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Season 7 Dev Blog #8



  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    It's shocking that this Elephant is being overlooked by almost everyone. People keep talking about the 8000k per day - but not how MANY missions it will soon take to get that.

    I can't understand why this is seen as a non-issue.

    im betting my money on from the greed 20 missions elite stfs will be 8.000 in the new season.
    heh 10 cents i call it happening.

    my issues with this season keeps growing. 60 days + less dilithium from missions just great really great
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I gave up tryng to read every last post at page 15 so sorry is this has allready been anwsered.

    Will the Borg cutting beam be compatible with a science ship's target subsystem attacks like other sheilds, or is it treated like cannon's/torps in this respect.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I know you've invested a lot of ressources in these new missions but my point was to say they were overshadowed by the new omega dilithium store gated behind the reputation system. if it's supposed to be a good
    stage setter for the upcoming events and missions that will take us up to Season 8

    Then I guess that I don't want to see an 8th season, where you just revamp old stuff overshadowing your dilithium stores. Sure, the new romulan stuff is great, but the omega fleet, which is a transition from a free time-based only rewards system to a play to pay one, was unnecessary from a player's point of view.

    I understand your point but I still do not agree with these changes. And you'll see that I'm not reluctant to pay when I think it's worth it, if you see my title.
    It is a good addition to end game

    While I completely understand your point and the transition the game takes, I have to disagree here with you. Endgame is supposed to be challenging. Nothing in season 8 is a challenge, unless you consider beating timer through easy missions (including the new stf, sorry Dan), is. So I'm still waiting, like many other vets, for a true endgame content. :)

    Anyway, thanks for answering my post.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • synthscanner#2101 synthscanner Member Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    I enjoyed reading this blog, and believe it's better for everyone. I've just read through this entire thread and have only one concern.

    Stahl thanks for answering so many questions (though I feel you repeated yourself a lot). :P
    zerobang wrote: »
    Why the new system is better:

    New Captain Abilities can be earned at each rank in the Task Force Omega Reputation
    The 42 different drop items needed to get the various gear sets is reduced down to 2 items
    You no longer need to run specific STFs for specific drops ? all STFs reward the 2 needed items
    The number of Elite STF runs needed to get a Mk XII gear set has been reduced by 60 percent

    = nobody will feel the need to play IGE or CGE because those are easy to fail?

    *not sure if better*

    So yeah this is my one and only concern which zerobang brought up earlier and nobody else responded or brought up the same concern. I'm sure players will still play each individual STF mission for the accolades, but other than that once this Season 7 change occurs, there will be little incentive to play certain STF missions, as zerobang has already mentioned.

    In my opinion the most difficult STFs are my favourites, I prefer a good challenge and mission that requires good team work as well as tactical thinking.

    But if you're still around Stahl, does this not concern Cryptic at all? I can only imagine that the queues for the easiest STF missions will be constantly filled post Season 7 while the queues for the more difficult STF missions will pop infrequently due to the lack of players who're interested in them.
  • atatassaultatatassault Member Posts: 1,008 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Adapted Honor Guard Gear.

    So the KDF will now be able to get the MACO shield AND Plasmonic Leech console.

    Funny, 2 weeks ago they were all in an uproar over a rumor the feds were going to get this combo. Where are they now?

    This will bust pvp even more than it already is lol.
    Yeah, at that rate, the next Lockbox needs to include Plasomonic Leech for Feds.
  • verbenamageverbenamage Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I see two problems:

    1. Adding Dil costs to first grind the reputation system, and then to buy the set items which you can currently buy without dil. You can go on and on about your mythical 60% reduction, but as long as you're adding additional dil costs to what we can get now without dil it's nothing but a load of TRIBBLE. You're making the game more grindy, because now we have to grind the omega marks, neural processors, and then grind for dil on top of that.

    And don't even think of justifying it by saying that the STF's earn dil. They already do. But until these changes they don't cost dil. It's not like borg set items are the only thing we have to spend our dil on. We need it for other equipment, fleet equipment, zen, crafting materials, and starbase projects. You're adding weeks of dil grinding, to a system to get items that we can currently get for no dil. That's is not a reduction in grind, not 60% or any other percent. That is an increase in grind.

    2. Stealing items from our inventory and locking them away until we grind out the new reputation system. Not only is this terrible, it's a slap in the face. You're taking away something I already earned, then making me jump through some new hoops to earn it back? What's wrong with you?

