimitar (combination Shield impairment, crew disabling and Aux impacting).

    Personally, I just want a decent Mogai. :D

    You propose an interesting view of the New Romulans... Would you let both Fed and KDF Romulans have access to the same ships in your world? Would you let Romulans fly KDF or Fed ships?
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    qutoth wrote: »
    As a KDF player, this story does not apply. It explains nothing as to why the Klingon Empire does not see this Romulan weakness as an opportunity to attack. A couple of the great houses could see this as an opportunity for an easy victory to attract more warriors to their banners. If this new territory has resources, the empire should seize them immediately.

    We could set up a Reman puppet state to administer these systems and exact resources needed for the Federation War. It is a time for glory, not talk!
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Where is the honour in striking at a foe who cannot defend themselves!

    Klingons kill no-one at the dinner table!
    dastahl wrote: »
    You propose an interesting view of the New Romulans... Would you let both Fed and KDF Romulans have access to the same ships in your world? Would you let Romulans fly KDF or Fed ships?

    It's a new age... the Dawn of a New Era.....,

    Anything is possible...

    This will certainly make for Glorious Discussions in the Great Hall...

    And plenty of Back-room Shenanigans in both territories...

    I can see Section-31 testing the waters..., luring unsuspecting Romulans in to see if their hearts are truly aiming toward a lasting peace...

    The House of Duras could once again rise to former glory...
    (albeit through backhanded and sneaky means)

    This could become a real problem for J'mpok.. he'll have to tread lightly in order not to antagonize and of the Great Houses that support him.

    The Federation would probably let these New Romulans become Fed citizens, but it would take many years before any of them would be trusted to actually command a Starship...

    the Klingons would most likely never let a Romulan command one of their ship, though I could see them using Romulans as crew members....

    ...for as long as they could survive, anyway.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    No, serious ... no.

    You are really starting to cross the line with the KDF being already the mess that is in terms of races with all their different ships and access to each other ships, Federation is not that bad since there are only 2 ships compared with the KDF melting pot.

    Lets not add Romulan ships to the Federation and Klingon shipyards, I also dont find acceptable the Lockboxes ship doing that ... cross faction ships.

    If they are members of the Federation of the KDF they would naturally have access to those ships.

    If you are serious about a Romulan faction you have to understand that it means the Romulans having their own missions, that means they having their own "The Klingon War", "The Romulan Mystery" and "The Cardassian Struggle" and fact is the KDF is lagging behind lacking many missions as what they usually get is Featured Episodes after the "The Federation War" and "The Fek'Ihri Return".

    That is as a faction, if you want to make a mini faction that starts as a higher level you can just do their version of "The Romulan Mystery" and then allow access to the featured episodes after that, even if I am quite sure the KDF would complain at least it beats having another KDF.

    If you want to make the members of the KDF and Star Fleet, they have to relinquish their ship access, they can keep their starting Romulan Ship but that is it ... I don't see how the Remans and New Romulans are going to allow free access to their shipyards when they need help, simply put they DON'T have the ships to spare.

    I too would rather have a Separate Romulan Faction... even if it takes a couple of years more to get it.

    Any ships that get built on New Romulas would be hybrids of Romulan technology and either Fed or Klingon tech..

    But truly...,

    They don't have the where-with-all at this point in the story to even consider something like that.

    It'll take them years alone, just to create their new civilization... even with help.

    Building new ships, would NOT be their main concern now.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    You propose an interesting view of the New Romulans... Would you let both Fed and KDF Romulans have access to the same ships in your world? Would you let Romulans fly KDF or Fed ships?

    I would hope not, personally.

    Putting the long-awaited playable Romulans in not as their own faction, but as allies to the existing two is already a blow to the hopes and dreams of many a player, including myself. I feel that further watering them down by allowing them to fly their allies' ships would be ill-advised, damaging what little true Romulan flavor remains.

    I think ideally, a Romulan mini-faction would look something like this:
    • Romulan/Reman/Hirogen(?) characters would only be able to fly Romulan ships, with the exception of lockbox and/or DOff pack reward ships INCLUDING Mirror ships. But C-Store and stock ships-of-the-line are off-limits.
    • Rom/Rem/Hiro characters would have their own core DOff packs and a version of the Reinforcements pack, but could both use non-standard DOff packs from their allied faction (So Fed Roms would get Fed DOffs from a Gamma pack, and KDF Roms get KDF DOffs from Gamma packs)
    • Three different progressions of stock ships-of-the-line; a Cruiser analog, a Science Vessel analog, and a Tactical-skewed Bird-of-Prey type ship with a set Tactical slot of the highest rank possible (ex. the T2 would have a Tac Lt. Boff slot and all universal others, the T5 would have a Tac Commander and all universal otherwise).
      • All these ships would have built-in cloaks with an additional built-in stealth bonus at a very slight cost (perhaps very slightly lower than average shield modifiers?). Escorts would get battle cloaks with the same bonus. Basically this would be no different than how Klingon ships are set up, but the small innate stealth bonus would at the very least maintain the flavor that Romulan cloaks are superior to Klingon cloaks.
      • Romulan and Reman hull materials would be available to all these ships.
      • No Hirogen vessels would be stock; rather, they could be leveraged as Romulan mini-fac C-Store ships ala Orion/Gorn/Nausicaan alongside +1's of the Rom/Rem T5's.
    • As much mission content on both sides as it feasible should have the language tweaked to sound more Romulan, like they're their own people with their own opinions but are at least working for their allied faction. I realize, based on how much people complain about the KDF FE's being Fed missions with a red coat of paint, that this won't be a well-liked thing, but it should be far faster than building all new missions.
    • Rom/Rem/Hiro characters could join any KDF or Fed fleet. They can start their own, but the starbase would initially be Fed or KDf rather than Romulan. The assets for this could be done later and slipped in as an option specifically for Rom/Rem/Hiro fleet leaders.

