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solidsam Arc User



  • Oh myyyyyyy! That looks incredible, man. I'd love to see your work in a Star Trek game.
  • *In SNL Sean Connery voice* Ah, the day is yours, Cryptic!
  • I guess if you grind the mess out of it, yeah. It took a few weeks for me, playing a few hours a day. I wasn't rushing or anything though. That's quite a bit of effort just to release something that will be deleted and result in your Foundry access being revoked.
  • That would certainly be a way to do it.
  • Wow. That should be changed then. People will be more likely to abide by the rules if money is at stake. Some people don't care about wasting money, but the majority of us do. The Foundry is an excellent aspect of this game and we, as players, should be able to browse through actual missions to play. We shouldn't have to…
  • Ah, but the Foundry isn't a F2P feature. You have to spend money to unlock it by upgrading your account. If that's been changed, then I'm clearly mistaken.
  • Why don't they just remove the exploit missions and revoke Foundry access for those who repeatedly provide exploit missions? Why punish the players?
  • What if the fleet marks were tied into the exploration dailies, like the Admiral Marks were? At least then we'd have some missions that felt new and less grindy. Perhaps change the daily aspect of it to a 30 minute cooldown, complete 3 missions for credit, and group with at least one other person.
  • I feel like I was handed the keys to a Ferrari (the ultimate joy ride), then forced to watch it be repossessed, then given the keys to a Pinto (the ultimate chore ride). I'll expound on that. The IOR with the fleet marks on the 30 minute cooldown was a fun and exciting way to earn fleet marks. I was able to quickly earn…
  • I think Team Cryptic was offended that player made content was more enjoyable to grind through than their missions. IOR was a fun way to experience new content and be rewarded(well) for it. It didn't feel like a grind at all. It was fun and my entire fleet was enjoying it. I don't know who to feel more angry at. The…
  • When Dan gives you lemons, he expects you to drop them and entertain him with Harlem Shakes. Sadly, pulling my fleet off of the grind to make such a video is probably the only way we'll have fun until more entertaining ways of earning fleet marks are added. Sad, sad truth. If you wanted to showcase a video of fleets having…
  • All I know is that my fleet members were actually excited to get in the game an earn fleet marks with me and experience a fun story together. We had a lot of fun running the spotlight missions and then even more when we started playing missions from our favorite authors. I'd go in the game, select four missions, then come…
  • I usually spend around $80 per month on this game to help my fleet, but I won't be giving them anymore money until they actually LISTEN to the customers and give us what we want. I don't recall ever seeing a single player request to take the fun out of earning fleet marks. Never once did I see a player say "Please, Dan.…
  • Sirsitsalot: Their teaser site is a giant graphic of Romulan wings, with a translatable message asking players to "march beneath the raptor's wings." May 2013 Smells like new faction or "micro-faction, Stahl style (that no one wants)" to me.
  • Pretty much this. Why don't you go incognito, make a couple of accounts, join some small fleets and keep your identity secret. See what people think about you and your system then and get a good dose of just how boring it is. I've had root canals that were more pleasurable than grinding fleet marks on your "content". I'm…
  • I wouldn't take his word on that. Remember when he said that the KDF would have PvE content 1-50 BEFORE the Romulan faction would be added to the game? Look what's coming in May.
  • I've decided to finally give the tomcat (that urinates on my car EVERY time I wash it) a name. Can you guess what I will call the furry little day-wrecker?
  • Last night, two fleet mates and I logged in the game to get our almost nightly 150 fleet marks each when we discovered that the IOR mission was gone. I queued us up for one incredibly boring fleet mark mission and they logged off after. No one had the will to suffer through that to get the amount we could have had, while…
  • Foundry missions had a useful reward. It was called fleet marks. This allowed us all to finally enjoy earning fleet marks instead of endlessly grinding the same boring fleet missions currently available that we've all played to death. Thank you for putting the chore back in the process and taking the fun out of the…
  • While I'm glad to be getting the ships a day early, I'm disappointed that this effectively invalidates the spirit of the 1000 day reward. Does this mean the end of vet rewards as well?
  • The Wells class? Really? Let's just bring Kirk back and save the Romulans while we're at it. Who needs continuity?
  • Well, I sit corrected.
  • According to a segment on either the Generations blu-ray or the Evolution bonus disc special features, the Nexus ribbon will reappear in 2410. Remember, people who have been in the Nexus have part of them in it forever.
  • When can we expect the Neverwinter foundry upgrades to hit the holodeck server? You teased us with the ability to create custom made interior maps and I know a lot of us are itching to get our fingers on that tech. Will that ability also allow us to make custom interiors for Fleet Starbases?
  • I just checked out a video of the [redacted] in-game on youtube. Better schedule that dev diary and tell how many thousands of zen it will cost.
  • Dabo! Spin the wheel and see where it lands!
  • I've also noticed that the TOS Era "badges" are missing from the Foundry. Have they always been missing? I just know I've seen them before.