    I already did that grind, I earned those items. Converting them into a new system, that's one thing. Fine. Taking them away and locking them up until I participate in your new pet project? No, that's just beyond terrible.

    It's bad enough to try and direct and herd people into playing the way you deem best, because this is a game and we're playing it to have fun. We get to decide what's fun, and what we do. Trying to force us to participate in your newest little project is bad enough. But on top of that you're going to steal the items we've already earned, and lock them up and hold them hostage until we go through the new system like good little sheep? That just shows a fundamental level of disrespect for your player base.

    Change those two points: remove the additional dil cost/grind, and cancel the plans to steal items from our inventories and hold them hostage. Then I'll swallow your party line about 60% reduction and improvements. As it is now? You're going to make things more grindy and planning to steal from me.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    haven't you said that bolded line for about every season so far??

    hmm cant remember seeing that but yes he has used bolded text here and there when it comes to season infos
    dastahl wrote: »
    There will be new Klingon specific content in Season 8 along with a bunch of other stuff.

    season 8 is a far far away my friend. and its allready been a long trip for us klingons my friend.

    and with forced 60 days slavery when we could have done it in 10 is hmm less comfortable for us.

    to quote a good klingon

    "ur comfortable starfleet beds and cloths has made you lost ur way"

    we go out and smash borgs we expect fat loot after certain hours of brave combat.
    not 60 days waiting on our bridge growing tomatos.
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    danny boy any chance of a reduction in time for alts or for a account i dont fancy having to grind the rep system 8 times

    did you read the article said they were increasing drops and reducing the grind

    I belive with medal of honor we will get old set anyway

    I like these changes so far
    i more inclined to find out what my conversion rate is for the ton of edc I have
    if you are high in a fleet you get better drops this system is much better becuase it is more linked to your account than just the current pug system of lottery
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Adapted Honor Guard Gear.

    So the KDF will now be able to get the MACO shield AND Plasmonic Leech console.

    Funny, 2 weeks ago they were all in an uproar over a rumor the feds were going to get this combo. Where are they now?

    This will bust pvp even more than it already is lol.

    MACO shield and the Plasmonic leech for the KDF?? As they were saying in their rant thread - that will be game breaking.
  • tuu1tuu1 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2012
    Wow the hive what a load of friggen TRIBBLE i was so angry to hear of yet another boring time consuming land stf I do not like land not one bit. So what about those of us who want more space missions more real action like star trek is suppose to be. believe me when i say there is a lot of people like me who do not want to waste time on stupid land levels. A lot of people want space or an even mix of both not just land land land land land grrrrr why did i pay for this game you wonder thats right i paid for it now i see people with more money than i blowing away my hard earned VET status totally unfair and very disrespectful to loyal players who have played this game for 2 years ish. Come on devs do some real game making and stop running the same stupid boring TRIBBLE borg story if it is even that! oh yea there is no story that's the real issue here. People grind and grind i mean if i wanted to do that then i will go to work. And to build a starbase to reap rewards then having to pay again to obtain the gear dang annoying. Well i guess its all about money and not the people aye a classic FU to the broke and a fingers up for the ones who have a disposable income. Can only hope that there is something there for everyone peace trekkers.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    kalecto wrote: »

    I enjoyed reading this blog, and believe it's better for everyone. I've just read through this entire thread and have only one concern.

    Stahl thanks for answering so many questions (though I feel you repeated yourself a lot). :P

    So yeah this is my one and only concern which zerobang brought up earlier and nobody else responded or brought up the same concern. I'm sure players will still play each individual STF mission for the accolades, but other than that once this Season 7 change occurs, there will be little incentive to play certain STF missions, as zerobang has already mentioned.

    In my opinion the most difficult STFs are my favourites, I prefer a good challenge and mission that requires good team work as well as tactical thinking.

    But if you're still around Stahl, does this not concern Cryptic at all? I can only imagine that the queues for the easiest STF missions will be constantly filled post Season 7 while the queues for the more difficult STF missions will pop infrequently due to the lack of players who're interested in them.

    this is a intresting topic you found there matey. this too is a concern how will this be adressed ?
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • raythilo2345raythilo2345 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    Yes because my team has been growing with nearly every update. My team size for Season 7 was bigger than Season 6. My team size for Season 8 is bigger than for Season 7.

    as Im sure someone once said. "Action speak louder then words" so with:
    (which will be our biggest update thus far)

    being said almost every season...now is the time for action...not just the same old words.

    for alot of people...this game is trek to them...they want to see this game become the game it should be...not an endless grindfest.

    as far as the STF go...why not go back to the first system of having the sets as Mission rewards and letting us choose between the 3 sets...I think it would be ALOT better then having this new reputation system dumped on us.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    As i see it, Dilithium as stated is not a time based currency. as stated, playing for any given amount of time does not give you a given amount of dilithium. If fact, time has nothing to do with it. It's success. You gain dilithium from successfully completing missions like STFs, dailies, and the occasional doff missions and such. If you fail said mission, you get nothing, regardless of time spent.