    The real sticking point would be the ships, I think. That's, at the absolute least, twelve brand new ship models and three NPC ship upgrades so they'd be player-quality. Based on how slowly our dynamic ship duo works, this could drag out quite a while (no offense, guys; I know they'd look fan-friggin'-tastic when you got done with them). DOffs would be a matter of a new name generator for three new races, then filtering the names for profanity (RIP F'ukk). Mission rewrites might take some time too depending on how many you do, but I can't imagine that would have to do with much beyond writing and maybe UI. Character models can be salvaged from existing ones, though new character assets could take as long as ships depending on how generous you wanted to be with free costumes starting up.

    I will scream like a fangirl if this gets an actual, technical response. As a man, I am not ashamed of this fact.
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    sirsrisirsri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    You propose an interesting view of the New Romulans... Would you let both Fed and KDF Romulans have access to the same ships in your world? Would you let Romulans fly KDF or Fed ships?

    Romulans, the new Pandas?

    If you need to get a romulan faction out the door, but don't have the time (or desire) to make them a third faction this is the path of your only real option. Some limited romulan only content and then let romulan players go either fed or KDF allies, and let fed-kdf players interact with the Romulans.

    I would give them the same ships with different markings (they are in a civil war after all). Or I'd do away with the Fed-KDF faction split, since you've kind of done away with it on STF's anyway, outright doing away with it might be helpful. Let fleets pick if *they* are KDF or Fed Style, but player characters can go wherever.

    Trying to have a full romulan faction probably isn't a good move, you don't really have the room in the player base to split it up more, and KDF players have enough trouble with KDF only PVE queues creating another faction with that problem wouldn't be helpful.
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    amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    You propose an interesting view of the New Romulans... Would you let both Fed and KDF Romulans have access to the same ships in your world? Would you let Romulans fly KDF or Fed ships?

    Hybrid Romulan/Starfleet and Klingon/Romulan ships would be interesting. As a side note, when designing the Vor'cha-class attack cruiser, Rick Sternbach said that the lighter colour of the hull and the presence of bussard collectors on the end of the nacelles was because of shared technology between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. Perhaps something similar would apply here?
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Does not work that way.

    Lets take the D'deridex class, its powered by a forced quantum singularity as neither the Federation or the Klingon Empire use that technology

    Upgrading their entire infrastructure would take significant amount of time and in no way you are assured it would even work.

    Simply put, that is Romulan Technology and their isolation have lead then to a path were it cannot be easy integrated.

    Also I DONT want to see a D'deridex orbiting ESD with Federation markings, are you THAT desperate to have some "Romulan" that he ends up as NOTHING but a KDF or Federation officer? Because you are selling out the ENTIRE FACTION for it because if that happen you can forget about New or Old Romulans ever being a faction, we just get some new ships in the shipyard and a couple of new races.

    The folks on New Romulas... Have No Infrastructure...

    They have a few ships and a small population in a Brand New Planetary Colony.

    They are going to have to depend on their own resourcefulness and the kindness of Strangers (Feds/Klinks) for quite a long time.

    It will be years before they will be able to start building their own ships from scratch...

    And in that time they will most likely adapt and learn to use what ever technology that comes their way, to create their hybrid ships.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    You propose an interesting view of the New Romulans... Would you let both Fed and KDF Romulans have access to the same ships in your world? Would you let Romulans fly KDF or Fed ships?

    Technically the way you guys and gals at Cryptic layed out this story as the person you were quoting is suggesting... The issue with thalaron weaponry those specific romulans would not have that tech because whoever is running the tal shiar and obisek have that tech these romulan rub off to me as basically ordinary citizens that have taken over of what was left and seem more like the cardassians civilian government.

    Although the issue is most of romulan and klingon tech is the same though since they were allies and their ships pretty much are the same just different architecture. Although the thalaron issue would be an issue being that is the main reason the scimitar is designed the way it is for that weapon. Without those components it wouldn't be a scimitar.

    Although for story reasons with embassys and such the way the game is going from the little bit on KDF side and the fed sides romulan arc are clashing with this romulan colony but I would assume its to say this is after you have hit level 50 and moving forward with time for the players. There could be some story written that the romulan and vulcans unify with their unification and bring an end to the Fed/KDF war and due to the borg and undine threats facing the quadrant they make a new treaty with strict enforcements on when or the thalaron could be used in order to (be able to make these scimitars available with the thalaron technology presumably only to fight non alpha quadrant threats much like agreement the romulans made for the cloak with the defiant).

