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thedancingfox Arc User



  • Thanks for posting this lucho80. I was going through my Accolades and wondering how to complete this, and your post was the only one that was brought up that mentioned the (3) point especially. So yes, even though this is a very old post, I just wanted to put a "thank you" out there to you for recording this information,…
  • I'd love an Abort button as well. I would have USED it several times over already. The most common case for me is going through filling up Admiralty slots, and then finding out that you don't have any more free. Then you really wish that you'd added in an extra shuttle or something to that last mission where you only just…
  • Where is "Reddit LT"? Link please. Thanks.
  • Would love to see this. Only found the Custom Search mode half by chance, half by following up how to get a particular episode, well after a year of playing STO and looking for Foundry content!!! Thanks.
  • Thanks for clarifying [Chance] for me. TDF.
  • Same with the Jabberwocky episode. The question mark is outside of the quotation marks here and probably should be inside: Vedek Krin: Elsewhere? But it is an Orb of the Prophets, where else could it belong? Unless... Are you familiar with the so-called "Mirror Universe"? I know very little about it myself, but there is a…
  • 1) On Bajor in Jabberwocky, the Temple Priest says "in of itself" but probably means "in and of itself." http://data.grammarbook.com/blog/definitions/in-and-of-itself-usage [11:30] Temple Priest: Greetings. Do you seek the wisdom of the Prophets? [11:30] What do you do?: I am a seeker of knowledge. I spend my days in…
  • Same issue. Had to jump on top of the console in order to interact with it.
  • Oh. Have just seen a similar thread here which said to log it on that thread: http://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1204864/typos-in-new-admiralty-missions#latest
  • [quote="markhawkman;12697051There are a handful of doffs you can get in the purple pool that are unique. The Fed ones are Xindi IIRC. No these weren't newly added, they've always been there. the vast majority are fed member races, and it's weighted toward the core species(Human, Vulcan, Tellarite, and Andorian) IIRC. KDF…
  • Hello, QUESTION 1. * What number and range of traits can the purple junior officers get for FED? * What races are available for FED? Is there a chance, for example, no matter how small of getting four "good" traits? (Good as in the sense of Resolve or Efficient or a combination which allows three criticals on a DOFF…
  • 1) How do I "Search" on the new Vanilla Forum? For example, I ONLY want to search the Star Trek Online board, under the DOFF section, for "purple Risa DOFF" for example. There is a Search link at the top, but it searches ALL of Arc, and I can't find a way to narrow it down. And Google Search is still pointing to all of the…
  • "Login2_Timeout" error on login. Slow to load launcher. Lots of lag in game - unplayable. Tracert for me. tracert patchserver.crypticstudios.com Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms 1 ms <1 ms router.belkin <<REDACTED - my router>> 2 19 ms * 18 ms <<REDACTED -…
  • Hello, Haven't logged a ticket for this, as I see there is a well established thread and presumably this is being worked on. But adding my voice that I have seen the following problems since the latest patch this week: On the day of the patch: * Loader would not reach the "Engage" stage. Would stay in patching to 1, 2, 5…
  • Well expressed, eradicator84. Quite possible the best post I've read on the forum, and I've lurked a lot. A little information would go a long way. I for example, have not been able to patch all of today (just in now, finally). The account server would time out, or it would get to 5% or 20% of patching and then stop. Was…
  • Thank you szerontzur and desertjets for your prompt and thoughtful replies. You've already given me enough to research and think about for a while, so I'll come back after I've thought about these. Two quick responses. szerontzur >> It looks like.. a bit of a generalist build that doesn't really specialize in anything.…
  • Out of curiosity, what Delta gear are you aiming for and why? Thanks.
  • I took the original poster to be referring to a A) "Contribute All" button for the "three resources" for each reputation (marks, experience and EC), rather than B) "Fill up all of the Active projects that I've slotted." Maybe people are referring to one or the other. Both are good ideas. Why not both?
  • I agree with having a "Contribute All" button as an option. That's certainly what the majority of people the majority of the time would want to be doing. Certainly I would. And if I didn't want to use "Contribute All" then I could always fall back on the slider bars. It is finicky and repetitive and frustrating to line…
  • Just so that there is another post on this thread! . . . :) I could understand the view that the Reputation system is meant to be "earnt" and not "bought." It's one of those things that shows you have invested "X amount of time" into the game. If you take that away, by allowing pay for win . . . it's not really…
  • Adding my voice to an already long list. I DOFF several hours a day across four characters, and have only encountered ONE Haggle since the new map. It was in sector space. Have not seen anything at DS9 or otherwise in the maps. I do use Borg Assimilated engines, so tend to zip from sector to sector - but I always check all…
  • Hello, There have been several posts mentioning "Spin the Wheel" as being a good way to do mission replays. Can someone outline why? I've had a look at the mission details here, and it doesn't appear particularly short? It's not like a patrol. Or is it in fact, actually a short mission? Or are the rewards good? It doesn't…
  • That's a known issue seen by many people. I logged a bug report at the time, as I assume others have. Just got to wait until its looked into. Thanks.
  • Hello irishxp, Quite obviously it is pertinent to the question! I think garaks31 gave good advice a few posts back, as have the other posters. Though if I may, I think just try "playing around" a bit. The "Let's have fun!" school of trait building. :-) Choose your species because you think it looks cool, or you've always…
  • Ah! Thank you reginamala78 and admrenlarreck. It is protection against a "ship transport." So I don't have to worry about troops beaming over. (Would be a nice mechanic to add. I can picture my little people engaged in battles to retake the ship while the bigger space battle rages.) I can't say that I recall my ship…