    To further worsen that idea, you can BUY dilithium. Well.... technically you buy Zen which is then traded for dilithium, but it's still a commodity you can get with real money and no effort, not to mention that when you buy it you don't get saddled with the 8k a day limit.

    So when you're able to buy a reward that you normally need to successfully complete various missions for as well as wait X amount of time to process, you're bypassing having to beat ingame as well as time base objectives doesn't that make it quite literally pay to win?

    If you can pay to not have to do missions or wait time limits for a large portion of endgame gear then it really does seem to be the "Pay 2 Win" mentality, especially if you can't get the endgame gear without the dilithium.

    I don't really like how this game (as well as champions) have become the epitome of "grind or pay". Sure you're adding new things, but a lot of these new things are just new reasons to do nothing but the same boring old content we've had for months or mostly years. So far the only real "new content" we'll be getting is the New Romulus missions which a lot of people are looking forward too with the exception of it being another grind for gear most people might already have.
  • pogmahone70pogmahone70 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    There will be new Klingon specific content in Season 8 along with a bunch of other stuff.
    So far we heard that same line come from your mouth for the past few years and nothing has changed except your greedy ways.
    Divine Protectorate Gaming
    STO Beta Tester and Original Cryptic user
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    as Im sure someone once said. "Action speak louder then words" so with:

    being said almost every season...now is the time for action...not just the same old words.

    for alot of people...this game is trek to them...they want to see this game become the game it should be...not an endless grindfest.

    as far as the STF go...why not go back to the first system of having the sets as Mission rewards and letting us choose between the 3 sets...I think it would be ALOT better then having this new reputation system dumped on us.

    Right on brother.

    the old way of getting the item after the mission 100% was a fun time i enjoyed it.

    why dident you do that instead of 60 days waiting ?
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sean2448 wrote: »
    did you read the article said they were increasing drops and reducing the grind

    I belive with medal of honor we will get old set anyway

    I like these changes so far
    i more inclined to find out what my conversion rate is for the ton of edc I have
    if you are high in a fleet you get better drops this system is much better becuase it is more linked to your account than just the current pug system of lottery

    ah so we will only have to unlock tier 5 once then unlocked for all toons?
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    This seems pretty pessimistic considering everything that is in Season 7. Yes, this season is an extension of our end game systems and the introduction of a new max level captain progression system (Reputation).

    But there's a lot of stuff to do in Season 7, and more than was in Season 6.

    >insert list here<

    You didn't include

    1. Monetization of DOFF system at SFA and Klingon Academy

    2. Monetization of Borg Exchange

    3. Removal of Dilithium rewards

    4. Possible Reduction of Dilithium Rewards

    5. Increased difficulty for Fleets to gather Dilithium and Duty Officers, Insanity Mode on.

    6. A system built from the ground up to 'help' players grind longer.

    7. Another spit in the eye for Veteran players by making their hardwork seem like nothing important See: Borg Exchange Monetization, See: Everyones a 1000 day Veteran

    8. No longer expect a challenge against monsters alike, we turned Easy Mode on for you.

    9. An attempt to get as many players to quit with one update, while pulling in the gullible to buy more of our product.

    Stahl, You forgot the basic Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them. Rules of Aquisition #57

    But you certainly like this rule the most: The riskier the road, the greater the profit.

    Have fun with your short term gains.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So far we heard that same line come from your mouth for the past few years and nothing has changed except your greedy ways.

    sadly this is true and sadly for 2 years we have taken the same words over and over.

    i remember when they said in next season klingons will get content.
    instead they took away rank 1-25.

    oh my brother these words we have heard but no deeds have been done :(
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    im betting my money on from the greed 20 missions elite stfs will be 8.000 in the new season.
    heh 10 cents i call it happening.

    my issues with this season keeps growing. 60 days + less dilithium from missions just great really great

    Well you are certainly right - the amount of missions you have to do under this system to get your 8000k dilth per day could be as high as 20!!