    Although with the 1000 day vet reward raptor with battle cloak it did give me an idea especially with the dilithium rewards expanding to where people like myself would want to play both factions I had an idea there. The defiant doesn't have a battle cloak and many including myself have voiced against the defiant having one but... in interests of making it more interesting with a said brokered treaty from the romulans where it also brokers a new cloaking device treaty where the defiant gets a battle cloak but in the exchange the romulans give some new tech to the kdf allowing the fleet raptors to also have battle cloaks. That way both sides get something out of it and defiants will be a little bit more fun to play. Personally it would give me an incentive to play the federation side which i seldom do so that plus the dilithium reward changes there would be much more incentive to play both sides.

    I would say the Romulan ships though they really should be all for both sides though. Since its neither Federation nor Klingon if they are going to go in it should be equal. It would help the KDF with the lack of larger ships compared to the fed side and it would also give the federation more escort type ships they lack.

    The last thing on this though is a lot of players because of no romulans have aliens dressed up as romulans but if there were to be playable romulans I believe one thing is for us to be able to convert aliens we have and keep resources/rank/ships/abilities we have made with them so it feels more canon if that is what is to be with the playable romulan over romulan faction.
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    amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    You propose an interesting view of the New Romulans... Would you let both Fed and KDF Romulans have access to the same ships in your world? Would you let Romulans fly KDF or Fed ships?

    If the Romulans were to be a subset of both the Fed and KDF factions (and I think this is a great idea, (provided that if it happens you give a free race respec to everyone, I wanted to play as a Romulan back when I joined, but had to make an Ailen, for instance.))

    I'd probably limit Romulan ships to Romulan characters only, and only have access to the Bird of Prey, Mogai Escort, and D'Deridex Warbirds, as well as the Romulan Shuttle and T'Liss Fighter, with no restriction on either faction. I'd stay away from the Scimitar, as it would have to be equipped with a proper thalaron device, and not only would it be completely unbalanced, but neither the Federation or KDF would likely use such a weapon.

    I'd also give access to the parent faction's own ships.

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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    If the Romulans were to be a subset of both the Fed and KDF factions (and I think this is a great idea, (provided that if it happens you give a free race respec to everyone, I wanted to play as a Romulan back when I joined, but had to make an Ailen, for instance.))

    I'd probably limit Romulan ships to Romulan characters only, and only have access to the Bird of Prey, Mogai Escort, and D'Deridex Warbirds, as well as the Romulan Shuttle and T'Liss Fighter, with no restriction on either faction. I'd stay away from the Scimitar, as it would have to be equipped with a proper thalaron device, and not only would it be completely unbalanced, but neither the Federation or KDF would likely use such a weapon.

    I'd also give access to the parent faction's own ships.

    Pretty much what I would expect but the one thing though is any big fan of romulans/remans is going to want that Scimitar. It may just need something less on the side of instant weapon of mass destruction and probally just a super plasma torpedo console or something or 180 degree beam overload with a replacement from its thalaron core with something that is more humane LOL.

    Edited: One thing I am not understanding though is with the Romulan Arc + STF's how the borgified romulans and stuff falls with these romulans... Or if its just one of the other sects of the romulans involved in this.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    You propose an interesting view of the New Romulans... Would you let both Fed and KDF Romulans have access to the same ships in your world? Would you let Romulans fly KDF or Fed ships?
    I could live with it if Romulans shared some game assets with the other two factions. But they should still remain their own political entity. I'd even be cool with it if romulan characters started at level 50. Sure it'd be nice if you actually needed to level, but as long as I get to fly a D'deridex under the romulan flag.... :D
    My character Tsin'xing
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    hatepwehatepwe Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    You propose an interesting view of the New Romulans... Would you let both Fed and KDF Romulans have access to the same ships in your world? Would you let Romulans fly KDF or Fed ships?

    For me to not call a Rom-subset Faction that just joins the Feds or KDF a complete cop-out it'd have to come with new tech that allows species-specific missions. Give the Romulans a bunch of their own missions in addition to restricting them to their own ships and I might just be able to tolerate it.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Pretty much what I would expect but the one thing though is any big fan of romulans/remans is going to want that Scimitar. It may just need something less on the side of instant weapon of mass destruction and probally just a super plasma torpedo console or something or 180 degree beam overload with a replacement from its thalaron core with something that is more humane LOL.

    Edited: One thing I am not understanding though is with the Romulan Arc + STF's how the borgified romulans and stuff falls with these romulans... Or if its just one of the other sects of the romulans involved in this.
    Scimitar and it's Thalaron gun should be the first Romulan faction Z-Store ship. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    If we're onto lore, I'd note that the 29th century uniforms look a lot like TOS Romulans.

    I'd probably play with the idea of Romulans trying to bring back Romulus through exotic means, getting sucked in by mirror Romulans, becoming obsessed with time travel, etc. on a path towards becoming one of the more mature and virtuous species as a result of their traumas. Maybe even becoming the leaders of the Federation in time.
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