    Yet still no-one seems to mind that this info has not been released.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ah so we will only have to unlock tier 5 once then unlocked for all toons?

    no. it has to be unlocked for every toon.

    aka 60 days per toon and up to 90 days if you miss a singel time.
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mewi wrote: »
    You didn't include:

    4. Possible Reduction of Dilithium Rewards

    I can't hammer this point enough - this is a wild card.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    no. it has to be unlocked for every toon.

    aka 60 days per toon and up to 90 days if you miss a singel time.

    yea i know was just messing with the dude who replyed to me but didnt understand.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mewi wrote: »
    You didn't include

    1. Monetization of DOFF system at SFA and Klingon Academy

    2. Monetization of Borg Exchange

    3. Removal of Dilithium rewards

    4. Possible Reduction of Dilithium Rewards

    5. Increased difficulty for Fleets to gather Dilithium and Duty Officers, Insanity Mode on.

    6. A system built from the ground up to 'help' players grind longer.

    7. Another spit in the eye for Veteran players by making their hardwork seem like nothing important See: Borg Exchange Monetization, See: Everyones a 1000 day Veteran

    8. No longer expect a challenge against monsters alike, we turned Easy Mode on for you.

    9. An attempt to get as many players to quit with one update, while pulling in the gullible to buy more of our product.

    Stahl, You forgot the basic Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them. Rules of Aquisition #57

    But you certainly like this rule the most: The riskier the road, the greater the profit.

    Have fun with your short term gains.

    amen mew amen. wise words from a cat
    levi3 wrote: »
    Well you are certainly right - the amount of missions you have to do under this system to get your 8000k dilth per day could be as high as 20!!

    Yet still no-one seems to mind that this info has not been released.

    so i was right on the money. im not surprised by their duplicity.

    this WILL not go unnoticed.

    scam and con here we come they trying to take us as a fool ...
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i like the changes apart the fact that u have to do it all over again and again there should be some kind of token to reduce the amount it takes for those of us that like to play on mulitable toons
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i like the changes apart the fact that u have to do it all over again and again there should be some kind of token to reduce the amount it takes for those of us that like to play on mulitable toons

    you will see that trust me its called "NEW item in the Zen store Purchase Tier 5 omega reputaion kit only 5000 zen!"

    im betting my 10 cents on it right now
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • tuu1tuu1 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2012
    So if it turns out that the new Season is a lemon will you all uninstall this game? or will you all play on knowing its ripping your time? make it more fun. If there is no more decent space missions i am doing just that. Sad i know but what can you do i am not wasting even more time for little reward your on notice CRYPTIC maybe someone needs to start a face book account and stage a friggen strike to get more content lol but we will see maybe i will be surprised hehe. I hope i am plz plz plz Mybe bf3 looks after their real vets not the pay to be vet a very sore point with myself and others very sore indeed.
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    you will see that trust me its called "NEW item in the Zen store Purchase Tier 5 omega reputaion kit only 5000 zen!"

    im betting my 10 cents on it right now

    i was thinking 2500cpoints
  • ltsmithltsmith Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dastahl wrote: »
    When we calculated the Reputation system, we very clearly limited the total amount of Dilithium needed to level the system to be equal to the amount of Dilithium a player could earn if they played 1hr, 3x a week. The total amount of Dilithium needed to reach tier 5 in Omega or Romulan reputation is 82k total. When spread out over 60-90 days, this is what gives us the 1 hr, 3xs a week because we know exactly how much the average level 50 player earns in Dilithium per session and this amount is easily obtainable.

    This makes me very happy; because that in turn only comes out to be an average of 1139 you have to earn a every 2 days (it is 2 days because projects last for 40hrs) which means you really only need to earn 570 dilithium a day. The reputation system is really great for casual players. Also remember each STF give 480 dilithium.

    *My math is for just one reputation system (double it for the cost of doing Omega and Romulan projects everyday).
    Join date: January 2010
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Well, thanks for more or less answering the questions I had. I feel that between the blog and this thread I have a bit of a better idea of what I'm getting into with season 7. I'm not that happy with what I know is coming, but there is some good with the bad. So thanks dastahl.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Look guys the re-configuration of old content and the introduction of of the Romulan embassy are just a veneer, underneath lies the real intent, the introduction of Dilithium sinks into every facet of the game, that is the real legacy of Season 7.:o
This discussion has been closed.